.TH "GENTOOSTATS-CLI" "1" "Jan 2017" "" "Gentoostats" .SH "NAME" gentoostats\-cli \- Command\-line interface to request gentoostats statistics .SH "SYNOPSIS" .TP \fBgentoostats\-cli\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBlist\fR [\fIlist-options\fR] \ [\fBarch\fR | \fBpackage\fR | \fBlang\fR | \fBuse\fR | \fBmirror\fR | \ \fBfeature\fR | \fBrepo\fR] .TP \fBgentoostats\-cli\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBsearch\fR [\fIsearch-options\fR] .SH "DESCRIPTION" gentoostats\-cli is a command line utility for requesting various statistics from a gentoostats server. The results are presented in the JSON format. .SH "DEFAULT OPTIONS" .TP .B \-s, \-\-server Host name of the remote gentoostats server .TP .B \-p, \-\-port Port number of the remote gentoostats server .TP .B \-u, \-\-url URL of the remote gentoostats server .TP .B \-h, \-\-help Show the help information .SH "COMMANDS" .TP .B list The list command allows the following statistics to be queried: .RS .TP .B arch The host count statistics of ARCH keywords .TP .B package The statistics for the total number of package versions, packages, categories, hosts, and the most popular categories .TP .B lang The host count statistics for the LANG environment variable .TP .B use The total number of USE flags .TP .B mirror The host count statistics for Gentoo mirrors .TP .B feature The host count statistics for package manager features .TP .B repo The host count statistics for package repositories .RE .TP .B search The search command returns the host count statistics for package versions along with their repository information. The results can be further filtered using combinations of the search command options. .SH "OPTIONS for list command" .TP .B \-h, \-\-help Show the help information for the \fBlist\fR command .SH "OPTIONS for search command" .TP .B \-c, \-\-category Filter the results by category .TP .B \-p, \-\-package Filter the results by package name .TP .B \-v, \-\-version Filter the results by package version .TP .B \-, \-\-repo Filter the results by package repository .TP .B \-\-min_hosts Filter the results by the minimum number of hosts per package version .TP .B \-\-max_hosts Filter the results by the maximum number of hosts per package version .TP .B \-h, \-\-help Show the help message for the \fBsearch\fR command .SH "EXAMPLES" .TP The following are examples for the \fBlist\fR command: .RS .PP .B $ gentoostats\-cli list arch .nf Arch {'amd64': {'HOSTS': 4}, 'x86': {'HOSTS': 1}} .fi .PP .B $ gentoostats\-cli list package .nf Categories {'CPV_COUNT': 2244, 'CP_COUNT': 1904, 'C_COUNT': 100, 'HOST_COUNT': 5, 'TOP_C': [{'CAT': 'app-admin', 'HOST_COUNT': 5}, {'CAT': 'app-arch', 'HOST_COUNT': 5}, {'CAT': 'app-crypt', 'HOST_COUNT': 5}, {'CAT': 'app-editors', 'HOST_COUNT': 5}, {'CAT': 'app-emacs', 'HOST_COUNT': 5}]} .fi .RE .TP The following are examples for the \fBsearch\fR command: .RS .PP .B $ gentoostats\-cli search \-\-package gentoostats .nf Search results [{'CAT': 'app-portage', 'HOSTS': 5, 'PKG': 'gentoostats', 'REPO': 'gentoo', 'VER': '9999'}, {'CAT': 'www-apps', 'HOSTS': 2, 'PKG': 'gentoostats', 'REPO': 'gentoo', 'VER': '9999'}] .fi .PP .B $ gentoostats\-cli search \-\-c sys-apps \-\-p portage \-\-v 2.3.0 \-\-r gentoo \-\-min_hosts 4 .nf Search results [{'CAT': 'sys-apps', 'HOSTS': 5, 'PKG': 'portage', 'REPO': 'gentoo', 'VER': '2.3.0'}] .fi .RE .SH "BUGS" Please report bugs via https://bugs.gentoo.org/ .SH "AUTHOR" Göktürk Yüksek .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBgentoostats\-send\fR(1)