# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 inherit linux-info multilib pam toolchain-funcs PATCH_VER="7" DESCRIPTION="Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)" HOMEPAGE="https://ppp.samba.org/" SRC_URI="https://download.samba.org/pub/ppp/${P}.tar.gz https://dev.gentoo.org/~polynomial-c/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.xz http://www.netservers.net.uk/gpl/ppp-dhcpc.tgz" LICENSE="BSD GPL-2" SLOT="0/${PV}" KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm ~arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh sparc x86" IUSE="activefilter atm dhcp eap-tls gtk ipv6 libressl pam radius" DEPEND=" activefilter? ( net-libs/libpcap ) atm? ( net-dialup/linux-atm ) pam? ( virtual/pam ) gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:2 ) !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= ) libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= ) " RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" PDEPEND="net-dialup/ppp-scripts" src_prepare() { mv "${WORKDIR}/dhcp" "${S}/pppd/plugins" || die if ! use eap-tls ; then rm "${WORKDIR}"/patch/8?_all_eaptls-* || die fi eapply "${WORKDIR}"/patch if use atm ; then einfo "Enabling PPPoATM support" sed -i '/^#HAVE_LIBATM=yes/s:#::' \ pppd/plugins/pppoatm/Makefile.linux || die fi if ! use activefilter ; then einfo "Disabling active filter" sed -i '/^FILTER=y/s:^:#:' pppd/Makefile.linux || die fi if use pam ; then einfo "Enabling PAM" sed -i '/^#USE_PAM=y/s:^#::' pppd/Makefile.linux || die fi if use ipv6 ; then einfo "Enabling IPv6" sed -i '/#HAVE_INET6/s:#::' pppd/Makefile.linux || die echo "+ipv6" >> etc.ppp/options || die fi einfo "Enabling CBCP" sed -i '/^#CBCP=y/s:#::' pppd/Makefile.linux || die if use dhcp ; then einfo "Adding ppp-dhcp plugin files" sed \ -e '/^SUBDIRS :=/s:$: dhcp:' \ -i pppd/plugins/Makefile.linux || die fi # Set correct libdir sed -i -e "s:/lib/pppd:/$(get_libdir)/pppd:" \ pppd/{pathnames.h,pppd.8} || die if use radius ; then #set the right paths in radiusclient.conf sed -e "s:/usr/local/etc:/etc:" \ -e "s:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:" \ -i pppd/plugins/radius/etc/radiusclient.conf || die #set config dir to /etc/ppp/radius sed -i -e "s:/etc/radiusclient:/etc/ppp/radius:g" \ pppd/plugins/radius/{*.8,*.c,*.h} \ pppd/plugins/radius/etc/* || die else einfo "Disabling radius" sed -i -e '/+= radius/s:^:#:' pppd/plugins/Makefile.linux || die fi # Respect our pkg-config settings. sed -i \ -e 's:pkg-config:$(PKG_CONFIG):' \ contrib/pppgetpass/Makefile.linux || die sed -i \ -e '/^LIBS/{s:-L/usr/local/ssl/lib::;s:-lcrypto:`$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs libcrypto`:}' \ pppd/Makefile.linux || die eapply_user #549588 } src_compile() { tc-export AR CC PKG_CONFIG emake COPTS="${CFLAGS} -D_GNU_SOURCE" # build pppgetpass cd contrib/pppgetpass || die if use gtk ; then emake -f Makefile.linux else emake pppgetpass.vt fi } src_install() { local i for i in chat pppd pppdump pppstats ; do doman ${i}/${i}.8 dosbin ${i}/${i} done fperms u+s-w /usr/sbin/pppd # Install pppd header files emake -C pppd INSTROOT="${D}" install-devel dosbin pppd/plugins/rp-pppoe/pppoe-discovery dodir /etc/ppp/peers insinto /etc/ppp insopts -m0600 newins etc.ppp/pap-secrets pap-secrets.example newins etc.ppp/chap-secrets chap-secrets.example insopts -m0644 doins etc.ppp/options pamd_mimic_system ppp auth account session local PLUGINS_DIR="/usr/$(get_libdir)/pppd/${PV}" # closing " for syntax coloring insinto "${PLUGINS_DIR}" insopts -m0755 doins pppd/plugins/minconn.so doins pppd/plugins/passprompt.so doins pppd/plugins/passwordfd.so doins pppd/plugins/winbind.so doins