diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 13:49:04 -0700
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 17:38:18 -0700
commit56bd759df1d0c750a065b8c845e93d5dfa6b549d (patch)
tree3f91093cdb475e565ae857f1c5a7fd339e2d781e /x11-drivers/ati-drivers
proj/gentoo: Initial commit
This commit represents a new era for Gentoo: Storing the gentoo-x86 tree in Git, as converted from CVS. This commit is the start of the NEW history. Any historical data is intended to be grafted onto this point. Creation process: 1. Take final CVS checkout snapshot 2. Remove ALL ChangeLog* files 3. Transform all Manifests to thin 4. Remove empty Manifests 5. Convert all stale $Header$/$Id$ CVS keywords to non-expanded Git $Id$ 5.1. Do not touch files with -kb/-ko keyword flags. Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <> X-Thanks: Alec Warner <> - did the GSoC 2006 migration tests X-Thanks: Robin H. Johnson <> - infra guy, herding this project X-Thanks: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <> - Former Gentoo developer, wrote Git features for the migration X-Thanks: Brian Harring <> - wrote much python to improve cvs2svn X-Thanks: Rich Freeman <> - validation scripts X-Thanks: Patrick Lauer <> - Gentoo dev, running new 2014 work in migration X-Thanks: Michał Górny <> - scripts, QA, nagging X-Thanks: All of other Gentoo developers - many ideas and lots of paint on the bikeshed
Diffstat (limited to 'x11-drivers/ati-drivers')
21 files changed, 4576 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/Manifest b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d8a48e01f765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+DIST 122875129 SHA256 93e213e5b182a0863aa926d1e3ab4498adc0e0007aac4fc14a3abae84bb170f5 SHA512 478419e5051423d490d98149dbb529104d6d36b84e84fa90ae028f0b266c6f2f034c1584f016781c689b558e83724571e5b0af640d9374dcfaedb1c025fa8dfc WHIRLPOOL fdfc6c3177d9e5076a2a2deb79955df069706485dab845d7a651e14597441621b326d0376d979405eca7017330cb3bcdd50fe35f6394d41a527d01c6819fbb71
+DIST 142129117 SHA256 f28af1970df92a423ce0fafda89e508b37af68dccefffacff4a712ebe619c07a SHA512 022c4b6660c586e6055c2a4f708ca8f37677dc99a32b00fb8fe0ef51981c872a3cae0014994f2b9d137df0b8e98b6ab9904af778d77a815b62a5d72404022bb9 WHIRLPOOL 455e03a580d52aec915dcb899eca019bc3ff265ef250dab65fb08549f77078b8014a93961adeae663f85538a6bc188b8f6b68f16cd7b32418ddbd5bdcf93ae12
+DIST 155616187 SHA256 68669836f20ad4351e08b13c5766c6b2ffc6b8cd2a37e9baf55779da32d3a249 SHA512 f87be6a56c03ca4aae3782668af8700d83c85872387753cf002ba4a0e0816fae9af29841a4390db972bfe2f7fb853571b32f8434c2008983461b80699347ac21 WHIRLPOOL 2675a387abd372b34c51f4e8ebfd6547300a8c3ffcc0562633838bc0cdaec3675ca3f4cfa2ab7481c8fa1238a46059f5f848611780638ef6d2301a527d900326
+DIST 180105224 SHA256 ffde64203f49d9288eaa25f4d744187b6f4f14a87a444bab6a001d822b327a9d SHA512 8a04a524f64af5620eb39bc22cd869551f1b1ea7f6e3349258f70305c84ba45d36355c16348e2e286f8f74f3657cae283f0bb911b3f819995f1933999fd6ef0f WHIRLPOOL f7a7e705cd56cf2ef9557416a4fba6b98704e971e0d18daf27b5f73052df7f61240693522b8e02b53f3cba714a5b99c3bf65cc1aba6d0802858adc896852cc08
+DIST fglrx-installer_15.200.orig.tar.gz 202964824 SHA256 a4ad20d53f790d5105351a5627fadbf02fe4945582abf2b93a337b1bbaa0b033 SHA512 499fd955a170d8157a974acdee981ce0a444262465624bacea38a23421f9d80ce3481b20a0d0daa4469eba85a69ec9278026c127a2a1995f52573adc5b1808c7 WHIRLPOOL 00ccd79433499133367b669740b494de33ec9de17c2a45f3d1222ee8d8cb9c40d4ad8d7043a2593bb3e1fbc66a4f65a7fd756c61a40fdbc9cf9b6cb1d693e25f
+DIST 127042528 SHA256 9786b8d695069ebe132d4c6ad8bd011688c28af3fa1a11c08589f38f1854a962 SHA512 029df9ff5ba1a90bb54518726852b20ba3766e3b72d1071d99dcee076dcc505e5d81433308f1213413257f4afe450fd3ca3fd29dc611fcc1126a8c148c928f73 WHIRLPOOL 26bd3eb371ac3dbefe539a4ebb31718db7153c2382b9e5f650de094be309964e65f1e55136313e4d5430ae18e661faa547bb6211efb1d6b3ca50487d99756195
+DIST xvba-sdk-0.74-404001.tar.gz 583847 SHA256 731a2c489f2fb5d7318c1976061b26c1057a696f46d09dcf55fbada97fed17eb SHA512 aa1dd52b59eeeabd026d8b76e3b75eaf02587ef286438ba28884afeef5a5efaf50283b5ee4f5b81b12cf79cb4ec77c9a235a886b29fb7cdf850c9779f4b07b35 WHIRLPOOL 69917b746d353a884512e97b9d9a9b89e6f51add3119e69ddd119d51c0c3f2820b93a449fe42bd76d671dc505f92bf25b7f2c5868b33768fc68a19596e460951
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.12-r2.ebuild b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.12-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c9402797e3b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.12-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+MULTILIB_COMPAT=( abi_x86_{32,64} )
+inherit eutils multilib-build linux-info linux-mod toolchain-funcs versionator pax-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Ati precompiled drivers for Radeon Evergreen (HD5000 Series) and newer chipsets"
+# Uses javascript for download YESSSS
+IUSE="debug +modules qt4 static-libs pax_kernel"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86"
+RESTRICT="bindist test"
+ <=x11-base/xorg-server-1.16.49[-minimal]
+ >=app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.0.7
+ app-eselect/eselect-opencl
+ sys-power/acpid
+ x11-apps/xauth
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXext
+ x11-libs/libXinerama
+ x11-libs/libXrandr
+ x11-libs/libXrender
+ virtual/glu
+ abi_x86_32? (
+ virtual/glu[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libX11[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXext[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXinerama[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXrandr[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXrender[abi_x86_32]
+ )
+ qt4? (
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libXcursor
+ x11-libs/libXfixes
+ x11-libs/libXxf86vm
+ dev-qt/qtcore:4
+ dev-qt/qtgui:4[accessibility]
+ )
+if [[ legacy != ${SLOT} ]]; then
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:legacy"
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:1"
+ x11-proto/inputproto
+ x11-proto/xf86miscproto
+ x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto
+ x11-proto/xineramaproto
+ x11-libs/libXtst
+ sys-apps/findutils
+ app-misc/pax-utils
+ app-arch/unzip
+# QA Silencing
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\).so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ opt/bin/aticonfig
+ opt/bin/atiodcli
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/clinfo
+ opt/bin/fglrxinfo
+ opt/sbin/atieventsd
+ opt/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/linux/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/drivers/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+pkg_nofetch() {
+ einfo "The driver packages"
+ einfo ${A}
+ einfo "need to be downloaded manually from"
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "and ${XVBA_SDK_URI}"
+pkg_pretend() {
+ use amd64 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" COMPAT"
+ local ERROR_MTRR="CONFIG_MTRR required for direct rendering."
+ local ERROR_DRM="CONFIG_DRM must be disabled or compiled as a module and not loaded for direct
+ rendering to work."
+ local ERROR_LOCKDEP="CONFIG_LOCKDEP (lock tracking) exports the symbol lock_acquire
+ as GPL-only. This prevents ${P} from compiling with an error like this:
+ FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module fglrx.ko uses GPL-only symbol 'lock_acquire'"
+ local ERROR_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_OR="This config option will cause
+ kernel to reject loading the fglrx module with
+ \"ERROR: could not insert 'fglrx': Exec format error.\"
+ You may want to try CONFIG_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_BTS instead."
+ local ERROR_BKL="CONFIG_BKL must be enabled for kernels 2.6.37-2.6.38."
+ # workaround until bug 365543 is solved
+ if use modules; then
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ require_configured_kernel
+ kernel_is ge 2 6 37 && kernel_is le 2 6 38 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" BKL"
+ check_extra_config
+ if ! linux_chkconfig_present AGP && \
+ ! linux_chkconfig_present PCIEPORTBUS; then
+ ewarn "You don't have AGP and/or PCIe support enabled in the kernel"
+ ewarn "Direct rendering will not work."
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! has XT ${PAX_MARKINGS} && use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "You have disabled xattr pax markings for portage."
+ ewarn "This will likely cause programs using ati-drivers provided"
+ ewarn "libraries to be killed kernel."
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use modules; then
+ MODULE_NAMES="fglrx(video:${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/2.6.x)"
+ BUILD_TARGETS="kmod_build"
+ linux-mod_pkg_setup
+ BUILD_PARAMS="GCC_VER_MAJ=$(gcc-major-version) KVER=${KV_FULL} KDIR=${KV_DIR}"
+ if grep -q arch_compat_alloc_user_space ${KV_DIR}/arch/x86/include/asm/compat.h ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Define module dir.
+ MODULE_DIR="${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod"
+ # get the xorg-server version and set BASE_DIR for that
+ BASE_DIR="${S}/xpic"
+ # amd64/x86
+ if use amd64 ; then
+ PKG_LIBDIR=lib64
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ else
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "Please note that this driver only supports graphic cards based on"
+ elog "Evergreen chipset and newer."
+ elog "This includes the AMD Radeon HD 5400+ series at this moment."
+ elog
+ elog "If your card is older then use ${CATEGORY}/xf86-video-ati"
+ elog "For migration informations please refer to:"
+ elog ""
+ einfo
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.tar\.gz ]]; then
+ else
+ #please note, RUN may be insanely assigned at top near SRC_URI
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.zip ]]; then
+ [[ -z "$RUN" ]] && RUN="${S}/${DRIVERS_DISTFILE/}"
+ else
+ fi
+ sh "${RUN}" --extract "${S}" 2>&1 > /dev/null || die
+ fi
+ mkdir xvba_sdk
+ cd xvba_sdk
+ mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/extra" || die "mkdir extra failed"
+ cd "${WORKDIR}/extra"
+ tar -xf "../${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/src/ati/fglrx_sample_source.tgz"
+src_prepare() {
+ if use modules; then
+ if use debug; then
+ sed -i '/^#define DRM_DEBUG_CODE/s/0/1/' \
+ "${MODULE_DIR}/firegl_public.c" \
+ || die "Failed to enable debug output."
+ fi
+ fi
+ # These are the userspace utilities that we also have source for.
+ # We rebuild these later.
+ rm \
+ "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/fgl_glxgears \
+ || die "bin rm failed"
+ # in this version amdcccle isn't static, thus we depend on qt4
+ use qt4 || rm "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/amdcccle
+ # ACPI fixups
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles/:/var/run/xauth/:" \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/gdm/:/var/gdm/:" \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/" \
+ || die "ACPI fixups failed."
+ # Since "who" is in coreutils, we're using that one instead of "finger".
+ sed -i -e 's:finger:who:' \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi/" \
+ || die "Replacing 'finger' with 'who' failed."
+ # Adjust paths in the script from /usr/X11R6/bin/ to /opt/bin/ and
+ # add function to detect default state.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-powermode-opt-path-3.patch
+ # see
+ #epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-old_rsp.patch
+ # first hunk applied upstream second (x32 related) was not
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-x32_something_something.patch
+ # compile fix for AGP-less kernel, bug #435322
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-12.9-KCL_AGP_FindCapsRegisters-stub.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/ati-drivers-13.8-beta-include-seq_file.patch"
+ # Fix #483400
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/fgl_glxgears-do-not-include-glATI.patch"
+ # Fix #524658
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-the-linux-3.17-no_hotplug-error.patch"
+ # Compile fix,
+ use pax_kernel && epatch "${FILESDIR}/const-notifier-block.patch"
+ # Compile fix, #526602
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/use-kernel_fpu_begin.patch"
+ cd "${MODULE_DIR}"
+ # bugged fglrx build system, this file should be copied by hand
+ cp ${ARCH_DIR}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/libfglrx_ip.a 2.6.x
+ convert_to_m 2.6.x/Makefile || die "convert_to_m failed"
+ # When built with ati's it defines a bunch of macros if
+ # certain .config values are set, falling back to less reliable
+ # detection methods if linux/autoconf.h is not available. We
+ # simply use the linux/autoconf.h settings directly, bypassing the
+ # detection script.
+ sed -i -e 's/__SMP__/CONFIG_SMP/' *.c *h || die "SMP sed failed"
+ sed -i -e 's/ifdef MODVERSIONS/ifdef CONFIG_MODVERSIONS/' *.c *.h \
+ || die "MODVERSIONS sed failed"
+src_compile() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_compile
+ ebegin "Building fgl_glxgears"
+ cd "${S}"/extra/fgl_glxgears
+ # These extra libs/utils either have an Imakefile that does not
+ # work very well without tweaking or a Makefile ignoring CFLAGS
+ # and the like. We bypass those.
+ # The -DUSE_GLU is needed to compile using nvidia headers
+ # according to a comment in ati-drivers-extra-8.33.6.ebuild.
+ "$(tc-getCC)" -o fgl_glxgears ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -DUSE_GLU \
+ -I"${S}"/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include fgl_glxgears.c \
+ -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lm || die "fgl_glxgears build failed"
+ eend $?
+src_install() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_install
+ # We can do two things here, and neither of them is very nice.
+ # For direct rendering libGL has to be able to load one or more
+ # dri modules (files ending in, like
+ # Gentoo's mesa looks for these files in the location specified by
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH or LIBGL_DRIVERS_DIR, then in the hardcoded
+ # location /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri. Ati's libGL does the same
+ # thing, but the hardcoded location is /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri
+ # on x86 and amd64 32bit, /usr/X11R6/lib64/modules/dri on amd64
+ # 64bit. So we can either put the .so files in that (unusual,
+ # compared to "normal" mesa libGL) location or set
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH. We currently do the latter. See also bug
+ # 101539.
+ # The problem with this approach is that LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # *overrides* the default hardcoded location, it does not extend
+ # it. So if ati-drivers is merged but a non-ati libGL is selected
+ # and its hardcoded path does not match our LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # (because it changed in a newer mesa or because it was compiled
+ # for a different set of multilib abis than we are) stuff breaks.
+ # We create one file per ABI to work with "native" multilib, see
+ # below.
+ echo "COLON_SEPARATED=LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH" > "${T}/03ati-colon-sep"
+ doenvd "${T}/03ati-colon-sep" || die
+ # All libraries that we have a 32 bit and 64 bit version of on
+ # amd64 are installed in src_install-libs. Everything else
+ # (including libraries only available in native 64bit on amd64)
+ # goes in here.
+ multilib_foreach_abi src_install-libs
+ # This is sorted by the order the files occur in the source tree.
+ # X modules.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/drivers
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/drivers/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/linux
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/linux/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/{,}
+ # Arch-specific files.
+ # (s)bin.
+ into /opt
+ dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/atieventsd
+ use qt4 && dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/bin/clinfo
+ # We cleaned out the compilable stuff in src_unpack
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/*
+ # Common files.
+ # etc.
+ insinto /etc/ati
+ exeinto /etc/ati
+ # Everything except for the script.
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/{logo*,control,signature,amdpcsdb.default}
+ doexe ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/
+ # include.
+ insinto /usr
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include
+ insinto /usr/include/X11/extensions
+ # Just the script.
+ into /usr
+ dosbin ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/sbin/*
+ # data files for the control panel.
