import sys import pytest from pypy.tool.cpyext.extbuild import SystemCompilationInfo, HERE from pypy.interpreter.gateway import unwrap_spec, interp2app from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype from pypy.module.cpyext import api from pypy.module.cpyext.api import cts from pypy.module.cpyext.pyobject import from_ref from pypy.module.cpyext.state import State from rpython.tool import leakfinder from rpython.rlib import rawrefcount from rpython.tool.udir import udir import pypy.module.cpyext.moduledef # Make sure all the functions are registered only_pypy ="config.option.runappdirect and '__pypy__' not in sys.builtin_module_names" @api.cpython_api([], api.PyObject) def PyPy_Crash1(space): 1/0 @api.cpython_api([], lltype.Signed, error=-1) def PyPy_Crash2(space): 1/0 @api.cpython_api([api.PyObject], api.PyObject, result_is_ll=True) def PyPy_Noop(space, pyobj): return pyobj class TestApi: def test_signature(self): common_functions = api.FUNCTIONS_BY_HEADER[api.pypy_decl] assert 'PyModule_Check' in common_functions assert common_functions['PyModule_Check'].argtypes == [cts.gettype("void *")] assert 'PyModule_GetDict' in common_functions assert common_functions['PyModule_GetDict'].argtypes == [api.PyObject] class SpaceCompiler(SystemCompilationInfo): """Extension compiler for regular (untranslated PyPy) mode""" def __init__(self, space, *args, **kwargs): = space SystemCompilationInfo.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def load_module(self, mod, name): space = api.load_extension_module(space, mod, name) return space.getitem( space.sys.get('modules'), space.wrap(name)) def get_cpyext_info(space): from pypy.module.imp.importing import get_so_extension state = space.fromcache(State) api_library = state.api_lib if sys.platform == 'win32': libraries = [api_library] # '%s' undefined; assuming extern returning int compile_extra = ["/we4013"] # prevent linking with PythonXX.lib w_maj, w_min = space.fixedview(space.sys.get('version_info'), 5)[:2] link_extra = ["/NODEFAULTLIB:Python%d%d.lib" % (space.int_w(w_maj), space.int_w(w_min))] else: libraries = [] if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): compile_extra = [ "-Werror", "-g", "-O0", "-Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE", "-fPIC"] link_extra = ["-g"] else: compile_extra = link_extra = None return SpaceCompiler(space, builddir_base=udir, include_extra=api.include_dirs, compile_extra=compile_extra, link_extra=link_extra, extra_libs=libraries, ext=get_so_extension(space)) def freeze_refcnts(self): rawrefcount._dont_free_any_more() def is_interned_string(space, w_obj): try: s = space.str_w(w_obj) except OperationError: return False return space.is_interned_str(s) def is_allowed_to_leak(space, obj): from pypy.module.cpyext.methodobject import W_PyCFunctionObject try: w_obj = from_ref(space, cts.cast('PyObject*', obj._as_ptr())) except: return False if isinstance(w_obj, W_PyCFunctionObject): return True # It's OK to "leak" some interned strings: if the pyobj is created by # the test, but the w_obj is referred to from elsewhere. return is_interned_string(space, w_obj) def _get_w_obj(space, c_obj): return from_ref(space, cts.cast('PyObject*', c_obj._as_ptr())) class CpyextLeak(leakfinder.MallocMismatch): def __str__(self): lines = [leakfinder.MallocMismatch.__str__(self), ''] lines.append( "These objects are attached to the following W_Root objects:") for c_obj in self.args[0]: try: lines.append(" %s" % (_get_w_obj(self.args[1], c_obj),)) except: pass return '\n'.join(lines) class LeakCheckingTest(object): """Base class for all cpyext tests.""" spaceconfig = dict(usemodules=['cpyext', 'thread', 'struct', 'array', 'itertools', 'time', 'binascii', 'mmap' ]) spaceconfig["objspace.std.withspecialisedtuple"] = True @classmethod def preload_builtins(cls, space): """ Eagerly create pyobjs for various builtins so they don't look like leaks. """ from pypy.module.cpyext.pyobject import make_ref w_to_preload = space.appexec([], """(): import sys import mmap # # copied&pasted to avoid importing the whole, which is # expensive on py3k # def _f(): pass FunctionType = type(_f) CodeType = type(_f.