path: root/eclass
diff options
authorAnna (cybertailor) Vyalkova <cyber+gentoo@sysrq.in>2022-11-04 11:25:56 +0500
committerAnna (cybertailor) Vyalkova <cyber+gentoo@sysrq.in>2022-11-05 19:41:31 +0500
commitf0252164166f2b5005476664dd8c40f75afd9cba (patch)
tree4a1fc434991284732d0efd5e41b16c4b31a6d322 /eclass
parentx11-misc/sxcs: fix LDFLAGS issue (diff)
databases.eclass: new eclass for running databases
Signed-off-by: Anna (cybertailor) Vyalkova <cyber+gentoo@sysrq.in>
Diffstat (limited to 'eclass')
1 files changed, 480 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eclass/databases.eclass b/eclass/databases.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbf653435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/databases.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# @ECLASS: databases.eclass
+# Anna <cyber+gentoo@sysrq.in>
+# Anna <cyber+gentoo@sysrq.in>
+# @BLURB: eclass to test packages against databases
+# A utility eclass providing functions for running databases.
+# This eclass does not set any metadata variables nor export any phase, so it
+# can be inherited safely.
+# @SUBSECTION Supported databases
+# - memcached (via "ememcached" helper)
+# - MongoDB (via "emongod" helper)
+# - MySQL/MariaDB/ (via "emysql" helper)
+# - PostgreSQL (via "epostgres" helper)
+# - Redis (via "eredis" helper)
+# @SUBSECTION Helper usage
+# --die [msg...]
+# Prints the path to the server's log file to the console and aborts the
+# current merge process with the given message.
+# --get-dbpath
+# Returns the directory where the server stores database files.
+# --get-depend
+# Returns a dependency string (to be included in BDEPEND).
+# --get-logfile
+# Returns the path to the server's log file.
+# --get-pidfile
+# Returns the path to the server's PID file.
+# --get-sockdir
+# Returns the directory where the server's sockets are located.
+# --get-sockfile
+# Returns the path to the server's socket file.
+# --start
+# Starts the server on the default port.
+# --start <port>
+# Starts the server on the given port.
+# --stop
+# Stops the server.
+# @CODE
+# EAPI=8
+# ...
+# inherit databases distutils-r1
+# ...
+# BDEPEND="$(eredis --get-depend)"
+# distutils_enable_tests pytest
+# src_test() {
+# eredis --start 16739
+# distutils-r1_src_test
+# eredis --stop
+# }
+# @CODE
+case ${EAPI} in
+ 8) ;;
+ *) die "${ECLASS}: EAPI ${EAPI} unsupported."
+if [[ ! ${_DATABASES_ECLASS} ]]; then
+# ==============================================================================
+# ==============================================================================
+# @FUNCTION: _databases_gen_depend
+# @USAGE: <funcname>
+# Get a dependency string for the given helper function.
+_databases_gen_depend() {
+ local srvname=${1:1}
+ case ${srvname} in
+ memcached)
+ echo "net-misc/memcached"
+ ;;
+ mongod)
+ echo "dev-db/mongodb"
+ ;;
+ mysql)
+ echo "virtual/mysql[server]"
+ ;;
+ postgres)
+ echo "dev-db/postgresql[server]"
+ ;;
+ redis)
+ echo "dev-db/redis"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ die "${ECLASS}: unknown database: ${srvname}"
+ esac
+# @FUNCTION: _databases_die
+# @USAGE: <funcname> [msg]
+# Print the given message and the path to the server's log file to the console
+# and die.
+# This function supports being called via "nonfatal".
+_databases_die() {
+ local funcname=${1?}
+ shift
+ eerror "See the server log for details:"
+ eerror " $(${funcname} --get-logfile)"
+ die -n "${@}"
+# @FUNCTION: _databases_stop_service
+# @USAGE: <funcname>
+# Default function to stop servers. Reads PID from a file and sends the TERM
+# signal.
+_databases_stop_service() {
+ debug-print-function "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"
+ local funcname=${1?}
+ local srvname=${funcname:1}
+ local pidfile="$(${funcname} --get-pidfile)"
+ ebegin "Stopping ${srvname}"
+ kill "$(<"${pidfile}")"
+ eend $? || ${funcname} --die "Stopping ${srvname} failed"
+# @FUNCTION: _databases_dispatch
+# @USAGE: <funcname> <cmd> [args...]