+ if use qt4 ; then
+ insinto /usr/share
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/ati
+ insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/icons/ccc_large.xpm
+ make_desktop_entry amdcccle 'AMD Catalyst Control Center' \
+ ccc_large System
+ fi
+ # doc.
+ dohtml -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx
+ doman ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/man/man8/atieventsd.8
+ pushd ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi > /dev/null
+ exeinto /etc/acpi
+ doexe
+ insinto /etc/acpi/events
+ doins events/*
+ popd > /dev/null
+ # Done with the "source" tree. Install tools we rebuilt:
+ dobin extra/fgl_glxgears/fgl_glxgears
+ newdoc extra/fgl_glxgears/README README.fgl_glxgears
+ # Gentoo-specific stuff:
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/atieventsd.init atieventsd
+ echo 'ATIEVENTSDOPTS=""' > "${T}"/atieventsd.conf
+ newconfd "${T}"/atieventsd.conf atieventsd
+ # PowerXpress stuff
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/fglrx
+ doexe "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL || die "doexe switchlibGL failed"
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL "${T}"/switchlibglx
+ doexe "${T}"/switchlibglx || die "doexe switchlibglx failed"
+src_install-libs() {
+ if [[ "${ABI}" == "amd64" ]]; then
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}_64a"
+ local pkglibdir=lib64
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ local oclsuffix=64
+ else
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}"
+ local pkglibdir=lib
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ local oclsuffix=32
+ fi
+ einfo "ati tree '${pkglibdir}' -> '$(get_libdir)' on system"
+ local ATI_ROOT=/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/ati
+ # To make sure we do not miss a spot when these change.
+ local libmajor=1 libminor=2
+ local libver=${libmajor}.${libminor}
+ # The GLX libraries
+ # (yes, this really is "lib" even on amd64/multilib --marienz)
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/lib
+ newexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/fglrx/${libver} \
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/${libmajor}
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/
+ if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/extensions
+ doexe "${EX_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/extensions/fglrx/
+ mv "${D}"/${ATI_ROOT}/extensions/{fglrx-,}
+ fi
+ # other libs
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ # Everything except for the installed some row above
+ doexe $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.so*' -not -name '**')
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doins $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name '*.so*')
+ # DRI modules, installed into the path used by recent versions of mesa.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/dri/
+ # AMD Cal and OpenCL libraries
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libamdocl*.so*
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libOpenCL*.so*
+ dosym${libmajor} /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libati*.so*
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libamdhsasc*.so
+ # OpenCL vendor files
+ insinto /etc/OpenCL/vendors/
+ cat > "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd <<-EOF
+ /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl${oclsuffix}.so
+ doins "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd
+ local envname="${T}"/04ati-dri-path
+ if [[ -n ${ABI} ]]; then
+ envname="${envname}-${ABI}"
+ fi
+ echo "LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri" > "${envname}"
+ doenvd "${envname}"
+ # Silence the QA notice by creating missing soname symlinks
+ for so in $(find "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir) -maxdepth 1 -name *.so.[0-9].[0-9])
+ do
+ local soname=${so##*/}
+ local soname_one=${soname%.[0-9]}
+ local soname_zero=${soname_one%.[0-9]}
+ dosym ${soname} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_one}
+ dosym ${soname_one} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_zero}
+ done
+ # See
+ dodir /etc/revdep-rebuild/
+ echo "SEARCH_DIRS_MASK=\"/opt/bin/clinfo\"" > "${ED}/etc/revdep-rebuild/62-ati-drivers"
+ #remove static libs if not wanted
+ use static-libs || rm -rf "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libfglrx_dm.a
+ #install xvba sdk headers
+ doheader xvba_sdk/include/amdxvba.h
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ pax-mark m "${D}"/usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/ || die "pax-mark failed"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "To switch to AMD OpenGL, run \"eselect opengl set ati\""
+ elog "To change your xorg.conf you can use the bundled \"aticonfig\""
+ elog
+ elog "If you experience unexplained segmentation faults and kernel crashes"
+ elog "with this driver and multi-threaded applications such as wine,"
+ elog "set UseFastTLS in xorg.conf to either 0 or 1, but not 2."
+ elog
+ elog "Fully rebooting the system after an ${PN} update is recommended"
+ elog "Stopping Xorg, reloading fglrx kernel module and restart Xorg"
+ elog "might not work"
+ elog
+ elog "Some cards need acpid running to handle events"
+ elog "Please add it to boot runlevel with rc-update add acpid boot"
+ elog
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postinst
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old ati
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opencl set --use-old amd
+ if has_version "x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel[sna]"; then
+ ewarn "It is reported that xf86-video-intel built with USE=\"sna\" causes the X server"
+ ewarn "to crash on systems that use hybrid AMD/Intel graphics. If you experience"
+ ewarn "this crash, downgrade to xf86-video-intel-2.20.2 or earlier or"
+ ewarn "try disabling sna for xf86-video-intel."
+ ewarn "For details, see"
+ fi
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "Please run \"revdep-pax -s -me\" after installation and"
+ ewarn "after you have run \"eselect opengl set ati\". Executacle"
+ ewarn "revdep-pax is part of package sys-apps/elfix."
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_preinst
+pkg_prerm() {
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postrm
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.12-r3.ebuild b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.12-r3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..52efa86d540c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.12-r3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+MULTILIB_COMPAT=( abi_x86_{32,64} )
+inherit eutils multilib-build linux-info linux-mod toolchain-funcs versionator pax-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Ati precompiled drivers for Radeon Evergreen (HD5000 Series) and newer chipsets"
+# Uses javascript for download YESSSS
+IUSE="debug +modules qt4 static-libs pax_kernel"
+KEYWORDS="-* amd64 x86"
+RESTRICT="bindist test"
+ <=x11-base/xorg-server-1.16.49[-minimal]
+ >=app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.0.7
+ app-eselect/eselect-opencl
+ sys-power/acpid
+ x11-apps/xauth
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXext
+ x11-libs/libXinerama
+ x11-libs/libXrandr
+ x11-libs/libXrender
+ virtual/glu
+ !x11-libs/xvba-video
+ abi_x86_32? (
+ virtual/glu[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libX11[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXext[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXinerama[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXrandr[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXrender[abi_x86_32]
+ )
+ qt4? (
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libXcursor
+ x11-libs/libXfixes
+ x11-libs/libXxf86vm
+ dev-qt/qtcore:4
+ dev-qt/qtgui:4[accessibility]
+ )
+if [[ legacy != ${SLOT} ]]; then
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:legacy"
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:1"
+ x11-proto/inputproto
+ x11-proto/xf86miscproto
+ x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto
+ x11-proto/xineramaproto
+ x11-libs/libXtst
+ sys-apps/findutils
+ app-misc/pax-utils
+ app-arch/unzip
+# QA Silencing
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\).so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/libamdhsasc\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ opt/bin/aticonfig
+ opt/bin/atiodcli
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/clinfo
+ opt/bin/fglrxinfo
+ opt/sbin/atieventsd
+ opt/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/linux/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/drivers/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+pkg_nofetch() {
+ einfo "The driver packages"
+ einfo ${A}
+ einfo "need to be downloaded manually from"
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "and ${XVBA_SDK_URI}"
+pkg_pretend() {
+ use amd64 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" COMPAT"
+ local ERROR_MTRR="CONFIG_MTRR required for direct rendering."
+ local ERROR_DRM="CONFIG_DRM must be disabled or compiled as a module and not loaded for direct
+ rendering to work."
+ local ERROR_LOCKDEP="CONFIG_LOCKDEP (lock tracking) exports the symbol lock_acquire
+ as GPL-only. This prevents ${P} from compiling with an error like this:
+ FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module fglrx.ko uses GPL-only symbol 'lock_acquire'"
+ local ERROR_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_OR="This config option will cause
+ kernel to reject loading the fglrx module with
+ \"ERROR: could not insert 'fglrx': Exec format error.\"
+ You may want to try CONFIG_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_BTS instead."
+ local ERROR_BKL="CONFIG_BKL must be enabled for kernels 2.6.37-2.6.38."
+ # workaround until bug 365543 is solved
+ if use modules; then
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ require_configured_kernel
+ kernel_is ge 2 6 37 && kernel_is le 2 6 38 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" BKL"
+ check_extra_config
+ if ! linux_chkconfig_present AGP && \
+ ! linux_chkconfig_present PCIEPORTBUS; then
+ ewarn "You don't have AGP and/or PCIe support enabled in the kernel"
+ ewarn "Direct rendering will not work."
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! has XT ${PAX_MARKINGS} && use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "You have disabled xattr pax markings for portage."
+ ewarn "This will likely cause programs using ati-drivers provided"
+ ewarn "libraries to be killed kernel."
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use modules; then
+ MODULE_NAMES="fglrx(video:${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/2.6.x)"
+ BUILD_TARGETS="kmod_build"
+ linux-mod_pkg_setup
+ BUILD_PARAMS="GCC_VER_MAJ=$(gcc-major-version) KVER=${KV_FULL} KDIR=${KV_OUT_DIR}"
+ if grep -q arch_compat_alloc_user_space ${KV_DIR}/arch/x86/include/asm/compat.h ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Define module dir.
+ MODULE_DIR="${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod"
+ # get the xorg-server version and set BASE_DIR for that
+ BASE_DIR="${S}/xpic"
+ # amd64/x86
+ if use amd64 ; then
+ PKG_LIBDIR=lib64
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ else
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "Please note that this driver only supports graphic cards based on"
+ elog "Evergreen chipset and newer."
+ elog "This includes the AMD Radeon HD 5400+ series at this moment."
+ elog
+ elog "If your card is older then use ${CATEGORY}/xf86-video-ati"
+ elog "For migration informations please refer to:"
+ elog ""
+ einfo
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.tar\.gz ]]; then
+ else
+ #please note, RUN may be insanely assigned at top near SRC_URI
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.zip ]]; then
+ [[ -z "$RUN" ]] && RUN="${S}/${DRIVERS_DISTFILE/}"
+ else
+ fi
+ sh "${RUN}" --extract "${S}" 2>&1 > /dev/null || die
+ fi
+ mkdir xvba_sdk
+ cd xvba_sdk
+ mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/extra" || die "mkdir extra failed"
+ cd "${WORKDIR}/extra"
+ tar -xf "../${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/src/ati/fglrx_sample_source.tgz"
+src_prepare() {
+ if use modules; then
+ if use debug; then
+ sed -i '/^#define DRM_DEBUG_CODE/s/0/1/' \
+ "${MODULE_DIR}/firegl_public.c" \
+ || die "Failed to enable debug output."
+ fi
+ fi
+ # These are the userspace utilities that we also have source for.
+ # We rebuild these later.
+ rm \
+ "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/fgl_glxgears \
+ || die "bin rm failed"
+ # in this version amdcccle isn't static, thus we depend on qt4
+ use qt4 || rm "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/amdcccle
+ # ACPI fixups
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles/:/var/run/xauth/:" \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/gdm/:/var/gdm/:" \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/" \
+ || die "ACPI fixups failed."
+ # Since "who" is in coreutils, we're using that one instead of "finger".
+ sed -i -e 's:finger:who:' \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi/" \
+ || die "Replacing 'finger' with 'who' failed."
+ # Adjust paths in the script from /usr/X11R6/bin/ to /opt/bin/ and
+ # add function to detect default state.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-powermode-opt-path-3.patch
+ # see
+ #epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-old_rsp.patch
+ # first hunk applied upstream second (x32 related) was not
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-x32_something_something.patch
+ # compile fix for AGP-less kernel, bug #435322
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-12.9-KCL_AGP_FindCapsRegisters-stub.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/ati-drivers-13.8-beta-include-seq_file.patch"
+ # Fix #483400
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/fgl_glxgears-do-not-include-glATI.patch"
+ # Fix #524658
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-the-linux-3.17-no_hotplug-error.patch"
+ # Compile fix,
+ use pax_kernel && epatch "${FILESDIR}/const-notifier-block.patch"
+ # Compile fix, #526602
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/use-kernel_fpu_begin.patch"
+ cd "${MODULE_DIR}"
+ # bugged fglrx build system, this file should be copied by hand
+ cp ${ARCH_DIR}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/libfglrx_ip.a 2.6.x
+ convert_to_m 2.6.x/Makefile || die "convert_to_m failed"
+ # When built with ati's it defines a bunch of macros if
+ # certain .config values are set, falling back to less reliable
+ # detection methods if linux/autoconf.h is not available. We
+ # simply use the linux/autoconf.h settings directly, bypassing the
+ # detection script.
+ sed -i -e 's/__SMP__/CONFIG_SMP/' *.c *h || die "SMP sed failed"
+ sed -i -e 's/ifdef MODVERSIONS/ifdef CONFIG_MODVERSIONS/' *.c *.h \
+ || die "MODVERSIONS sed failed"
+src_compile() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_compile
+ ebegin "Building fgl_glxgears"
+ cd "${S}"/extra/fgl_glxgears
+ # These extra libs/utils either have an Imakefile that does not
+ # work very well without tweaking or a Makefile ignoring CFLAGS
+ # and the like. We bypass those.
+ # The -DUSE_GLU is needed to compile using nvidia headers
+ # according to a comment in ati-drivers-extra-8.33.6.ebuild.
+ "$(tc-getCC)" -o fgl_glxgears ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -DUSE_GLU \
+ -I"${S}"/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include fgl_glxgears.c \
+ -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lm || die "fgl_glxgears build failed"
+ eend $?
+src_install() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_install
+ # We can do two things here, and neither of them is very nice.
+ # For direct rendering libGL has to be able to load one or more
+ # dri modules (files ending in, like
+ # Gentoo's mesa looks for these files in the location specified by
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH or LIBGL_DRIVERS_DIR, then in the hardcoded
+ # location /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri. Ati's libGL does the same
+ # thing, but the hardcoded location is /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri
+ # on x86 and amd64 32bit, /usr/X11R6/lib64/modules/dri on amd64
+ # 64bit. So we can either put the .so files in that (unusual,
+ # compared to "normal" mesa libGL) location or set
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH. We currently do the latter. See also bug
+ # 101539.
+ # The problem with this approach is that LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # *overrides* the default hardcoded location, it does not extend
+ # it. So if ati-drivers is merged but a non-ati libGL is selected
+ # and its hardcoded path does not match our LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # (because it changed in a newer mesa or because it was compiled
+ # for a different set of multilib abis than we are) stuff breaks.
+ # We create one file per ABI to work with "native" multilib, see
+ # below.
+ echo "COLON_SEPARATED=LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH" > "${T}/03ati-colon-sep"
+ doenvd "${T}/03ati-colon-sep" || die
+ # All libraries that we have a 32 bit and 64 bit version of on
+ # amd64 are installed in src_install-libs. Everything else
+ # (including libraries only available in native 64bit on amd64)
+ # goes in here.
+ multilib_foreach_abi src_install-libs
+ # This is sorted by the order the files occur in the source tree.
+ # X modules.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/drivers
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/drivers/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/linux
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/linux/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/{,}
+ # Arch-specific files.
+ # (s)bin.
+ into /opt
+ dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/atieventsd
+ use qt4 && dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/bin/clinfo
+ # We cleaned out the compilable stuff in src_unpack
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/*
+ # Common files.
+ # etc.
+ insinto /etc/ati
+ exeinto /etc/ati
+ # Everything except for the script.
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/{logo*,control,signature,amdpcsdb.default}
+ doexe ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/
+ # include.
+ insinto /usr
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include
+ insinto /usr/include/X11/extensions
+ # Just the script.
+ into /usr
+ dosbin ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/sbin/*
+ # data files for the control panel.
+ if use qt4 ; then
+ insinto /usr/share
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/ati
+ insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/icons/ccc_large.xpm
+ make_desktop_entry amdcccle 'AMD Catalyst Control Center' \
+ ccc_large System
+ fi
+ # doc.
