diff options
authorAaron W. Swenson <>2011-03-22 19:00:13 -0400
committerAaron W. Swenson <>2011-03-22 19:00:13 -0400
commit45ab1571e45b973ff224309859b7480859103bc5 (patch)
parentClarified steps as to how the patches are prepped. (diff)
Initial commit of Gentoo specific PostgreSQL documentation.
1 files changed, 895 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/postgresql.xml b/postgresql.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4423f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postgresql.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,895 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE guide SYSTEM "/dtd/guide.dtd">
+<!-- $Header$ -->
+<guide link="/doc/en/postgresql.xml" lang="en">
+<title>PostgreSQL Quick Start Guide</title>
+<author title="Author">
+ <mail link="">Aaron W. Swenson</mail>
+<author title="Editor">
+ <mail link="">Mikkel A. Clausen</mail>
+This is a quick start guide to PostgreSQL. It covers emerging PostgreSQL and
+configuring it. This is complementary to the official documentation, but does
+not supplant it.
+<!-- The content of this document is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license -->
+<!-- See -->
+<title>A Little Bit About PostgreSQL</title>
+<uri link="">PostgreSQL</uri> is a free and open
+source relational database management system (RDBMS). It supports such things
+as transactions, schemata and foreign keys, and is often touted to more
+strictly adhere to the SQL standards and to be more secure, by default, than
+any other database, commercial or otherwise.
+<title>What This Article Will Cover</title>
+This article will guide you through the Gentoo specific steps to install the
+PostgreSQL RDBMS.
+The Ebuilds covered by this article are <uri
+and <uri
+This article assumes that you will be installing the latest, stable version of
+PostgreSQL; at the time of this writing, the version was 9.0.3. Adjust the
+commands in this article as necessary for your specific version.
+The 7.4 and 8.0 branch of PostgreSQL had their support dropped in October of
+2010. The 8.1 branch had its support dropped in November of 2010. If you have
+not done so already, you should start <uri link="#migrating">migrating</uri>
+to a more recent version of PostgreSQL.
+The 8.2 branch will have its support dropped in December of 2011. Start
+planning your migration now.
+<title>About the Ebuilds</title>
+The Ebuilds in Portage feature slotting matching the major version. This
+allows you to have two major versions of PostgreSQL operating simultaneously;
+8.4 and 9.0 can serve at the same time. This is useful in such circumstances
+where you need to move data from an older database to a new database, or need
+to have a production and a testing database on the same machine. Also, this
+prevents a database, corresponding libraries or executables from being
+overwritten by an incompatible update.
+Additionally, bug and security fixes, which are delivered via minor version
+updates, can be applied without fear of corrupting data; 9.0.2 can be updated
+to 9.0.3 as they are guaranteed to be compatible and require no more
+interaction from you than to emerge it and restart the server process &mdash;
+no migration, reconfiguration or initialization are necessary.
+Read the <uri link="">PostgreSQL
+Versioning Policy</uri> for more information.
+<title>What this Article Will Not Cover</title>
+There is quite a bit that cannot be covered. The <uri
+link="">official documentation</uri> is
+somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,000 pages. A lot of details will be left
+out. Only Gentoo specific issues will be covered and some basic configuration
+<title>The Obsolete Ebuilds</title>
+The obsolete Ebuilds are: dev-db/postgresql-libs, dev-db/postgresql-client,
+dev-db/libpq and dev-db/postgresql. The new Ebuilds are incompatible with the
+old Ebuilds. Entirely, completely, disastrously.
+This article does cover <uri link="#migrating">migrating</uri> from an old
+database to a new one. Including the steps needed for migrating from the old
+Ebuilds to the new ones.
