#!/bin/bash # $Id$ isTrue() { case "$1" in [Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]) return 0 ;; [Tt]) return 0 ;; [Yy][Ee][Ss]) return 0 ;; [Yy]) return 0 ;; 1) return 0 ;; esac return 1 } setColorVars() { if isTrue ${USECOLOR} then GOOD=$'\e[32;01m' WARN=$'\e[33;01m' BAD=$'\e[31;01m' NORMAL=$'\e[0m' BOLD=$'\e[0;01m' UNDER=$'\e[4m' else GOOD='' WARN='' BAD='' NORMAL='' BOLD='' UNDER='' fi } setColorVars dump_debugcache() { TODEBUGCACHE=0 echo "${DEBUGCACHE}" >> ${LOGFILE} } # print_info(loglevel, print [, newline [, prefixline [, forcefile ] ] ]) print_info() { local NEWLINE=1 local FORCEFILE=0 local PREFIXLINE=1 local SCRPRINT=0 local STR='' # NOT ENOUGH ARGS if [ "$#" -lt '2' ] ; then return 1; fi # IF 3 OR MORE ARGS, CHECK IF WE WANT A NEWLINE AFTER PRINT if [ "$#" -gt '2' ] then if isTrue "$3" then NEWLINE='1'; else NEWLINE='0'; fi fi # IF 4 OR MORE ARGS, CHECK IF WE WANT TO PREFIX WITH A * if [ "$#" -gt '3' ] then if isTrue "$4" then PREFIXLINE='1' else PREFIXLINE='0' fi fi # IF 5 OR MORE ARGS, CHECK IF WE WANT TO FORCE OUTPUT TO DEBUG # FILE EVEN IF IT DOESN'T MEET THE MINIMUM DEBUG REQS if [ "$#" -gt '4' ] then if isTrue "$5" then FORCEFILE='1' else FORCEFILE='0' fi fi # PRINT TO SCREEN ONLY IF PASSED LOGLEVEL IS HIGHER THAN # OR EQUAL TO SET DEBUG LEVEL if [ "$1" -lt "${LOGLEVEL}" -o "$1" = "${LOGLEVEL}" ] then SCRPRINT='1' fi # RETURN IF NOT OUTPUTTING ANYWHERE if [ "${SCRPRINT}" != '1' -a "${FORCEFILE}" != '1' ] then return 0 fi # STRUCTURE DATA TO BE OUTPUT TO SCREEN, AND OUTPUT IT if [ "${SCRPRINT}" = '1' ] then if [ "${PREFIXLINE}" = '1' ] then STR="${GOOD}*${NORMAL} ${2}" else STR="${2}" fi if [ "${NEWLINE}" = '0' ] then echo -ne "${STR}" else echo "${STR}" fi fi # STRUCTURE DATA TO BE OUTPUT TO FILE, AND OUTPUT IT if [ "${SCRPRINT}" = '1' -o "${FORCEFILE}" = '1' ] then STRR=${2//${WARN}/} STRR=${STRR//${BAD}/} STRR=${STRR//${BOLD}/} STRR=${STRR//${NORMAL}/} if [ "${PREFIXLINE}" = '1' ] then STR="* ${STRR}" else STR="${STRR}" fi if [ "${NEWLINE}" = '0' ] then if [ "${TODEBUGCACHE}" = '1' ]; then DEBUGCACHE="${DEBUGCACHE}${STR}" else echo -ne "${STR}" >> ${LOGFILE} fi else if [ "${TODEBUGCACHE}" = '1' ]; then DEBUGCACHE="${DEBUGCACHE}${STR}"$'\n' else echo "${STR}" >> ${LOGFILE} fi fi fi return 0 } print_error() { GOOD=${BAD} print_info "$@" } print_warning() { GOOD=${WARN} print_info "$@" } # var_replace(var_name, var_value, string) # $1 = variable name # $2 = variable value # $3 = string var_replace() { # Escape '\' and '.' in $2 to make it safe to use # in the later sed expression local SAFE_VAR SAFE_VAR=`echo "${2}" | sed -e 's/\([\/\.]\)/\\\\\\1/g'` echo "${3}" | sed -e "s/%%${1}%%/${SAFE_VAR}/g" - } arch_replace() { var_replace "ARCH" "${ARCH}" "${1}" } cache_replace() { var_replace "CACHE" "${CACHE_DIR}" "${1}" } clear_log() { if [ -f "${LOGFILE}" ] then (echo > "${LOGFILE}") 2>/dev/null || small_die "Genkernel: Could not write to ${LOGFILE}." fi } gen_die() { dump_debugcache if [ "$#" -gt '0' ] then print_error 1 "ERROR: ${1}" fi print_error 1 '' print_error 1 "-- Grepping log... --" print_error 1 '' if isTrue ${USECOLOR} then GREP_COLOR='1' grep -B5 -E --colour=always "([Ww][Aa][Rr][Nn][Ii][Nn][Gg]|[Ee][Rr][Rr][Oo][Rr][ :,!]|[Ff][Aa][Ii][Ll][Ee]?[Dd]?)" ${LOGFILE} \ | sed -s "s|^\(*\)\?|${BAD}*${NORMAL}|" else grep -B5 -E "([Ww][Aa][Rr][Nn][Ii][Nn][Gg]|[Ee][Rr][Rr][Oo][Rr][ :,!]|[Ff][Aa][Ii][Ll][Ee]?