+ dohtml -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx
+ doman ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/man/man8/atieventsd.8
+ pushd ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi > /dev/null
+ exeinto /etc/acpi
+ doexe
+ insinto /etc/acpi/events
+ doins events/*
+ popd > /dev/null
+ # Done with the "source" tree. Install tools we rebuilt:
+ dobin extra/fgl_glxgears/fgl_glxgears
+ newdoc extra/fgl_glxgears/README README.fgl_glxgears
+ # Gentoo-specific stuff:
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/atieventsd.init atieventsd
+ echo 'ATIEVENTSDOPTS=""' > "${T}"/atieventsd.conf
+ newconfd "${T}"/atieventsd.conf atieventsd
+ # PowerXpress stuff
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/fglrx
+ doexe "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL || die "doexe switchlibGL failed"
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL "${T}"/switchlibglx
+ doexe "${T}"/switchlibglx || die "doexe switchlibglx failed"
+src_install-libs() {
+ if [[ "${ABI}" == "amd64" ]]; then
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}_64a"
+ local pkglibdir=lib64
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ local oclsuffix=64
+ else
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}"
+ local pkglibdir=lib
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ local oclsuffix=32
+ fi
+ einfo "ati tree '${pkglibdir}' -> '$(get_libdir)' on system"
+ local ATI_ROOT=/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/ati
+ # To make sure we do not miss a spot when these change.
+ local libmajor=1 libminor=2
+ local libver=${libmajor}.${libminor}
+ # The GLX libraries
+ # (yes, this really is "lib" even on amd64/multilib --marienz)
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/lib
+ newexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/fglrx/${libver} \
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/${libmajor}
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/
+ if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/extensions
+ doexe "${EX_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/extensions/fglrx/
+ mv "${D}"/${ATI_ROOT}/extensions/{fglrx-,}
+ fi
+ # other libs
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ # Everything except for the installed some row above
+ doexe $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.so*' -not -name '**')
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doins $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name '*.so*')
+ # DRI modules, installed into the path used by recent versions of mesa.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/dri/
+ # AMD Cal and OpenCL libraries
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libamdocl*.so*
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libOpenCL*.so*
+ dosym${libmajor} /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libati*.so*
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libamdhsasc*.so
+ # OpenCL vendor files
+ insinto /etc/OpenCL/vendors/
+ cat > "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd <<-EOF
+ /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl${oclsuffix}.so
+ doins "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd
+ local envname="${T}"/04ati-dri-path
+ if [[ -n ${ABI} ]]; then
+ envname="${envname}-${ABI}"
+ fi
+ echo "LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri" > "${envname}"
+ doenvd "${envname}"
+ # Silence the QA notice by creating missing soname symlinks
+ for so in $(find "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir) -maxdepth 1 -name *.so.[0-9].[0-9])
+ do
+ local soname=${so##*/}
+ local soname_one=${soname%.[0-9]}
+ local soname_zero=${soname_one%.[0-9]}
+ dosym ${soname} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_one}
+ dosym ${soname_one} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_zero}
+ done
+ # See
+ dodir /etc/revdep-rebuild/
+ echo "SEARCH_DIRS_MASK=\"/opt/bin/clinfo\"" > "${ED}/etc/revdep-rebuild/62-ati-drivers"
+ #remove static libs if not wanted
+ use static-libs || rm -rf "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libfglrx_dm.a
+ #install xvba sdk headers
+ doheader xvba_sdk/include/amdxvba.h
+ # VA-API internal wrapper
+ dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/ /usr/$(get_libdir)/va/drivers/
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ pax-mark m "${D}"/usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/ || die "pax-mark failed"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "To switch to AMD OpenGL, run \"eselect opengl set ati\""
+ elog "To change your xorg.conf you can use the bundled \"aticonfig\""
+ elog
+ elog "If you experience unexplained segmentation faults and kernel crashes"
+ elog "with this driver and multi-threaded applications such as wine,"
+ elog "set UseFastTLS in xorg.conf to either 0 or 1, but not 2."
+ elog
+ elog "Fully rebooting the system after an ${PN} update is recommended"
+ elog "Stopping Xorg, reloading fglrx kernel module and restart Xorg"
+ elog "might not work"
+ elog
+ elog "Some cards need acpid running to handle events"
+ elog "Please add it to boot runlevel with rc-update add acpid boot"
+ elog
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postinst
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old ati
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opencl set --use-old amd
+ if has_version "x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel[sna]"; then
+ ewarn "It is reported that xf86-video-intel built with USE=\"sna\" causes the X server"
+ ewarn "to crash on systems that use hybrid AMD/Intel graphics. If you experience"
+ ewarn "this crash, downgrade to xf86-video-intel-2.20.2 or earlier or"
+ ewarn "try disabling sna for xf86-video-intel."
+ ewarn "For details, see"
+ fi
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "Please run \"revdep-pax -s -me\" after installation and"
+ ewarn "after you have run \"eselect opengl set ati\". Executacle"
+ ewarn "revdep-pax is part of package sys-apps/elfix."
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_preinst
+pkg_prerm() {
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postrm
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.4_p1.ebuild b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.4_p1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d6d509a1a1ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.4_p1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils multilib linux-info linux-mod toolchain-funcs versionator pax-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Ati precompiled drivers for Radeon Evergreen (HD5000 Series) and newer chipsets"
+# Uses javascript for download YESSSS
+IUSE="debug +modules multilib qt4 static-libs pax_kernel"
+KEYWORDS="-* amd64 x86"
+RESTRICT="bindist test"
+ <=x11-base/xorg-server-1.15.49[-minimal]
+ >=app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.0.7
+ app-eselect/eselect-opencl
+ sys-power/acpid
+ x11-apps/xauth
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXext
+ x11-libs/libXinerama
+ x11-libs/libXrandr
+ x11-libs/libXrender
+ virtual/glu
+ multilib? (
+ >=virtual/glu-9.0-r1[abi_x86_32]
+ >=x11-libs/libX11-1.6.2[abi_x86_32]
+ >=x11-libs/libXext-1.3.2[abi_x86_32]
+ >=x11-libs/libXinerama-1.1.3[abi_x86_32]
+ >=x11-libs/libXrandr-1.4.2[abi_x86_32]
+ >=x11-libs/libXrender-0.9.8[abi_x86_32]
+ )
+ qt4? (
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libXcursor
+ x11-libs/libXfixes
+ x11-libs/libXxf86vm
+ dev-qt/qtcore:4
+ dev-qt/qtgui:4[accessibility]
+ )
+if [[ legacy != ${SLOT} ]]; then
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:legacy"
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:1"
+ x11-proto/inputproto
+ x11-proto/xf86miscproto
+ x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto
+ x11-proto/xineramaproto
+ x11-libs/libXtst
+ sys-apps/findutils
+ app-misc/pax-utils
+ app-arch/unzip
+# QA Silencing
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\).so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ opt/bin/aticonfig
+ opt/bin/atiodcli
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/clinfo
+ opt/bin/fglrxinfo
+ opt/sbin/atieventsd
+ opt/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/linux/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/drivers/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+pkg_nofetch() {
+ einfo "The driver packages"
+ einfo ${A}
+ einfo "need to be downloaded manually from"
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "and ${XVBA_SDK_URI}"
+pkg_pretend() {
+ use amd64 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" COMPAT"
+ local ERROR_MTRR="CONFIG_MTRR required for direct rendering."
+ local ERROR_DRM="CONFIG_DRM must be disabled or compiled as a module and not loaded for direct
+ rendering to work."
+ local ERROR_LOCKDEP="CONFIG_LOCKDEP (lock tracking) exports the symbol lock_acquire
+ as GPL-only. This prevents ${P} from compiling with an error like this:
+ FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module fglrx.ko uses GPL-only symbol 'lock_acquire'"
+ local ERROR_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_OR="This config option will cause
+ kernel to reject loading the fglrx module with
+ \"ERROR: could not insert 'fglrx': Exec format error.\"
+ You may want to try CONFIG_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_BTS instead."
+ local ERROR_BKL="CONFIG_BKL must be enabled for kernels 2.6.37-2.6.38."
+ # workaround until bug 365543 is solved
+ if use modules; then
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ require_configured_kernel
+ kernel_is ge 2 6 37 && kernel_is le 2 6 38 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" BKL"
+ check_extra_config
+ if ! linux_chkconfig_present AGP && \
+ ! linux_chkconfig_present PCIEPORTBUS; then
+ ewarn "You don't have AGP and/or PCIe support enabled in the kernel"
+ ewarn "Direct rendering will not work."
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! has XT ${PAX_MARKINGS} && use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "You have disabled xattr pax markings for portage."
+ ewarn "This will likely cause programs using ati-drivers provided"
+ ewarn "libraries to be killed kernel."
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use modules; then
+ MODULE_NAMES="fglrx(video:${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/2.6.x)"
+ BUILD_TARGETS="kmod_build"
+ linux-mod_pkg_setup
+ BUILD_PARAMS="GCC_VER_MAJ=$(gcc-major-version) KVER=${KV_FULL} KDIR=${KV_DIR}"
+ if grep -q arch_compat_alloc_user_space ${KV_DIR}/arch/x86/include/asm/compat.h ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Define module dir.
+ MODULE_DIR="${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod"
+ # get the xorg-server version and set BASE_DIR for that
+ BASE_DIR="${S}/xpic"
+ # amd64/x86
+ if use amd64 ; then
+ PKG_LIBDIR=lib64
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ else
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "Please note that this driver only supports graphic cards based on"
+ elog "Evergreen chipset and newer."
+ elog "This includes the AMD Radeon HD 5400+ series at this moment."
+ elog
+ elog "If your card is older then use ${CATEGORY}/xf86-video-ati"
+ elog "For migration informations please refer to:"
+ elog ""
+ einfo
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.tar\.gz ]]; then
+ else
+ #please note, RUN may be insanely assigned at top near SRC_URI
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.zip ]]; then
+ [[ -z "$RUN" ]] && RUN="${S}/${DRIVERS_DISTFILE/}"
+ else
+ fi
+ sh "${RUN}" --extract "${S}" 2>&1 > /dev/null || die
+ fi
+ mkdir xvba_sdk
+ cd xvba_sdk
+ mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/extra" || die "mkdir extra failed"
+ cd "${WORKDIR}/extra"
+ tar -xf "../${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/src/ati/fglrx_sample_source.tgz"
+src_prepare() {
+ if use modules; then
+ if use debug; then
+ sed -i '/^#define DRM_DEBUG_CODE/s/0/1/' \
+ "${MODULE_DIR}/firegl_public.c" \
+ || die "Failed to enable debug output."
+ fi
+ fi
+ # These are the userspace utilities that we also have source for.
+ # We rebuild these later.
+ rm \
+ "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/fgl_glxgears \
+ || die "bin rm failed"
+ # in this version amdcccle isn't static, thus we depend on qt4
+ use qt4 || rm "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/amdcccle
+ # ACPI fixups
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles/:/var/run/xauth/:" \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/gdm/:/var/gdm/:" \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/" \
+ || die "ACPI fixups failed."
+ # Since "who" is in coreutils, we're using that one instead of "finger".
+ sed -i -e 's:finger:who:' \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi/" \
+ || die "Replacing 'finger' with 'who' failed."
+ # Adjust paths in the script from /usr/X11R6/bin/ to /opt/bin/ and
+ # add function to detect default state.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-powermode-opt-path-3.patch
+ # see
+ #epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-old_rsp.patch
+ # first hunk applied upstream second (x32 related) was not
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-x32_something_something.patch
+ # compile fix for AGP-less kernel, bug #435322
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-12.9-KCL_AGP_FindCapsRegisters-stub.patch
+ # Compile fix for kernel typesafe uid types #469160
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/typesafe-kuid.diff"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/ati-drivers-13.8-beta-include-seq_file.patch"
+ # Fix #483400
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/fgl_glxgears-do-not-include-glATI.patch"
+ # Compile fix,
+ use pax_kernel && epatch "${FILESDIR}/const-notifier-block.patch"
+ cd "${MODULE_DIR}"
+ # bugged fglrx build system, this file should be copied by hand
+ cp ${ARCH_DIR}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/libfglrx_ip.a 2.6.x
+ convert_to_m 2.6.x/Makefile || die "convert_to_m failed"
+ # When built with ati's it defines a bunch of macros if
+ # certain .config values are set, falling back to less reliable
+ # detection methods if linux/autoconf.h is not available. We
+ # simply use the linux/autoconf.h settings directly, bypassing the
+ # detection script.
+ sed -i -e 's/__SMP__/CONFIG_SMP/' *.c *h || die "SMP sed failed"
+ sed -i -e 's/ifdef MODVERSIONS/ifdef CONFIG_MODVERSIONS/' *.c *.h \
+ || die "MODVERSIONS sed failed"
+src_compile() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_compile
+ ebegin "Building fgl_glxgears"
+ cd "${S}"/extra/fgl_glxgears
+ # These extra libs/utils either have an Imakefile that does not
+ # work very well without tweaking or a Makefile ignoring CFLAGS
+ # and the like. We bypass those.
+ # The -DUSE_GLU is needed to compile using nvidia headers
+ # according to a comment in ati-drivers-extra-8.33.6.ebuild.
+ "$(tc-getCC)" -o fgl_glxgears ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -DUSE_GLU \
+ -I"${S}"/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include fgl_glxgears.c \
+ -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lm || die "fgl_glxgears build failed"
+ eend $?
+src_install() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_install
+ # We can do two things here, and neither of them is very nice.
+ # For direct rendering libGL has to be able to load one or more
+ # dri modules (files ending in, like
+ # Gentoo's mesa looks for these files in the location specified by
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH or LIBGL_DRIVERS_DIR, then in the hardcoded
+ # location /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri. Ati's libGL does the same
+ # thing, but the hardcoded location is /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri
+ # on x86 and amd64 32bit, /usr/X11R6/lib64/modules/dri on amd64
+ # 64bit. So we can either put the .so files in that (unusual,
+ # compared to "normal" mesa libGL) location or set
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH. We currently do the latter. See also bug
+ # 101539.
+ # The problem with this approach is that LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # *overrides* the default hardcoded location, it does not extend
+ # it. So if ati-drivers is merged but a non-ati libGL is selected
+ # and its hardcoded path does not match our LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # (because it changed in a newer mesa or because it was compiled
+ # for a different set of multilib abis than we are) stuff breaks.
+ # We create one file per ABI to work with "native" multilib, see
+ # below.
+ echo "COLON_SEPARATED=LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH" > "${T}/03ati-colon-sep"
+ doenvd "${T}/03ati-colon-sep" || die
+ # All libraries that we have a 32 bit and 64 bit version of on
+ # amd64 are installed in src_install-libs. Everything else
+ # (including libraries only available in native 64bit on amd64)
+ # goes in here.
+ # There used to be some code here that tried to detect running
+ # under a "native multilib" portage ((precursor of)
+ # I removed that, it
+ # should just work (only doing some duplicate work). --marienz
+ if has_multilib_profile; then
+ local OABI=${ABI}
+ for ABI in $(get_install_abis); do
+ src_install-libs
+ done
+ unset OABI
+ else
+ src_install-libs
+ fi
+ # This is sorted by the order the files occur in the source tree.
+ # X modules.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/drivers
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/drivers/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/linux
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/linux/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/{,}
+ # Arch-specific files.
+ # (s)bin.
+ into /opt
+ dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/atieventsd
+ use qt4 && dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/bin/clinfo
+ # We cleaned out the compilable stuff in src_unpack
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/*
+ # Common files.
+ # etc.
+ insinto /etc/ati
+ exeinto /etc/ati
+ # Everything except for the script.
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/{logo*,control,signature,amdpcsdb.default}
+ doexe ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/
+ # include.
+ insinto /usr
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include
+ insinto /usr/include/X11/extensions
+ # Just the script.
+ into /usr
+ dosbin ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/sbin/*
+ # data files for the control panel.
+ if use qt4 ; then
+ insinto /usr/share
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/ati
+ insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/icons/ccc_large.xpm
+ make_desktop_entry amdcccle 'AMD Catalyst Control Center' \
+ ccc_large System
+ fi
+ # doc.