+<title>USE Flags</title>
+ <tr>
+ <th>USE Flag</th>
+ <th>Meaning</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>doc</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Include the documentation. The documentation is the same as can
+ be found <uri link="">on
+ line</uri>.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>kerberos</ti>
+ <ti>Support for utilizing Kerberos for authentication.</ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>ldap</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Support for utilizing LDAP authentication and connection parameter
+ lookup.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>nls</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Enable the ability to display messages in a language other than
+ English. Used in conjunction with the Portage variable LINGUAS.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>pam</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Support for utilizing Pluggable Authentication Module for
+ authentication.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>perl</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Enable support for using Perl to write functions and trigger procedures.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>pg-intdatetime (Deprecated)</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Use the newer method for formatting time stamps. Unless you had a
+ previous installation that utilized the deprecated method, leave this
+ enabled.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>pg_legacytimestamp</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Use the older method for formatting time stamps. Unless you had a
+ previous installation that utilized the deprecated method, leave this
+ disabled.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>python</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Enable support for using Python to write functions and trigger
+ procedures.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>readline</ti>
+ <ti>
+ You really want this enabled. Disabling removes command line editing and
+ history in psql.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>selinux</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Install respective SELinux policy. This can only be enabled by using the
+ SELinux profile.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>ssl</ti>
+ <ti>Enable support for SSL connections.</ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>tcl</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Enable support for using Tcl to write functions and trigger procedures.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>threads</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Make the client libraries thread-safe. The rest of your system must be
+ thread-safe as well.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>uuid</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Include support to generate a 128 bit random unique identifier. This is
+ useful for merging databases together as the chances of collision are
+ extremely low.
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>xml</ti>
+ <ti>Enable SQL/XML support.</ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>zlib</ti>
+ <ti>Support for compressed archives in pg_dump and pg_restore.</ti>
+ </tr>
+<title>Start Emerging</title>
+<pre caption="Emerging PostgreSQL server">
+# <i>emerge -av dev-db/postgresql-server</i>
+[ebuild N ] dev-db/postgresql-docs-9.0.3 0 kB
+[ebuild N ]dev-db/postgresql-base-9.0.3 USE="doc nls pam readline ssl zlib
+-kerberos -ldap -pg_legacytimestamp -threads" LINGUAS="-af -cs -de -es -fa -fr
+-hr -hu -it -ko -nb -pl -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sv -tr -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB
+[ebuild N ] dev-db/postgresql-server-9.0.3 USE="doc nls perl python
+-pg_legacytimestamp (-selinux) -tcl -uuid -xml" LINGUAS="-af -cs -de -es -fa -fr
+-hr -hu -it -ko -nb -pl -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sv -tr -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB
+You may receive a notice regarding that any of the above packages are blocked
+by any or all of the following packages: dev-db/postgresql-libs,
+dev-db/postgresql-client, dev-db/libpq or dev-db/postgresql. These packages
+are <b>not maintained</b> and are <b>ancient</b>. Refer to the section on <uri
+link="#migrating">migration</uri> for how to handle this situation.
+<title>Preparing to Initialize the Database Cluster</title>
+Once the packages have finished emerging, you may want to edit
+<path>/etc/conf.d/postgresql-9.0</path>. There are three lines that effect the
+defaults of the server and <b>cannot</b> be changed later without deleting the
+directory that contains the database cluster and reinitializing.
+The ebuilds are Prefix compatible, so adjust the paths as necessary
+for your set up.
+<e>PGDATA</e> defines where to place the configuration files. <e>DATA_DIR</e>
+defines where to create the database cluster and related
+files. <e>PG_INITDB_OPTS</e> may contain any <uri
+options</uri> you would care to set. The extra options are <b>not</b> required
+as the reasonable defaults are, ahem, reasonable.
+In the following example, <e>PGDATA</e> states that the configuration
+files are to be located in
+<path>/etc/postgresql-9.0/</path>. <e>DATA_DIR</e> states that the
+database cluster should be installed to
+<path>/var/lib/postgresql/9.0/data/</path>, which is the default. If
+you decide to stray from the default, bear in mind that it is a
+<b>very good idea</b> to keep the major version in the
+path. <e>PG_INITDB_OPTS</e> states that the default locale should be
+<e>en_US.UTF-8</e>. That is, U.S. English ordering and formatting, and
+UTF-8 character encoding.
