#!/usr/bin/perl -T # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use lib qw(. lib); use Bugzilla; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Util; use Bugzilla::Search; use Bugzilla::Search::Quicksearch; use Bugzilla::Search::Recent; use Bugzilla::Search::Saved; use Bugzilla::Bug; use Bugzilla::Product; use Bugzilla::Field; use Bugzilla::Status; use Bugzilla::Token; use Date::Parse; my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $template = Bugzilla->template; my $vars = {}; # We have to check the login here to get the correct footer if an error is # thrown and to prevent a logged out user to use QuickSearch if 'requirelogin' # is turned 'on'. my $user = Bugzilla->login(); $cgi->redirect_search_url(); my $buffer = $cgi->query_string(); if (length($buffer) == 0) { ThrowUserError("buglist_parameters_required"); } # Determine whether this is a quicksearch query. my $searchstring = $cgi->param('quicksearch'); if (defined($searchstring)) { $buffer = quicksearch($searchstring); # Quicksearch may do a redirect, in which case it does not return. # If it does return, it has modified $cgi->params so we can use them here # as if this had been a normal query from the beginning. } # If configured to not allow empty words, reject empty searches from the # Find a Specific Bug search form, including words being a single or # several consecutive whitespaces only. if (!Bugzilla->params->{'search_allow_no_criteria'} && defined($cgi->param('content')) && $cgi->param('content') =~ /^\s*$/) { ThrowUserError("buglist_parameters_required"); } ################################################################################ # Data and Security Validation ################################################################################ # Whether or not the user wants to change multiple bugs. my $dotweak = $cgi->param('tweak') ? 1 : 0; # Log the user in if ($dotweak) { Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); } # Hack to support legacy applications that think the RDF ctype is at format=rdf. if (defined $cgi->param('format') && $cgi->param('format') eq "rdf" && !defined $cgi->param('ctype')) { $cgi->param('ctype', "rdf"); $cgi->delete('format'); } # Treat requests for ctype=rss as requests for ctype=atom if (defined $cgi->param('ctype') && $cgi->param('ctype') eq "rss") { $cgi->param('ctype', "atom"); } # Determine the format in which the user would like to receive the output. # Uses the default format if the user did not specify an output format; # otherwise validates the user's choice against the list of available formats. my $format = $template->get_format("list/list", scalar $cgi->param('format'), scalar $cgi->param('ctype')); # Use server push to display a "Please wait..." message for the user while # executing their query if their browser supports it and they are viewing # the bug list as HTML and they have not disabled it by adding &serverpush=0 # to the URL. # # Server push is compatible with Gecko-based browsers and Opera, but not with # MSIE, Lynx or Safari (bug 441496). my $serverpush = $format->{'extension'} eq "html" && exists $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} && $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ /(Mozilla.[3-9]|Opera)/ && $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} !~ /compatible/i && $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} !~ /(?:WebKit|Trident|KHTML)/ && !defined($cgi->param('serverpush')) || $cgi->param('serverpush'); my $order = $cgi->param('order') || ""; # The params object to use for the actual query itself my $params; # If the user is retrieving the last bug list they looked at, hack the buffer # storing the query string so that it looks like a query retrieving those bugs. if (my $last_list = $cgi->param('regetlastlist')) { my $bug_ids; # Logged-out users use the old cookie method for storing the last search. if (!$user->id or $last_list eq 'cookie') { $bug_ids = $cgi->cookie('BUGLIST') or ThrowUserError("missing_cookie"); $bug_ids =~ s/[:-]/,/g; $order ||= "reuse last sort"; } # But logged in users store the last X searches in the DB so they can # have multiple bug lists available. else { my $last_search = Bugzilla::Search::Recent->check( { id => $last_list }); $bug_ids = join(',', @{ $last_search->bug_list }); $order ||= $last_search->list_order; } # set up the params for this new query $params = new Bugzilla::CGI({ bug_id => $bug_ids, order => $order }); $params->param('list_id', $last_list); } # Figure out whether or not the user is doing a fulltext search. If not, # we'll remove the relevance column from the lists of columns to display # and order by, since relevance only exists when doing a fulltext search. my $fulltext = 0; if ($cgi->param('content')) { $fulltext = 1 } my @charts = map(/^field(\d-\d-\d)$/ ? $1 : (), $cgi->param()); foreach my $chart (@charts) { if ($cgi->param("field$chart") eq 'content' && $cgi->param("value$chart")) { $fulltext = 1; last; } } ################################################################################ # Utilities ################################################################################ sub DiffDate { my ($datestr) = @_; my $date = str2time($datestr); my $age = time() - $date; if( $age < 18*60*60 ) { $date = format_time($datestr, '%H:%M:%S'); } elsif( $age < 6*24*60*60 ) { $date = format_time($datestr, '%a %H:%M'); } else { $date = format_time($datestr, '%Y-%m-%d'); } return $date; } sub LookupNamedQuery { my ($name, $sharer_id) = @_; Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); my $query = Bugzilla::Search::Saved->check( { user => $sharer_id, name => $name, _error => 'missing_query' }); $query->url || ThrowUserError("buglist_parameters_required"); # Detaint $sharer_id. $sharer_id = $query->user->id if $sharer_id; return wantarray ? ($query->url, $query->id, $sharer_id) : $query->url; } # Inserts a Named Query (a "Saved Search") into the database, or # updates a Named Query that already exists.. # Takes four arguments: # userid - The userid who the Named Query will belong to. # query_name - A string that names the new Named Query, or the name # of an old Named Query to update. If this is blank, we # will throw a UserError. Leading and trailing whitespace # will be stripped from this value before it is inserted # into the DB. # query - The query part of the buglist.cgi URL, unencoded. Must not be # empty, or we will throw a UserError. # link_in_footer (optional) - 1 if the Named Query should be # displayed in the user's footer, 0 otherwise. # # All parameters are validated before passing them into the database. # # Returns: A boolean true value if the query existed in the database # before, and we updated it. A boolean false value otherwise. sub InsertNamedQuery { my ($query_name, $query, $link_in_footer) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $query_name = trim($query_name); my ($query_obj) = grep {lc($_->name) eq lc($query_name)} @{Bugzilla->user->queries}; if ($query_obj) { $query_obj->set_name($query_name); $query_obj->set_url($query); $query_obj->update(); } else { Bugzilla::Search::Saved->create({ name => $query_name, query => $query, link_in_footer => $link_in_footer }); } return $query_obj ? 1 : 0; } sub LookupSeries { my ($series_id) = @_; detaint_natural($series_id) || ThrowCodeError("invalid_series_id"); my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $result = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT query FROM series " . "WHERE series_id = ?" , undef, ($series_id)); $result || ThrowCodeError("invalid_series_id", {'series_id' => $series_id}); return $result; } sub GetQuip { my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; # COUNT is quick because it is cached for MySQL. We may want to revisit # this when we support other databases. my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(quip)" . " FROM quips WHERE approved = 1"); my $random = int(rand($count)); my $quip = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT quip FROM quips WHERE approved = 1 " . $dbh->sql_limit(1, $random)); return $quip; } # Return groups available for at least one product of the buglist. sub GetGroups { my $product_names = shift; my $user = Bugzilla->user; my %legal_groups; foreach my $product_name (@$product_names) { my $product = Bugzilla::Product->new({name => $product_name, cache => 1}); foreach my $gid (keys %{$product->group_controls}) { # The user can only edit groups they belong to. next unless $user->in_group_id($gid); # The user has no control on groups marked as NA or MANDATORY. my $group = $product->group_controls->{$gid}; next if ($group->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPMANDATORY || $group->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPNA); # It's fine to include inactive groups. Those will be marked # as "remove only" when editing several bugs at once. $legal_groups{$gid} ||= $group->{group}; } } # Return a list of group objects. return [values %legal_groups]; } sub _get_common_flag_types { my $component_ids = shift; my $user = Bugzilla->user; # Get all the different components in the bug list my $components = Bugzilla::Component->new_from_list($component_ids); my %flag_types; my @flag_types_ids; foreach my $component (@$components) { foreach my $flag_type (@{$component->flag_types->{'bug'}}) { push @flag_types_ids, $flag_type->id; $flag_types{$flag_type->id} = $flag_type; } } # We only want flags that appear in all components my %common_flag_types; foreach my $id (keys %flag_types) { my $flag_type_count = scalar grep { $_ == $id } @flag_types_ids; $common_flag_types{$id} = $flag_types{$id} if $flag_type_count == scalar @$components; } # We only show flags that a user can request. my @show_flag_types = grep { $user->can_request_flag($_) } values %common_flag_types; my $any_flags_requesteeble = grep { $_->is_requesteeble } @show_flag_types; return(\@show_flag_types, $any_flags_requesteeble); } ################################################################################ # Command Execution ################################################################################ my $cmdtype = $cgi->param('cmdtype') || ''; my $remaction = $cgi->param('remaction') || ''; my $sharer_id; # Backwards-compatibility - the old interface had cmdtype="runnamed" to run # a named command, and we can't break this because it's in bookmarks. if ($cmdtype eq "runnamed") { $cmdtype = "dorem"; $remaction = "run"; } # Now we're going to be running, so ensure that the params object is set up, # using ||= so that we only do so if someone hasn't overridden this # earlier, for example by setting up a named query search. # This will be modified, so make a copy. $params ||= new Bugzilla::CGI($cgi); # Generate a reasonable filename for the user agent to suggest to the user # when the user saves the bug list. Uses the name of the remembered query # if available. We have to do this now, even though we return HTTP headers # at the end, because the fact that there is a remembered query gets # forgotten in the process of retrieving it. my $disp_prefix = "bugs"; if ($cmdtype eq "dorem" && $remaction =~ /^run/) { $disp_prefix = $cgi->param('namedcmd'); } # Take appropriate action based on user's request. if ($cmdtype eq "dorem") { if ($remaction eq "run") { my $query_id; ($buffer, $query_id, $sharer_id) = LookupNamedQuery(scalar $cgi->param("namedcmd"), scalar $cgi->param('sharer_id')); # If this is the user's own query, remember information about it # so that it can be modified easily. $vars->{'searchname'} = $cgi->param('namedcmd'); if (!$cgi->param('sharer_id') || $cgi->param('sharer_id') == $user->id) { $vars->{'searchtype'} = "saved"; $vars->{'search_id'} = $query_id; } $params = new Bugzilla::CGI($buffer); $order = $params->param('order') || $order; } elsif ($remaction eq "runseries") { $buffer = LookupSeries(scalar $cgi->param("series_id")); $vars->{'searchname'} = $cgi->param('namedcmd'); $vars->{'searchtype'} = "series"; $params = new Bugzilla::CGI($buffer); $order = $params->param('order') || $order; } elsif ($remaction eq "forget") { $user = Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); # Copy the name into a variable, so that we can trick_taint it for # the DB. We know it's safe, because we're using placeholders in # the SQL, and the SQL is only a DELETE. my $qname = $cgi->param('namedcmd'); trick_taint($qname); # Do not forget the saved search if it is being used in a whine my $whines_in_use = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT DISTINCT whine_events.subject FROM whine_events INNER JOIN whine_queries ON whine_queries.eventid = whine_events.id WHERE whine_events.owner_userid = ? AND whine_queries.query_name = ? ', undef, $user->id, $qname); if (scalar(@$whines_in_use)) { ThrowUserError('saved_search_used_by_whines', { subjects => join(',', @$whines_in_use), search_name => $qname } ); } # If we are here, then we can safely remove the saved search my $query_id; ($buffer, $query_id) = LookupNamedQuery(scalar $cgi->param("namedcmd"), $user->id); if ($query_id) { # Make sure the user really wants to delete their saved search. my $token = $cgi->param('token'); check_hash_token($token, [$query_id, $qname]); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM namedqueries WHERE id = ?', undef, $query_id); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM namedqueries_link_in_footer WHERE namedquery_id = ?', undef, $query_id); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM namedquery_group_map WHERE namedquery_id = ?', undef, $query_id); Bugzilla->memcached->clear({ table => 'namedqueries', id => $query_id }); } # Now reset the cached queries $user->flush_queries_cache(); print $cgi->header(); # Generate and return the UI (HTML page) from the appropriate template. $vars->{'message'} = "buglist_query_gone"; $vars->{'namedcmd'} = $qname; $vars->{'url'} = "buglist.cgi?newquery=" . url_quote($buffer) . "&cmdtype=doit&remtype=asnamed&newqueryname=" . url_quote($qname) . "&token=" . url_quote(issue_hash_token(['savedsearch'])); $template->process("global/message.html.tmpl", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); exit; } } elsif (($cmdtype eq "doit") && defined $cgi->param('remtype')) { if ($cgi->param('remtype') eq "asdefault") { $user = Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); my $token = $cgi->param('token'); check_hash_token($token, ['searchknob']); $buffer = $params->canonicalise_query('cmdtype', 'remtype', 'query_based_on', 'token'); InsertNamedQuery(DEFAULT_QUERY_NAME, $buffer); $vars->{'message'} = "buglist_new_default_query"; } elsif ($cgi->param('remtype') eq "asnamed") { $user = Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); my $query_name = $cgi->param('newqueryname'); my $new_query = $cgi->param('newquery'); my $token = $cgi->param('token'); check_hash_token($token, ['savedsearch']); my $existed_before = InsertNamedQuery($query_name, $new_query, 1); if ($existed_before) { $vars->{'message'} = "buglist_updated_named_query"; } else { $vars->{'message'} = "buglist_new_named_query"; } $vars->{'queryname'} = $query_name; # Make sure to invalidate any cached query data, so that the footer is # correctly displayed $user->flush_queries_cache(); print $cgi->header(); $template->process("global/message.html.tmpl", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); exit; } } # backward compatibility hack: if the saved query doesn't say which # form was used to create it, assume it was on the advanced query # form - see bug 252295 if (!$params->param('query_format')) { $params->param('query_format', 'advanced'); $buffer = $params->query_string; } ################################################################################ # Column Definition ################################################################################ my $columns = Bugzilla::Search::COLUMNS; ################################################################################ # Display Column Determination ################################################################################ # Determine the columns that will be displayed in the bug list via the # columnlist CGI parameter, the user's preferences, or the default. my @displaycolumns = (); if (defined $params->param('columnlist')) { if ($params->param('columnlist') eq "all") { # If the value of the CGI parameter is "all", display all columns, # but remove the redundant "short_desc" column. @displaycolumns = grep($_ ne 'short_desc', keys(%$columns)); } else { @displaycolumns = split(/[ ,]+/, $params->param('columnlist')); } } elsif (defined $cgi->cookie('COLUMNLIST')) { # 2002-10-31 Rename column names (see bug 176461) my $columnlist = $cgi->cookie('COLUMNLIST'); $columnlist =~ s/\bowner\b/assigned_to/; $columnlist =~ s/\bowner_realname\b/assigned_to_realname/; $columnlist =~ s/\bplatform\b/rep_platform/; $columnlist =~ s/\bseverity\b/bug_severity/; $columnlist =~ s/\bstatus\b/bug_status/; $columnlist =~ s/\bsummaryfull\b/short_desc/; $columnlist =~ s/\bsummary\b/short_short_desc/; # Use the columns listed in the user's preferences. @displaycolumns = split(/ /, $columnlist); } else { # Use the default list of columns. @displaycolumns = DEFAULT_COLUMN_LIST; } # Weed out columns that don't actually exist to prevent the user # from hacking their column list cookie to grab data to which they # should not have access. Detaint the data along the way. @displaycolumns = grep($columns->{$_} && trick_taint($_), @displaycolumns); # Remove the "ID" column from the list because bug IDs are always displayed # and are hard-coded into the display templates. @displaycolumns = grep($_ ne 'bug_id', @displaycolumns); # Remove the timetracking columns if they are not a part of the group # (happens if a user had access to time tracking and it was revoked/disabled) if (!$user->is_timetracker) { foreach my $tt_field (TIMETRACKING_FIELDS) { @displaycolumns = grep($_ ne $tt_field, @displaycolumns); } } # Remove the relevance column if the user is not doing a fulltext search. if (grep('relevance', @displaycolumns) && !$fulltext) { @displaycolumns = grep($_ ne 'relevance', @displaycolumns); } ################################################################################ # Select Column Determination ################################################################################ # Generate the list of columns that will be selected in the SQL query. # The bug ID is always selected because bug IDs are always displayed. # Severity, priority, resolution and status are required for buglist # CSS classes. my @selectcolumns = ("bug_id", "bug_severity", "priority", "bug_status", "resolution", "product"); # remaining and actual_time are required for percentage_complete calculation: if (grep { $_ eq "percentage_complete" } @displaycolumns) { push (@selectcolumns, "remaining_time"); push (@selectcolumns, "actual_time"); } # Make sure that the login_name version of a field is always also # requested if the realname version is requested, so that we can # display the login name when the realname is empty. my @realname_fields = grep(/_realname$/, @displaycolumns); foreach my $item (@realname_fields) { my $login_field = $item; $login_field =~ s/_realname$//; if (!grep($_ eq $login_field, @selectcolumns)) { push(@selectcolumns, $login_field); } } # Display columns are selected because otherwise we could not display them. foreach my $col (@displaycolumns) { push (@selectcolumns, $col) if !grep($_ eq $col, @selectcolumns); } # If the user is editing multiple bugs, we also make sure to select the # status, because the values of that field determines what options the user # has for modifying the bugs. if ($dotweak) { push(@selectcolumns, "bug_status") if !grep($_ eq 'bug_status', @selectcolumns); push(@selectcolumns, "bugs.component_id"); } if ($format->{'extension'} eq 'ics') { push(@selectcolumns, "opendate") if !grep($_ eq 'opendate', @selectcolumns); if (Bugzilla->params->{'timetrackinggroup'}) { push(@selectcolumns, "deadline") if !grep($_ eq 'deadline', @selectcolumns); } } if ($format->{'extension'} eq 'atom') { # The title of the Atom feed will be the same one as for the bug list. $vars->{'title'} = $cgi->param('title'); # This is the list of fields that are needed by the Atom filter. my @required_atom_columns = ( 'short_desc', 'opendate', 'changeddate', 'reporter', 'reporter_realname', 'priority', 'bug_severity', 'assigned_to', 'assigned_to_realname', 'bug_status', 'product', 'component', 'resolution' ); push(@required_atom_columns, 'target_milestone') if Bugzilla->params->{'usetargetmilestone'}; foreach my $required (@required_atom_columns) { push(@selectcolumns, $required) if !grep($_ eq $required,@selectcolumns); } } ################################################################################ # Sort Order Determination ################################################################################ # Add to the query some instructions for sorting the bug list. # First check if we'll want to reuse the last sorting order; that happens if # the order is not defined or its value is "reuse last sort" if (!$order || $order =~ /^reuse/i) { if ($cgi->cookie('LASTORDER')) { $order = $cgi->cookie('LASTORDER'); # Cookies from early versions of Specific Search included this text, # which is now invalid. $order =~ s/ LIMIT 200//; } else { $order = ''; # Remove possible "reuse" identifier as unnecessary } } my @order_columns; if ($order) { # Convert the value of the "order" form field into a list of columns # by which to sort the results. ORDER: for ($order) { /^Bug Number$/ && do { @order_columns = ("bug_id"); last ORDER; }; /^Importance$/ && do { @order_columns = ("priority", "bug_severity"); last ORDER; }; /^Assignee$/ && do { @order_columns = ("assigned_to", "bug_status", "priority", "bug_id"); last ORDER; }; /^Last Changed$/ && do { @order_columns = ("changeddate", "bug_status", "priority", "assigned_to", "bug_id"); last ORDER; }; do { # A custom list of columns. Bugzilla::Search will validate items. @order_columns = split(/\s*,\s*/, $order); }; } } if (!scalar @order_columns) { # DEFAULT @order_columns = ("bug_status", "priority", "assigned_to", "bug_id"); } # In the HTML interface, by default, we limit the returned results, # which speeds up quite a few searches where people are really only looking # for the top results. if ($format->{'extension'} eq 'html' && !defined $params->param('limit')) { $params->param('limit', Bugzilla->params->{'default_search_limit'}); $vars->{'default_limited'} = 1; } # Generate the basic SQL query that will be used to generate the bug list. my $search = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => \@selectcolumns, 'params' => scalar $params->Vars, 'order' => \@order_columns, 'sharer' => $sharer_id); $order = join(',', $search->order); if (scalar @{$search->invalid_order_columns}) { $vars->{'message'} = 'invalid_column_name'; $vars->{'invalid_fragments'} = $search->invalid_order_columns; } if ($fulltext and grep { /^relevance/ } $search->order) { $vars->{'message'} = 'buglist_sorted_by_relevance' } # We don't want saved searches and other buglist things to save # our default limit. $params->delete('limit') if $vars->{'default_limited'}; ################################################################################ # Query Execution ################################################################################ # Time to use server push to display an interim message to the user until # the query completes and we can display the bug list. if ($serverpush) { print $cgi->multipart_init(); print $cgi->multipart_start(-type => 'text/html'); # Generate and return the UI (HTML page) from the appropriate template. $template->process("list/server-push.html.tmpl", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); # Under mod_perl, flush stdout so that the page actually shows up. if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) { require