+ dohtml -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx
+ doman ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/man/man8/atieventsd.8
+ pushd ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi > /dev/null
+ exeinto /etc/acpi
+ doexe
+ insinto /etc/acpi/events
+ doins events/*
+ popd > /dev/null
+ # Done with the "source" tree. Install tools we rebuilt:
+ dobin extra/fgl_glxgears/fgl_glxgears
+ newdoc extra/fgl_glxgears/README README.fgl_glxgears
+ # Gentoo-specific stuff:
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/atieventsd.init atieventsd
+ echo 'ATIEVENTSDOPTS=""' > "${T}"/atieventsd.conf
+ newconfd "${T}"/atieventsd.conf atieventsd
+ # PowerXpress stuff
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/fglrx
+ doexe "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL || die "doexe switchlibGL failed"
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL "${T}"/switchlibglx
+ doexe "${T}"/switchlibglx || die "doexe switchlibglx failed"
+src_install-libs() {
+ if [[ "${ABI}" == "amd64" ]]; then
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}_64a"
+ local pkglibdir=lib64
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ local oclsuffix=64
+ else
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}"
+ local pkglibdir=lib
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ local oclsuffix=32
+ fi
+ einfo "ati tree '${pkglibdir}' -> '$(get_libdir)' on system"
+ local ATI_ROOT=/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/ati
+ # To make sure we do not miss a spot when these change.
+ local libmajor=1 libminor=2
+ local libver=${libmajor}.${libminor}
+ # The GLX libraries
+ # (yes, this really is "lib" even on amd64/multilib --marienz)
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/lib
+ newexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/fglrx/${libver} \
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/${libmajor}
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/extensions
+ doexe "${EX_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/extensions/fglrx/
+ mv "${D}"/${ATI_ROOT}/extensions/{fglrx-,}
+ # other libs
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ # Everything except for the installed some row above
+ doexe $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.so*' -not -name '**')
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doins $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name '*.so*')
+ # DRI modules, installed into the path used by recent versions of mesa.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/dri/
+ # AMD Cal and OpenCL libraries
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libamdocl*.so*
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libOpenCL*.so*
+ dosym${libmajor} /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libati*.so*
+ # OpenCL vendor files
+ insinto /etc/OpenCL/vendors/
+ cat > "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd <<-EOF
+ /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl${oclsuffix}.so
+ doins "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd
+ local envname="${T}"/04ati-dri-path
+ if [[ -n ${ABI} ]]; then
+ envname="${envname}-${ABI}"
+ fi
+ echo "LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri" > "${envname}"
+ doenvd "${envname}"
+ # Silence the QA notice by creating missing soname symlinks
+ for so in $(find "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir) -maxdepth 1 -name *.so.[0-9].[0-9])
+ do
+ local soname=${so##*/}
+ local soname_one=${soname%.[0-9]}
+ local soname_zero=${soname_one%.[0-9]}
+ dosym ${soname} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_one}
+ dosym ${soname_one} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_zero}
+ done
+ # See
+ dodir /etc/revdep-rebuild/
+ echo "SEARCH_DIRS_MASK=\"/opt/bin/clinfo\"" > "${ED}/etc/revdep-rebuild/62-ati-drivers"
+ #remove static libs if not wanted
+ use static-libs || rm -rf "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libfglrx_dm.a
+ #install xvba sdk headers
+ doheader xvba_sdk/include/amdxvba.h
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ pax-mark m "${D}"/usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/ || die "pax-mark failed"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "To switch to AMD OpenGL, run \"eselect opengl set ati\""
+ elog "To change your xorg.conf you can use the bundled \"aticonfig\""
+ elog
+ elog "If you experience unexplained segmentation faults and kernel crashes"
+ elog "with this driver and multi-threaded applications such as wine,"
+ elog "set UseFastTLS in xorg.conf to either 0 or 1, but not 2."
+ elog
+ elog "Fully rebooting the system after an ${PN} update is recommended"
+ elog "Stopping Xorg, reloading fglrx kernel module and restart Xorg"
+ elog "might not work"
+ elog
+ elog "Some cards need acpid running to handle events"
+ elog "Please add it to boot runlevel with rc-update add acpid boot"
+ elog
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postinst
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old ati
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opencl set --use-old amd
+ if has_version "x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel[sna]"; then
+ ewarn "It is reported that xf86-video-intel built with USE=\"sna\" causes the X server"
+ ewarn "to crash on systems that use hybrid AMD/Intel graphics. If you experience"
+ ewarn "this crash, downgrade to xf86-video-intel-2.20.2 or earlier or"
+ ewarn "try disabling sna for xf86-video-intel."
+ ewarn "For details, see"
+ fi
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "Please run \"revdep-pax -s -me\" after installation and"
+ ewarn "after you have run \"eselect opengl set ati\". Executacle"
+ ewarn "revdep-pax is part of package sys-apps/elfix."
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_preinst
+pkg_prerm() {
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postrm
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.6_beta2.ebuild b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.6_beta2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e8d5138c4dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.6_beta2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils multilib linux-info linux-mod toolchain-funcs versionator pax-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Ati precompiled drivers for Radeon Evergreen (HD5000 Series) and newer chipsets"
+# Uses javascript for download YESSSS
+IUSE="debug +modules multilib qt4 static-libs pax_kernel"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86"
+RESTRICT="bindist test"
+ <=x11-base/xorg-server-1.15.49[-minimal]
+ >=app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.0.7
+ app-eselect/eselect-opencl
+ sys-power/acpid
+ x11-apps/xauth
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXext
+ x11-libs/libXinerama
+ x11-libs/libXrandr
+ x11-libs/libXrender
+ virtual/glu
+ multilib? (
+ virtual/glu[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libX11[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXext[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXinerama[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXrandr[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXrender[abi_x86_32]
+ )
+ qt4? (
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libXcursor
+ x11-libs/libXfixes
+ x11-libs/libXxf86vm
+ dev-qt/qtcore:4
+ dev-qt/qtgui:4[accessibility]
+ )
+if [[ legacy != ${SLOT} ]]; then
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:legacy"
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:1"
+ x11-proto/inputproto
+ x11-proto/xf86miscproto
+ x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto
+ x11-proto/xineramaproto
+ x11-libs/libXtst
+ sys-apps/findutils
+ app-misc/pax-utils
+ app-arch/unzip
+# QA Silencing
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\).so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ opt/bin/aticonfig
+ opt/bin/atiodcli
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/clinfo
+ opt/bin/fglrxinfo
+ opt/sbin/atieventsd
+ opt/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/linux/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/drivers/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+pkg_nofetch() {
+ einfo "The driver packages"
+ einfo ${A}
+ einfo "need to be downloaded manually from"
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "and ${XVBA_SDK_URI}"
+pkg_pretend() {
+ use amd64 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" COMPAT"
+ local ERROR_MTRR="CONFIG_MTRR required for direct rendering."
+ local ERROR_DRM="CONFIG_DRM must be disabled or compiled as a module and not loaded for direct
+ rendering to work."
+ local ERROR_LOCKDEP="CONFIG_LOCKDEP (lock tracking) exports the symbol lock_acquire
+ as GPL-only. This prevents ${P} from compiling with an error like this:
+ FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module fglrx.ko uses GPL-only symbol 'lock_acquire'"
+ local ERROR_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_OR="This config option will cause
+ kernel to reject loading the fglrx module with
+ \"ERROR: could not insert 'fglrx': Exec format error.\"
+ You may want to try CONFIG_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_BTS instead."
+ local ERROR_BKL="CONFIG_BKL must be enabled for kernels 2.6.37-2.6.38."
+ # workaround until bug 365543 is solved
+ if use modules; then
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ require_configured_kernel
+ kernel_is ge 2 6 37 && kernel_is le 2 6 38 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" BKL"
+ check_extra_config
+ if ! linux_chkconfig_present AGP && \
+ ! linux_chkconfig_present PCIEPORTBUS; then
+ ewarn "You don't have AGP and/or PCIe support enabled in the kernel"
+ ewarn "Direct rendering will not work."
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! has XT ${PAX_MARKINGS} && use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "You have disabled xattr pax markings for portage."
+ ewarn "This will likely cause programs using ati-drivers provided"
+ ewarn "libraries to be killed kernel."
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use modules; then
+ MODULE_NAMES="fglrx(video:${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/2.6.x)"
+ BUILD_TARGETS="kmod_build"
+ linux-mod_pkg_setup
+ BUILD_PARAMS="GCC_VER_MAJ=$(gcc-major-version) KVER=${KV_FULL} KDIR=${KV_DIR}"
+ if grep -q arch_compat_alloc_user_space ${KV_DIR}/arch/x86/include/asm/compat.h ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Define module dir.
+ MODULE_DIR="${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod"
+ # get the xorg-server version and set BASE_DIR for that
+ BASE_DIR="${S}/xpic"
+ # amd64/x86
+ if use amd64 ; then
+ PKG_LIBDIR=lib64
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ else
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "Please note that this driver only supports graphic cards based on"
+ elog "Evergreen chipset and newer."
+ elog "This includes the AMD Radeon HD 5400+ series at this moment."
+ elog
+ elog "If your card is older then use ${CATEGORY}/xf86-video-ati"
+ elog "For migration informations please refer to:"
+ elog ""
+ einfo
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.tar\.gz ]]; then
+ else
+ #please note, RUN may be insanely assigned at top near SRC_URI
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.zip ]]; then
+ [[ -z "$RUN" ]] && RUN="${S}/${DRIVERS_DISTFILE/}"
+ else
+ fi
+ sh "${RUN}" --extract "${S}" 2>&1 > /dev/null || die
+ fi
+ mkdir xvba_sdk
+ cd xvba_sdk
+ mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/extra" || die "mkdir extra failed"
+ cd "${WORKDIR}/extra"
+ tar -xf "../${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/src/ati/fglrx_sample_source.tgz"
+src_prepare() {
+ if use modules; then
+ if use debug; then
+ sed -i '/^#define DRM_DEBUG_CODE/s/0/1/' \
+ "${MODULE_DIR}/firegl_public.c" \
+ || die "Failed to enable debug output."
+ fi
+ fi
+ # These are the userspace utilities that we also have source for.
+ # We rebuild these later.
+ rm \
+ "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/fgl_glxgears \
+ || die "bin rm failed"
+ # in this version amdcccle isn't static, thus we depend on qt4
+ use qt4 || rm "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/amdcccle
+ # ACPI fixups
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles/:/var/run/xauth/:" \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/gdm/:/var/gdm/:" \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/" \
+ || die "ACPI fixups failed."
+ # Since "who" is in coreutils, we're using that one instead of "finger".
+ sed -i -e 's:finger:who:' \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi/" \
+ || die "Replacing 'finger' with 'who' failed."
+ # Adjust paths in the script from /usr/X11R6/bin/ to /opt/bin/ and
+ # add function to detect default state.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-powermode-opt-path-3.patch
+ # see
+ #epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-old_rsp.patch
+ # first hunk applied upstream second (x32 related) was not
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-x32_something_something.patch
+ # compile fix for AGP-less kernel, bug #435322
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-12.9-KCL_AGP_FindCapsRegisters-stub.patch
+ # Compile fix for kernel typesafe uid types #469160
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/typesafe-kuid.diff"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/ati-drivers-13.8-beta-include-seq_file.patch"
+ # Fix #483400
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/fgl_glxgears-do-not-include-glATI.patch"
+ # Compile fix,
+ use pax_kernel && epatch "${FILESDIR}/const-notifier-block.patch"
+ cd "${MODULE_DIR}"
+ # bugged fglrx build system, this file should be copied by hand
+ cp ${ARCH_DIR}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/libfglrx_ip.a 2.6.x
+ convert_to_m 2.6.x/Makefile || die "convert_to_m failed"
+ # When built with ati's it defines a bunch of macros if
+ # certain .config values are set, falling back to less reliable
+ # detection methods if linux/autoconf.h is not available. We
+ # simply use the linux/autoconf.h settings directly, bypassing the
+ # detection script.
+ sed -i -e 's/__SMP__/CONFIG_SMP/' *.c *h || die "SMP sed failed"
+ sed -i -e 's/ifdef MODVERSIONS/ifdef CONFIG_MODVERSIONS/' *.c *.h \
+ || die "MODVERSIONS sed failed"
+src_compile() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_compile
+ ebegin "Building fgl_glxgears"
+ cd "${S}"/extra/fgl_glxgears
+ # These extra libs/utils either have an Imakefile that does not
+ # work very well without tweaking or a Makefile ignoring CFLAGS
+ # and the like. We bypass those.
+ # The -DUSE_GLU is needed to compile using nvidia headers
+ # according to a comment in ati-drivers-extra-8.33.6.ebuild.
+ "$(tc-getCC)" -o fgl_glxgears ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -DUSE_GLU \
+ -I"${S}"/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include fgl_glxgears.c \
+ -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lm || die "fgl_glxgears build failed"
+ eend $?
+src_install() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_install
+ # We can do two things here, and neither of them is very nice.
+ # For direct rendering libGL has to be able to load one or more
+ # dri modules (files ending in, like
+ # Gentoo's mesa looks for these files in the location specified by
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH or LIBGL_DRIVERS_DIR, then in the hardcoded
+ # location /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri. Ati's libGL does the same
+ # thing, but the hardcoded location is /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri
+ # on x86 and amd64 32bit, /usr/X11R6/lib64/modules/dri on amd64
+ # 64bit. So we can either put the .so files in that (unusual,
+ # compared to "normal" mesa libGL) location or set
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH. We currently do the latter. See also bug
+ # 101539.
+ # The problem with this approach is that LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # *overrides* the default hardcoded location, it does not extend
+ # it. So if ati-drivers is merged but a non-ati libGL is selected
+ # and its hardcoded path does not match our LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # (because it changed in a newer mesa or because it was compiled
+ # for a different set of multilib abis than we are) stuff breaks.
+ # We create one file per ABI to work with "native" multilib, see
+ # below.
+ echo "COLON_SEPARATED=LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH" > "${T}/03ati-colon-sep"
+ doenvd "${T}/03ati-colon-sep" || die
+ # All libraries that we have a 32 bit and 64 bit version of on
+ # amd64 are installed in src_install-libs. Everything else
+ # (including libraries only available in native 64bit on amd64)
+ # goes in here.
+ # There used to be some code here that tried to detect running
+ # under a "native multilib" portage ((precursor of)
+ # I removed that, it
+ # should just work (only doing some duplicate work). --marienz
+ if has_multilib_profile; then
+ local OABI=${ABI}
+ for ABI in $(get_install_abis); do
+ src_install-libs
+ done
+ unset OABI
+ else
+ src_install-libs
+ fi
+ # This is sorted by the order the files occur in the source tree.
+ # X modules.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/drivers
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/drivers/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/linux
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/linux/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/{,}
+ # Arch-specific files.
+ # (s)bin.
+ into /opt
+ dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/atieventsd
+ use qt4 && dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/bin/clinfo
+ # We cleaned out the compilable stuff in src_unpack
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/*
+ # Common files.
+ # etc.
+ insinto /etc/ati
+ exeinto /etc/ati
+ # Everything except for the script.
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/{logo*,control,signature,amdpcsdb.default}
+ doexe ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/
+ # include.
+ insinto /usr
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include
+ insinto /usr/include/X11/extensions
+ # Just the script.
+ into /usr
+ dosbin ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/sbin/*
+ # data files for the control panel.
+ if use qt4 ; then
+ insinto /usr/share
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/ati
+ insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/icons/ccc_large.xpm
+ make_desktop_entry amdcccle 'AMD Catalyst Control Center' \
+ ccc_large System
+ fi
+ # doc.