+<pre caption="Example contents of /etc/conf.d/postgresql-8.4">
+<comment># Location of configuration files</comment>
+<comment># Where the data directory is located/to be created</comment>
+<comment># Additional options to pass to initdb.
+# See 'man initdb' for available options.
+This only determines the default locale and character encoding. You
+can specify different locales and/or character encodings at database
+creation time (<c>CREATE DATABASE</c>) in the same database cluster.
+There are six locale options that can be set to override <e>--locale=</e>. The
+following table lists the six options that, if used, are to be formatted as:
+ <tr>
+ <th>Option</th>
+ <th>Effects</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>lc-collate</ti>
+ <ti>String sort order</ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>lc-ctype</ti>
+ <ti>
+ Character classification (What is a letter? Its upper-case equivalent?)
+ </ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>lc-messages</ti>
+ <ti>Language of messages</ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>lc-monetary</ti>
+ <ti>Formatting of currency amounts</ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>lc-numeric</ti>
+ <ti>Formatting of numbers</ti>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <ti>lc-time</ti>
+ <ti>Formatting of dates and times</ti>
+ </tr>
+So, if you would like the default to be English, but you want messages in,
+say, Swedish, then your <e>PG_INITDB_OPTS</e> would look like so:
+<pre caption="Example">
+PG_INITDB_OPTS="--locale=en_US.UTF-8 --lc-messages=sv_SE.UTF-8"
+A complete list of language and character encodings supported by the server
+can be found in the documentation, but your system must also support the
+respective languages and character encodings. Compare the output of <c>locale
+-a</c> to the <uri
+in the documentation.
+You can change your locale and encoding selections at database
+creation time (<uri
+DATABASE</c></uri>). In order to change the locale for a database
+after you have created it, you must drop the database and start over again.
+To finish the installation:
+<pre caption="Finalize the installation">
+# <i>emerge --config =dev-db/postgresql-server:9.0</i>
+This will create the database cluster and store all the related server files
+into <e>DATA_DIR</e>.
+<title>Where the Configuration Files are Located</title>
+This time the focus is upon the files in the <e>PGDATA</e> directory
+<path>/etc/postgresql-9.0/</path> instead. Primarily, the
+<path>postgresql.conf</path> and <path>pg_hba.conf</path> files.
+This is the main configuration file. The line that you may find of immediate
+interest is <e>listen_addresses</e>. This variable defines to which addresses
+PostgreSQL will bind. By default, only loopback devices and Unix sockets are
+bound; localhost and <path>/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432</path>. Changing
+<e>listen_addresses</e> is not enough, though, to enable remote
+connections. There is another file that actually controls the connections,
+which is covered in the next subsection. The <uri
+documentation</uri> is fairly easy to understand and is exhaustive on all the
+settings available. It would behoove you to read that rather than it be
+covered here as some things may change, and this author would not be able to
+clarify it any further.
+<title>Error Reporting and Logging</title>
+Of secondary interest is the logging destination. By default, everything is
+logged to <path>postmaster.log</path> in the <e>DATA_DIR</e> directory. There
+is an entire subsection of <path>postgresql.conf</path> that covers a slew of
+options for how and where to log. The section is marked: ERROR REPORTING AND
+Other than <e>listen_addresses</e> and the logging options, the rest of the
+defaults in <path>postgresql.conf</path> are reasonable enough to get you
+<title>Controlling Access</title>
+The <path>pg_hba.conf</path> file states who is allowed to and in which way
+they may connect to the database. Again, the documentation is quite exhaustive
+on the settings and what they all mean, but a few things are covered here for
+<pre caption="Default pg_hba.conf">
+# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only</comment>
+local all all trust
+<comment># IPv4 local connections:</comment>
+host all all trust
+<comment># IPv6 local connections:</comment>
+host all all ::1/128 trust
+As has been mentioned before, by default the server is secure. Kind of. There
+is only one database role that is available for log in by default,
+<e>postgres</e>, and the only way to initiate a connection to the database is
+through the <path>/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432</path> Unix socket, which
+is owned by the <e>postgres</e> system user and system group, or via
+localhost. Now for the "kind of" bit: Any user on the system can make a
+connection to the database through the localhost. Even as the <e>postgres</e>
+database superuser.
