# Copyright 1999-2001 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # Michael Conrad Tilstra # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/dictd-misc/dictd-misc-1.5b.ebuild,v 1.2 2001/04/24 22:58:35 michael Exp $ #P= A=dict-misc-1.5b-pre.tar.gz S=${WORKDIR} DESCRIPTION="" SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.dict.org/pub/dict/pre/${A}" HOMEPAGE="http://www.dict.org" DEPEND=">=app-text/dictd-1.5.5" src_install () { dodir /usr/lib/dict insinto /usr/lib/dict doins easton.dict.dz doins easton.index doins hitchcock.dict.dz doins hitchcock.index doins world95.dict.dz doins world95.index } pkg_postinst() { if [ -f /etc/dict/dictd.conf ]; then cat >> /etc/dict/dictd.conf << __EOF__ database easton { data "/usr/lib/dict/easton.dict.dz" index "/usr/lib/dict/easton.index" } database hitchcock { data "/usr/lib/dict/hitchcock.dict.dz" index "/usr/lib/dict/hitchcock.index" } database worl95 { data "/usr/lib/dict/world95.dict.dz" index "/usr/lib/dict/world95.index" } __EOF__ fi } pkg_postrm() { if [ -f /etc/dict/dictd.conf ]; then cat /etc/dict/dictd.conf | sed -e '/easton/d' -e '/hitchcock/d' \ -e '/world95/d' > /etc/dict/dictd.conf.$$ mv /etc/dict/dictd.conf.$$ /etc/dict/dictd.conf fi } # vim: ai et sw=4 ts=4