+# Process the given command with its options.
+# If "--start" command is used, `_${funcname}_start` function must be defined.
+# Note that directories will be created automatically.
+# If `_${funcname}_stop` function is not declared, the internal
+# `_databases_stop_service` function will be used instead.
+# No `--get` function can be overloaded.
+_databases_dispatch() {
+ local funcname=${1?}
+ local cmd=${2?}
+ shift; shift
+ case ${cmd} in
+ --die)
+ _databases_die ${funcname} "${@}"
+ ;;
+ --get-depend)
+ _databases_gen_depend ${funcname}
+ ;;
+ --get-dbpath)
+ echo "${T}"/${funcname}/db/
+ ;;
+ --get-logfile)
+ echo "${T}"/${funcname}/${funcname}.log
+ ;;
+ --get-pidfile)
+ echo "${T}"/${funcname}/${funcname}.pid
+ ;;
+ --get-sockdir)
+ echo "${T}"/${funcname}/
+ ;;
+ --get-sockfile)
+ echo "${T}"/${funcname}/${funcname}.sock
+ ;;
+ --start)
+ local port=${1}
+ local start_fn=( _${funcname}_start ${port} )
+ if ! declare -f "${start_fn[0]}" >/dev/null; then
+ die "${ECLASS}: function not declared: ${start_fn[0]}"
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "${T}"/${funcname}/db/ || die "Creating database directory failed"
+ "${start_fn[@]}"
+ ;;
+ --stop)
+ local stop_fn=( _${funcname}_stop )
+ if ! declare -f "${stop_fn[0]}" >/dev/null; then
+ # fall back to the default implementation
+ stop_fn=( _databases_stop_service ${funcname} )
+ fi
+ "${stop_fn[@]}"
+ ;;
+ *) die "${funcname}: invalid command: ${cmd}" ;;
+ esac
+# ==============================================================================
+# ==============================================================================
+# @FUNCTION: _ememcached_start
+# @USAGE: [port]
+# Start memcached server.
+_ememcached_start() {
+ debug-print-function "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"
+ local port=${1:-11211}
+ local myargs=(
+ --daemon
+ --port=${port}
+ --user=nobody
+ --listen=
+ --pidfile=$(ememcached --get-pidfile)
+ )
+ ebegin "Spawning memcached"
+ memcached "${myargs[@]}" &>> $(ememcached --get-logfile)
+ eend $? || ememcached --die "Spawning memcached failed"
+# @FUNCTION: ememcached
+# @USAGE: <cmd> [args...]
+# Manage memcached server on the given port (default: 11211).
+ememcached() {
+ _databases_dispatch "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"
+# ==============================================================================
+# ==============================================================================
+# @FUNCTION: _emongod_start
+# @USAGE: [port]
+# Start MongoDB server.
+_emongod_start() {
+ debug-print-function "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"
+ local port=${1:-27017}
+ local logfile=$(emongod --get-logfile)
+ local myargs=(
+ --dbpath="$(emongod --get-dbpath)"
+ --nojournal
+ --bind-ip=
+ --port=${port}
+ --unixSocketPrefix="$(emongod --get-sockdir)"
+ --logpath="${logfile}"
+ --fork
+ )
+ ebegin "Spawning mongodb"
+ LC_ALL=C mongod "${myargs[@]}" &>> "${logfile}"
+ eend $? || emongod --die "Spawning mongod failed"
+# @FUNCTION: _emongod_stop
+# Stop MongoDB server.
+_emongod_stop() {
+ debug-print-function "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"
+ local myargs=(
+ --dbpath="$(emongod --get-dbpath)"
+ --shutdown
+ )
+ ebegin "Stopping mongodb"
+ mongod "${myargs[@]}" &>> "${logfile}"
+ eend $? || emongod --die "Stopping mongod failed"
+# @FUNCTION: emongod
+# @USAGE: <cmd> [args...]
+# Manage MongoDB server on the given port (default: 27017).
+emongod() {
+ _databases_dispatch "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"
+# ==============================================================================
+# ==============================================================================
+# @FUNCTION: _emysql_start
+# @USAGE: [port]
+# Create a new MySQL database and start MySQL server.