+ dohtml -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx
+ doman ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/man/man8/atieventsd.8
+ pushd ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi > /dev/null
+ exeinto /etc/acpi
+ doexe
+ insinto /etc/acpi/events
+ doins events/*
+ popd > /dev/null
+ # Done with the "source" tree. Install tools we rebuilt:
+ dobin extra/fgl_glxgears/fgl_glxgears
+ newdoc extra/fgl_glxgears/README README.fgl_glxgears
+ # Gentoo-specific stuff:
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/atieventsd.init atieventsd
+ echo 'ATIEVENTSDOPTS=""' > "${T}"/atieventsd.conf
+ newconfd "${T}"/atieventsd.conf atieventsd
+ # PowerXpress stuff
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/fglrx
+ doexe "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL || die "doexe switchlibGL failed"
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL "${T}"/switchlibglx
+ doexe "${T}"/switchlibglx || die "doexe switchlibglx failed"
+src_install-libs() {
+ if [[ "${ABI}" == "amd64" ]]; then
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}_64a"
+ local pkglibdir=lib64
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ local oclsuffix=64
+ else
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}"
+ local pkglibdir=lib
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ local oclsuffix=32
+ fi
+ einfo "ati tree '${pkglibdir}' -> '$(get_libdir)' on system"
+ local ATI_ROOT=/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/ati
+ # To make sure we do not miss a spot when these change.
+ local libmajor=1 libminor=2
+ local libver=${libmajor}.${libminor}
+ # The GLX libraries
+ # (yes, this really is "lib" even on amd64/multilib --marienz)
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/lib
+ newexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/fglrx/${libver} \
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/${libmajor}
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/extensions
+ doexe "${EX_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/extensions/fglrx/
+ mv "${D}"/${ATI_ROOT}/extensions/{fglrx-,}
+ # other libs
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ # Everything except for the installed some row above
+ doexe $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.so*' -not -name '**')
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doins $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name '*.so*')
+ # DRI modules, installed into the path used by recent versions of mesa.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/dri/
+ # AMD Cal and OpenCL libraries
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libamdocl*.so*
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libOpenCL*.so*
+ dosym${libmajor} /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libati*.so*
+ # OpenCL vendor files
+ insinto /etc/OpenCL/vendors/
+ cat > "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd <<-EOF
+ /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl${oclsuffix}.so
+ doins "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd
+ local envname="${T}"/04ati-dri-path
+ if [[ -n ${ABI} ]]; then
+ envname="${envname}-${ABI}"
+ fi
+ echo "LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri" > "${envname}"
+ doenvd "${envname}"
+ # Silence the QA notice by creating missing soname symlinks
+ for so in $(find "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir) -maxdepth 1 -name *.so.[0-9].[0-9])
+ do
+ local soname=${so##*/}
+ local soname_one=${soname%.[0-9]}
+ local soname_zero=${soname_one%.[0-9]}
+ dosym ${soname} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_one}
+ dosym ${soname_one} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_zero}
+ done
+ # See
+ dodir /etc/revdep-rebuild/
+ echo "SEARCH_DIRS_MASK=\"/opt/bin/clinfo\"" > "${ED}/etc/revdep-rebuild/62-ati-drivers"
+ #remove static libs if not wanted
+ use static-libs || rm -rf "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libfglrx_dm.a
+ #install xvba sdk headers
+ doheader xvba_sdk/include/amdxvba.h
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ pax-mark m "${D}"/usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/ || die "pax-mark failed"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "To switch to AMD OpenGL, run \"eselect opengl set ati\""
+ elog "To change your xorg.conf you can use the bundled \"aticonfig\""
+ elog
+ elog "If you experience unexplained segmentation faults and kernel crashes"
+ elog "with this driver and multi-threaded applications such as wine,"
+ elog "set UseFastTLS in xorg.conf to either 0 or 1, but not 2."
+ elog
+ elog "Fully rebooting the system after an ${PN} update is recommended"
+ elog "Stopping Xorg, reloading fglrx kernel module and restart Xorg"
+ elog "might not work"
+ elog
+ elog "Some cards need acpid running to handle events"
+ elog "Please add it to boot runlevel with rc-update add acpid boot"
+ elog
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postinst
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old ati
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opencl set --use-old amd
+ if has_version "x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel[sna]"; then
+ ewarn "It is reported that xf86-video-intel built with USE=\"sna\" causes the X server"
+ ewarn "to crash on systems that use hybrid AMD/Intel graphics. If you experience"
+ ewarn "this crash, downgrade to xf86-video-intel-2.20.2 or earlier or"
+ ewarn "try disabling sna for xf86-video-intel."
+ ewarn "For details, see"
+ fi
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "Please run \"revdep-pax -s -me\" after installation and"
+ ewarn "after you have run \"eselect opengl set ati\". Executacle"
+ ewarn "revdep-pax is part of package sys-apps/elfix."
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_preinst
+pkg_prerm() {
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postrm
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.9-r2.ebuild b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.9-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f5a57c26177e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-14.9-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+MULTILIB_COMPAT=( abi_x86_{32,64} )
+inherit eutils multilib-build linux-info linux-mod toolchain-funcs versionator pax-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Ati precompiled drivers for Radeon Evergreen (HD5000 Series) and newer chipsets"
+# Uses javascript for download YESSSS
+IUSE="debug +modules qt4 static-libs pax_kernel"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86"
+RESTRICT="bindist test fetch"
+ <=x11-base/xorg-server-1.15.49[-minimal]
+ >=app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.0.7
+ app-eselect/eselect-opencl
+ sys-power/acpid
+ x11-apps/xauth
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXext
+ x11-libs/libXinerama
+ x11-libs/libXrandr
+ x11-libs/libXrender
+ virtual/glu
+ abi_x86_32? (
+ virtual/glu[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libX11[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXext[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXinerama[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXrandr[abi_x86_32]
+ x11-libs/libXrender[abi_x86_32]
+ )
+ qt4? (
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libXcursor
+ x11-libs/libXfixes
+ x11-libs/libXxf86vm
+ dev-qt/qtcore:4
+ dev-qt/qtgui:4[accessibility]
+ )
+if [[ legacy != ${SLOT} ]]; then
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:legacy"
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:1"
+ x11-proto/inputproto
+ x11-proto/xf86miscproto
+ x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto
+ x11-proto/xineramaproto
+ x11-libs/libXtst
+ sys-apps/findutils
+ app-misc/pax-utils
+ app-arch/unzip
+# QA Silencing
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\).so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ opt/bin/aticonfig
+ opt/bin/atiodcli
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/clinfo
+ opt/bin/fglrxinfo
+ opt/sbin/atieventsd
+ opt/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/linux/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/drivers/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+pkg_nofetch() {
+ einfo "The driver packages"
+ einfo ${A}
+ einfo "need to be downloaded manually from"
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "and ${XVBA_SDK_URI}"
+pkg_pretend() {
+ use amd64 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" COMPAT"
+ local ERROR_MTRR="CONFIG_MTRR required for direct rendering."
+ local ERROR_DRM="CONFIG_DRM must be disabled or compiled as a module and not loaded for direct
+ rendering to work."
+ local ERROR_LOCKDEP="CONFIG_LOCKDEP (lock tracking) exports the symbol lock_acquire
+ as GPL-only. This prevents ${P} from compiling with an error like this:
+ FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module fglrx.ko uses GPL-only symbol 'lock_acquire'"
+ local ERROR_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_OR="This config option will cause
+ kernel to reject loading the fglrx module with
+ \"ERROR: could not insert 'fglrx': Exec format error.\"
+ You may want to try CONFIG_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_BTS instead."
+ local ERROR_BKL="CONFIG_BKL must be enabled for kernels 2.6.37-2.6.38."
+ # workaround until bug 365543 is solved
+ if use modules; then
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ require_configured_kernel
+ kernel_is ge 2 6 37 && kernel_is le 2 6 38 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" BKL"
+ check_extra_config
+ if ! linux_chkconfig_present AGP && \
+ ! linux_chkconfig_present PCIEPORTBUS; then
+ ewarn "You don't have AGP and/or PCIe support enabled in the kernel"
+ ewarn "Direct rendering will not work."
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! has XT ${PAX_MARKINGS} && use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "You have disabled xattr pax markings for portage."
+ ewarn "This will likely cause programs using ati-drivers provided"
+ ewarn "libraries to be killed kernel."
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use modules; then
+ MODULE_NAMES="fglrx(video:${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/2.6.x)"
+ BUILD_TARGETS="kmod_build"
+ linux-mod_pkg_setup
+ BUILD_PARAMS="GCC_VER_MAJ=$(gcc-major-version) KVER=${KV_FULL} KDIR=${KV_DIR}"
+ if grep -q arch_compat_alloc_user_space ${KV_DIR}/arch/x86/include/asm/compat.h ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Define module dir.
+ MODULE_DIR="${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod"
+ # get the xorg-server version and set BASE_DIR for that
+ BASE_DIR="${S}/xpic"
+ # amd64/x86
+ if use amd64 ; then
+ PKG_LIBDIR=lib64
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ else
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "Please note that this driver only supports graphic cards based on"
+ elog "Evergreen chipset and newer."
+ elog "This includes the AMD Radeon HD 5400+ series at this moment."
+ elog
+ elog "If your card is older then use ${CATEGORY}/xf86-video-ati"
+ elog "For migration informations please refer to:"
+ elog ""
+ einfo
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.tar\.gz ]]; then
+ else
+ #please note, RUN may be insanely assigned at top near SRC_URI
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.zip ]]; then
+ [[ -z "$RUN" ]] && RUN="${S}/${DRIVERS_DISTFILE/}"
+ else
+ fi
+ sh "${RUN}" --extract "${S}" 2>&1 > /dev/null || die
+ fi
+ mkdir xvba_sdk
+ cd xvba_sdk
+ mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/extra" || die "mkdir extra failed"
+ cd "${WORKDIR}/extra"
+ tar -xf "../${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/src/ati/fglrx_sample_source.tgz"
+src_prepare() {
+ if use modules; then
+ if use debug; then
+ sed -i '/^#define DRM_DEBUG_CODE/s/0/1/' \
+ "${MODULE_DIR}/firegl_public.c" \
+ || die "Failed to enable debug output."
+ fi
+ fi
+ # These are the userspace utilities that we also have source for.
+ # We rebuild these later.
+ rm \
+ "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/fgl_glxgears \
+ || die "bin rm failed"
+ # in this version amdcccle isn't static, thus we depend on qt4
+ use qt4 || rm "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/amdcccle
+ # ACPI fixups
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles/:/var/run/xauth/:" \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/gdm/:/var/gdm/:" \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/" \
+ || die "ACPI fixups failed."
+ # Since "who" is in coreutils, we're using that one instead of "finger".
+ sed -i -e 's:finger:who:' \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi/" \
+ || die "Replacing 'finger' with 'who' failed."
+ # Adjust paths in the script from /usr/X11R6/bin/ to /opt/bin/ and
+ # add function to detect default state.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-powermode-opt-path-3.patch
+ # see
+ #epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-old_rsp.patch
+ # first hunk applied upstream second (x32 related) was not
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-x32_something_something.patch
+ # compile fix for AGP-less kernel, bug #435322
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-12.9-KCL_AGP_FindCapsRegisters-stub.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/ati-drivers-13.8-beta-include-seq_file.patch"
+ # Fix #483400
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/fgl_glxgears-do-not-include-glATI.patch"
+ # Fix #524658
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-the-linux-3.17-no_hotplug-error.patch"
+ # Compile fix,
+ use pax_kernel && epatch "${FILESDIR}/const-notifier-block.patch"
+ # Compile fix, #526602
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/use-kernel_fpu_begin.patch"
+ cd "${MODULE_DIR}"
+ # bugged fglrx build system, this file should be copied by hand
+ cp ${ARCH_DIR}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/libfglrx_ip.a 2.6.x
+ convert_to_m 2.6.x/Makefile || die "convert_to_m failed"
+ # When built with ati's it defines a bunch of macros if
+ # certain .config values are set, falling back to less reliable
+ # detection methods if linux/autoconf.h is not available. We
+ # simply use the linux/autoconf.h settings directly, bypassing the
+ # detection script.
+ sed -i -e 's/__SMP__/CONFIG_SMP/' *.c *h || die "SMP sed failed"
+ sed -i -e 's/ifdef MODVERSIONS/ifdef CONFIG_MODVERSIONS/' *.c *.h \
+ || die "MODVERSIONS sed failed"
+src_compile() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_compile
+ ebegin "Building fgl_glxgears"
+ cd "${S}"/extra/fgl_glxgears
+ # These extra libs/utils either have an Imakefile that does not
+ # work very well without tweaking or a Makefile ignoring CFLAGS
+ # and the like. We bypass those.
+ # The -DUSE_GLU is needed to compile using nvidia headers
+ # according to a comment in ati-drivers-extra-8.33.6.ebuild.
+ "$(tc-getCC)" -o fgl_glxgears ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -DUSE_GLU \
+ -I"${S}"/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include fgl_glxgears.c \
+ -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lm || die "fgl_glxgears build failed"
+ eend $?
+src_install() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_install
+ # We can do two things here, and neither of them is very nice.
+ # For direct rendering libGL has to be able to load one or more
+ # dri modules (files ending in, like
+ # Gentoo's mesa looks for these files in the location specified by
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH or LIBGL_DRIVERS_DIR, then in the hardcoded
+ # location /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri. Ati's libGL does the same
+ # thing, but the hardcoded location is /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri
+ # on x86 and amd64 32bit, /usr/X11R6/lib64/modules/dri on amd64
+ # 64bit. So we can either put the .so files in that (unusual,
+ # compared to "normal" mesa libGL) location or set
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH. We currently do the latter. See also bug
+ # 101539.
+ # The problem with this approach is that LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # *overrides* the default hardcoded location, it does not extend
+ # it. So if ati-drivers is merged but a non-ati libGL is selected
+ # and its hardcoded path does not match our LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # (because it changed in a newer mesa or because it was compiled
+ # for a different set of multilib abis than we are) stuff breaks.
+ # We create one file per ABI to work with "native" multilib, see
+ # below.
+ echo "COLON_SEPARATED=LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH" > "${T}/03ati-colon-sep"
+ doenvd "${T}/03ati-colon-sep" || die
+ # All libraries that we have a 32 bit and 64 bit version of on
+ # amd64 are installed in src_install-libs. Everything else
+ # (including libraries only available in native 64bit on amd64)
+ # goes in here.
+ multilib_foreach_abi src_install-libs
+ # This is sorted by the order the files occur in the source tree.
+ # X modules.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/drivers
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/drivers/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/linux
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/linux/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/{,}
+ # Arch-specific files.
+ # (s)bin.
+ into /opt
+ dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/atieventsd
+ use qt4 && dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/bin/clinfo
+ # We cleaned out the compilable stuff in src_unpack
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/*
+ # Common files.
+ # etc.
+ insinto /etc/ati
+ exeinto /etc/ati
+ # Everything except for the script.
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/{logo*,control,signature,amdpcsdb.default}
+ doexe ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/
+ # include.
+ insinto /usr
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include
+ insinto /usr/include/X11/extensions
+ # Just the script.
+ into /usr
+ dosbin ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/sbin/*
+ # data files for the control panel.
+ if use qt4 ; then
+ insinto /usr/share
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/ati
+ insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/icons/ccc_large.xpm
+ make_desktop_entry amdcccle 'AMD Catalyst Control Center' \
+ ccc_large System
+ fi
+ # doc.
+ dohtml -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx
+ doman ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/man/man8/atieventsd.8
+ pushd ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi > /dev/null
+ exeinto /etc/acpi
+ doexe
+ insinto /etc/acpi/events
+ doins events/*
+ popd > /dev/null
+ # Done with the "source" tree. Install tools we rebuilt:
+ dobin extra/fgl_glxgears/fgl_glxgears
+ newdoc extra/fgl_glxgears/README README.fgl_glxgears
+ # Gentoo-specific stuff:
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/atieventsd.init atieventsd
+ echo 'ATIEVENTSDOPTS=""' > "${T}"/atieventsd.conf
+ newconfd "${T}"/atieventsd.conf atieventsd
+ # PowerXpress stuff
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/fglrx
+ doexe "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL || die "doexe switchlibGL failed"
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL "${T}"/switchlibglx
+ doexe "${T}"/switchlibglx || die "doexe switchlibglx failed"
+src_install-libs() {
+ if [[ "${ABI}" == "amd64" ]]; then
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}_64a"
+ local pkglibdir=lib64
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ local oclsuffix=64
+ else
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}"
+ local pkglibdir=lib
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ local oclsuffix=32
+ fi
+ einfo "ati tree '${pkglibdir}' -> '$(get_libdir)' on system"
+ local ATI_ROOT=/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/ati
+ # To make sure we do not miss a spot when these change.