__code__) try: raise TypeError except TypeError: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] TracebackType = type(tb) FrameType = type(tb.tb_frame) del tb # return [ buffer, mmap.mmap, FunctionType, CodeType, TracebackType, FrameType, type(str.join), ] """) for w_obj in space.unpackiterable(w_to_preload): make_ref(space, w_obj) def cleanup(self): rawrefcount._collect() try: # set check=True to actually enable leakfinder leakfinder.stop_tracking_allocations(check=False) except leakfinder.MallocMismatch as e: result = e.args[0] filtered_result = {} for obj, value in result.iteritems(): if not is_allowed_to_leak(, obj): filtered_result[obj] = value if filtered_result: raise CpyextLeak(filtered_result, assert not class AppTestApi(LeakCheckingTest): def setup_class(cls): from rpython.rlib.clibffi import get_libc_name if cls.runappdirect: cls.libc = get_libc_name() else: cls.w_libc = def setup_method(self, meth): if not self.runappdirect: freeze_refcnts(self) def teardown_method(self, meth): if self.runappdirect: return self.cleanup() @pytest.mark.skipif(only_pypy, reason='pypy only test') def test_only_import(self): import cpyext @pytest.mark.skipif(only_pypy, reason='pypy only test') def test_load_error(self): import cpyext raises(ImportError, cpyext.load_module, "missing.file", "foo") raises(ImportError, cpyext.load_module, self.libc, "invalid.function") def test_dllhandle(self): import sys if sys.platform != "win32" or sys.version_info < (2, 6): skip("Windows Python >= 2.6 only") assert isinstance(sys.dllhandle, int) def _unwrap_include_dirs(space, w_include_dirs): if w_include_dirs is None: return None else: return [space.str_w(s) for s in space.listview(w_include_dirs)] def debug_collect(space): rawrefcount._collect() class AppTestCpythonExtensionBase(LeakCheckingTest): def setup_class(cls): space = cls.w_here = space.wrap(str(HERE)) cls.w_udir = space.wrap(str(udir)) cls.w_runappdirect = space.wrap(cls.runappdirect) if not cls.runappdirect: cls.sys_info = get_cpyext_info(space) cls.w_debug_collect = space.wrap(interp2app(debug_collect)) cls.preload_builtins(space) else: def w_import_module(self, name, init=None, body='', filename=None, include_dirs=None, PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN=False): from extbuild import get_sys_info_app sys_info = get_sys_info_app(self.udir) return sys_info.import_module( name, init=init, body=body, filename=filename, include_dirs=include_dirs, PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN=PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN) cls.w_import_module = w_import_module def w_import_extension(self, modname, functions, prologue="", include_dirs=None, more_init="", PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN=False): from extbuild import get_sys_info_app sys_info = get_sys_info_app(self.udir) return sys_info.import_extension( modname, functions, prologue=prologue, include_dirs=include_dirs, more_init=more_init, PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN=PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN) cls.w_import_extension = w_import_extension def w_compile_module(self, name, source_files=None, source_strings=None): from extbuild import get_sys_info_app sys_info = get_sys_info_app(self.udir) return sys_info.compile_extension_module(name, source_files=source_files, source_strings=source_strings) cls.w_compile_module = w_compile_module def w_load_module(self, mod, name): from extbuild import get_sys_info_app sys_info = get_sys_info_app(self.udir) return sys_info.load_module(mod, name) cls.w_load_module = w_load_module def w_debug_collect(self): import gc gc.collect() gc.collect() gc.collect() cls.w_debug_collect = w_debug_collect def record_imported_module(self, name): """ Record a module imported in a test so that it can be cleaned up in teardown before the check for leaks is done. name gives the name of the module in the space's sys.modules. """ self.imported_module_names.append(name) def setup_method(self, func): if self.runappdirect: return @unwrap_spec(name='text') def compile_module(space, name, w_source_files=None, w_source_strings=None): """ Build an extension module linked against the cpyext api library. """ if not space.is_none(w_source_files): source_files = space.listview_bytes(w_source_files) else: source_files = None if not space.is_none(w_source_strings): source_strings = space.listview_bytes(w_source_strings) else: source_strings = None pydname = self.sys_info.compile_extension_module( name, source_files=source_files, source_strings=source_strings) # hackish, but tests calling compile_module() always end up # importing the result self.record_imported_module(name) return space.wrap(pydname) @unwrap_spec(name='text', init='text_or_none', body='text', filename='fsencode_or_none', PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN=bool) def import_module(space, name, init=None, body='', filename=None, w_include_dirs=None, PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN=False): include_dirs = _unwrap_include_dirs(space, w_include_dirs) w_result = self.sys_info.import_module( name, init, body, filename, include_dirs, PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN) self.record_imported_module(name) return w_result @unwrap_spec(mod='text', name='text') def load_module(space, mod, name): return self.sys_info.load_module(mod, name) @unwrap_spec(modname='text', prologue='text', more_init='text', PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN=bool) def import_extension(space, modname, w_functions, prologue="", w_include_dirs=None, more_init="", PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN=False): functions = space.unwrap(w_functions) include_dirs = _unwrap_include_dirs(space, w_include_dirs) w_result = self.sys_info.import_extension( modname, functions, prologue, include_dirs, more_init, PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN) self.record_imported_module(modname) return w_result # A list of modules which the test caused to be imported (in # These will be cleaned up automatically in teardown. self.imported_module_names = [] wrap = self.w_compile_module = wrap(interp2app(compile_module)) self.w_load_module = wrap(interp2app(load_module)) self.w_import_module = wrap(interp2app(import_module)) self.w_import_extension = wrap(interp2app(import_extension)) # create the file lock before we count allocations"stdout"), "flush") freeze_refcnts(self) def unimport_module(self, name): """ Remove the named module from the space's sys.modules. """ w_modules ='modules') w_name =, w_name) def teardown_method(self, func): if self.runappdirect: self.w_debug_collect() return debug_collect( for name in self.imported_module_names: self.unimport_module(name) self.cleanup() class AppTestCpythonExtension(AppTestCpythonExtensionBase): def test_createmodule(self): import sys init = """ if (Py_IsInitialized()) Py_InitModule("foo", NULL); """ self.import_module(name='foo', init=init) assert 'foo' in sys.modules def test_export_function(self): import sys if '__pypy__' in sys.modules: from cpyext import is_cpyext_function else: import inspect is_cpyext_function = inspect.isbuiltin init = """ if (Py_IsInitialized()) Py_InitModule("foo", methods); """ body = """ PyObject* foo_pi(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { return PyFloat_FromDouble(3.14); } static PyMethodDef methods[] = { { "return_pi", foo_pi, METH_NOARGS }, { NULL } }; """ module = self.import_module(name='foo', init=init, body=body) assert 'foo' in sys.modules assert 'return_pi' in dir(module) assert module.return_pi is not None assert is_cpyext_function(module.return_pi) assert module.return_pi() == 3.14 assert module.return_pi.__module__ == 'foo' def test_export_docstring(self): init = """ if (Py_IsInitialized()) Py_InitModule("foo", methods); """ body = """ PyDoc_STRVAR(foo_pi_doc, "Return pi."); PyObject* foo_pi(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { return PyFloat_FromDouble(3.14); } static PyMethodDef methods[] ={ { "return_pi", foo_pi, METH_NOARGS, foo_pi_doc }, { NULL } }; """ module = self.import_module(name='foo', init=init, body=body) doc = module.return_pi.