[Dd]?)" ${LOGFILE} fi print_error 1 '' print_error 1 "-- End log... --" print_error 1 '' print_error 1 "Please consult ${LOGFILE} for more information and any" print_error 1 "errors that were reported above." print_error 1 '' print_error 1 "Report any genkernel bugs to bugs.gentoo.org and" print_error 1 "assign your bug to genkernel@gentoo.org. Please include" print_error 1 "as much information as you can in your bug report; attaching" print_error 1 "${LOGFILE} so that your issue can be dealt with effectively." print_error 1 '' print_error 1 'Please do *not* report compilation failures as genkernel bugs!' print_error 1 '' # Cleanup temp dirs and caches if requested cleanup exit 1 } isBootRO() { return $(awk '( $2 == "'${BOOTDIR}'" && $4 ~ /(^|,)ro(,|$)/){ I=1; exit }END{print !I }' /proc/mounts); } setup_cache_dir() { [ ! -d "${CACHE_DIR}" ] && mkdir -p "${CACHE_DIR}" if [ "${CLEAR_CACHE_DIR}" == 'yes' ] then print_info 1 "Clearing cache dir contents from ${CACHE_DIR}" while read i do print_info 1 " >> removing ${i}" rm "${i}" done < <(find "${CACHE_DIR}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.tar.*' -o -name '*.bz2') fi } clear_tmpdir() { if isTrue ${CMD_INSTALL} then TMPDIR_CONTENTS=`ls ${TMPDIR}` print_info 1 "Removing tmp dir contents" for i in ${TMPDIR_CONTENTS} do print_info 1 " >> removing ${i}" rm ${TMPDIR}/${i} done fi } # # Function to copy various kernel boot image products to the boot directory, # preserve a generation of old images (just like the manual kernel build's # "make install" does), and maintain the symlinks (if enabled). # # Arguments: # $1 Symlink name. Symlink on the boot directory. Path not included. # $2 Source image. Fully qualified path name of the source image. # $3 Dest image. Name of the destination image in the boot directory, # no path included. This script pushd's into ${BOOTDIR} in order to # create relative symlinks just like the manual kernel build. # # - JRG # copy_image_with_preserve() { local symlinkName=$1 local newSrceImage=$2 local fullDestName=$3 local currDestImage local prevDestImage local currDestImageExists=0 local prevDestImageExists=0 print_info 4 "Copying new ${symlinkName} image, " 0 # Old product might be a different version. If so, we need to read # the symlink to see what it's name is, if there are symlinks. cd ${KERNEL_OUTPUTDIR} if [ "${SYMLINK}" = '1' ] then print_info 4 "automatically managing symlinks and old images." 1 0 if [ -e "${BOOTDIR}/${symlinkName}" ] then # JRG: Do I need a special case here for when the standard symlink # name is, in fact, not a symlink? currDestImage=`readlink --no-newline ${BOOTDIR}/${symlinkName}` print_info 5 " Current ${symlinkName} symlink exists:" print_info 5 " ${currDestImage}" else currDestImage="${fullDestName}" print_info 5 " Current ${symlinkName} symlink did not exist." print_info 5 " Defaulted to: ${currDestImage}" fi if [ -e "${BOOTDIR}/${currDestImage}" ] then currDestImageExists=1 print_info 5 " Actual image file exists." fi if [ -e "${BOOTDIR}/${symlinkName}.old" ] then # JRG: Do I need a special case here for when the standard symlink # name is, in fact, not a symlink? prevDestImage=`readlink --no-newline ${BOOTDIR}/${symlinkName}.old` print_info 5 " Old ${symlinkName} symlink exists:" print_info 5 " ${prevDestImage}" else prevDestImage="${fullDestName}.old" print_info 5 " Old ${symlinkName} symlink did not exist." print_info 5 " Defaulted to: ${prevDestImage}" fi if [ -e "${BOOTDIR}/${prevDestImage}" ] then prevDestImageExists=1 print_info 5 " Actual old image file exists." fi else print_info 4 "symlinks not being handled by genkernel." 1 0 currDestImage="${fullDestName}" prevDestImage="${fullDestName}.old" fi # When symlinks are not being managed by genkernel, old symlinks might # still be useful. Leave 'em alone unless managed. if [ "${SYMLINK}" = '1' ] then print_info 5 " Deleting old symlinks, if any." rm -f "${BOOTDIR}/${symlinkName}" rm -f "${BOOTDIR}/${symlinkName}.old" fi # We only erase the .old image when it is the exact same version as the # current and new images. Different version .old (and current) images are # left behind. This is consistent with how "make install" of the manual # kernel build works. if [ "${currDestImage}" == "${fullDestName}" ] then # # Case for new and currrent of the same base version. # print_info 5 " Same base version. May have to delete old image to make room." if [ "${currDestImageExists}" = '1' ] then