# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-themes/redhat-artwork/redhat-artwork-,v 1.2 2004/12/28 11:24:26 mr_bones_ Exp $ inherit eutils rpm libtool versionator MY_PV=$(replace_version_separator 2 '-') DESCRIPTION="RedHat's Bluecurve theme for GTK1, GTK2, KDE3, GDM, Metacity and Nautilus" HOMEPAGE="http://www.redhat.com" SRC_URI="http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/SRPMS/${PN}-${MY_PV}.src.rpm" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~alpha ~sparc ~amd64" IUSE="kde gtk xmms gtk2" # Needed to build... DEPEND=">=sys-devel/autoconf-2.58 sys-devel/automake media-gfx/icon-slicer >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.0 gtk? ( >=media-libs/gdk-pixbuf-0.2.5 =x11-libs/gtk+-1.2* ) kde? ( >=x11-libs/qt-3.0.5 >=kde-base/kdebase-3.0.2 ) gtk2? ( >=x11-libs/gtk+-2* ) dev-util/intltool media-gfx/icon-slicer" # Because one may only want to use the theme with kde OR gtk OR Metacity # OR gdm, we don't want either as run-time dependencies... RDEPEND="virtual/x11" MY_SV=$(get_version_component_range 1-2) S=${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_SV} # We need to change some RedHat-specific stuff to Gentoo-style... _replace() { FROM=$1 TO=$2 for FILE in $(fgrep -r -l "${FROM}" *); do echo -n Changing \"${FROM}\" to \"${TO}\" in ${FILE}... sed "s:${FROM}:${TO}:g" < "${FILE}" > "${FILE}.$$" mv "${FILE}.$$" "${FILE}" echo Done. done } src_compile() { use kde && addwrite "${QTDIR}/etc/settings" export WANT_AUTOCONF=2.5 # dies is LANG has UTF-8 export LANG=C export LC_ALL=C use kde || ( rm configure mv configure.in configure.in.old sed -e "s|dnl KDE_USE_QT||" \ -e "s|KDE_||g" \ -e "s|AC_PATH_KDE||" \ -e "s|art/kde/Makefile||" \ -e "s|art/kde/kwin/Makefile||" \ -e "s|art/kde/kwin/Bluecurve/Makefile||" \ configure.in.old > configure.in mv art/Makefile.am art/Makefile.am.old sed -e "s|kde||" \ -e "s|qt||" \ art/Makefile.am.old > art/Makefile.am mv art/Makefile.in art/Makefile.in.old sed -e "s|kde||" \ -e "s|qt||" \ art/Makefile.in.old > art/Makefile.in ) # disable gtk 1.x support if gtk use keyword is not set use gtk || ( rm configure mv configure.in configure.in.old sed -e "s|AM_PATH_GTK(1.2.9, ,||" \ -e "s|AC_MSG_ERROR(.*GTK+-1.*||" \ -e "s|AC_CHECK_LIB(gtk, gtk_style_set_prop_experimental, :,||" \ -e "s|AC_MSG_ERROR(.*gtk_style.*||" \ -e "s| \$GTK_LIBS)||" \ -e "s|AM_PATH_GDK_PIXBUF||" \ -e "s|art/gtk/Bluecurve1/Makefile||" \ -e "s|art/gtk/Bluecurve1/gtk/Makefile||" \ configure.in.old > configure.in mv art/gtk/Makefile.am art/gtk/Makefile.am.old sed -e "s|Bluecurve1||" \ art/gtk/Makefile.am.old > art/gtk/Makefile.am ) if ! use kde || ! use gtk ; then aclocal libtoolize --copy --force autoconf && automake --add-missing || die "auto* failed" fi # paths have to be fixed for kde use kde && ( # Fix paths... _replace "/usr/lib/qt3" "${QTDIR}" _replace '${libdir}/qt3' "${QTDIR}" _replace '$(libdir)/qt3' "${QTDIR}" _replace "/usr/lib/kde3" "${KDEDIR}/lib" _replace '${libdir}/kde3' "${KDEDIR}/lib" _replace "/usr/lib/kwin.la" "${KDEDIR}/lib/kwin.la" chmod +x configure ) # fix iconrc #mv art/gtk/make-iconrc.pl art/gtk/make-iconrc.pl.broken #sed 's|$ARGV\[3\]|\"/usr/share/icons/Bluecurve\"|' \ # art/gtk/make-iconrc.pl.broken > art/gtk/make-iconrc.pl #chmod +x art/gtk/make-iconrc.pl ./configure || die emake || die } src_install () { # dies is LANG has UTF-8 export LANG=C export LC_ALL=C make prefix=${D}/usr kde_moduledir=${D}/${KDEDIR}/lib \ styledir=${D}/${KDEDIR}/lib/kde3/plugins/styles \ settingsdir=${D}/${KDEDIR}/etc/settings install || die use kde && ( dodir ${KDEDIR}/share/apps mv ${D}/usr/share/apps/* ${D}/${KDEDIR}/share/apps rmdir ${D}/usr/share/apps dodir ${KDEDIR}/share/icons dosym /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve ${KDEDIR}/share/icons/Bluecurve ) use kde || ( rm -rf ${D}/usr/share/apps ) # yank redhat logos (registered trademarks, etc) rm -f ${D}/usr/share/gdm/themes/Bluecurve/rh_logo-header.png rm -f ${D}/usr/share/gdm/themes/Bluecurve/screenshot.png cd ${D}/usr/share/gdm/themes/Bluecurve/ # replace redhat logo with gnome logo from happygnome theme sed -e 's|||' \ -e 's|||' \ Bluecurve.xml > Bluecurve.xml.mod || die mv Bluecurve.xml.mod Bluecurve.xml # Bluecurve GDM screenshot has redhat logo # Theme copyright notice left intact... do not modify it sed -e 's|Screenshot=|#Screenshot=|' GdmGreeterTheme.desktop > GdmGreeterTheme.desktop.mod mv GdmGreeterTheme.desktop.mod GdmGreeterTheme.desktop # move cursors to /usr/share/cursors/${X11_IMPL} X11_IMPLEM_P="$(best_version virtual/x11)" X11_IMPLEM="${X11_IMPLEM_P%-[0-9]*}" X11_IMPLEM="${X11_IMPLEM##*\/}" for x in Bluecurve Bluecurve-inverse; do dodir /usr/share/cursors/${X11_IMPLEM}/${x} mv ${D}/usr/share/icons/${x}/cursors ${D}/usr/share/cursors/${X11_IMPLEM}/${x} dosym /usr/share/cursors/${X11_IMPLEM}/${x}/cursors /usr/share/icons/${x}/cursors done # remove xmms skin if unneeded use xmms || rm -rf ${D}/usr/share/xmms cd ${S} dodoc AUTHORS NEWS README ChangeLog }