;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: System -*- ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain. ;;; ;;; Heavy modifications by Peter Van Eynde (in-package "SYSTEM") (if (probe-file "/etc/lisp-config.lisp") (load "/etc/lisp-config.lisp") (format t "~%;;; Hey: there is no /etc/lisp-config.lisp file, please run \"dpkg-reconfigure common-lisp-controller\" as root")) ;;; If you have sources installed on your system, un-comment the following form ;;; and change it to point to the source location. This will allow the Hemlock ;;; "Edit Definition" command and the debugger to find sources for functions in ;;; the core. (setf (ext:search-list "target:") '( "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/cmucl/" ; object dir )) (setf (ext:search-list "library:") '("/usr/lib/cmucl/" "/usr/lib/cmucl/lib/")) ;;; for safety... ;;; optional extentions to the lisp image: delete if you ;;; don't like them :-). (in-package :common-lisp-user) ;;; newbie functions, delete if you don't like them #-hemlock (defun ed (&rest rest) (multiple-value-bind (return errorp) (ignore-errors (require :cmucl-hemlock)) (if errorp (error "Sorry, cannot find hemlock, please install and use ilisp. Reason: ~S" errorp) (apply #'ed rest)))) (defun help () (format t "~ Welcome to CMUCL for Linux. If you aren't running this with ilisp in emacs, or aren't intending to use hemlock then you deserve to lose. :-) Read the documentation in /usr/share/doc/cmucl. (quit) is to quit. (ed) starts hemlock (if installed) (demo) shows a list of demos (describe 'progn) gives information about progn for example. (inspect '*a*) interactively inspects *a* for example. ")) (defun demo () (format t "Some demos are in the source package, some in the normal package. General demos: CLX demos: if you have installed cmucl-source you can do: (require :cmucl-clx) (load \"cl-library:cmucl-clx;demo;hello\") (xlib::hello-world \"\") (load \"cl-library:;cmucl-clx;demo;menu\") (xlib::just-say-lisp \"\") (xlib::pop-up \"\" '(\"Linux\" \"FreeBSD\" \"OpenBSD\")) exit by pressing control+C followed by a keypress. Clue demos: if you have installed the clue package you can do: (require :clue) (load \"cl-library:;clue;examples;menu\") (clue-examples::beatlemenuia \"\") (clue-examples::pick-one \"\" \"One\" \"Two\" \"Three\") (clue-examples::just-say-lisp \"\") or you can use the Clio demos: (require :clio) (require :clio-examples) (clio-examples::sketch :host "") Pictures demos: (require :pictures) (load \"cl-library:;pictures;examples;road-demo\") (pictures::road-demo) press control-a to animate "))