+ local libmajor=1 libminor=2
+ local libver=${libmajor}.${libminor}
+ # The GLX libraries
+ # (yes, this really is "lib" even on amd64/multilib --marienz)
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/lib
+ newexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/fglrx/${libver} \
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/${libmajor}
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/
+ if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/extensions
+ doexe "${EX_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/extensions/fglrx/
+ mv "${D}"/${ATI_ROOT}/extensions/{fglrx-,}
+ fi
+ # other libs
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ # Everything except for the installed some row above
+ doexe $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.so*' -not -name '**')
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doins $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name '*.so*')
+ # DRI modules, installed into the path used by recent versions of mesa.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/dri/
+ # AMD Cal and OpenCL libraries
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libamdocl*.so*
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libOpenCL*.so*
+ dosym${libmajor} /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libati*.so*
+ # OpenCL vendor files
+ insinto /etc/OpenCL/vendors/
+ cat > "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd <<-EOF
+ /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl${oclsuffix}.so
+ doins "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd
+ local envname="${T}"/04ati-dri-path
+ if [[ -n ${ABI} ]]; then
+ envname="${envname}-${ABI}"
+ fi
+ echo "LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri" > "${envname}"
+ doenvd "${envname}"
+ # Silence the QA notice by creating missing soname symlinks
+ for so in $(find "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir) -maxdepth 1 -name *.so.[0-9].[0-9])
+ do
+ local soname=${so##*/}
+ local soname_one=${soname%.[0-9]}
+ local soname_zero=${soname_one%.[0-9]}
+ dosym ${soname} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_one}
+ dosym ${soname_one} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_zero}
+ done
+ # See
+ dodir /etc/revdep-rebuild/
+ echo "SEARCH_DIRS_MASK=\"/opt/bin/clinfo\"" > "${ED}/etc/revdep-rebuild/62-ati-drivers"
+ #remove static libs if not wanted
+ use static-libs || rm -rf "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libfglrx_dm.a
+ #install xvba sdk headers
+ doheader xvba_sdk/include/amdxvba.h
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ pax-mark m "${D}"/usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/ || die "pax-mark failed"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "To switch to AMD OpenGL, run \"eselect opengl set ati\""
+ elog "To change your xorg.conf you can use the bundled \"aticonfig\""
+ elog
+ elog "If you experience unexplained segmentation faults and kernel crashes"
+ elog "with this driver and multi-threaded applications such as wine,"
+ elog "set UseFastTLS in xorg.conf to either 0 or 1, but not 2."
+ elog
+ elog "Fully rebooting the system after an ${PN} update is recommended"
+ elog "Stopping Xorg, reloading fglrx kernel module and restart Xorg"
+ elog "might not work"
+ elog
+ elog "Some cards need acpid running to handle events"
+ elog "Please add it to boot runlevel with rc-update add acpid boot"
+ elog
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postinst
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old ati
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opencl set --use-old amd
+ if has_version "x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel[sna]"; then
+ ewarn "It is reported that xf86-video-intel built with USE=\"sna\" causes the X server"
+ ewarn "to crash on systems that use hybrid AMD/Intel graphics. If you experience"
+ ewarn "this crash, downgrade to xf86-video-intel-2.20.2 or earlier or"
+ ewarn "try disabling sna for xf86-video-intel."
+ ewarn "For details, see"
+ fi
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "Please run \"revdep-pax -s -me\" after installation and"
+ ewarn "after you have run \"eselect opengl set ati\". Executacle"
+ ewarn "revdep-pax is part of package sys-apps/elfix."
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_preinst
+pkg_prerm() {
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postrm
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-15.1.ebuild b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-15.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e7baaa0a6915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-15.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+MULTILIB_COMPAT=( abi_x86_{32,64} )
+inherit eutils multilib-build linux-info linux-mod toolchain-funcs versionator pax-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Ati precompiled drivers for Radeon Evergreen (HD5000 Series) and newer chipsets"
+# Uses javascript for download YESSSS
+IUSE="debug +modules qt4 static-libs pax_kernel gdm-hack"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86"
+RESTRICT="bindist test"
+ <=x11-base/xorg-server-1.17.49[-minimal]
+ >=app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.0.7
+ app-eselect/eselect-opencl
+ sys-power/acpid
+ x11-apps/xauth
+ !x11-libs/xvba-video
+ virtual/glu[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libX11[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libXext[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libXinerama[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libXrandr[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libXrender[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ qt4? (
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libXcursor
+ x11-libs/libXfixes
+ x11-libs/libXxf86vm
+ dev-qt/qtcore:4
+ dev-qt/qtgui:4[accessibility]
+ )
+ gdm-hack? (
+ x11-base/xorg-server:=
+ )
+if [[ legacy != ${SLOT} ]]; then
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:legacy"
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:1"
+ x11-proto/inputproto
+ x11-proto/xf86miscproto
+ x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto
+ x11-proto/xineramaproto
+ x11-libs/libXtst
+ sys-apps/findutils
+ app-misc/pax-utils
+ app-arch/unzip
+# QA Silencing
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\).so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/libamdhsasc\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ opt/bin/aticonfig
+ opt/bin/atiodcli
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/clinfo
+ opt/bin/fglrxinfo
+ opt/sbin/atieventsd
+ opt/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/linux/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/drivers/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+pkg_nofetch() {
+ einfo "The driver packages"
+ einfo ${A}
+ einfo "need to be downloaded manually from"
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "and ${XVBA_SDK_URI}"
+pkg_pretend() {
+ use amd64 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" COMPAT"
+ local ERROR_MTRR="CONFIG_MTRR required for direct rendering."
+ local ERROR_DRM="CONFIG_DRM must be disabled or compiled as a module and not loaded for direct
+ rendering to work."
+ local ERROR_LOCKDEP="CONFIG_LOCKDEP (lock tracking) exports the symbol lock_acquire
+ as GPL-only. This prevents ${P} from compiling with an error like this:
+ FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module fglrx.ko uses GPL-only symbol 'lock_acquire'"
+ local ERROR_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_OR="This config option will cause
+ kernel to reject loading the fglrx module with
+ \"ERROR: could not insert 'fglrx': Exec format error.\"
+ You may want to try CONFIG_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_BTS instead."
+ local ERROR_BKL="CONFIG_BKL must be enabled for kernels 2.6.37-2.6.38."
+ # workaround until bug 365543 is solved
+ if use modules; then
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ require_configured_kernel
+ kernel_is ge 2 6 37 && kernel_is le 2 6 38 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" BKL"
+ check_extra_config
+ if ! linux_chkconfig_present AGP && \
+ ! linux_chkconfig_present PCIEPORTBUS; then
+ ewarn "You don't have AGP and/or PCIe support enabled in the kernel"
+ ewarn "Direct rendering will not work."
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! has XT ${PAX_MARKINGS} && use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "You have disabled xattr pax markings for portage."
+ ewarn "This will likely cause programs using ati-drivers provided"
+ ewarn "libraries to be killed kernel."
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use modules; then
+ MODULE_NAMES="fglrx(video:${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/2.6.x)"
+ BUILD_TARGETS="kmod_build"
+ linux-mod_pkg_setup
+ BUILD_PARAMS="GCC_VER_MAJ=$(gcc-major-version) KVER=${KV_FULL} KDIR=${KV_OUT_DIR}"
+ if grep -q arch_compat_alloc_user_space ${KV_DIR}/arch/x86/include/asm/compat.h ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Define module dir.
+ MODULE_DIR="${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod"
+ # get the xorg-server version and set BASE_DIR for that
+ BASE_DIR="${S}/xpic"
+ # amd64/x86
+ if use amd64 ; then
+ PKG_LIBDIR=lib64
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ else
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "Please note that this driver only supports graphic cards based on"
+ elog "Evergreen chipset and newer."
+ elog "This includes the AMD Radeon HD 5400+ series at this moment."
+ elog
+ elog "If your card is older then use ${CATEGORY}/xf86-video-ati"
+ elog "For migration informations please refer to:"
+ elog ""
+ einfo
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.tar\.gz ]]; then
+ mkdir -p common
+ mv etc lib usr common || die "Assumed to find etc lib and usr for common"
+ else
+ #please note, RUN may be insanely assigned at top near SRC_URI
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.zip ]]; then
+ [[ -z "$RUN" ]] && RUN="${S}/${DRIVERS_DISTFILE/}"
+ else
+ fi
+ sh "${RUN}" --extract "${S}" 2>&1 > /dev/null || die
+ fi
+ mkdir xvba_sdk
+ cd xvba_sdk
+ mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/extra" || die "mkdir extra failed"
+ cd "${WORKDIR}/extra"
+ tar -xf "../${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/src/ati/fglrx_sample_source.tgz"
+src_prepare() {
+ if use modules; then
+ if use debug; then
+ sed -i '/^#define DRM_DEBUG_CODE/s/0/1/' \
+ "${MODULE_DIR}/firegl_public.c" \
+ || die "Failed to enable debug output."
+ fi
+ fi
+ # These are the userspace utilities that we also have source for.
+ # We rebuild these later.
+ rm \
+ "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/fgl_glxgears \
+ || die "bin rm failed"
+ # in this version amdcccle isn't static, thus we depend on qt4
+ use qt4 || rm "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/amdcccle
+ # ACPI fixups
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles/:/var/run/xauth/:" \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/gdm/:/var/gdm/:" \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/" \
+ || die "ACPI fixups failed."
+ # Since "who" is in coreutils, we're using that one instead of "finger".
+ sed -i -e 's:finger:who:' \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi/" \
+ || die "Replacing 'finger' with 'who' failed."
+ # Adjust paths in the script from /usr/X11R6/bin/ to /opt/bin/ and
+ # add function to detect default state.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-powermode-opt-path-3.patch
+ # see
+ #epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-old_rsp.patch
+ # first hunk applied upstream second (x32 related) was not
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-x32_something_something.patch
+ # compile fix for AGP-less kernel, bug #435322
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-12.9-KCL_AGP_FindCapsRegisters-stub.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/ati-drivers-13.8-beta-include-seq_file.patch"
+ # Fix #483400
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/fgl_glxgears-do-not-include-glATI.patch"
+ # Compile fix,
+ use pax_kernel && epatch "${FILESDIR}/const-notifier-block.patch"
+ # Compile fix, #526602
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/use-kernel_fpu_begin.patch"
+ cd "${MODULE_DIR}"
+ # bugged fglrx build system, this file should be copied by hand
+ cp ${ARCH_DIR}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/libfglrx_ip.a 2.6.x
+ convert_to_m 2.6.x/Makefile || die "convert_to_m failed"
+ # When built with ati's it defines a bunch of macros if
+ # certain .config values are set, falling back to less reliable
+ # detection methods if linux/autoconf.h is not available. We
+ # simply use the linux/autoconf.h settings directly, bypassing the
+ # detection script.
+ sed -i -e 's/__SMP__/CONFIG_SMP/' *.c *h || die "SMP sed failed"
+ sed -i -e 's/ifdef MODVERSIONS/ifdef CONFIG_MODVERSIONS/' *.c *.h \
+ || die "MODVERSIONS sed failed"
+src_compile() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_compile
+ ebegin "Building fgl_glxgears"
+ cd "${S}"/extra/fgl_glxgears
+ # These extra libs/utils either have an Imakefile that does not
+ # work very well without tweaking or a Makefile ignoring CFLAGS
+ # and the like. We bypass those.
+ # The -DUSE_GLU is needed to compile using nvidia headers
+ # according to a comment in ati-drivers-extra-8.33.6.ebuild.
+ "$(tc-getCC)" -o fgl_glxgears ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -DUSE_GLU \
+ -I"${S}"/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include fgl_glxgears.c \
+ -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lm || die "fgl_glxgears build failed"
+ eend $?
+src_install() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_install
+ # We can do two things here, and neither of them is very nice.
+ # For direct rendering libGL has to be able to load one or more
+ # dri modules (files ending in, like
+ # Gentoo's mesa looks for these files in the location specified by
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH or LIBGL_DRIVERS_DIR, then in the hardcoded
+ # location /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri. Ati's libGL does the same
+ # thing, but the hardcoded location is /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri
+ # on x86 and amd64 32bit, /usr/X11R6/lib64/modules/dri on amd64
+ # 64bit. So we can either put the .so files in that (unusual,
+ # compared to "normal" mesa libGL) location or set
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH. We currently do the latter. See also bug
+ # 101539.
+ # The problem with this approach is that LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # *overrides* the default hardcoded location, it does not extend
+ # it. So if ati-drivers is merged but a non-ati libGL is selected
+ # and its hardcoded path does not match our LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # (because it changed in a newer mesa or because it was compiled
+ # for a different set of multilib abis than we are) stuff breaks.
+ # We create one file per ABI to work with "native" multilib, see
+ # below.
+ echo "COLON_SEPARATED=LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH" > "${T}/03ati-colon-sep"
+ doenvd "${T}/03ati-colon-sep" || die
+ # All libraries that we have a 32 bit and 64 bit version of on
+ # amd64 are installed in src_install-libs. Everything else
+ # (including libraries only available in native 64bit on amd64)
+ # goes in here.
+ multilib_foreach_abi src_install-libs
+ # This is sorted by the order the files occur in the source tree.
+ # X modules.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/drivers
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/drivers/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/linux
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/linux/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/{,}
+ #516816
+ if use gdm-hack; then
+ sed -i 's#/proc/%i/fd/0#/etc/ati/xvrn#g' "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/drivers/" || die "Applying gdm-hack failed"
+ fi
+ # Arch-specific files.
+ # (s)bin.
+ into /opt
+ dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/atieventsd
+ use qt4 && dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/bin/clinfo
+ # We cleaned out the compilable stuff in src_unpack
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/*
+ # Common files.
+ # etc.
+ insinto /etc/ati
+ exeinto /etc/ati
+ # Everything except for the script.
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/{logo*,control,signature,amdpcsdb.default}
+ doexe ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/
+ # include.
+ insinto /usr
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include
+ insinto /usr/include/X11/extensions
+ # Just the script.
+ into /usr
+ dosbin ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/sbin/*
+ # data files for the control panel.
+ if use qt4 ; then
+ insinto /usr/share
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/ati
+ insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/icons/ccc_large.xpm
+ make_desktop_entry amdcccle 'AMD Catalyst Control Center' \
+ ccc_large System
+ fi
+ # doc.
+ dohtml -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx
+ doman ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/man/man8/atieventsd.8
+ pushd ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi > /dev/null
+ exeinto /etc/acpi
+ doexe
+ insinto /etc/acpi/events
+ doins events/*
+ popd > /dev/null
+ # Done with the "source" tree. Install tools we rebuilt:
+ dobin extra/fgl_glxgears/fgl_glxgears
+ newdoc extra/fgl_glxgears/README README.fgl_glxgears
+ # Gentoo-specific stuff:
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/atieventsd.init atieventsd
+ echo 'ATIEVENTSDOPTS=""' > "${T}"/atieventsd.conf
+ newconfd "${T}"/atieventsd.conf atieventsd
+ # PowerXpress stuff
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/fglrx
+ doexe "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL || die "doexe switchlibGL failed"
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL "${T}"/switchlibglx
+ doexe "${T}"/switchlibglx || die "doexe switchlibglx failed"
+ #516816
+ use gdm-hack && Xorg -version > "${D}/etc/ati/xvrn" 2>&1
+src_install-libs() {
+ if [[ "${ABI}" == "amd64" ]]; then
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}_64a"
+ local pkglibdir=lib64
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ local oclsuffix=64
+ else
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}"
+ local pkglibdir=lib
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ local oclsuffix=32
+ fi
+ einfo "ati tree '${pkglibdir}' -> '$(get_libdir)' on system"
+ local ATI_ROOT=/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/ati
+ # To make sure we do not miss a spot when these change.
