# R-overlay.conf # This is roverlay's main config file # # --- Required Configuration --- # this is the directory where per-repo package directories will be # created DISTFILES="~/roverlay/distfiles" # this is the directory of the overlay to be created/maintained OVERLAY_DIR="~/roverlay/overlay" # this is the directory where hard/symbolic links to all package files # will be created (during Manifest file creation) DISTDIR="~/roverlay/mirror" LOG_FILE="~/roverlay/log/roverlay.log" # directory for cache data CACHEDIR="~/roverlay/cache" # name of/path to the ebuild executable # optional, but required for importing hand-written ebuilds and # MANIFEST_IMPLEMENTATION=ebuild (see below) #EBUILD_PROG="/usr/bin/ebuild" # --- Logging Configuration (optional) --- # global log level, choices are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, WARNING, ERROR, # CRITICAL. #LOG_LEVEL="WARNING" #LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE="INFO" #LOG_LEVEL_FILE="ERROR" # this enables per-run log files #LOG_FILE_ROTATE="yes" # number of backup log files to keep # Defaults to "3". #LOG_FILE_ROTATE_COUNT="5" # file where unresolved dependency strings will be written to #LOG_FILE_UNRESOLVABLE="~/roverlay/log/dep_unresolvable.log" # --- Other Configuration Options --- # directory containing ebuilds and ebuild patches ADDITIONS_DIR="/etc/roverlay/files" # file for renaming USE_EXPAND flags #USE_EXPAND_RENAME="/etc/roverlay/files/use_expand.rename" # USE_EXPAND flag description file #USE_EXPAND_DESC="/etc/roverlay/files/use_expand.desc" # list of dependency rule files # using the default dependency rule files # Can be extended by appending other directories/files SIMPLE_RULES_FILE="/etc/roverlay/simple-deprules.d" # list of package rule files/dirs PACKAGE_RULES="/etc/roverlay/package_rules" # stats database file # Defaults to "" (disable persistent stats). STATS_DB="~/roverlay/cache/stats.db" # script that is run on certain events, e.g. overlay_success EVENT_HOOK="/usr/share/roverlay/hooks/mux.sh" # hook (shell) config file EVENT_HOOK_RC="/etc/roverlay/hookrc" # mask for running hooks # Note: # setting -user is highly recommended when running roverlay as root # Defaults to "*" (allow all). EVENT_HOOK_RESTRICT="-* db_written overlay_success user" # dictionary file for translating license strings LICENSE_MAP="/etc/roverlay/license.map" # Not required but ebuilds won't be functional without the eclass OVERLAY_ECLASS="/usr/share/roverlay/eclass/R-packages.eclass" # default category for created ebuilds # (usually overridden by package rules) # Defaults to "sci-R". #OVERLAY_CATEGORY="sci-R" # using the default repo list REPO_CONFIG="/etc/roverlay/repo.list" # using the default field definition file FIELD_DEFINITION="/etc/roverlay/description_fields.conf" # using the default distdir strategy # try hard links first, then fall back to symbolic ones DISTDIR_STRATEGY="hardlink symlink" # check integrity of distdir files on startup # usually not needed #DISTDIR_VERIFY="no" # distmap compression format (default, none, bz2, bzip2, gz, gzip, xz) # Defaults to "bzip2". #DISTMAP_COMPRESSION="bzip2" # distmap file # Defaults to "/distmap.db". #DISTMAP_FILE="" # try to read licenses from PORTDIR/licenses # Defaults to "yes". USE_PORTAGE_LICENSES="no" # file that lists all known licenses (one per line) # Defaults to "/licenses". LICENSES_FILE="/usr/share/roverlay/licenses" # create a licenses file after reading portage licenses # Defaults to "yes". CREATE_LICENSES_FILE="no" # forbid/allow syncing with remotes # Defaults to "no". #NOSYNC="yes" # EAPI of the created ebuilds # Defaults to "5". #EBUILD_EAPI="5" # Manifest file creation # Available choices are 'next' (internal, fast) # and 'ebuild' (using ebuild(1), slow, but failsafe). # *** 'ebuild' needs a valid EBUILD_PROG *** # Defaults to "next". #MANIFEST_IMPLEMENTATION="ebuild"