pppd/plugins/rp-pppoe/rp-pppoe.so doins pppd/plugins/pppol2tp/openl2tp.so doins pppd/plugins/pppol2tp/pppol2tp.so if use atm ; then doins pppd/plugins/pppoatm/pppoatm.so fi if use dhcp ; then doins pppd/plugins/dhcp/dhcpc.so fi if use radius ; then doins pppd/plugins/radius/rad{ius,attr,realms}.so #Copy radiusclient configuration files (#92878) insinto /etc/ppp/radius insopts -m0644 doins pppd/plugins/radius/etc/{dictionary*,issue,port-id-map,radiusclient.conf,realms,servers} doman pppd/plugins/radius/pppd-rad{ius,attr}.8 fi insinto /etc/modprobe.d insopts -m0644 newins "${FILESDIR}/modules.ppp" ppp.conf dodoc PLUGINS README* SETUP Changes-2.3 FAQ dodoc "${FILESDIR}/README.mpls" dosbin scripts/p{on,off,log} doman scripts/pon.1 # Adding misc. specialized scripts to doc dir insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/scripts/chatchat doins scripts/chatchat/* insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/scripts doins scripts/* if use gtk ; then dosbin contrib/pppgetpass/{pppgetpass.vt,pppgetpass.gtk} newsbin contrib/pppgetpass/pppgetpass.sh pppgetpass else newsbin contrib/pppgetpass/pppgetpass.vt pppgetpass fi doman contrib/pppgetpass/pppgetpass.8 } pkg_postinst() { if linux-info_get_any_version && linux_config_src_exists ; then echo ewarn "If the following test report contains a missing kernel configuration option that you need," ewarn "you should reconfigure and rebuild your kernel before running pppd." CONFIG_CHECK="~PPP ~PPP_ASYNC ~PPP_SYNC_TTY" local ERROR_PPP="CONFIG_PPP:\t missing PPP support (REQUIRED)" local ERROR_PPP_ASYNC="CONFIG_PPP_ASYNC:\t missing asynchronous serial line discipline (optional, but highly recommended)" local WARNING_PPP_SYNC_TTY="CONFIG_PPP_SYNC_TTY:\t missing synchronous serial line discipline (optional; used by 'sync' pppd option)" if use activefilter ; then CONFIG_CHECK="${CONFIG_CHECK} ~PPP_FILTER" local ERROR_PPP_FILTER="CONFIG_PPP_FILTER:\t missing PPP filtering support (REQUIRED)" fi CONFIG_CHECK="${CONFIG_CHECK} ~PPP_DEFLATE ~PPP_BSDCOMP ~PPP_MPPE" local ERROR_PPP_DEFLATE="CONFIG_PPP_DEFLATE:\t missing Deflate compression (optional, but highly recommended)" local ERROR_PPP_BSDCOMP="CONFIG_PPP_BSDCOMP:\t missing BSD-Compress compression (optional, but highly recommended)" local WARNING_PPP_MPPE="CONFIG_PPP_MPPE:\t missing MPPE encryption (optional, mostly used by PPTP links)" CONFIG_CHECK="${CONFIG_CHECK} ~PPPOE ~PACKET" local WARNING_PPPOE="CONFIG_PPPOE:\t missing PPPoE support (optional, needed by rp-pppoe plugin)" local WARNING_PACKET="CONFIG_PACKET:\t missing AF_PACKET support (optional, used by rp-pppoe and dhcpc plugins)" if use atm ; then CONFIG_CHECK="${CONFIG_CHECK} ~PPPOATM" local WARNING_PPPOATM="CONFIG_PPPOATM:\t missing PPPoA support (optional, needed by pppoatm plugin)" fi check_extra_config fi # create *-secrets files if not exists [ -f "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/pap-secrets" ] || \ cp -pP "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/pap-secrets.example" "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/pap-secrets" [ -f "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/chap-secrets" ] || \ cp -pP "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/chap-secrets.example" "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/chap-secrets" # lib name has changed sed -i -e "s:^pppoe.so:rp-pppoe.so:" "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/options" || die echo elog "Pon, poff and plog scripts have been supplied for experienced users." elog "Users needing particular scripts (ssh,rsh,etc.) should check out the" elog "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/scripts directory." }