# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-sci/staden/staden-1.4.1-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2004/09/15 19:09:27 ribosome Exp $
inherit eutils
DESCRIPTION="The Staden Package - Biological sequence handling and analysis"
IUSE="emboss ifc"
emboss? ( app-sci/emboss )
ifc? ( dev-lang/ifc )"
pkg_setup() {
# Check for a Fortran compiler.
if ! which ${F77:-g77} &> /dev/null; then
eerror "The Fortran compiler \"${F77:-g77}\" could not be found on your system."
if [ -z ${F77} ] || [ ${F77} = g77 ]; then
eerror 'Please reinstall "sys-devel/gcc" with the "f77" "USE" flag enabled.'
elif [ ${F77} = ifc ] && ! use ifc &> /dev/null; then
eerror 'Please set the "ifc" "USE" flag if you want to use the Intel Fortran'
eerror 'Compiler to build this package. This will ensure the "dev-lang/ifc"'
eerror 'package gets installed on your system.'
elif [ ${F77} = ifc ] && use ifc &> /dev/null; then
eerror 'Please ensure "ifc" is in a directory referenced in "PATH".'
eerror 'Please make sure the variable ${F77} is set to the name of a valid'
eerror 'Fortran compiler installed on your system. Make sure this executable'
eerror 'is in a directory referenced by "PATH", and that the corresponding'
eerror '"USE" flag is set if applicable (for example "ifc" if you use the'
eerror 'Intel Fortran Compiler).'
die "Fortran compiler not found."
# Check for X authority if building the EMBOSS tcl/tk GUIs.
if use "emboss" && [ -z ${XAUTHORITY} ]; then
eerror 'The "XAUTHORITY" environment variable is not set on your system.'
eerror 'Access to an X display is required to build the EMBOSS tcl/tk GUIs.'
eerror 'Please either unset the "emboss" "USE" flag to install this package'
eerror 'without building the EMBOSS GUIs (you will still be provided with a'
eerror 'set of prebuilt GUIs) or configure access to an X display. You can'
eerror 'transfer the X credentials of an ordinary user to the account you'
eerror 'use to execute "emerge" with the "sux" command, which is part of the'
eerror '"x11-misc/sux" package. See: "http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/su-x.xml"'
eerror 'for an introduction to installing and using "sux" on Gentoo.'
die '"XAUTHORITY" not set.'
src_unpack() {
unpack ${A}
# Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
# The following Makefiles are more or less broken. Libraries are missing,
# or their directories are not included, or the variables are not set
# correctly and must be replaced by hardcoded library names.
cd ${S}
einfo "Patching Staden Package Makefiles:"
epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-gap4.patch
epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-mutscan.patch
epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-prefinish.patch
epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-tk_utils.patch
epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-tracediff.patch
# "getopt" is incorrectly included as an extern (for Win32 compatibility).
einfo "Patching Staden Package code:"
epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-getopt.patch
# The documentation building process is broken on Gentoo, mainly because
# incorrect program locations are assumed.
einfo "Patching Staden Package documentation build system:"
# Documentation build process cannot find "update-nodes.el".
cd ${S}/doc/manual/tools
sed -i -e 's%emacs -batch $1 -l ${DOCDIR:-.}/tools/update-nodes.el%emacs -batch $1 -l ${DOCDIR:-..}/manual/tools/update-nodes.el%' update-nodes \
&& einfo "Successfully applied sed script to patch update-nodes." \
|| eerror "Failed to apply sed script to patch update-nodes."
# Perl scripts search for "pearl" in "/usr/local".
for SCRIPT in *.pl texi2html; do
sed -i -e 's%/usr/local/bin/perl%/usr/bin/perl%' ${SCRIPT} \
&& einfo "Successfully applied sed script to patch ${SCRIPT}." \
|| eerror "Failed to apply sed script to patch ${SCRIPT}."