Apache2::RequestUtil; Apache2::RequestUtil->request->rflush(); } # Don't do multipart_end() until we're ready to display the replacement # page, otherwise any errors that happen before then (like SQL errors) # will result in a blank page being shown to the user instead of the error. } # Connect to the shadow database if this installation is using one to improve # query performance. $dbh = Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db(); # Normally, we ignore SIGTERM and SIGPIPE, but we need to # respond to them here to prevent someone DOSing us by reloading a query # a large number of times. $::SIG{TERM} = 'DEFAULT'; $::SIG{PIPE} = 'DEFAULT'; # Execute the query. my ($data, $extra_data) = $search->data; $vars->{'search_description'} = $search->search_description; if ($cgi->param('debug') && Bugzilla->params->{debug_group} && $user->in_group(Bugzilla->params->{debug_group}) ) { $vars->{'debug'} = 1; $vars->{'queries'} = $extra_data; my $query_time = 0; $query_time += $_->{'time'} foreach @$extra_data; $vars->{'query_time'} = $query_time; # Explains are limited to admins because you could use them to figure # out how many hidden bugs are in a particular product (by doing # searches and looking at the number of rows the explain says it's # examining). if ($user->in_group('admin')) { foreach my $query (@$extra_data) { $query->{explain} = $dbh->bz_explain($query->{sql}); } } } ################################################################################ # Results Retrieval ################################################################################ # Retrieve the query results one row at a time and write the data into a list # of Perl records. # If we're doing time tracking, then keep totals for all bugs. my $percentage_complete = grep($_ eq 'percentage_complete', @displaycolumns); my $estimated_time = grep($_ eq 'estimated_time', @displaycolumns); my $remaining_time = grep($_ eq 'remaining_time', @displaycolumns) || $percentage_complete; my $actual_time = grep($_ eq 'actual_time', @displaycolumns) || $percentage_complete; my $time_info = { 'estimated_time' => 0, 'remaining_time' => 0, 'actual_time' => 0, 'percentage_complete' => 0, 'time_present' => ($estimated_time || $remaining_time || $actual_time || $percentage_complete), }; my $bugowners = {}; my $bugproducts = {}; my $bugcomponentids = {}; my $bugcomponents = {}; my $bugstatuses = {}; my @bugidlist; my @bugs; # the list of records foreach my $row (@$data) { my $bug = {}; # a record # Slurp the row of data into the record. # The second from last column in the record is the number of groups # to which the bug is restricted. foreach my $column (@selectcolumns) { $bug->{$column} = shift @$row; } # Process certain values further (i.e. date format conversion). if ($bug->{'changeddate'}) { $bug->{'changeddate'} =~ s/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/$1-$2-$3 $4:$5:$6/; $bug->{'changedtime'} = $bug->{'changeddate'}; # for iCalendar and Atom $bug->{'changeddate'} = DiffDate($bug->{'changeddate'}); } if ($bug->{'opendate'}) { $bug->{'opentime'} = $bug->{'opendate'}; # for iCalendar $bug->{'opendate'} = DiffDate($bug->{'opendate'}); } # Record the assignee, product, and status in the big hashes of those things. $bugowners->{$bug->{'assigned_to'}} = 1 if $bug->{'assigned_to'}; $bugproducts->{$bug->{'product'}} = 1 if $bug->{'product'}; $bugcomponentids->{$bug->{'bugs.component_id'}} = 1 if $bug->{'bugs.component_id'}; $bugcomponents->{$bug->{'component'}} = 1 if $bug->{'component'}; $bugstatuses->{$bug->{'bug_status'}} = 1 if $bug->{'bug_status'}; $bug->{'secure_mode'} = undef; # Add the record to the list. push(@bugs, $bug); # Add id to list for checking for bug privacy later detaint_natural($bug->{'bug_id'}); push(@bugidlist, $bug->{'bug_id'}); # Compute time tracking info. $time_info->{'estimated_time'} += $bug->{'estimated_time'} if ($estimated_time); $time_info->{'remaining_time'} += $bug->{'remaining_time'} if ($remaining_time); $time_info->{'actual_time'} += $bug->{'actual_time'} if ($actual_time); } # Check for bug privacy and set $bug->{'secure_mode'} to 'implied' or 'manual' # based on whether the privacy is simply product implied (by mandatory groups) # or because of human choice my %min_membercontrol; if (@bugidlist) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT bugs.bug_id, MIN(group_control_map.membercontrol) " . "FROM bugs " . "INNER JOIN bug_group_map " . "ON bugs.bug_id = bug_group_map.bug_id " . "LEFT JOIN group_control_map " . "ON group_control_map.product_id = bugs.product_id " . "AND group_control_map.group_id = bug_group_map.group_id " . "WHERE " . $dbh->sql_in('bugs.bug_id', \@bugidlist) . $dbh->sql_group_by('bugs.bug_id')); $sth->execute(); while (my ($bug_id, $min_membercontrol) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { $min_membercontrol{$bug_id} = $min_membercontrol || CONTROLMAPNA; } foreach my $bug (@bugs) { next unless defined($min_membercontrol{$bug->{'bug_id'}}); if ($min_membercontrol{$bug->{'bug_id'}} == CONTROLMAPMANDATORY) { $bug->{'secure_mode'} = 'implied'; } else { $bug->{'secure_mode'} = 'manual'; } } } # Compute percentage complete without rounding. my $sum = $time_info->{'actual_time'}+$time_info->{'remaining_time'}; if ($sum > 0) { $time_info->{'percentage_complete'} = 100*$time_info->{'actual_time'}/$sum; } else { # remaining_time <= 0 $time_info->{'percentage_complete'} = 0 } ################################################################################ # Template Variable Definition ################################################################################ # Define the variables and functions that will be passed to the UI template. $vars->{'bugs'} = \@bugs; $vars->{'buglist'} = \@bugidlist; $vars->{'columns'} = $columns; $vars->{'displaycolumns'} = \@displaycolumns; $vars->{'openstates'} = [BUG_STATE_OPEN]; $vars->{'closedstates'} = [map {$_->name} closed_bug_statuses()]; # The iCal file needs priorities ordered from 1 to 9 (highest to lowest) # If there are more than 9 values, just make all the lower ones 9 if ($format->{'extension'} eq 'ics') { my $n = 1; $vars->{'ics_priorities'} = {}; my $priorities = get_legal_field_values('priority'); foreach my $p (@$priorities) { $vars->{'ics_priorities'}->{$p} = ($n > 9) ? 9 : $n++; } } $vars->{'order'} = $order; $vars->{'caneditbugs'} = 1; $vars->{'time_info'} = $time_info; if (!$user->in_group('editbugs')) { foreach my $product (keys %$bugproducts) { my $prod = Bugzilla::Product->new({name => $product, cache => 1}); if (!$user->in_group('editbugs', $prod->id)) { $vars->{'caneditbugs'} = 0; last; } } } my @bugowners = keys %$bugowners; if (scalar(@bugowners) > 1 && $user->in_group('editbugs')) { my $suffix = Bugzilla->params->{'emailsuffix'}; map(s/$/$suffix/, @bugowners) if $suffix; my $bugowners = join(",", @bugowners); $vars->{'bugowners'} = $bugowners; } # Whether or not to split the column titles across two rows to make # the list more compact. $vars->{'splitheader'} = $cgi->cookie('SPLITHEADER') ? 1 : 0; if ($user->settings->{'display_quips'}->{'value'} eq 'on') { $vars->{'quip'} = GetQuip(); } $vars->{'currenttime'} = localtime(time()); # See if there's only one product in all the results (or only one product # that we searched for), which allows us to provide more helpful links. my @products = keys %$bugproducts; my $one_product; if (scalar(@products) == 1) { $one_product = Bugzilla::Product->new({ name => $products[0], cache => 1 }); } # This is used in the "Zarroo Boogs" case. elsif (my @product_input = $cgi->param('product')) { if (scalar(@product_input) == 1 and $product_input[0] ne '') { $one_product = Bugzilla::Product->new({ name => $product_input[0], cache => 1 }); } } # We only want the template to use it if the user can actually # enter bugs against it. if ($one_product && $user->can_enter_product($one_product)) { $vars->{'one_product'} = $one_product; } # See if there's only one component in all the results (or only one component # that we searched for), which allows us to provide more helpful links. my @components = keys %$bugcomponents; my $one_component; if (scalar(@components) == 1) { $vars->{one_component} = $components[0]; } # This is used in the "Zarroo Boogs" case. elsif (my @component_input = $cgi->param('component')) { if (scalar(@component_input) == 1 and $component_input[0] ne '') { $vars->{one_component}= $cgi->param('component'); } } # The following variables are used when the user is making changes to multiple bugs. if ($dotweak && scalar @bugs) { if (!$vars->{'caneditbugs'}) { ThrowUserError('auth_failure', {group => 'editbugs', action => 'modify', object => 'multiple_bugs'}); } $vars->{'dotweak'} = 1; # issue_session_token needs to write to the master DB. Bugzilla->switch_to_main_db(); $vars->{'token'} = issue_session_token('buglist_mass_change'); Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db(); $vars->{'products'} = $user->get_enterable_products; $vars->{'platforms'} = get_legal_field_values('rep_platform'); $vars->{'op_sys'} = get_legal_field_values('op_sys'); $vars->{'priorities'} = get_legal_field_values('priority'); $vars->{'severities'} = get_legal_field_values('bug_severity'); $vars->{'resolutions'} = get_legal_field_values('resolution'); ($vars->{'flag_types'}, $vars->{any_flags_requesteeble}) = _get_common_flag_types([keys %$bugcomponentids]); # Convert bug statuses to their ID. my @bug_statuses = map {$dbh->quote($_)} keys %$bugstatuses; my $bug_status_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT id FROM bug_status WHERE ' . $dbh->sql_in('value', \@bug_statuses)); # This