# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/timidity-eawpatches/timidity-eawpatches-12.ebuild,v 1.8 2004/04/20 17:38:10 eradicator Exp $ IUSE="" S=${WORKDIR} DESCRIPTION="Eric Welsh's GUS patches for TiMidity" SRC_URI="http://www.stardate.bc.ca/eawpatches/eawpats${PV}_full.rar" HOMEPAGE="http://www.stardate.bc.ca/eawpatches/html/default.htm" DEPEND="media-sound/timidity++ app-arch/unrar" SLOT="0" LICENSE="as-is" KEYWORDS="x86" src_unpack() { mkdir eawpatches cd eawpatches unrar x "${DISTDIR}/${A}" || die "error unpacking ${DISTDIR}/${A}" # Patch the default configuration so the patches can be found patch -p0 < "${FILESDIR}/${PF}-gentoo.diff" } src_install () { instdir=/usr/share/timidity/eawpatches insinto ${instdir} doins eawpatches/* # Make sure ownership and perms are sane cd ${D}/${instdir} chown -R root:root eawpatches chmod -R a+rX,go-w eawpatches # Install timidity.cfg where timidity can find it mv eawpatches/timidity.cfg . }