+To make a connection through the Unix socket, however, the users &mdash;
+including the users for other services such as <e>apache</e> &mdash; must be
+in the <e>postgres</e> system group. Use <c>usermod -a -G postgres
+<e>user</e></c> to add <e>user</e> to the <e>postgres</e> group. Users not in
+the <e>postgres</e> group will be rejected with: Permission denied.
+Never disable the Unix socket entirely. The initscripts require access to it
+in order to operate properly. The method can be changed without consequence.
+The <e>trust</e> method is what allows any user to log on as any user without
+a password. It specifies just what it implies: Trust all connections for the
+given type to the given database from the given database user, not the system
+user, from the given location without a password. This is what allows any user
+on the system to log on as any user through the localhost connection from the
+get go. This is not as dangerous as it seems, but does pose a serious security
+risk in most circumstances.
+The two methods you will most likely use are: <e>password</e> and
+<e>md5</e>. The password method only specifies that a password is required to
+start the connection and the password is sent "in-the-clear". This method is
+fine when such information will never leave the machine, such as connecting
+via the Unix socket or localhost. The md5 method is like password, but
+requires the password to be encrypted using an md5 hash. This is what you
+want to use whenever the password is going to traverse a network.
+At this point, this author would like to bring your attention to the last two
+lines, four lines including comments, of the <path>pg_hba.conf</path>
+file. PostgreSQL has native support for IPv6 regardless of your desires for
+such support. Additionally, IPv4 addresses are automatically mapped to IPv6
+addresses, <e>id est</e>, will be mapped to ::FFFF: and as
+"pure" IPv6 ::FFFF:7F00:0001.
+There seems to be some misunderstanding, though, as to how host names are
+mapped to IP addresses. Let us take a look at the <path>/etc/hosts</path>
+<pre caption="Example /etc/hosts">
+<comment># IPv4 and IPv6 localhost aliases</comment>
+ localhost
+::1 localhost
+From the example above you can see that both an IPv4 and an IPv6 IP address
+are mapped to localhost. When <c>psql</c> refers to this file, it will grab
+the first match and use that as the address; in this case When
+PostgreSQL parses this, it will match the IPv6 formatted address as well,
+e.g. ::ffff: If, however, the IPv6 address appears first, then
+<c>psql</c> will map to ::1 alone; ::1 is not the same as ::ffff: As
+such, if you do not have ::1 as a permitted means of access, <c>psql</c> will
+not be able to establish a connection. Furthermore, your kernel needs to
+support the IPv6 protocol.
+So, it is better to specify IP addresses alone to <c>psql</c> and in
+<path>pg_hba.conf</path> rather than to rely on <path>/etc/hosts</path> to be
+ordered properly, and it removes any doubt as to which IP addresses are
+allowed or to which server you will connect.
+<title>Starting the Server</title>
+<title>Give It a Go!</title>
+Now start PostgreSQL and set the password for the database superuser
+<e>postgres</e>. The commands are to be performed as 'root' in the following
+code listing:
+<pre caption="Starting the Server">
+<comment>(Change 'trust' to 'password' for the localhost connections.)</comment>
+# <i>nano -w /etc/postgresql-9.0/pg_hba.conf</i>
+# <i>/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.0 start</i>
+postgresql-9.0 | * Starting PostgreSQL ... [ ok ]
+<comment>(Open a connection to the server and set the password.)</comment>
+# <i>psql -U postgres</i>
+psql (9.0.3)
+Type "help" for help.