__doc__ assert doc == "Return pi." def test_InitModule4(self): init = """ PyObject *cookie = PyFloat_FromDouble(3.14); Py_InitModule4("foo", methods, "docstring", cookie, PYTHON_API_VERSION); Py_DECREF(cookie); """ body = """ PyObject* return_cookie(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { if (self) { Py_IncRef(self); return self; } else Py_RETURN_FALSE; } static PyMethodDef methods[] = { { "return_cookie", return_cookie, METH_NOARGS }, { NULL } }; """ module = self.import_module(name='foo', init=init, body=body) assert module.__doc__ == "docstring" assert module.return_cookie() == 3.14 def test_load_dynamic(self): import sys init = """ if (Py_IsInitialized()) Py_InitModule("foo", NULL); """ foo = self.import_module(name='foo', init=init) assert 'foo' in sys.modules del sys.modules['foo'] import imp foo2 = imp.load_dynamic('foo', foo.__file__) assert 'foo' in sys.modules assert foo.__dict__ == foo2.__dict__ def test_InitModule4_dotted(self): """ If the module name passed to Py_InitModule4 includes a package, only the module name (the part after the last dot) is considered when computing the name of the module initializer function. """ expected_name = "pypy.module.cpyext.test.dotted" module = self.import_module(name=expected_name, filename="dotted") assert module.__name__ == expected_name def test_InitModule4_in_package(self): """ If `apple.banana` is an extension module which calls Py_InitModule4 with only "banana" as a name, the resulting module nevertheless is stored at `sys.modules["apple.banana"]`. """ module = self.import_module(name="apple.banana", filename="banana") assert module.__name__ == "apple.banana" def test_recursive_package_import(self): """ If `` is an extension module which imports `apple.banana`, the latter is added to `sys.modules` for the `"apple.banana"` key. """ import sys, types, os # Build the extensions. banana = self.compile_module( "apple.banana", source_files=[os.path.join(, 'banana.c')]) date = self.compile_module( "", source_files=[os.path.join(, 'date.c')]) # Set up some package state so that the extensions can actually be # imported. cherry = sys.modules['cherry'] = types.ModuleType('cherry') cherry.__path__ = [os.path.dirname(date)] apple = sys.modules['apple'] = types.ModuleType('apple') apple.__path__ = [os.path.dirname(banana)] import assert sys.modules['apple.banana'].__name__ == 'apple.banana' assert sys.modules[''].__name__ == '' def test_modinit_func(self): """ A module can use the PyMODINIT_FUNC macro to declare or define its module initializer function. """ module = self.import_module(name='modinit') assert module.__name__ == 'modinit' def test_export_function2(self): init = """ if (Py_IsInitialized()) Py_InitModule("foo", methods); """ body = """ static PyObject* my_objects[1]; static PyObject* foo_cached_pi(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { if (my_objects[0] == NULL) { my_objects[0] = PyFloat_FromDouble(3.14); } Py_INCREF(my_objects[0]); return my_objects[0]; } static PyObject* foo_drop_pi(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { if (my_objects[0] != NULL) { Py_DECREF(my_objects[0]); my_objects[0] = NULL; } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static PyObject* foo_retinvalid(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { return (PyObject*)0xAFFEBABE; } static PyMethodDef methods[] = { { "return_pi", foo_cached_pi, METH_NOARGS }, { "drop_pi", foo_drop_pi, METH_NOARGS }, { "return_invalid_pointer", foo_retinvalid, METH_NOARGS }, { NULL } }; """ module = self.import_module(name='foo', init=init, body=body) assert module.return_pi() == 3.14 print "A" module.drop_pi() print "B" module.drop_pi() print "C" assert module.return_pi() == 3.14 print "D" assert module.return_pi() == 3.14 print "E" module.drop_pi() skip("Hmm, how to check for the exception?") raises(api.InvalidPointerException, module.return_invalid_pointer) def test_argument(self): import sys init = """ if (Py_IsInitialized()) Py_InitModule("foo", methods); """ body = """ PyObject* foo_test(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *t = PyTuple_GetItem(args, 0); Py_INCREF(t); return t; } static PyMethodDef methods[] = { { "test", foo_test, METH_VARARGS }, { NULL } }; """ module = self.import_module(name='foo', init=init, body=body) assert module.test(True, True) == True def test_exception(self): import sys init = """ if (Py_IsInitialized()) Py_InitModule("foo", methods); """ body = """ static PyObject* foo_pi(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "moo!"); return NULL; } static PyMethodDef methods[] = { { "raise_exception", foo_pi, METH_NOARGS }, { NULL } }; """ module = self.import_module(name='foo', init=init, body=body) exc = raises(Exception, module.raise_exception) if type(exc.value) is not Exception: raise exc.value assert exc.value.message == "moo!" def test_refcount(self): import sys init = """ if (Py_IsInitialized()) Py_InitModule("foo", methods); """ body = """ static PyObject* foo_pi(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *true_obj = Py_True; Py_ssize_t refcnt = true_obj->ob_refcnt; Py_ssize_t refcnt_after; Py_INCREF(true_obj); Py_INCREF(true_obj); if (!PyBool_Check(true_obj)) Py_RETURN_NONE; refcnt_after = true_obj->ob_refcnt; Py_DECREF(true_obj); Py_DECREF(true_obj); fprintf(stderr, "REFCNT %ld %ld\\n", refcnt, refcnt_after); return PyBool_FromLong(refcnt_after == refcnt + 2); } static PyObject* foo_bar(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *true_obj = Py_True; PyObject *tup = NULL; Py_ssize_t refcnt = true_obj->ob_refcnt; Py_ssize_t refcnt_after; tup = PyTuple_New(1); Py_INCREF(true_obj); if (PyTuple_SetItem(tup, 0, true_obj) < 0) return NULL; refcnt_after = true_obj->ob_refcnt; Py_DECREF(tup); fprintf(stderr, "REFCNT2 %ld %ld %ld\\n", refcnt, refcnt_after, true_obj->ob_refcnt); return PyBool_FromLong(refcnt_after == refcnt + 1 && refcnt == true_obj->ob_refcnt); } static PyMethodDef methods[] = { { "test_refcount", foo_pi, METH_NOARGS }, { "test_refcount2", foo_bar, METH_NOARGS }, { NULL } }; """ module = self.import_module(name='foo', init=init, body=body) assert module.test_refcount() assert module.test_refcount2() def test_init_exception(self): import sys init = """ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "moo!"); """ exc = raises(Exception, "self.import_module(name='foo', init=init)") if type(exc.value) is not Exception: raise exc.value assert exc.value.message == "moo!" def test_internal_exceptions(self): if self.runappdirect: skip('cannot import module with undefined functions') init = """ if (Py_IsInitialized()) Py_InitModule("foo", methods); """ body = """ PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyPy_Crash1(void); PyAPI_FUNC(long) PyPy_Crash2(void); PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyPy_Noop(PyObject*); static PyObject* foo_crash1(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { return PyPy_Crash1(); } static PyObject* foo_crash2(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { int a = PyPy_Crash2(); if (a == -1) return NULL; return PyFloat_FromDouble(a); } static PyObject* foo_crash3(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { int a = PyPy_Crash2(); if (a == -1) PyErr_Clear(); return PyFloat_FromDouble(a); } static PyObject* foo_crash4(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { int a = PyPy_Crash2(); return PyFloat_FromDouble(a); } static PyObject* foo_noop(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) { Py_INCREF(args); return PyPy_Noop(args); } static PyObject* foo_set(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "clear called with no error"); if (PyInt_Check(args)) { Py_INCREF(args); return args; } return NULL; } static PyObject* foo_clear(PyObject* self, PyObject *args) { PyErr_Clear(); if (PyInt_Check(args)) { Py_INCREF(args); return args; } return NULL; } static PyMethodDef methods[] = { { "crash1", foo_crash1, METH_NOARGS }, { "crash2", foo_crash2, METH_NOARGS }, { "crash3", foo_crash3, METH_NOARGS }, { "crash4", foo_crash4, METH_NOARGS }, { "clear", foo_clear, METH_O }, { "set", foo_set, METH_O }, { "noop", foo_noop, METH_O }, { NULL } }; """ module = self.import_module(name='foo', init=init, body=body) # uncaught interplevel exceptions are turned into SystemError expected = "ZeroDivisionError('integer division or modulo by zero',)" exc = raises(SystemError, module.crash1) assert exc.value[0] == expected exc = raises(SystemError, module.crash2) assert exc.value[0] == expected # caught exception, api.cpython_api return value works assert module.crash3() == -1 expected = 'An exception was set, but function returned a value' # PyPy only incompatibility/extension exc = raises(SystemError, module.crash4) assert exc.value[0] == expected # An exception was set by the previous call, it can pass # cleanly through a call that doesn't check error state assert module.noop(1) == 1 # clear the exception but return NULL, signalling an error expected = 'Function returned a NULL result without setting an exception' exc = raises(SystemError, module.clear, None) assert exc.value[0] == expected # Set an exception and return NULL raises(TypeError, module.set, None) # clear any exception and return a value assert module.clear(1) == 1 # Set an exception, but return non-NULL expected = 'An exception was set, but function returned a value' exc = raises(SystemError, module.set, 1) assert exc.value[0] == expected # Clear the exception and return a value, all is OK assert module.clear(1) == 1 def test_new_exception(self): mod = self.import_extension('foo', [ ('newexc', 'METH_VARARGS', ''' char *name = PyString_AsString(PyTuple_GetItem(args, 0)); return PyErr_NewException(name, PyTuple_GetItem(args, 1), PyTuple_GetItem(args, 2)); ''' ), ]) raises(SystemError, mod.newexc, "name", Exception, {}) @pytest.mark.skipif(only_pypy, reason='pypy specific test') def test_hash_pointer(self): mod = self.import_extension('foo', [ ('get_hash', 'METH_NOARGS', ''' return PyInt_FromLong(_Py_HashPointer(Py_None)); ''' ), ]) h = mod.get_hash() assert h != 0 assert h % 4 == 0 # it's the pointer value def test_types(self): """test the presence of random types""" mod = self.import_extension('foo', [ ('get_names', 'METH_NOARGS', ''' /* XXX in tests, the C type is not correct */ #define NAME(type) ((PyTypeObject*)&type)->tp_name return Py_BuildValue("sssss", NAME(PyCell_Type), NAME(PyModule_Type), NAME(PyProperty_Type), NAME(PyStaticMethod_Type), NAME(PyCFunction_Type) ); ''' ), ]) assert mod.get_names() == ('cell', 'module', 'property', 'staticmethod', 'builtin_function_or_method') def test_get_programname(self): mod = self.import_extension('foo', [ ('get_programname', 'METH_NOARGS', ''' char* name1 = Py_GetProgramName(); char* name2 = Py_GetProgramName(); if (name1 != name2) Py_RETURN_FALSE; return PyString_FromString(name1); ''' ), ]) p = mod.get_programname() print p assert 'py' in p @pytest.mark.skipif(only_pypy, reason='pypy only test') def test_get_version(self): mod = self.import_extension('foo', [ ('get_version', 'METH_NOARGS', ''' char* name1 = Py_GetVersion(); char* name2 = Py_GetVersion(); if (name1 != name2) Py_RETURN_FALSE; return PyString_FromString(name1); ''' ), ]) p = mod.get_version() print p assert 'PyPy' in p def test_no_double_imports(self): import sys, os try: init = """ static int _imported_already = 0; FILE *f = fopen("_imported_already", "w"); fprintf(f, "imported_already: %d\\n", _imported_already); fclose(f); _imported_already = 1; if (Py_IsInitialized()) { Py_InitModule("foo", NULL); } """ self.import_module(name='foo', init=init) assert 'foo' in sys.modules f = open('_imported_already') data = f.close() assert data == 'imported_already: 0\n' f = open('_imported_already', 'w') f.write('not again!\n') f.close() m1 = sys.modules['foo'] m2 = self.load_module(m1.__file__, name='foo') assert m1 is m2 assert m1 is sys.modules['foo'] f = open('_imported_already') data = f.close() assert data == 'not again!\n' finally: try: os.unlink('_imported_already') except OSError: pass def test_no_structmember(self): """structmember.h should not be included by default.""" mod = self.import_extension('foo', [ ('bar', 'METH_NOARGS', ''' /* reuse a name that is #defined in structmember.h */ int RO = 0; (void)RO; Py_RETURN_NONE; ''' ), ])