freedesktop Enables HAL to attempt to read from /proc/acpi/event, if unavailable, HAL will read events from sys-power/acpid. If you need multiple acpi readers, ensure acpid is in your default runlevel (rc-update add acpid default) along with HAL. This will also enable HAL to read Toshiba and IBM acpi events which do not get sent via /proc/acpi/event Enables HAL to interact with consolekit for determining whether a given process is running on behalf of the person setting at the console. Allows HAL to mount volumes that are encrypted using LUKS. sys-fs/cryptsetup-luks which has recently been renamed to sys-fs/cryptsetup allows you to create such encrypted volumes. HAL will be able to handle volumes that are removable or fixed. Builds and installs the Dell addon, which reads data from the Dell SM BIOS via sys-libs/libsmbios. It will read your service tag information and your hardware backlight data as well as allow you to modify the backlight settings on a Dell laptop. Allows HAL to use libparted from sys-block/parted to read raw partition data from your disks and process that data. Future versions of HAL (possibly 0.5.11 and higher) will allow you to create, modify, delete and format partitions from a GUI interface agnostic of your desktop environment. Generates documentation that describes HAL's fdi format. Adds support for power management scripts (sys-power/pm-utils) Installs SELinux policies and links HAL to the SELinux libraries.