# Clustering template configuration file # Eric Thibodeau June 2008 # The following is to tell pkg_config that this files has been revised # Set it to "yes" once you're done CONFIG_OK="no" # PUBETH is the public-side ETH, which means dnsmasq won't listen on this # interfaces, any other interface will be taken in charge by dnsmasq. PUBETH="eth0" # CLUSTER_ETH defines the interface connected to the cluster's # _PRIVATE_ network. All relevant information is derived automatically # from this interface's configuration to create the proper address # mapping using net-misc/sipcalc. IMPORTANT: we assume the master # has an IP at the start and configure DHCP to assign IPs starting # at MASTERIP+1. # Here is an example using eth1: # CLUSTER_ETH="eth1" # You can also specify an IP/SUBNET as follows: # CLUSTER_ETH="" # CLUSTER_ETH="" CLUSTER_ETH="eth1" # Not sure we want this to be (auto)configurable since # we are building an isolated (true) Beowulf cluster # where the nodes aren't supposed to be accessible from # the outside. For the same reason, we don't set up # routing on the head server. LOCALDOMAINNAME="gentoo.local" # This is where the boot images and boot files are stored, # including pxelinux and kernel stuff. TFTPROOT="/tftproot" # This is the location of the pxelinux.0 file used for booting. # The file is provided by sys-boot/syslinux. PXELINUX="${TFTPROOT}/pxelinux.0" # This is where the NFS booted image resides, for practical reasons, # this is kept within TFTPROOT: NFSROOT="${TFTPROOT}/nfsroot/$(uname -m)" # We take care of exporting the NFSROOT filesystem Read Only but you # also typically need the user's $HOME to be exported as RW. # If you need to export more than 1 path, make a space speparated list: # RWEXPORTS="/home /otherpath /andagain" RWEXPORTS="/home " # You might also want some read only exports like /opt/matlab64 to # be accessible (same multiple path applies as above: #ROEXPORTS="/opt/matlab64 " ROEXPORTS="" # This option give you the flexibility of defining some specific options such # as asyc, sync, etc. Do NOT set the rw/ro options here, use the variables above. # Refer exportfs(8) for more details: NFSEPORTOPTS="no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check" # NFSMOUNTOPTS: same as above but for mounting ;) # Again, NO ro/rw NFSMOUNTOPTS="rsize=8192,wsize=8192,soft,intr,actimeo=120,timeo=14" # Set this to the default Number of Processors on your nodes # This is a temporary measure until a more robust detection/communication # method is put in place (dnsmasq DNSMASQ_USER_CLASS0 variables aren't always set). NODENP=1