# ChangeLog for dev-java/simplyhtml
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/simplyhtml/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2007/05/26 17:23:12 nelchael Exp $

  26 May 2007; Krzysiek Pawlik <nelchael@gentoo.org>
  Add ~ppc.

  15 May 2007; Alistair John Bush <ali_bush@gentoo.org>
  Adding to ~amd64

*simplyhtml-0.12.2_pre20070424 (07 May 2007)

  07 May 2007; Vlastimil Babka <caster@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
  Initial ebuild as dependency of freemind. Had to package CVS snapshot for that.