<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "https://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd"> <pkgmetadata> <!-- maintainer-needed --> <use> <flag name="bind8-stats">Enables BIND8 like NSTATS and XSTATS</flag> <flag name="dnstap">Enable the structured binary log format</flag> <flag name="libevent">Use libevent or libev, useful when zone count is high</flag> <flag name="minimal-responses">If minimal responses are disabled, responses are more likely to get truncated, resulting in TCP fallback</flag> <flag name="nsec3">Enable NSEC3 support</flag> <flag name="ratelimit">Enables ratelimiting, based on query name, type and source</flag> <flag name="root-server">Configure NSD as a root server</flag> <flag name="munin"> Install a plugin for <pkg>net-analyzer/munin</pkg> to graph statistical data from nsd.</flag> </use> <upstream> <remote-id type="github">NLnetLabs/nsd</remote-id> </upstream> </pkgmetadata>