+postgres=# <i>\password</i>
+Enter new password:
+Enter it again:
+postgres=# <i>\q</i>
+<comment>(Change 'trust' to 'password' for the local connection.)</comment>
+# <i>nano -w /etc/postgresql-9.0/pg_hba.conf</i>
+# <i>/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.0 reload</i>
+postgresql-9.0 | * Reloading PostgreSQL configuration ... [ ok ]
+# <i>rc-update add postgresql-9.0 default</i>
+ * service postgresql-9.0 added to runlevel default
+At this point you are ready to continue on with the official <uri
+Tutorial</uri>. The tutorial will guide you through creating roles,
+databases, schemata and all that fun and useful stuff.
+<chapter id="migrating">
+<title>Migrating from an Older Version of PostgreSQL</title>
+<title>When You Need to Migrate</title>
+You only need to perform a migration when moving from one major version to
+another, <e>exempli gratia</e>, from PostgreSQL 8.4.7 to 9.0.3, but not from
+9.0.2 to 9.0.3.
+You will need to migrate your database when you move from the obsolete Ebuilds
+&mdash; dev-db/libpq, dev-db/postgresql, dev-db/postgresql-libs, and
+dev-db/postgresql-client &mdash; to the new Ebuilds &mdash;
+dev-db/postgresql-docs, dev-db/postgresql-base and dev-db/postgresql-server.
+<section id="Post90">
+<title>Post-9.0 Migration</title>
+<e>pg_upgrade</e>, a new utility that comes along with 9.0 and later,
+simplifies the migration process rather drastically.
+However, there are two caveats with using pg_upgrade. Firstly, it does not
+support configuration files being in a different directory than where the
+data is stored. This is resolved by using a symbolic link. Lastly, you can
+only use it to migrate from a database from 8.3 or newer. If you have an
+older database you will need to follow the "Pre-9.0 Migration" instructions.
+<pre caption="Migrating with pg_upgrade">
+<comment>Stop the servers you're going to migrate from and to.</comment>
+# <i>/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 stop</i>
+# <i>/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.0 stop</i>
+# <i>ln -s /etc/postgresql-8.4/*.conf /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/data/</i>
+# <i>ln -s /etc/postgresql-9.0/*.conf /var/lib/postgresql/9.0/data/</i>
+<comment>Change the method of 'postgres' to trust on local connections</comment>
+# <i>nano -w /etc/postgresql-8.4/pg_hba.conf</i>
+# <i>nano -w /etc/postgresql-9.0/pg_hba.conf</i>
+# <i>pg_upgrade -u postgres -d /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/data \
+ -D /var/lib/postgresql/9.0 -b /usr/lib/postgresql-8.4/bin \
+ -B /usr/lib/postgresql-9.0/bin</i>
+<comment>Perform the tasks pg_upgrade tells you to.</comment>
+# <i>rm /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/data/*.conf</i>
+# <i>rm /var/lib/postgresql/9.0/data/*.conf</i>
+# <i>/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.0 start</i>
+<title>Pre-9.0 Migration: With the New Ebuilds</title>
+Because the new Ebuilds feature a more advanced slotting method than the
+previous ones, the downtime is quite minimal. Most likely minutes rather than
+In the following examples, it is assumed that you've stuck with the default
+locations and port settings, and that you are migrating from 8.3 to
+8.4. Adjust accordingly if you have deviated from the default.
+If you have not already done so, follow the <uri
+link="#doc_chap1">installation instructions</uri> before starting the
+migration. Such a compile may hamper performance on the database server, but
+it can keep going.
+A couple files need to be tweaked before beginning the migration. Edit
+<e>PGPORT</e> in the <path>/etc/conf.d/postgresql-8.4</path> configuration
+file to 6543. (Any port number other than what your old installation is bound
+to will do.)
+Then edit <path>/etc/postgresql-8.3/pg_hba.conf</path> so that only the
+database superuser <e>postgres</e> can access the database cluster via the
+Unix socket.
