;;; (c) 1993-2005 by HIROSE Yuuji

;;;	  This program is distributed as a free  software. The author is
;;;	not responsible  for  any  possible   defects   caused  by  this
;;;	software.
;;;	  Comments and bug reports  are  welcome.   Don't  hesitated  to
;;;	report.  My possible e-mail address is following.
;;;							yuuji@gentei.org

The author has clarified his definition of free software by providing this

;;  * Can I incorporate this program into Debian package?
;;	Yes.
;;	This  "Yes"  is  NOT  a  special answer  only  for  Debian.
;;	My  recognition  on  `free  software'  is  not  the  permanently
;;	constant  notion.  Therefore  I won't  define the  fixed license
;;	sentences at any moment of my life.  All I can say now is I hope
;;	the free  software be; freely  usable, freely (re-)distributable
;;	without  any charge  for  itself, freely  modifiable unless  the
;;	original  author(=me)'s copyrights  are infringed  or neglected,
;;	absolutely not responsible to  any result from itself.  If there
;;	is A  license clauses which  implies these points above  in some
;;	era, this  software can  be classified into  the group  that the
;;	clauses want to assume as `free'.