+ local libmajor=1 libminor=2
+ local libver=${libmajor}.${libminor}
+ # The GLX libraries
+ # (yes, this really is "lib" even on amd64/multilib --marienz)
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/lib
+ newexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/fglrx/${libver} \
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/${libmajor}
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/
+ if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/extensions
+ doexe "${EX_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/extensions/fglrx/
+ mv "${D}"/${ATI_ROOT}/extensions/{fglrx-,}
+ #516816
+ if use gdm-hack; then
+ sed -i 's#/proc/%i/fd/0#/etc/ati/xvrn#g' "${D}/${ATI_ROOT}/extensions/" || die "Applying gdm-hack failed"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # other libs
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ # Everything except for the installed some row above
+ doexe $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.so*' -not -name '**')
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doins $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name '*.so*')
+ # DRI modules, installed into the path used by recent versions of mesa.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/dri/
+ # AMD Cal and OpenCL libraries
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libamdocl*.so*
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libOpenCL*.so*
+ dosym${libmajor} /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libati*.so*
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libamdhsasc*.so
+ # OpenCL vendor files
+ insinto /etc/OpenCL/vendors/
+ cat > "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd <<-EOF
+ /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl${oclsuffix}.so
+ doins "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd
+ local envname="${T}"/04ati-dri-path
+ if [[ -n ${ABI} ]]; then
+ envname="${envname}-${ABI}"
+ fi
+ echo "LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri" > "${envname}"
+ doenvd "${envname}"
+ # Silence the QA notice by creating missing soname symlinks
+ for so in $(find "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir) -maxdepth 1 -name *.so.[0-9].[0-9])
+ do
+ local soname=${so##*/}
+ local soname_one=${soname%.[0-9]}
+ local soname_zero=${soname_one%.[0-9]}
+ dosym ${soname} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_one}
+ dosym ${soname_one} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_zero}
+ done
+ # See
+ dodir /etc/revdep-rebuild/
+ echo "SEARCH_DIRS_MASK=\"/opt/bin/clinfo\"" > "${ED}/etc/revdep-rebuild/62-ati-drivers"
+ #remove static libs if not wanted
+ use static-libs || rm -rf "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libfglrx_dm.a
+ #install xvba sdk headers
+ doheader xvba_sdk/include/amdxvba.h
+ # VA-API internal wrapper
+ dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/ /usr/$(get_libdir)/va/drivers/
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ pax-mark m "${D}"/usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/ || die "pax-mark failed"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "To switch to AMD OpenGL, run \"eselect opengl set ati\""
+ elog "To change your xorg.conf you can use the bundled \"aticonfig\""
+ elog
+ elog "If you experience unexplained segmentation faults and kernel crashes"
+ elog "with this driver and multi-threaded applications such as wine,"
+ elog "set UseFastTLS in xorg.conf to either 0 or 1, but not 2."
+ elog
+ elog "Fully rebooting the system after an ${PN} update is recommended"
+ elog "Stopping Xorg, reloading fglrx kernel module and restart Xorg"
+ elog "might not work"
+ elog
+ elog "Some cards need acpid running to handle events"
+ elog "Please add it to boot runlevel with rc-update add acpid boot"
+ elog
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postinst
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old ati
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opencl set --use-old amd
+ if has_version "x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel[sna]"; then
+ ewarn "It is reported that xf86-video-intel built with USE=\"sna\" causes the X server"
+ ewarn "to crash on systems that use hybrid AMD/Intel graphics. If you experience"
+ ewarn "this crash, downgrade to xf86-video-intel-2.20.2 or earlier or"
+ ewarn "try disabling sna for xf86-video-intel."
+ ewarn "For details, see"
+ fi
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "Please run \"revdep-pax -s -me\" after installation and"
+ ewarn "after you have run \"eselect opengl set ati\". Executacle"
+ ewarn "revdep-pax is part of package sys-apps/elfix."
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_preinst
+pkg_prerm() {
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postrm
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-15.7.ebuild b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-15.7.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fda41dc3d189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-15.7.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+MULTILIB_COMPAT=( abi_x86_{32,64} )
+inherit eutils multilib-build linux-info linux-mod toolchain-funcs versionator pax-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Ati precompiled drivers for Radeon Evergreen (HD5000 Series) and newer chipsets"
+# Uses javascript for download YESSSS
+IUSE="debug +modules qt4 static-libs pax_kernel gdm-hack"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86"
+RESTRICT="bindist test"
+ <=x11-base/xorg-server-1.17.49[-minimal]
+ >=app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.0.7
+ app-eselect/eselect-opencl
+ sys-power/acpid
+ x11-apps/xauth
+ !x11-libs/xvba-video
+ virtual/glu[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libX11[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libXext[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libXinerama[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libXrandr[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libXrender[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ qt4? (
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libXcursor
+ x11-libs/libXfixes
+ x11-libs/libXxf86vm
+ dev-qt/qtcore:4
+ dev-qt/qtgui:4[accessibility]
+ )
+ gdm-hack? (
+ x11-base/xorg-server:=
+ )
+if [[ legacy != ${SLOT} ]]; then
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:legacy"
+ !x11-drivers/ati-drivers:1"
+ x11-proto/inputproto
+ x11-proto/xf86miscproto
+ x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto
+ x11-proto/xineramaproto
+ x11-libs/libXtst
+ sys-apps/findutils
+ app-misc/pax-utils
+ app-arch/unzip
+# QA Silencing
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib*/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib*/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\).so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/libamdhsasc\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ opt/bin/amdcccle
+ opt/bin/aticonfig
+ opt/bin/atiodcli
+ opt/bin/atiode
+ opt/bin/clinfo
+ opt/bin/fglrxinfo
+ opt/sbin/atieventsd
+ opt/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/linux/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/xorg/modules/drivers/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/dri/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/extensions/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl\(32\|64\)\?.so
+ usr/lib\(32\|64\)\?/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+pkg_nofetch() {
+ einfo "The driver packages"
+ einfo ${A}
+ einfo "need to be downloaded manually from"
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "and ${XVBA_SDK_URI}"
+pkg_pretend() {
+ use amd64 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" COMPAT"
+ local ERROR_MTRR="CONFIG_MTRR required for direct rendering."
+ local ERROR_DRM="CONFIG_DRM must be disabled or compiled as a module and not loaded for direct
+ rendering to work."
+ local ERROR_LOCKDEP="CONFIG_LOCKDEP (lock tracking) exports the symbol lock_acquire
+ as GPL-only. This prevents ${P} from compiling with an error like this:
+ FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module fglrx.ko uses GPL-only symbol 'lock_acquire'"
+ local ERROR_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_OR="This config option will cause
+ kernel to reject loading the fglrx module with
+ \"ERROR: could not insert 'fglrx': Exec format error.\"
+ You may want to try CONFIG_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD_BTS instead."
+ local ERROR_BKL="CONFIG_BKL must be enabled for kernels 2.6.37-2.6.38."
+ # workaround until bug 365543 is solved
+ if use modules; then
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ require_configured_kernel
+ kernel_is ge 2 6 37 && kernel_is le 2 6 38 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" BKL"
+ check_extra_config
+ if ! linux_chkconfig_present AGP && \
+ ! linux_chkconfig_present PCIEPORTBUS; then
+ ewarn "You don't have AGP and/or PCIe support enabled in the kernel"
+ ewarn "Direct rendering will not work."
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! has XT ${PAX_MARKINGS} && use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "You have disabled xattr pax markings for portage."
+ ewarn "This will likely cause programs using ati-drivers provided"
+ ewarn "libraries to be killed kernel."
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use modules; then
+ MODULE_NAMES="fglrx(video:${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/2.6.x)"
+ BUILD_TARGETS="kmod_build"
+ linux-mod_pkg_setup
+ BUILD_PARAMS="GCC_VER_MAJ=$(gcc-major-version) KVER=${KV_FULL} KDIR=${KV_OUT_DIR}"
+ if grep -q arch_compat_alloc_user_space ${KV_DIR}/arch/x86/include/asm/compat.h ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Define module dir.
+ MODULE_DIR="${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod"
+ # get the xorg-server version and set BASE_DIR for that
+ BASE_DIR="${S}/xpic"
+ # amd64/x86
+ if use amd64 ; then
+ PKG_LIBDIR=lib64
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ else
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "Please note that this driver only supports graphic cards based on"
+ elog "Evergreen chipset and newer."
+ elog "This includes the AMD Radeon HD 5400+ series at this moment."
+ elog
+ elog "If your card is older then use ${CATEGORY}/xf86-video-ati"
+ elog "For migration informations please refer to:"
+ elog ""
+ einfo
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.tar\.gz ]]; then
+ mkdir -p common
+ mv etc lib usr common || die "Assumed to find etc lib and usr for common"
+ else
+ #please note, RUN may be insanely assigned at top near SRC_URI
+ if [[ ${DRIVERS_DISTFILE} =~ .*\.zip ]]; then
+ [[ -z "$RUN" ]] && RUN="${S}/${DRIVERS_DISTFILE/}"
+ else
+ fi
+ sh "${RUN}" --extract "${S}" 2>&1 > /dev/null || die
+ fi
+ mkdir xvba_sdk
+ cd xvba_sdk
+ mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/extra" || die "mkdir extra failed"
+ cd "${WORKDIR}/extra"
+ tar -xf "../${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/src/ati/fglrx_sample_source.tgz"
+src_prepare() {
+ if use modules; then
+ if use debug; then
+ sed -i '/^#define DRM_DEBUG_CODE/s/0/1/' \
+ "${MODULE_DIR}/firegl_public.c" \
+ || die "Failed to enable debug output."
+ fi
+ fi
+ # These are the userspace utilities that we also have source for.
+ # We rebuild these later.
+ rm \
+ "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/fgl_glxgears \
+ || die "bin rm failed"
+ # in this version amdcccle isn't static, thus we depend on qt4
+ use qt4 || rm "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/amdcccle
+ # ACPI fixups
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles/:/var/run/xauth/:" \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/gdm/:/var/gdm/:" \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/" \
+ || die "ACPI fixups failed."
+ # Since "who" is in coreutils, we're using that one instead of "finger".
+ sed -i -e 's:finger:who:' \
+ "${S}/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi/" \
+ || die "Replacing 'finger' with 'who' failed."
+ # Adjust paths in the script from /usr/X11R6/bin/ to /opt/bin/ and
+ # add function to detect default state.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-powermode-opt-path-3.patch
+ # see
+ #epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-old_rsp.patch
+ # first hunk applied upstream second (x32 related) was not
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-x32_something_something.patch
+ # compile fix for AGP-less kernel, bug #435322
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-drivers-12.9-KCL_AGP_FindCapsRegisters-stub.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/ati-drivers-13.8-beta-include-seq_file.patch"
+ # Fix #483400
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/fgl_glxgears-do-not-include-glATI.patch"
+ # Compile fix,
+ use pax_kernel && epatch "${FILESDIR}/const-notifier-block.patch"
+ # Compile fix, #526602
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/use-kernel_fpu_begin.patch"
+ epatch_user
+ cd "${MODULE_DIR}"
+ # bugged fglrx build system, this file should be copied by hand
+ cp ${ARCH_DIR}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/libfglrx_ip.a 2.6.x
+ convert_to_m 2.6.x/Makefile || die "convert_to_m failed"
+ # When built with ati's it defines a bunch of macros if
+ # certain .config values are set, falling back to less reliable
+ # detection methods if linux/autoconf.h is not available. We
+ # simply use the linux/autoconf.h settings directly, bypassing the
+ # detection script.
+ sed -i -e 's/__SMP__/CONFIG_SMP/' *.c *h || die "SMP sed failed"
+ sed -i -e 's/ifdef MODVERSIONS/ifdef CONFIG_MODVERSIONS/' *.c *.h \
+ || die "MODVERSIONS sed failed"
+src_compile() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_compile
+ ebegin "Building fgl_glxgears"
+ cd "${S}"/extra/fgl_glxgears
+ # These extra libs/utils either have an Imakefile that does not
+ # work very well without tweaking or a Makefile ignoring CFLAGS
+ # and the like. We bypass those.
+ # The -DUSE_GLU is needed to compile using nvidia headers
+ # according to a comment in ati-drivers-extra-8.33.6.ebuild.
+ "$(tc-getCC)" -o fgl_glxgears ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -DUSE_GLU \
+ -I"${S}"/${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include fgl_glxgears.c \
+ -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lm || die "fgl_glxgears build failed"
+ eend $?
+src_install() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_src_install
+ # We can do two things here, and neither of them is very nice.
+ # For direct rendering libGL has to be able to load one or more
+ # dri modules (files ending in, like
+ # Gentoo's mesa looks for these files in the location specified by
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH or LIBGL_DRIVERS_DIR, then in the hardcoded
+ # location /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri. Ati's libGL does the same
+ # thing, but the hardcoded location is /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri
+ # on x86 and amd64 32bit, /usr/X11R6/lib64/modules/dri on amd64
+ # 64bit. So we can either put the .so files in that (unusual,
+ # compared to "normal" mesa libGL) location or set
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH. We currently do the latter. See also bug
+ # 101539.
+ # The problem with this approach is that LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # *overrides* the default hardcoded location, it does not extend
+ # it. So if ati-drivers is merged but a non-ati libGL is selected
+ # and its hardcoded path does not match our LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # (because it changed in a newer mesa or because it was compiled
+ # for a different set of multilib abis than we are) stuff breaks.
+ # We create one file per ABI to work with "native" multilib, see
+ # below.
+ echo "COLON_SEPARATED=LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH" > "${T}/03ati-colon-sep"
+ doenvd "${T}/03ati-colon-sep" || die
+ # All libraries that we have a 32 bit and 64 bit version of on
+ # amd64 are installed in src_install-libs. Everything else
+ # (including libraries only available in native 64bit on amd64)
+ # goes in here.
+ multilib_foreach_abi src_install-libs
+ # This is sorted by the order the files occur in the source tree.
+ # X modules.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/drivers
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/drivers/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/linux
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/linux/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules
+ doexe "${MY_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/{,}
+ #516816
+ if use gdm-hack; then
+ sed -i 's#/proc/%i/fd/0#/etc/ati/xvrn#g' "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/drivers/" || die "Applying gdm-hack failed"
+ fi
+ # Arch-specific files.
+ # (s)bin.
+ into /opt
+ dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/atieventsd
+ use qt4 && dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/amdnotifyui
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/bin/clinfo
+ # We cleaned out the compilable stuff in src_unpack
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/*
+ # Common files.
+ # etc.
+ insinto /etc/ati
+ exeinto /etc/ati
+ # Everything except for the script.
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/{logo*,control,signature,amdpcsdb.default}
+ doexe ${FOLDER_PREFIX}etc/ati/
+ # include.
+ insinto /usr
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/include
+ insinto /usr/include/X11/extensions
+ # Just the script.
+ into /usr
+ dosbin ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/sbin/*
+ # data files for the control panel.
+ if use qt4 ; then
+ insinto /usr/share
+ doins -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/ati
+ insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
+ doins ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/icons/ccc_large.xpm
+ make_desktop_entry amdcccle 'AMD Catalyst Control Center' \
+ ccc_large System
+ fi
+ # doc.
