# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-chemistry/maxit/maxit-8.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/12/20 04:19:43 spyderous Exp $ inherit eutils toolchain-funcs multilib # pdb-extract includes a newer 'validation' than 'validation' tarball does, # and the filterlib from pdb-extract is incompatible with the validation tarball MY_PN="pdb-extract" MY_PV="1.700" MY_P="${MY_PN}-v${MY_PV}-prod-src" DESCRIPTION="An application for processing and curation of macromolecular structure data" HOMEPAGE="http://sw-tools.pdb.org/apps/MAXIT/index.html" SRC_URI="http://sw-tools.pdb.org/apps/PDB_EXTRACT/${MY_P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="PDB" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86" IUSE="" RDEPEND="sci-libs/rcsb-data" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} sci-chemistry/pdb-extract sci-chemistry/validation" S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" src_unpack() { unpack ${A} epatch ${FILESDIR}/respect-cflags-and-fix-install.patch cd ${S} # Get rid of unneeded directories, to make sure we use system files ebegin "Deleting redundant directories" rm -rf btree-obj* ciflib-common* cifobj-common* cif-table-obj* misclib* \ regex* pdb-extract* validation* eend sed -i \ -e "s:^\(CCC=\).*:\1$(tc-getCXX):g" \ -e "s:^\(GINCLUDE=\).*:\1-I${ROOT}usr/include/rcsb:g" \ -e "s:^\(LIBDIR=\).*:\1${ROOT}usr/$(get_libdir):g" \ ${S}/etc/make.* } src_compile() { emake || die "make failed" } src_install() { exeinto /usr/bin doexe bin/* dolib.a lib/* dodoc ${FILESDIR}/README* }