# ChangeLog for games-fps/quake4-data
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-fps/quake4-data/ChangeLog,v 1.7 2006/10/24 23:03:20 wolf31o2 Exp $

  24 Oct 2006; Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org>
  Moved cdrom_get_cds to src_install since binary packages don't require the
  original media to install.

  27 Sep 2006; Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org>
  Added games-fps/quake4-bin to PDEPEND so it will get merged if someone does
  an 'emerge quake4-data'.

  27 Sep 2006; Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org>
  Removed games-fps/quake4-bin from RDEPEND due to the new behavior in portage
  which makes circular dependencies such as this, even when they are valid, an
  error that causes the merge to fail. Closing bug #149345.

  31 Mar 2006; Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org>
  Changed nostrip to strip.

  22 Jan 2006; Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org>
  Marking stable on amd64.

  22 Jan 2006; Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org>
  Marked stable on x86 and closing bug #119970.

*quake4-data-1.0.2147.12 (24 Oct 2005)

  24 Oct 2005; Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
  Initial import.  Ebuilds by me.  Closing bug #109825.