if [ -e "${BOOTDIR}/${currDestImage}.old" ] then print_info 5 " Deleting old identical version ${symlinkName}." rm -f "${BOOTDIR}/${currDestImage}.old" fi print_info 5 " Moving ${BOOTDIR}/${currDestImage}" print_info 5 " to ${BOOTDIR}/${currDestImage}.old" mv "${BOOTDIR}/${currDestImage}" "${BOOTDIR}/${currDestImage}.old" || gen_die "Could not rename the old ${symlinkName} image!" prevDestImage="${currDestImage}.old" prevDestImageExists=1 fi else # # Case for new / current not of the same base version. # print_info 5 " Different base version. Do not delete old images." prevDestImage="${currDestImage}" currDestImage="${fullDestName}" fi print_info 5 " Copying ${symlinkName}: ${newSrceImage}" print_info 5 " to ${BOOTDIR}/${currDestImage}" cp "${newSrceImage}" "${BOOTDIR}/${currDestImage}" || gen_die "Could not copy the ${symlinkName} image to ${BOOTDIR}!" if [ "${SYMLINK}" = '1' ] then print_info 5 " Make new symlink(s) (from ${BOOTDIR}):" print_info 5 " ${symlinkName} -> ${currDestImage}" pushd ${BOOTDIR} >/dev/null ln -s "${currDestImage}" "${symlinkName}" || gen_die "Could not create the ${symlinkName} symlink!" if [ "${prevDestImageExists}" = '1' ] then print_info 5 " ${symlinkName}.old -> ${prevDestImage}" ln -s "${prevDestImage}" "${symlinkName}.old" || gen_die "Could not create the ${symlinkName}.old symlink!" fi popd >/dev/null fi } # # Helper function to allow command line arguments to override configuration # file specified values and to apply defaults. # # Arguments: # $1 Argument type: # 1 Switch type arguments (e.g., --color / --no-color). # 2 Value type arguments (e.g., --debuglevel=5). # $2 Config file variable name. # $3 Command line variable name. # $4 Default. If both the config file variable and the command line # option are not present, then the config file variable is set to # this default value. Optional. # # The order of priority of these three sources (highest first) is: # Command line, which overrides # Config file (/etc/genkernel.conf), which overrides # Default. # # Arguments $2 and $3 are variable *names*, not *values*. This function uses # various forms of indirection to access the values. # # For switch type arguments, all forms of "True" are converted to a numeric 1 # and all forms of "False" (everything else, really) to a numeric 0. # # - JRG # set_config_with_override() { local VarType=$1 local CfgVar=$2 local OverrideVar=$3 local Default=$4 local Result # # Syntax check the function arguments. # case "$VarType" in BOOL|STRING) ;; *) gen_die "Illegal variable type \"$VarType\" passed to set_config_with_override()." ;; esac if [ -n "${!OverrideVar}" ] then Result=${!OverrideVar} if [ -n "${!CfgVar}" ] then print_info 5 " $CfgVar overridden on command line to \"$Result\"." else print_info 5 " $CfgVar set on command line to \"$Result\"." fi else if [ -n "${!CfgVar}" ] then Result=${!CfgVar} # we need to set the CMD_* according to configfile... eval ${OverrideVar}=\"${Result}\" print_info 5 " $CfgVar set in config file to \"${Result}\"." else if [ -n "$Default" ] then Result=${Default} # set OverrideVar to Result, otherwise CMD_* may not be initialized... eval ${OverrideVar}=\"${Result}\" print_info 5 " $CfgVar defaulted to \"${Result}\"." else print_info 5 " $CfgVar not set." fi fi fi if [ "${VarType}" = BOOL ] then if isTrue "${Result}" then Result=1 else Result=0 fi fi eval ${CfgVar}=\"${Result}\" } check_distfiles() { for i in $BUSYBOX_SRCTAR $MULTIPATH_SRCTAR $LVM_SRCTAR $DMRAID_SRCTAR $ISCSI_SRCTAR $GPG_SRCTAR do if [ ! -f "${i}" ] then small_die "Could not find source tarball ${i}. Please refetch." fi done } find_kernel_binary() { local kernel_binary=$* local curdir=$(pwd) cd "${KERNEL_OUTPUTDIR}" for i in ${kernel_binary} do if [ -e "${i}" ] then tmp_kernel_binary=$i break fi done # if [ -z "${tmp_kernel_binary}" ] # then # gen_die "Cannot locate kernel binary!" # fi cd "${curdir}" echo "${tmp_kernel_binary}" }