#!/bin/sh # kernel-check -- Kernel security information # Copyright 2009-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 TEXT=".*$@.*" GITPATH="./" KNOWNCOMMITS="" LASTFIXEDBRANCH="" WHITEBOARD="" GOOD=$'\e[32;01m' BAD=$'\e[31;01m' BRACKET=$'\e[34;01m' NORMAL=$'\e[0m' GITPATH="--git-dir=$GITPATH.git --work-tree=$GITPATH" BRANCHES="`git $GITPATH branch -a | grep linux` origin/master" for B in $BRANCHES ; do COMMITS="`git $GITPATH rev-list --pretty=oneline "$B" | grep "$TEXT" | cut -d " " -f 1`" for C in $COMMITS ; do if [ "${KNOWNCOMMITS/$C/}" == "$KNOWNCOMMITS" ] ; then TAG="`git $GITPATH describe --contains --all "$C"`" DESC="`git $GITPATH --no-pager log -1 --pretty=short "$C"`" DESC="`echo "$DESC" | tr -s "\n" `" DESC="${TAG/tags\//\n${GOOD}label${NORMAL} }\n${DESC}" DESC="${DESC/commit/${GOOD}commit${NORMAL}}" DESC="${DESC/Author:/${GOOD}author${NORMAL}}" DESC="${DESC/ /${GOOD}title${NORMAL} ${BRACKET}}${NORMAL}\n" echo -e "$DESC" VERSION="${TAG/tags\/v/}" VERSION="${VERSION/~*/}" VERSION="${VERSION/^*/}" if [ "$B" != "origin/master" ] ; then THISBRANCH="${B/remotes\/origin\/linux-/}" THISBRANCH="${THISBRANCH/.y/}" REVISION="${THISBRANCH/*./}" MAJORMINOR="${THISBRANCH/.${REVISION}/}" let REVISION=REVISION+1 NEXTBRANCH="${MAJORMINOR}.${REVISION}" fi if [ -z "$LASTFIXEDBRANCH" ] ; then WHITEBOARD="$WHITEBOARD [linux <${VERSION}]" else if [ "${LASTFIXEDBRANCH}" == "${VERSION/-rc*/}" ] ; then WHITEBOARD="${WHITEBOARD} ${BAD}[linux >= ${LASTFIXEDBRANCH} <${VERSION}]${NORMAL}" else WHITEBOARD="${WHITEBOARD} [linux >= ${LASTFIXEDBRANCH} <${VERSION}]" fi fi LASTFIXEDBRANCH=$NEXTBRANCH KNOWNCOMMITS="$KNOWNCOMMITS $C" fi done done echo -e "${GOOD}Whiteboard${NORMAL}\n${WHITEBOARD:1}\n"