" Vim plugin " Purpose: Common functionality for gentoo-syntax plugins " Author: Ciaran McCreesh " Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 Ciaran McCreesh " Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself if &compatible || v:version < 603 || exists("g:loaded_gentoo_common") finish endif let g:loaded_gentoo_common=1 fun! GentooGetUser() let l:result = expand("\$ECHANGELOG_USER") if l:result ==# "\$ECHANGELOG_USER" let l:gitcfg = "git config " if executable("git") let l:email = trim(system(l:gitcfg . "user.email")) let l:name = trim(system(l:gitcfg . "user.name")) else let l:email = expand("$HOST") let l:name = expand("$USER") endif let l:result = l:name . " <" . l:email . ">" endif return l:result endfun fun! GentooHeader(...) " The shebang arg is optional let l:year = strftime("%Y") let l:copyright = '# Copyright ' . l:year . ' Gentoo Authors' " Only one arg allowed (shebang only) if a:0 == 1 0 put =a:1 " Insert shebang put =l:copyright else 0 put =l:copyright endif put ='# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2' $ endfun fun! GentooGetArch() if exists("g:gentooarch") && g:gentooarch != "" return g:gentooarch else let l:a = system("portageq envvar ACCEPT_KEYWORDS 2>/dev/null") let l:a = substitute(l:a, "[\\n~]", " ", "g") let l:a = substitute(l:a, "^\\s\\+", "", "") let l:a = substitute(l:a, "\\s.*", "", "") if l:a == "" let l:a = "amd64" endif let g:gentooarch = l:a return g:gentooarch endif endfun fun! GentooGetPythonTargets() if exists("g:gentoopythontargets") && g:gentoopythontargets != "" return g:gentoopythontargets else let l:pyexec_path = "/etc/python-exec/python-exec.conf" if filereadable(l:pyexec_path) let l:pys = readfile(l:pyexec_path)->filter("v:val =~ '^[^#-]'") \ ->sort() let l:impls = [] let l:py3s = [] for l:py in l:pys let l:m = l:py->matchstr("^python3.*")->matchstr("\\d*$") if !empty(l:m) eval l:py3s->add(l:m) else eval l:impls->add(l:py) endif endfor if len(l:py3s) ==# 1 eval l:impls->add("python3_".l:py3s->join()) elseif len(l:py3s) > 1 let l:min = "" let l:max = "" eval l:py3s->sort('N') for l:py in l:py3s if l:min ==# "" let l:min = l:py let l:max = l:py elseif l:py ==# l:max + 1 let l:max = l:py else let l:max = "" break endif endfor if l:max !=# "" eval l:impls->add("python3_{".l:min."..".l:max."}") else eval l:impls->add("python3_{".l:py3s->join(",")."}") endif endif let l:py3 = flatten(l:impls)->join() endif if empty(l:py3) let l:py3 = \ system("python -c 'import epython; print(epython.EPYTHON)'") \ ->substitute("\n", "", "g")->substitute("[.]", "_", "g") endif let g:gentoopythontargets = l:py3 return g:gentoopythontargets endif endfun " vim: set et foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 : "