""" Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Ted Leung Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. This module contains an XML-RPC extension to support pingback pings. You must have the comments plugin installed as well, although you don't need to enable comments on your blog in order for trackbacks to work """ from config import py from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import PyBlosxom from Pyblosxom import tools from xmlrpclib import Fault import os, re, sgmllib, time, urllib, urlparse def verify_installation(request): # no config parameters return 1 class parser(sgmllib.SGMLParser): """ Shamelessly grabbed from Sam Ruby from http://www.intertwingly.net/code/mombo/pingback.py """ """ extract title and hrefs from a web page""" intitle=0 title = "" hrefs = [] def do_a(self, attrs): attrs=dict(attrs) if attrs.has_key('href'): self.hrefs.append(attrs['href']) def do_title(self, attrs): if self.title=="": self.intitle=1 def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.intitle=0 def unknown_endtag(self,tag): self.intitle=0 def handle_charref(self, ref): if self.intitle: self.title = self.title + ("&#%s;" % ref) def handle_data(self,text): if self.intitle: self.title = self.title + text def fileFor(req, uri): config = req.getConfiguration() data = req.getData() urldata = urlparse.urlsplit(uri) # Reconstruct uri to something sane uri = "%s://%s%s" % (urldata[0], urldata[1], urldata[2]) fragment = urldata[4] # We get our path here path = uri.replace(config['base_url'], '') req.addHttp({'PATH_INFO': path, "form": {}}) from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import blosxom_process_path_info blosxom_process_path_info({'request': req}) args = { 'request': req } from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import blosxom_file_list_handler es = blosxom_file_list_handler(args) # We're almost there if len(es) == 1 and path.find(es[0]['file_path']) >= 0: return es[0] # Could be a fragment link for i in es: if i['fn'] == fragment: return i # Point of no return if len(es) >= 1: raise Fault(0x0021, "%s cannot be used as a target" % uri) else: raise Fault(0x0020, "%s does not exist") def pingback(request, source, target): logger = tools.getLogger() logger.info("pingback started") source_file = urllib.urlopen(source.split('#')[0]) if source_file.headers.get('error', '') == '404': raise Fault(0x0010, "Target %s not exists" % target) source_page = parser() source_page.feed(source_file.read()) source_file.close() if source_page.title == "": source_page.title = source if target in source_page.hrefs: target_entry = fileFor(request, target) body = '' try: from rssfinder import getFeeds from rssparser import parse baseurl=source.split("#")[0] for feed in getFeeds(baseurl): for item in parse(feed)['items']: if item['link']==source: if 'title' in item: source_page.title = item['title'] if 'content_encoded' in item: body = item['content_encoded'].strip() if 'description' in item: body = item['description'].strip() or body body=re.compile('<.*?>',re.S).sub('',body) body=re.sub('\s+',' ',body) body=body[:body.rfind(' ',0,250)][:250] + " ...
" except: pass cmt = {'title':source_page.title, \ 'author':'Pingback from %s' % source_page.title, 'pubDate' : str(time.time()), \ 'link': source, 'source' : '', 'description' : body} from comments import writeComment config = request.getConfiguration() data = request.getData() data['entry_list'] = [ target_entry ] # TODO: Check if comment from the URL exists writeComment(request, config, data, cmt, config['blog_encoding']) return "success pinging %s from %s\n" % (source, target) else: raise Fault(0x0011, "%s does not point to %s" % (target, source)) def cb_xmlrpc_register(args): """ Register as a pyblosxom XML-RPC plugin """ args['methods'].update({'pingback.ping': pingback }) return args def cb_start(args): request = args["request"] config = request.getConfiguration() logger = tools.getLogger() logger.info("finished config")