# The "convert" tool from Imagemagick is searched for in "/usr/X11R6".
sed -i -e 's%/usr/X11R6/bin/convert%/usr/bin/convert%' make_ps \
&& einfo "Successfully applied sed script to patch make.ps." \
|| eerror "Failed to apply sed script to patch make.ps."
# Solves issues with images in the exercise* texi files.
cd ${S}/course/texi
for FILE in exercise*.texi; do
sed -i -e 's/,,8in}/,,8in,,eps}/' ${FILE} && \
sed -i -e 's/,6in}/,6in,,,eps}/' ${FILE} \
&& einfo "Successfully applied sed scripts to patch ${FILE}." \
|| eerror "Failed to apply sed scripts to patch ${FILE}."
# "CFLAGS" and "FFLAGS" need to be set to the user's values in the build
# system global Makefile.
einfo "Applying user-defined compilation/linking flags:"
cd ${S}/src/mk
sed -i -e "s/COPT = -O2 -g3 -DNDEBUG/COPT = ${CFLAGS:-"-O2 -g3 -DNDEBUG"}/" global.mk \
&& einfo "Successfully applied sed script to set CFLAGS." \
|| eerror "Failed to apply sed script to set CFLAGS."
sed -i -e "s/FOPT = -O2 -g3 -DNDEBUG/FOPT = ${FFLAGS:-"-O2 -g3 -DNDEBUG"}/" global.mk \
&& einfo "Successfully applied sed script to set FFLAGS." \
|| eerror "Failed to apply sed script to set FFLAGS."
src_compile() {
# "MACHINE", "{STADEN,SRC}ROOT" and "JOB" are mandatory arguments to the
# Staden Package build process. "O" is redefined on the command line to
# avoid a conflict between Portage and the Staden Package build system,
# which both use this variable. (In Portage, its value is the directory
# containing the current ebuild, while in the Staden Package build system
# it is set to the directory containing the compiler object files.)
# Compiler program names also need to be specified to override the
# incorrect hardcoded ones.
# Compiles executables and libraries, builds documentation.
make \
SRCROOT="${S}/src" \
MACHINE="linux" \
JOB="all" \
O="linux-binaries" \
CC=${CC:-gcc} \
CXX=${CXX:-g++} \
F77=${F77:-g77} \
|| die "Package compilation failed."
# Moves executables in "${S}/linux-bin" and libraries to ${S}/lib.
make \
SRCROOT="${S}/src" \
MACHINE="linux" \
JOB="all" \
O="linux-binaries" \
install || die "Package pre-installation failed."
