# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. and Robert Cernansky # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/glukalka/glukalka-0.67.ebuild,v 1.3 2004/01/11 13:34:04 lanius Exp $ DESCRIPTION="Emulator of ZX Spectrum 48K/128K and clones" HOMEPAGE="http://glukalka.sourceforge.net" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/glukalka/${P}.tar.bz2" LICENSE="GPL-2" KEYWORDS="x86" SLOT="0" IUSE="" RDEPEND="x11-libs/openmotif" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} >=sys-apps/sed-4" S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}" src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd ${S} # distributed with a binary rm -f glukalka sed -i \ -e "/^CFLAGS/ s:=.*:=\"${CFLAGS}\":" \ -e "s:-O2:${CFLAGS}:" configure || \ die "sed configure failed" sed -i \ -e "s:\"resources/:\"/usr/share/${PN}/resources/:" \ -e "s:\"icons/:\"/usr/share/${PN}/icons/:" modifed.c || \ die "sed modifed.c failed" } src_install() { dobin glukalka dodir /usr/share/glukalka cp -R resources ${D}/usr/share/glukalka cp -R icons ${D}/usr/share/glukalka dodoc doc/{changelog,todo} }