Given /^a question "([^\"]*)"$/ do |title| @question = Question.find_by_title(title) if @question.nil? @question = Question.create!( :title => title) end if @question.content.nil? QuestionContentText.create! :question => @question, :content => "fake" @question.reload end end Given /^a question "([^\"]*)" in category "([^\"]*)"$/ do |title, category| Given "a question \"#{title}\"" Given "a question category \"#{category}\"" @question.question_category = @question_category! end Given /^a question "([^\"]*)" in group "([^\"]*)"$/ do |title, group| Given "a question \"#{title}\"" Given "question group \"#{group}\"" @question.question_group = @question_group! end Given /^following questions:$/ do |table| for question in table.raw if question.size == 1 Given "a question \"#{question[0]}\"" elsif question.size == 2 Given "a question \"#{question[0]}\" in category \"#{question[1]}\"" elsif question.size == 3 Given "a question \"#{question[0]}\" in category \"#{question[1]}\"" Given "a question \"#{question[0]}\" in group \"#{question[2]}\"" else fail "Each row of table should have one or two columns" end end end Then /^I should see following:$/ do |table| for txt in table.raw.flatten Then "I should see \"#{txt}\"" end end Then /^I should not see following:$/ do |table| for txt in table.raw.flatten Then "I should not see \"#{txt}\"" end end Given /^question "([^"]*)" has no content$/ do |title| Given "a question \"#{title}\"" @question.content._?.destroy end