# Remove Makefiles from directories which will be manually installed.
rm ${S}/lib/Makefile
rm ${S}/demo/Makefile
rm ${S}/tables/Makefile
rm ${S}/userdata/Makefile
# Remove trashed "linux-binaries" file and replace it by a directory
# containing the appropriate libraries.
rm ${S}/lib/linux-binaries
mkdir ${S}/lib/linux-binaries
mv ${S}/src/lib/linux-binaries/* ${S}/lib/linux-binaries
# Link "itcl" and "itk" libraries to the Staden libraries directories.
ln -s /usr/lib/libitcl3.2.so ${S}/lib/itcl3.3/libitcl3.3.so
ln -s /usr/lib/libitk3.2.so ${S}/lib/itk3.3/libitk3.3.so
# Patched version of iwidgetsrc
cp ${FILESDIR}/${P}-iwidgetsrc.new ${S}/tables/iwidgetsrc
# Build tcl/tk GUIs for EMBOSS programs if requested.
use "emboss" && STADENROOT="${S}" ${S}/linux-bin/create_emboss_files
# Netscape is not a good default browser (security masked in Portage).
# Use documentation.html rather than staden_home.html as the top-level
# hypertext documentation file.
cp ${FILESDIR}/${P}-staden_help.new ${S}/linux-bin/staden_help
chmod +x ${S}/linux-bin/staden_help
# Patch hypertext documentation.
cd ${S}/doc/manual
for FILE in *.html; do
sed -i -e 's%%%' ${FILE}
cd ${S}/doc/scripting_manual
for FILE in *.html; do
sed -i -e 's%%%' ${FILE}
src_install() {
# Executables and libraries
into /opt/${PN}
mkdir -p ${D}/opt/${PN}
mv ${S}/linux-bin ${D}/opt/${PN}/linux-bin
mv ${S}/lib ${D}/opt/${PN}/lib
# Shared files
mv ${S}/demo ${D}/opt/${PN}
mv ${S}/tables ${D}/opt/${PN}
mv ${S}/userdata ${D}/opt/${PN}
# "env" file for setting paths to Staden Package root, libraries, tables...
insinto /etc/env.d
newins ${FILESDIR}/${P}-env 27${PN}
# Basic documentation
insinto /opt/${PN}/doc
doins ${S}/{ChangeLog,doc/Acknowledgements}
newins ${S}/doc/emboss.txt README.emboss
# Man pages
doman ${S}/doc/manual/man/man*/*
# Hypertext documentation
insinto /opt/${PN}/doc/manual
doins ${S}/doc/manual/*unix*.{gif,html,index}
insinto /opt/${PN}/doc/scripting_manual
doins ${S}/doc/scripting_manual/*.html
insinto /opt/${PN}/doc/manual/i
doins ${S}/doc/manual/i/*
insinto /opt/${PN}/doc/scripting_manual/i
doins ${S}/doc/scripting_manual/i/*
# Missing hypertext documentation
insinto /opt/${PN}/doc
doins ${WORKDIR}/${P}-missing-doc/documentation.html
insinto /opt/${PN}/doc/misc
doins ${WORKDIR}/${P}-missing-doc/misc/*
insinto /opt/${PN}/doc/misc/i
doins ${S}/doc/manual/i/*
# Printable manuals and articles
insinto /opt/${PN}/doc
newins ${S}/doc/gkb547_gml.pdf Staden1998.pdf
newins ${S}/doc/manual/manual_unix.dvi manual.dvi
newins ${S}/doc/manual/manual_unix.ps manual.ps
newins ${S}/doc/manual/mini_unix.ps mini_manual.ps
newins ${S}/doc/scripting_manual/scripting.dvi scripting_manual.dvi
newins ${S}/doc/scripting_manual/scripting.ps scripting_manual.ps
# A short course in printable format, along with example data
mkdir -p ${D}/opt/${PN}/course
mv ${S}/course/data ${D}/opt/${PN}/course
insinto /opt/${PN}/course
doins ${S}/course/README
newins ${S}/course/unix_docs/course_unix.pdf course_project_management.pdf
newins ${S}/course/unix_docs/course_unix.ps course_project_management.ps
newins ${S}/course/mutation_texi/notes.ps course_mutation_detection.ps
pkg_postinst() {
ewarn 'Known issues:'
ewarn 'The help browser integrated in the GUI applications reports missing'
ewarn 'files when following hyperlinks on the main documentation page. This'
ewarn 'seems to be a problem in the Staden Package help browser. You might'
ewarn 'want to use your favorite browser instead of the integrated one to'
ewarn 'read the documentation.'
ewarn 'The GUI programs may crash when bringing up the font selection'
ewarn 'dialog. This problem is related to the presence of certain'
ewarn 'fonts in "FontPath". If you experience this problem, try using'
ewarn '"strace" to identify the problematic font(s) and either uninstall'
ewarn 'them or remove the directory they are in from "FontPath" by'
ewarn 'editing your X server configuration file.'
ewarn 'The default EMBOSS tcl/tk GUIs (which get installed if you did not'
ewarn 'set the "emboss" "USE" flag) are way out of date, while the custom'
ewarn 'GUIs (which are built if you set the "emboss" "USE" flag) do not'
ewarn 'support many of the most recent EMBOSS/EMBASSY programs.'