+<pre caption="Migrate with the New Ebuilds">
+# <i>cp -p /etc/postgresql-8.3/pg_hba.conf /etc/postgresql-8.4/</i>
+<comment>(The following should be safe. Read the documentation to be sure.)</comment>
+# <i> cp -p /etc/postgresql-8.3/postgresql.conf /etc/postgresql-8.4/</i>
+(Don't forget to copy over any other configuration files that you may need.)
+# <i>/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 reload</i>
+# <i>/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start</i>
+<comment>(Begin piping the data from the old cluster to the new cluster.)</comment>
+# <i>pg_dumpall -U postgres -p 5432 | psql -U postgres -d postgres -p 6543</i>
+# <i>/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 stop</i>
+# <i>/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 stop</i>
+<comment>(Edit PGPORT back to 5432.)</comment>
+# <i>nano -w /etc/conf.d/postgresql-8.4</i>
+<comment>(Allow users access once more.)</comment>
+# <i>nano -w /etc/postgresql-8.4/pg_hba.conf</i>
+# <i>/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start</i>
+# <i>rc-update del postgresql-8.3 &amp;&amp; rc-update add postgresql-8.4 default</i>
+Hopefully everything went according to plan and you have a successfully
+updated server that contains precisely the same data, bit for bit, as the old
+<title>Pre-9.0 Migration: From the Obsolete Ebuilds</title>
+You will need to schedule some downtime for your server. The old Ebuilds
+<b>cannot</b> be installed at the same time as the new Ebuilds. As such,
+assume that the server will have to be down for a few hours. Maybe for the
+weekend, even.
+Before starting, you will need to deny access to the server, so that no
+changes are made. You may also want to backup your
+<path>postgresql.conf</path> and <path>pg_hba.conf</path> and any other
+configuration file that you deem important.
+<pre caption="Steps to Migrate from the Obsolete Ebuilds">
+# <i>pg_dumpall -U postgres > backup_file</i>
+# <i>/etc/init.d/postgresql stop</i>
+# <i>emerge -C dev-db/postgresql dev-db/libpq dev-db/postgresql-client \
+ dev-db/postgresql-client</i>
+(Follow the steps detailed in this article for installing and configuring the
+# <i>/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start</i>
+# <i>psql -f backup_file postgres</i>
+You may break some packages that were built against those ancient packages,
+but once you have installed dev-db/postgresql-base and/or
+dev-db/postgresql-server you can run <c>revdep-rebuild</c> to reemerge any
+packages that may have been broken.
+<title>pgAdmin III</title>
+<uri link=""> pgAdmin III</uri> is a graphical utility
+for managing PostgreSQL.
+# <i>emerge -av pgadmin3</i>
+<title>Server Lacks Instrumentation Functions</title>
+This problem is easy to solve. What is difficult about it is finding the
+answer. What is required is an import from a file that already exists on the
+storage drive: <path>adminpack.sql</path>. To resolve this issue, run this
+<pre caption="Command to Add Instrumentation Functions">
+# <i>psql -U postgres --file /usr/share/postgresql-8.4/contrib/adminpack.sql</i>
+<title>Thread Safety Test Program Failed</title>
+If you get an error upon emerging dev-db/postgresql-base that reads as
+<pre caption="Thread Test Program Failed Error Message">
+# <i>emerge dev-db/postgresql-base</i>
+. . .
+configure: error: thread test program failed
+This platform is not thread-safe. Check the file 'config.log' for the
+exact reason.
+You can use the configure option --enable-thread-safety-force to force
+threads to be enabled. But you must then run the program in
+src/test/thread and add locking function calls to your applications to
+guarantee thread safety.
+The solution, in most cases, is to update Sandbox to a version greater than or
+equal to 2.0.
+<pre caption="Emerge Newer Sandbox">
+# <i>echo '>=sys-apps/sandbox-2.0' >> /etc/portage/package.keywords</i>
+# <i>emerge -av '>=sys-apps/sandbox-2.0'</i>
+# <i>emerge -av dev-db/postgresql-base</i>