+ dohtml -r ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx
+ doman ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/man/man8/atieventsd.8
+ pushd ${FOLDER_PREFIX}usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi > /dev/null
+ exeinto /etc/acpi
+ doexe
+ insinto /etc/acpi/events
+ doins events/*
+ popd > /dev/null
+ # Done with the "source" tree. Install tools we rebuilt:
+ dobin extra/fgl_glxgears/fgl_glxgears
+ newdoc extra/fgl_glxgears/README README.fgl_glxgears
+ # Gentoo-specific stuff:
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/atieventsd.init atieventsd
+ echo 'ATIEVENTSDOPTS=""' > "${T}"/atieventsd.conf
+ newconfd "${T}"/atieventsd.conf atieventsd
+ # PowerXpress stuff
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/fglrx
+ doexe "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL || die "doexe switchlibGL failed"
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/switchlibGL "${T}"/switchlibglx
+ doexe "${T}"/switchlibglx || die "doexe switchlibglx failed"
+ #516816
+ use gdm-hack && Xorg -version > "${D}/etc/ati/xvrn" 2>&1
+src_install-libs() {
+ if [[ "${ABI}" == "amd64" ]]; then
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}_64a"
+ local pkglibdir=lib64
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ local oclsuffix=64
+ else
+ local EX_BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}"
+ local pkglibdir=lib
+ local MY_ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ local oclsuffix=32
+ fi
+ einfo "ati tree '${pkglibdir}' -> '$(get_libdir)' on system"
+ local ATI_ROOT=/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/ati
+ # To make sure we do not miss a spot when these change.
+ local libmajor=1 libminor=2
+ local libver=${libmajor}.${libminor}
+ # The GLX libraries
+ # (yes, this really is "lib" even on amd64/multilib --marienz)
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/lib
+ newexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/fglrx/${libver} \
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/${libmajor}
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/
+ if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/extensions
+ doexe "${EX_BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/extensions/fglrx/
+ mv "${D}"/${ATI_ROOT}/extensions/{fglrx-,}
+ #516816
+ if use gdm-hack; then
+ sed -i 's#/proc/%i/fd/0#/etc/ati/xvrn#g' "${D}/${ATI_ROOT}/extensions/" || die "Applying gdm-hack failed"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # other libs
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ # Everything except for the installed some row above
+ doexe $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.so*' -not -name '**')
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doins $(find "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name '*.so*')
+ # DRI modules, installed into the path used by recent versions of mesa.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/dri/
+ # AMD Cal and OpenCL libraries
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libamdocl*.so*
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libOpenCL*.so*
+ dosym${libmajor} /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doexe "${MY_ARCH_DIR}"/usr/${pkglibdir}/libati*.so*
+ # OpenCL vendor files
+ insinto /etc/OpenCL/vendors/
+ cat > "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd <<-EOF
+ /usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/amd/libamdocl${oclsuffix}.so
+ doins "${T}"/amdocl${oclsuffix}.icd
+ local envname="${T}"/04ati-dri-path
+ if [[ -n ${ABI} ]]; then
+ envname="${envname}-${ABI}"
+ fi
+ echo "LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri" > "${envname}"
+ doenvd "${envname}"
+ # Silence the QA notice by creating missing soname symlinks
+ for so in $(find "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir) -maxdepth 1 -name *.so.[0-9].[0-9])
+ do
+ local soname=${so##*/}
+ local soname_one=${soname%.[0-9]}
+ local soname_zero=${soname_one%.[0-9]}
+ dosym ${soname} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_one}
+ dosym ${soname_one} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname_zero}
+ done
+ # See
+ dodir /etc/revdep-rebuild/
+ echo "SEARCH_DIRS_MASK=\"/opt/bin/clinfo\"" > "${ED}/etc/revdep-rebuild/62-ati-drivers"
+ #remove static libs if not wanted
+ use static-libs || rm -rf "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libfglrx_dm.a
+ #install xvba sdk headers
+ doheader xvba_sdk/include/amdxvba.h
+ # VA-API internal wrapper
+ dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/ /usr/$(get_libdir)/va/drivers/
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ pax-mark m "${D}"/usr/lib*/opengl/ati/lib/ || die "pax-mark failed"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "To switch to AMD OpenGL, run \"eselect opengl set ati\""
+ elog "To change your xorg.conf you can use the bundled \"aticonfig\""
+ elog
+ elog "If you experience unexplained segmentation faults and kernel crashes"
+ elog "with this driver and multi-threaded applications such as wine,"
+ elog "set UseFastTLS in xorg.conf to either 0 or 1, but not 2."
+ elog
+ elog "Fully rebooting the system after an ${PN} update is recommended"
+ elog "Stopping Xorg, reloading fglrx kernel module and restart Xorg"
+ elog "might not work"
+ elog
+ elog "Some cards need acpid running to handle events"
+ elog "Please add it to boot runlevel with rc-update add acpid boot"
+ elog
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postinst
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old ati
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opencl set --use-old amd
+ if has_version "x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel[sna]"; then
+ ewarn "It is reported that xf86-video-intel built with USE=\"sna\" causes the X server"
+ ewarn "to crash on systems that use hybrid AMD/Intel graphics. If you experience"
+ ewarn "this crash, downgrade to xf86-video-intel-2.20.2 or earlier or"
+ ewarn "try disabling sna for xf86-video-intel."
+ ewarn "For details, see"
+ fi
+ if use pax_kernel; then
+ ewarn "Please run \"revdep-pax -s -me\" after installation and"
+ ewarn "after you have run \"eselect opengl set ati\". Executacle"
+ ewarn "revdep-pax is part of package sys-apps/elfix."
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_preinst
+pkg_prerm() {
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use modules && linux-mod_pkg_postrm
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-drivers-12.9-KCL_AGP_FindCapsRegisters-stub.patch b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-drivers-12.9-KCL_AGP_FindCapsRegisters-stub.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0ea461b82e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-drivers-12.9-KCL_AGP_FindCapsRegisters-stub.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+From: Vasiliy Yeremeyev <>
+Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2012 23:59:36 +0400
+Subject: [PATCH] KCL_AGP_FindCapsRegisters stub for AGP-less systems
+ common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_agp.c | 5 +++++
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_agp.c b/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_agp.c
+index b9c0655..cb1902b 100644
+--- a/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_agp.c
++++ b/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_agp.c
+@@ -479,6 +479,11 @@ int ATI_API_CALL KCL_AGP_Enable(unsigned long mode)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
++int ATI_API_CALL KCL_AGP_FindCapsRegisters(KCL_PCI_DevHandle dev)
++ return -EINVAL;
+ int ATI_API_CALL KCL_AGP_ReadCapsRegisters(KCL_PCI_DevHandle dev, unsigned int *caps)
+ {
+ return -EINVAL;
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-drivers-13.12-acpi.patch b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-drivers-13.12-acpi.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0a27431b1463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-drivers-13.12-acpi.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+diff -urN common.old/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_acpi.c common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_acpi.c
+--- common.old/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_acpi.c 2013-12-27 13:32:34.734832283 +0100
++++ common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_acpi.c 2013-12-27 13:33:31.849831765 +0100
+@@ -1002,7 +1002,11 @@
+ #endif
+ {
+ return KCL_ACPI_ERROR;
+- }
++ }
++ ((acpi_tbl_table_handler)handler)(hdr);
+ ((acpi_table_handler)handler)(hdr);
+ return KCL_ACPI_OK;
+ }
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-drivers-13.8-beta-include-seq_file.patch b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-drivers-13.8-beta-include-seq_file.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fb1ba17e0223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-drivers-13.8-beta-include-seq_file.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c b/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c
+index 22561c5..fdfe65e 100755
+--- a/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c
++++ b/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c
+@@ -520,6 +520,8 @@ static int func##_wrap(char *buf, char **start, kcl_off_t offset, \
+ }
+ #else
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
+ #define READ_PROC_WRAP(func) \
+ static int func##_wrap(struct seq_file *m, void* data) \
+ { \
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-drivers-x32_something_something.patch b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-drivers-x32_something_something.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d37c1191dfbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-drivers-x32_something_something.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- a/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_ioctl.c 2012-05-26 19:11:03.402987821 +0200
++++ b/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_ioctl.c 2012-05-26 19:13:00.273986422 +0200
+@@ -217,6 +217,10 @@
+ * \param size [in] Number of bytes to allocate
+ * \return Pointer to allocated memory
+ */
++#ifndef CONFIG_X86_X32
++DEFINE_PER_CPU(unsigned long, old_rsp);
+ void* ATI_API_CALL KCL_IOCTL_AllocUserSpace32(long size)
+ {
+ void __user *ret = COMPAT_ALLOC_USER_SPACE(size);
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-powermode-opt-path-3.patch b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-powermode-opt-path-3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..278c191c39dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/ati-powermode-opt-path-3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+--- a/common/usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi/ 2012-08-17 22:39:05.077984979 +0800
++++ b/common/usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi/ 2012-08-17 22:41:15.919976149 +0800
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ # Control script for ACPI lid state and AC adapter state
+ #
+ getXuser() {
+ user=`who| grep -m1 ":$displaynum " | awk '{print $1}'`
+ if [ x"$user" = x"" ]; then
+@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@
+ done
+ #If PPLIB is enabled
+-su $user -c '/usr/bin/aticonfig --pplib-cmd="get version"' | grep PPLIB
++su $user -c "$aticonfig --pplib-cmd='get version'" | grep PPLIB
+ if [ $? = 0 ]; then
+ echo "Has PPLIB"
+ has_pplib=1
+@@ -61,15 +63,15 @@
+ if [ ${lid_closed} -eq 1 -o ${on_dc} -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "Low power"
+ if [ ${has_pplib} -eq 1 ]; then
+- su $user -c '/usr/bin/aticonfig --pplib-cmd="notify psrc dc"'
++ su $user -c "$aticonfig --pplib-cmd='notify psrc dc'"
+ else
+- su $user -c "/usr/bin/aticonfig --set-powerstate=1 --effective=now"
++ su $user -c "$aticonfig --set-powerstate=1 --effective=now"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "high power"
+ if [ ${has_pplib} -eq 1 ]; then
+- su $user -c '/usr/bin/aticonfig --pplib-cmd="notify psrc ac"'
++ su $user -c "$aticonfig --pplib-cmd='notify psrc ac'"
+ else
+- su $user -c "/usr/bin/aticonfig --set-powerstate=3 --effective=now"
++ su $user -c "$aticonfig --set-powerstate=3 --effective=now"
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/atieventsd.init b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/atieventsd.init
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aa7d028ed65f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/atieventsd.init
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+depend() {
+ need acpid
+start() {
+ ebegin "Starting ${SVCNAME}"
+ start-stop-daemon --start --exec /opt/sbin/atieventsd -- ${ATIEVENTSDOPTS}
+ eend $?
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping ${SVCNAME}"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /opt/sbin/atieventsd
+ eend $?
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/const-notifier-block.patch b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/const-notifier-block.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ba1fdb2b7402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/const-notifier-block.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+diff -Nur common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_acpi.c common-r1/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_acpi.c
+--- common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_acpi.c 2013-01-29 17:03:51.000000000 +0200
++++ common-r1/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_acpi.c 2013-02-15 20:33:10.611838616 +0200
+@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ #include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/notifier.h>
+ #include <generated/autoconf.h>
+ #else
+@@ -145,7 +148,11 @@
+ return NOTIFY_OK;
+ }
++static notifier_block_no_const firegl_acpi_lid_notifier = {
+ static struct notifier_block firegl_acpi_lid_notifier = {
+ .notifier_call = firegl_acpi_lid_event,
+ };
+ #endif
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/fgl_glxgears-do-not-include-glATI.patch b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/fgl_glxgears-do-not-include-glATI.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d46e027c5670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/fgl_glxgears-do-not-include-glATI.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+diff -Nur extra/fgl_glxgears/fgl_glxgears.c extra-r1/fgl_glxgears/fgl_glxgears.c
+--- extra/fgl_glxgears/fgl_glxgears.c 2012-08-29 09:59:03.000000000 +0300
++++ extra-r1/fgl_glxgears/fgl_glxgears.c 2013-09-07 09:26:11.034723135 +0300
+@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@
+ #endif // _WIN32
+ #define INT_PTR ptrdiff_t
+-#include <GL/glATI.h>
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ #include <GL/wglATI.h>
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/fix-the-linux-3.17-no_hotplug-error.patch b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/fix-the-linux-3.17-no_hotplug-error.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a8b546255557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/fix-the-linux-3.17-no_hotplug-error.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+--- common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_acpi.c.orig 2014-07-11 11:46:19.000000000 +0200
++++ common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/kcl_acpi.c 2014-10-08 15:12:55.535638391 +0200
+@@ -829,6 +829,7 @@
+ static acpi_status KCL_ACPI_Slot_No_Hotplug(KCL_ACPI_DevHandle handle, u32 lvl, void *data, void **rv)
+ {
+ struct acpi_device *tdev;
+ struct pci_dev *pdev = (struct pci_dev *)data;
+@@ -844,6 +845,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/switchlibGL b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/switchlibGL
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a6aa4fceb96b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/switchlibGL
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# switchlibGL
+# Copyright (c) 2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
+# Purpose:
+# For switch between AMD and Intel graphic driver library.
+# Usage:
+# switchlibGL amd|intel|query
+# amd: switches to the AMD version of libGL.
+# intel: switches to the open-source version of libGL .
+# query: checks, which version is currently active and prints either "amd"
+# or "intel" or "unknown" on the standard output.
+# must be root to execute this script
+ARCH=`uname -m`
+# Check if root
+if [ "`whoami`" != "root" ]; then
+ echo "Must be root to run this script." 1>&2
+ exit $E_ERR
+# One parameter
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: `basename $0` amd|intel|query " 1>&2
+ echo "Please choose one parameter " 1>&2
+ exit $E_ERR
+current=$(eselect opengl show)
+# Switch to right mode
+case "$1" in
+ "amd" )
+ if [ $current != ati ] ; then
+ eselect opengl set ati || return 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "intel" )
+ if [ $current != xorg-x11 ] ; then
+ eselect opengl set xorg-x11 || return 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "query" )
+ case "$current" in
+ "ati" )
+ echo "amd"
+ ;;
+ "xorg-x11" )
+ echo "intel"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ * ) echo "Usage: `basename $0` amd|intel|query" 1>&2; exit $E_ERR;;
+ # other than amd|intel|query parameter report an error
+# A zero return value from the script upon exit indicates success.
+exit 0
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/typesafe-kuid.diff b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/typesafe-kuid.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c226ea3dbcfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/typesafe-kuid.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+diff --git a/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c b/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c
+index d3ad3ce..9362b58 100755
+--- a/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c
++++ b/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c
+@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
+ #include <linux/autoconf.h>
+ #endif
++#include <linux/uidgid.h>
+ #if !defined(CONFIG_X86)
+ #if !defined(CONFIG_X86_PC)
+ #if !defined(CONFIG_X86_XEN)
+@@ -1543,9 +1548,17 @@ KCL_TYPE_Pid ATI_API_CALL KCL_GetTgid(void)
+ KCL_TYPE_Uid ATI_API_CALL KCL_GetEffectiveUid(void)
+ {
+ #ifdef current_euid
++ return __kuid_val(current_euid());
++# else
+ return current_euid();
++# endif
+ #else
++ return __kuid_val(current->euid);
++# else
+ return current->euid;
++# endif
+ #endif
+ }
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/use-kernel_fpu_begin.patch b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/use-kernel_fpu_begin.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f0ba2785323d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/files/use-kernel_fpu_begin.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -Naur a/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c b/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c
+--- a/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c 2014-10-27 23:30:58.630304842 +0200
++++ b/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c 2014-10-27 23:32:57.300306011 +0200
+@@ -6389,7 +6389,7 @@
+ */
+ void ATI_API_CALL KCL_fpu_begin(void)
+ {
+-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
++#if defined(CONFIG_X86_64) || LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3,17,0)
+ kernel_fpu_begin();
+ #else
+ #ifdef TS_USEDFPU
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/metadata.xml b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5aa11eb6eeac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <herd>x11</herd>
+ <herd>proxy-maintainers</herd>
+ <maintainer>
+ <email></email>
+ <description>Assign to herd.</description>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <email></email>
+ <description>Proxy maintainer, CC him on bugs.</description>
+ </maintainer>
+ <use>
+ <flag name='qt4'>
+ Install qt4 dependent optional tools (e.g Catalyst Control Panel)
+ </flag>
+ <flag name='modules'>Build the kernel modules</flag>
+ <flag name='gdm-hack'>Do a potentially dangerous binary search and replace to fix gdm compatibility</flag>
+ <flag name='pax_kernel'>Enable pax kernel specific patches</flag>
+ </use>