--- a/org/postgresql/core/v3/ConnectionFactoryImpl.java	2015-10-09 20:55:53.000000000 +0200
+++ b/org/postgresql/core/v3/ConnectionFactoryImpl.java	2015-10-14 20:42:48.816753341 +0200
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 import org.postgresql.hostchooser.HostChooserFactory;
 import org.postgresql.hostchooser.HostRequirement;
 import org.postgresql.hostchooser.HostStatus;
-import org.postgresql.sspi.SSPIClient;
 import org.postgresql.util.GT;
 import org.postgresql.util.HostSpec;
 import org.postgresql.util.MD5Digest;
@@ -394,11 +393,7 @@
         // or an authentication request
         String password = PGProperty.PASSWORD.get(info);
-        /* SSPI negotiation state, if used */
-        SSPIClient sspiClient = null;
-        try {
 	        while (true)
@@ -514,88 +509,16 @@
                     case AUTH_REQ_SSPI:
                          * Use GSSAPI if requested on all platforms, via JSSE.
-                         *
-                         * For SSPI auth requests, if we're on Windows attempt native SSPI
-                         * authentication if available, and if not disabled by setting a
-                         * kerberosServerName. On other platforms, attempt JSSE GSSAPI
-                         * negotiation with the SSPI server.
-                         *
-                         * Note that this is slightly different to libpq, which uses SSPI
-                         * for GSSAPI where supported. We prefer to use the existing Java
-                         * JSSE Kerberos support rather than going to native (via JNA) calls
-                         * where possible, so that JSSE system properties etc continue
-                         * to work normally.
-                         *
-                         * Note that while SSPI is often Kerberos-based there's no guarantee
-                         * it will be; it may be NTLM or anything else. If the client responds
-                         * to an SSPI request via GSSAPI and the other end isn't using Kerberos
-                         * for SSPI then authentication will fail.
-                        final String gsslib = PGProperty.GSS_LIB.get(info);
-                        final boolean usespnego = PGProperty.USE_SPNEGO.getBoolean(info);
-                        boolean useSSPI = false;
+                        org.postgresql.gss.MakeGSS.authenticate(pgStream, host,
+                                user, password, 
+                                PGProperty.JAAS_APPLICATION_NAME.get(info),
+                                PGProperty.KERBEROS_SERVER_NAME.get(info),
+                                logger,
+                                PGProperty.USE_SPNEGO.getBoolean(info));
+                        break;
-                        /* 
-                         * Use SSPI if we're in auto mode on windows and have a
-                         * request for SSPI auth, or if it's forced. Otherwise
-                         * use gssapi. If the user has specified a Kerberos server
-                         * name we'll always use JSSE GSSAPI.
-                         */
-                        if (gsslib.equals("gssapi"))
-                            logger.debug("Using JSSE GSSAPI, param gsslib=gssapi");
-                        else if (areq == AUTH_REQ_GSS && !gsslib.equals("sspi"))
-                            logger.debug("Using JSSE GSSAPI, gssapi requested by server and gsslib=sspi not forced");
-                        else
-                        {
-                            /* Determine if SSPI is supported by the client */
-                            sspiClient = new SSPIClient(pgStream,
-                                    PGProperty.SSPI_SERVICE_CLASS.get(info),
-                                    /* Use negotiation for SSPI, or if explicitly requested for GSS */
-                                    areq == AUTH_REQ_SSPI || (areq == AUTH_REQ_GSS && usespnego),
-                                    logger);
-                            useSSPI = sspiClient.isSSPISupported();
-                            logger.debug("SSPI support detected: " + useSSPI);
-                            if (!useSSPI) {
-                                /* No need to dispose() if no SSPI used */
-                                sspiClient = null;
-                                if (gsslib.equals("sspi"))
-                                    throw new PSQLException("SSPI forced with gsslib=sspi, but SSPI not available; set loglevel=2 for details", 
-                                            PSQLState.CONNECTION_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT);
-                            }
-                            logger.debug("Using SSPI: " + useSSPI + ", gsslib="+gsslib+" and SSPI support detected");
-                        }
-                        if (useSSPI)
-                        {
-                            /* SSPI requested and detected as available */
-    	                	sspiClient.startSSPI();
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            /* Use JGSS's GSSAPI for this request */
-                            org.postgresql.gss.MakeGSS.authenticate(pgStream, host,
-                                    user, password, 
-                                    PGProperty.JAAS_APPLICATION_NAME.get(info),
-                                    PGProperty.KERBEROS_SERVER_NAME.get(info),
-                                    logger,
-                                    usespnego);
-                        }
-	                	break;
-	                case AUTH_REQ_GSS_CONTINUE:
-	                	 /* 
-	                	  * Only called for SSPI, as GSS is handled by an inner loop
-	                	  * in MakeGSS.
-	                	  */
-	                	sspiClient.continueSSPI(l_msgLen - 8);
-	                	break;
 	                case AUTH_REQ_OK:
 	                    /* Cleanup after successful authentication */
 	                    if (logger.logDebug())
@@ -616,18 +539,6 @@
 	                throw new PSQLException(GT.tr("Protocol error.  Session setup failed."), PSQLState.PROTOCOL_VIOLATION);
-        } finally {
-        	/* Cleanup after successful or failed authentication attempts */
-        	if (sspiClient != null)
-        	{
-        		try {
-        			sspiClient.dispose();
-        		} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
-        			logger.log("Unexpected error during SSPI context disposal", ex);
-        		}
-        	}
-        }