# ChangeLog for net-www/nspluginwrapper # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/nspluginwrapper/ChangeLog,v 1.7 2006/11/22 15:58:08 chutzpah Exp $ 22 Nov 2006; Patrick McLean files/nspluginwrapper- Adjust the configure patch so it will print out a little more information when bi-arch is broken. *nspluginwrapper- (20 Nov 2006) 20 Nov 2006; Patrick McLean +files/nspluginwrapper-, +nspluginwrapper- Version bump, rework ebuild somewhat since the new version has a more automated build system. Remove the "-v" from the calls to nspluginwrapper so merging and unmerging doesn't print useless verbose info about the plugins being installed. 13 Nov 2006; Patrick McLean nspluginwrapper- Clean up error message on unmerge, remove block against eselect-compiler since it's masked anyway. 23 Oct 2006; Patrick McLean ChangeLog: Remove flash9 soundlibs einfo since net-www/netscape-flash-9* depends on it now. 22 Oct 2006; Patrick McLean nspluginwrapper- Add dep on app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs, this should fix bug #152216. 20 Oct 2006; Patrick McLean nspluginwrapper- Add an einfo to pkg_postinst about needing to install app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs for sound with flash 9. *nspluginwrapper- (20 Oct 2006) 20 Oct 2006; Patrick McLean +files/nspluginwrapper-, +metadata.xml, +nspluginwrapper- Initial version. Ebuild originally written by Herbie Hopkins , also had contributions from Ahmed Ammar and Matsuu Takuto matsuu@gentoo.org. Closes bug #138454.