# ChangeLog for media-gfx/povray # Copyright 2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-gfx/povray/ChangeLog,v 1.12 2002/10/05 19:25:54 cybersystem Exp $ *povray-3.5a (05 Oct 2002) 05 Oct 2002; Sascha Schwabbauer povray-3.5a.ebuild : Added ppc to keywords. *povray-3.5a (2 Aug 2002) 26 Aug 2002; Ryan Phillips povray-3.5a.ebuild : Removed PGO extensions to ebuild 4 Aug 2002; Ryan Phillips povray-3.5a.ebuild : Compiles and runs now on my system. Needs testing for PPC, et al platforms and on the ICC compiler. 2 Aug 2002; Ryan Phillips povray-3.5a.ebuild : Preliminary ebuild for povray 3.5. The application errors out with an I/O error looking for povray.ini... I or someone will look into this. *povray-3.1g-r5 (27 Jun 2002) 6 Aug 2002; Ryan Phillips povray-3.1g-r5.ebuild : Changed ebuild to reflect the manually mirrored source files. 27 Jun 2002; Spider povray-3.1g-r5.ebuild : updated with SLOT and LICENSE flags. added povlegal-3.1g to licenses 14 May 2002; William McArthur rphillips found a problem where -ip causes segfaults on P3 cpus. I removed -ip from the default case. *povray-3.1g-r4 (19 Apr 2002) 12 Apr 2002; William McArthur Fixed povray to use system versions of libpng and zlib. PovRay wasn't using newest libpng despite the change entry below. Changed the CFLAGS in the makefile to be similar to the ones in the systems /etc/make.conf . This is kinda ugly but it doesn't hard code the CFLAGS for pentium 2. Added icc support. This is also ugly but there are real speed increases to be gained. To use icc you need to add "icc" to your USE variable. My benchmarks show that using icc gives a 5% speed increase on a pentium 2. Added icc Profile-guided Optimization (PGO) support. To use PGO you need to add "icc-pgo" to your USE variable. Then merge the package, run it some to collect profile data, and merge it again useing that profile data. PGO is a two step process, so it requires that the user merge the package twice. In step one the icc compiles the package with "-prof_gen" in the CFLAGS. Then icc adds code in the application to collect stats on the execution flow of the program. Unfortunatlly there is about a 30% performance hit but the performace gains later are worth it. After you've run the program a some, the more you do the better the collected stats, you recompile with "-prof_use". The resulting binary is optimized based on your use of the program. In my benchmarks the PGO binary was 21.7% faster that the gcc version and 15.8% faster than the non-PGO icc version. If you want to recollect the PGO data delete the /var/tmp/portage/povray-3.1g-r4/icc-pgo directory. The ebuild detects the presence of this directory to decide which stage in the PGO process it is in. *povray-3.1g-r3 (12 Apr 2002) 12 Apr 2002; Seemant Kulleen Compile against newest libpng *povray-3.1g-r2 (01 Apr 2002) 01 Apr 2002; Spider apply sed-fix from tod to get the default povray.ini to point right *povray-3.1g-r1 (31 Mar 2002) 31 Mar 2002; Spider Initial ebuild + patch now adheres to USE flags for svgalib X and tty versions.