query collects new statuses which are common to all current bug statuses. # It also accepts transitions where the bug status doesn't change. $bug_status_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref( 'SELECT DISTINCT sw1.new_status FROM status_workflow sw1 INNER JOIN bug_status ON bug_status.id = sw1.new_status WHERE bug_status.isactive = 1 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM status_workflow sw2 WHERE sw2.old_status != sw1.new_status AND ' . $dbh->sql_in('sw2.old_status', $bug_status_ids) . ' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM status_workflow sw3 WHERE sw3.new_status = sw1.new_status AND sw3.old_status = sw2.old_status))'); $vars->{'current_bug_statuses'} = [keys %$bugstatuses]; $vars->{'new_bug_statuses'} = Bugzilla::Status->new_from_list($bug_status_ids); # The groups the user belongs to and which are editable for the given buglist. $vars->{'groups'} = GetGroups(\@products); # If all bugs being changed are in the same product, the user can change # their version and component, so generate a list of products, a list of # versions for the product (if there is only one product on the list of # products), and a list of components for the product. if ($one_product) { $vars->{'versions'} = [map($_->name, grep($_->is_active, @{ $one_product->versions }))]; $vars->{'components'} = [map($_->name, grep($_->is_active, @{ $one_product->components }))]; if (Bugzilla->params->{'usetargetmilestone'}) { $vars->{'milestones'} = [map($_->name, grep($_->is_active, @{ $one_product->milestones }))]; } } else { # We will only show the values at are active in all products. my %values = (); my @fields = ('components', 'versions'); if (Bugzilla->params->{'usetargetmilestone'}) { push @fields, 'milestones'; } # Go through each product and count the number of times each field # is used foreach my $product_name (@products) { my $product = Bugzilla::Product->new({name => $product_name, cache => 1}); foreach my $field (@fields) { my $list = $product->$field; foreach my $item (@$list) { ++$values{$field}{$item->name} if $item->is_active; } } } # Now we get the list of each field and see which values have # $product_count (i.e. appears in every product) my $product_count = scalar(@products); foreach my $field (@fields) { my @values = grep { $values{$field}{$_} == $product_count } keys %{$values{$field}}; if (scalar @values) { @{$vars->{$field}} = $field eq 'version' ? sort { vers_cmp(lc($a), lc($b)) } @values : sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @values } # Do we need to show a warning about limited visiblity? if (@values != scalar keys %{$values{$field}}) { $vars->{excluded_values} = 1; } } } } # If we're editing a stored query, use the existing query name as default for # the "Remember search as" field. $vars->{'defaultsavename'} = $cgi->param('query_based_on'); # If we did a quick search then redisplay the previously entered search # string in the text field. $vars->{'quicksearch'} = $searchstring; ################################################################################ # HTTP Header Generation ################################################################################ # Generate HTTP headers my $contenttype; my $disposition = "inline"; if ($format->{'extension'} eq "html") { my $list_id = $cgi->param('list_id') || $cgi->param('regetlastlist'); my $search = $user->save_last_search( { bugs => \@bugidlist, order => $order, vars => $vars, list_id => $list_id }); $cgi->param('list_id', $search->id) if $search; $contenttype = "text/html"; } else { $contenttype = $format->{'ctype'}; } # Set 'urlquerypart' once the buglist ID is known. $vars->{'urlquerypart'} = $params->canonicalise_query('order', 'cmdtype', 'query_based_on', 'token'); if ($format->{'extension'} eq "csv") { # We set CSV files to be downloaded, as they are designed for importing # into other programs. $disposition = "attachment"; # If the user clicked the CSV link in the search results, # They should get the Field Description, not the column name in the db $vars->{'human'} = $cgi->param('human'); } $cgi->close_standby_message($contenttype, $disposition, $disp_prefix, $format->{'extension'}); ################################################################################ # Content Generation ################################################################################ # Generate and return the UI (HTML page) from the appropriate template. $template->process($format->{'template'}, $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); ################################################################################ # Script Conclusion ################################################################################ print $cgi->multipart_final() if $serverpush;