#! /usr/bin/env python # guidexml -- guidexml class for python # Copyright 2009-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 import datetime import os import xml.etree.cElementTree MAXLENGTH = 80 LANGUAGES = ['en', 'de'] LICENSE = ''.join(['\n', '\n']) TAGTYPES = ['p', 'c', 'b', 'e', 'i', 'pre', 'path', 'uri', 'note', 'warn', 'impo', 'comment', 'sub', 'sup', 'keyword', 'ident', 'const', 'stmt', 'var'] #pre only in first body #

class Document(object):
    title      = str()
    abstract   = str()
    docversion = str()
    encoding   = str()
    doctype    = str()
    date       = str()
    version    = str()
    license    = str()
    link       = str()
    lang       = str()

    chapters   = list()
    authors    = list()

    def __init__(self, title, version, abstract, lang, link, docversion='1.0',
        encoding='UTF-8', doctype='/dtd/guide.dtd', date=None, license=None):

        if type(title) is not str:
            raise TypeError
        if type(abstract) is not str:
            raise TypeError
        if type(docversion) is not str:
            raise TypeError
        if type(encoding) is not str:
            raise TypeError
        if type(doctype) is not str:
            raise TypeError
        if type(version) is not str:
            raise TypeError
        if type(date) is not str and date is not None:
            raise TypeError
        if type(license) is not str and license is not None:
            raise TypeError
        if type(link) is not str:
            raise TypeError
        if type(lang) is not str:
            raise TypeError
        if lang not in LANGUAGES:
            raise ValueError

        self.title = title
        self.abstract = abstract
        self.docversion = docversion
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.doctype = doctype
        self.version = version
        self.link = link
        self.lang = lang

        if date is None:
            self.date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()[:10]
            self.date = date #TODO check YYYY-MM-DD

        if license is None:
            self.license = LICENSE
            self.license = license

    def addAuthor(self, title, name, email=None):
        self.authors.append(Author(title, name, email))

    def append(self, chapter):
        if type(chapter) is not Chapter:
            raise TypeError

    def create(self, path, filename):
        xmlfile = os.path.join(path, filename) #TODO

        output = list()
        if len(self.authors) == 0:
            raise ValueError

        output.append('\n' % (self.docversion, self.encoding))
        output.append('\n\n\n' % (self.doctype))
        output.append('\n%s\n\n' % (self.title))

        for item in self.authors:
            output.append('\n' % (item.title))
            if item.email is not None:
                output.append('  %s\n' % (item.email, item.name))
                output.append('  %s\n' % (item.name))

        output.append('\n\n\n%s\n' % (linebreak(self.abstract)))
        output.append('\n\n%s\n\n%s\n' % (self.license, self.version))
        output.append('%s\n\n' % (self.date))

        if len(self.chapters) > 0:
            for chapter in self.chapters:
                if len(chapter.sections) > 0:
                    for section in chapter.sections:
\n') output.append('\n') for tag in section.tags: if tag.tagtype in ['pre', 'p']: output.append('\n%s\n' % repr(tag)) else: output.append(repr(tag)) output.append('\n\n') output.append('
\n') output.append('
\n') output.append('
') print ''.join(output) #TODO def linebreak(text): if len(text) <= MAXLENGTH: return text linebreak = str() i = 0; while i < len(text): if i + MAXLENGTH < len(text): linebreak += ''.join([text[i:i + MAXLENGTH], '\n']) else: linebreak += text[i:i + MAXLENGTH] i += MAXLENGTH return linebreak class Author(object): title = str() name = str() email = str() def __init__(self, title, name, email=None): if type(title) is not str: raise TypeError if type(name) is not str: raise TypeError if type(email) is not str and email is not None: raise TypeError self.title = title self.name = name self.email = email class Chapter(object): title = None sections = list() def __init__(self, title): if type(title) is not str: raise TypeError self.title = title def append(self, section): if type(section) is not Section: raise TypeError else: self.sections.append(section) class Section(object): title = None bodys = list() def __init__(self, title): if type(title) is not str: raise TypeError self.title = title tags = list() def append(self, tag): if type(tag) is Tag: self.tags.append(tag) elif type(tag) is list: for item in tag: self.append(item) elif type(tag) is str: self.tags.append(Tag('text', tag)) else: raise TypeError class Tag(object): tagtype = str() text = str() def __init__(self, tagtype, text): if tagtype not in TAGTYPES: raise TypeError if type(text) is not str: raise TypeError self.tagtype = tagtype self.text = text def __repr__(self): if (len(self.tagtype) * 2 + 5 + len(self.text)) > MAXLENGTH: return '<%s>\n%s\n' % (self.tagtype, self.text, self.tagtype) else: return '<%s>%s' % (self.tagtype, self.text, self.tagtype) def preserve(text): return Tag('pre', text) def paragraph(text): return Tag('p', text) def warning(text): return Tag('warn', text) def important(text): return Tag('impo', text) def note(text): return Tag('note', text) def comment(text): return Tag('comment', text) def path(text): return Tag('path', text) def command(text): return Tag('c', text) def userinput(text): return Tag('i', text) def keyword(text): return Tag('keyword', text) def identifier(text): return Tag('ident', text) def constant(text): return Tag('const', text) def statement(text): return Tag('stmt', text) def variable(text): return Tag('var', text) def bold(text): return Tag('b', text) def emphasize(text): return Tag('e', text) def subscript(text): return Tag('sub', text) def superscript(text): return Tag('sup', text) def uri(text): return Tag('uri', text)