# ChangeLog for x11-libs/qt-qt3support # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-libs/qt-qt3support/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2008/05/16 09:28:33 ingmar Exp $ 16 May 2008; Ingmar Vanhassel <ingmar@gentoo.org> -qt-qt3support-4.4.0_rc1.ebuild: Old. *qt-qt3support-4.4.0 (15 May 2008) 15 May 2008; Ingmar Vanhassel <ingmar@gentoo.org> +qt-qt3support-4.4.0.ebuild: Version bump to Qt-4.4.0. 10 Apr 2008; Ingmar Vanhassel <ingmar@gentoo.org> -qt-qt3support-4.4.0_beta1.ebuild, +qt-qt3support-4.4.0_rc1.ebuild: Version bump qt-qt3support to 4.4.0_rc1. Thanks to Bo Andresen and Bernd Steinhauser. 05 Mar 2008; Ingmar Vanhassel <ingmar@gentoo.org> -qt-qt3support-4.4.0_rc1.ebuild: Old. *qt-qt3support-4.4.0_beta1 (05 Mar 2008) 05 Mar 2008; Ingmar Vanhassel <ingmar@gentoo.org> +qt-qt3support-4.4.0_beta1.ebuild: Added Qt-4.4.0_beta, note that the RC1 is an accidentally mislabelled `technical preview`, so this will appear as a downgrade if you installed that version. *qt-qt3support-4.4.0_rc1 (20 Dec 2007) 20 Dec 2007; Caleb Tennis <caleb@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml, +qt-qt3support-4.4.0_rc1.ebuild: Initial import