+_emysql_start() {
+ debug-print-function "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"
+ local port=${1:-3306}
+ local dbpath=$(emysql --get-dbpath)
+ local logfile=$(emysql --get-logfile)
+ local sockfile=$(emysql --get-sockfile)
+ local myinstallargs=(
+ --no-defaults
+ --auth-root-authentication-method=normal
+ --basedir="${BROOT}/usr"
+ --datadir="${dbpath}"
+ )
+ ebegin "Initializing mysql database"
+ mysql_install_db "${myinstallargs[@]}" &>> "${logfile}"
+ eend $? || emysql --die "Initializing mysql database failed"
+ local myargs=(
+ --no-defaults
+ --character-set-server=utf8
+ --pid-file="$(emysql --get-pidfile)"
+ --socket="${sockfile}"
+ --bind-address=
+ --port=${port}
+ --datadir="${dbpath}"
+ --general-log-file="${logfile}"
+ --log-error="${logfile}"
+ )
+ einfo "Spawning mysql"
+ mysqld "${myargs[@]}" &>> "${logfile}" &
+ einfo "Waiting for mysqld to accept connections"
+ local timeout=30
+ while ! mysqladmin ping --socket="${sockfile}" --silent; do
+ sleep 1
+ let timeout-=1
+ [[ ${timeout} -eq 0 ]] && emysql --die "Timed out"
+ done
+# @FUNCTION: emysql
+# @USAGE: <cmd> [args...]
+# Manage MySQL server on the given port (default: 3306).
+emysql() {
+ _databases_dispatch "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"
+# ==============================================================================
+# ==============================================================================
+# @FUNCTION: _epostgres_start
+# @USAGE: [port]
+# Create a new PostgreSQL database and start PostgreSQL server.
+_epostgres_start() {
+ debug-print-function "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"
+ local port=${1:-5432}
+ local dbpath=$(epostgres --get-dbpath)
+ local logfile=$(epostgres --get-logfile)
+ local myinstallargs=(
+ --pgdata="${dbpath}"
+ --user=postgres
+ )
+ ebegin "Initializing postgresql database"
+ initdb "${myinstallargs[@]}" &>> "${logfile}"
+ eend $? || epostgres --die "Initializing postgresql database failed"
+ local myargs=(
+ --pgdata="${dbpath}"
+ --log="${logfile}"
+ --options="-h '' -p ${port} -k '$(epostgres --get-sockdir)'"
+ --wait
+ )
+ ebegin "Spawning postgresql"
+ pg_ctl "${myargs[@]}" start &>> "${logfile}"
+ eend $? || epostgres --die "Spawning postgresql failed"
+# @FUNCTION: _epostgres_stop
+# Stop PosgreSQL server.
+_epostgres_stop() {
+ debug-print-function "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"
+ local myargs=(
+ --pgdata="$(epostgres --get-dbpath)"
+ --wait
+ )
+ ebegin "Stopping postgresql"
+ pg_ctl "${myargs[@]}" stop &>> "$(epostgres --get-logfile)"
+ eend $? || epostgres --die "Stopping postgresql failed"
+# @FUNCTION: epostgres
+# @USAGE: <cmd> [args...]
+# Manage PostgreSQL server on the given port (default: 5432).
+epostgres() {
+ _databases_dispatch "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"
+# ==============================================================================
+# ==============================================================================
+# @FUNCTION: _eredis_start
+# @USAGE: [args...]
+# Start Redis server.
+_eredis_start() {
+ debug-print-function "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"
+ local port=${1:-6379}
+ local logfile="$(eredis --get-logfile)"
+ ebegin "Spawning redis"
+ redis-server - <<- EOF &>> "${logfile}"
+ daemonize yes
+ pidfile "$(eredis --get-pidfile)"
+ port ${port}
+ bind
+ unixsocket "$(eredis --get-sockfile)"
+ dir "$(eredis --get-dbpath)"
+ logfile "${logfile}"
+ eend $? || eredis --die "Spawning redis failed"
+# @FUNCTION: eredis
+# @USAGE: <cmd> [args...]
+# Manage Redis server on the given port (default: 6379).
+eredis() {
+ _databases_dispatch "${FUNCNAME}" "${@}"