# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/ifc/ifc-7.0.064.ebuild,v 1.5 2003/03/29 04:47:44 avenj Exp $ S=${WORKDIR} DESCRIPTION="Intel Fortran Compiler - The Pentium optimized compiler for Linux" SRC_URI1="http://developer.intel.com/software/products/compilers/downloads/l_fc_p_7.0.064.tar" SRC_URI2="ftp://download.intel.com/software/products/compilers/downloads/l_fc_p_7.0.064.tar" SRC_URI3="ftp://download.intel.co.jp/software/products/compilers/downloads/l_fc_p_7.0.064.tar" SRC_URI="${SRC_URI1} ${SRC_URI2} ${SRC_URI3}" HOMEPAGE="http://developer.intel.com/software/products/compilers/flin/" # Effectively the same license as icc LICENSE="icc-7.0" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="-* x86" DEPEND=">=virtual/linux-sources-2.4 >=sys-libs/glibc-2.2.4 sys-apps/cpio app-arch/rpm" RDEPEND=">=virtual/linux-sources-2.4 >=sys-libs/glibc-2.2.4" src_compile() { # Keep disk space to a minimum rm -f intel-*.ia64.rpm mkdir opt for x in intel-*.i386.rpm do einfo "Extracting: ${x}" rpm2cpio ${x} | cpio --extract --make-directories --unconditional done # From UNTAG_CFG_FILES in 'install' SD=${S}/opt/intel # Build DESTINATION RD=/opt/intel # Real DESTINATION for FILE in $(find $SD/compiler70/ia??/bin/ -regex '.*[ei][cf]p?c$\|.*cfg$\|.*pcl$\|.*vars[^/]*.c?sh$' 2>/dev/null) do sed s@\@$RD@g ${FILE} > ${FILE}.abs mv -f ${FILE}.abs ${FILE} chmod 755 ${FILE} done # From UNTAG_SUPPORT in 'install' eval `grep "^[ ]*COMBOPACKAGEID=" install` SUPPORTFILE=${SD}/compiler70/docs/fsupport sed s@\@$COMBOPACKAGEID@g $SUPPORTFILE > $SUPPORTFILE.abs mv $SUPPORTFILE.abs $SUPPORTFILE chmod 644 $SUPPORTFILE SUPPORTFILE=${SD}/compiler70/docs/idbsupport sed s@\@$COMBOPACKAGEID@g $SUPPORTFILE > $SUPPORTFILE.abs mv $SUPPORTFILE.abs $SUPPORTFILE chmod 644 $SUPPORTFILE } src_install () { dodoc flicense cp -a opt ${D} # ifc enviroment insinto /etc/env.d doins ${FILESDIR}/${PVR}/05icc-ifc } pkg_postinst () { einfo einfo "http://www.intel.com/software/products/compilers/flin/noncom.htm" einfo "From the above url you can get a free, non-time limited, non-commercial" einfo "personal use license key that comes with no support. You will need to read" einfo "and agree to the license and then fill in your info to have one emailed to" einfo "you. Read the website for the details." einfo einfo "Documentation can be found in /opt/intel/compiler70/docs/" einfo einfo "You will need to place your license in /opt/intel/licenses/" einfo ewarn ewarn "Packages compiled with older versions of icc will need" ewarn "to be recompiled. Until you do that, old packages will" ewarn "work if you edit /etc/ld.so.conf and change 'compiler70'" ewarn "to 'compiler60' and run 'ldconfig.' Note that this edit" ewarn "won't persist and will require you to re-edit after each" ewarn "package you re-install." ewarn "Due to a bug in ifc 7.0, the primary executable (ifc) may not work." ewarn "Instead of invoking the compiler as ifc, use ifcbin." }