path: root/admin
diff options
authorKurt Lieber <>2003-04-10 17:42:59 +0000
committerKurt Lieber <>2003-04-10 17:42:59 +0000
commit563cc54026c2d4753cd1ccb93db08912c03108ab (patch)
tree89ec65919db83f3c864065e7312442e1342b6b40 /admin
parentLatest issue (diff)
new version of icons2xml script
Diffstat (limited to 'admin')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/ b/admin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f11999eefb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# script for building a XML page from a given path through
+# the name of the files
+# Expected Filename: l33t_XXX_iconname.png
+# XXX reflects the category
+# usage: icon2xml > outputfile.xml
+# Build 26th Feb. 2003 by Fir3fly
+# Build 9th Mar. 2004 by klieber - minor path modifications
+# Build 9th Mar. 2003 by Fir3fly
+# added
+# 1. have the script output to a file instead of having to specific '>/path/to/icons.xml'
+# 2. can you also update the tarball inside the script as well? So:
+# rm $searchpath/icons.tar.bz2
+# tar -cjf $searchpath/icons.tar.bz2 $searchpath
+# 3. have also updated the size of the tarball that gets displayed in the xml file
+# Build 12th Mar. 2003 by Fir3fly
+# added
+# 1. Date format adapted to web standart
+# 2. Added verification if there are actual new icons before generating a new page/tar
+# Build 4th Apr. 2003 by pjp
+# added
+# 1. index page for categories and individual pages for each category.
+# 2. changed categorys to categories
+# (I thought it was awkward to read category and categorys)
+# 3. split code up into subroutines for easier readability.
+# notes
+# 1. During testing, I noticed that -osomefile.xml doesn't parse correctly.
+# main()
+# $basedir : base path for files
+# $index_page : the XML page listing icon categories with links to their pages
+# $searchpath : location of actual icon files
+# $iconpath : where the icons are accessed via the web page
+# $index_header : HTML header for the XML categories "index" page ($index_page)
+# $index_footer : HTML footer for index page
+# %categories : Unique 3 letter abbreviations (also part of icon filenames) for icon
+# categories and a "description".
+my $basedir = "/home/httpd/gentoo/xml/htdocs/dyn";
+my $index_page = "$basedir/icons.xml";
+my $searchpath = "/home/httpd/gentoo/xml/images/icons";
+#my $searchpath = ".";
+my $iconpath = "";
+my $index_header = "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href=\"/xsl/guide.xsl\" type=\"text/xsl\"?>
+<mainpage id=\"graphics\">
+<title>Gentoo Linux Icons</title>
+<author title=\"Gentoo PR Cooridnator\"><mail link=\"klieber\\">Kurt Lieber</mail></author>
+<title>Gentoo Linux Icon Sets - index</title>
+my $index_footer;
+my %categories = (
+ 'LOG' => 'Logos' ,
+ 'DEV' => 'Devices',
+ 'DES' => 'Desktop',
+ 'CDR' => 'CD Burning',
+ 'TER' => 'Terminals',
+ 'GAM' => 'Games',
+ 'BRO' => 'Browsers',
+ 'MAI' => 'Email Programs',
+ 'NEW' => 'News Readers',
+ 'REM' => 'Remote Control',
+ 'P2P' => 'Peer to Peer',
+ 'IMS' => 'Instant Messaging',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP Clients',
+ 'MED' => 'Media Players',
+ 'IMA' => 'Image Viewers',
+ 'GRA' => 'Graphic Editors',
+ 'TXT' => 'Text Editors',
+ 'OFF' => 'Office Suites &amp; Tools',
+ 'FIN' => 'Financial',
+ 'EMU' => 'Emulators',
+ 'WIN' => 'Windows',
+ 'DVP' => 'Development',
+ 'GNO' => 'Miscellaneous GNOME',
+ 'KDE' => 'Miscellaneous KDE',
+ 'UTI' => 'Miscellaneous Utilities',
+ 'AUD' => 'Miscellaneous Audio',
+ 'UNK' => 'Uncategorized',
+ 'CLR' => 'Clear',
+ 'PUR' => 'Purple',
+ 'HUG' => 'Huge',
+ );
+usage() if defined $ARGV[0];
+open (INDEX_FILE, ">$index_page") || die "unable to open $index_page";
+print INDEX_FILE $index_header;
+print INDEX_FILE "<tr><th>Categories</th></tr>\n";
+# footer for index page only
+$index_footer = "</table>
+<note>A tarball of all of these icons may be downloaded <uri link=\"".$iconpath."icons.tar.bz2\">here</uri> (".size_tarball().")</note>
+<p>The initial design for these icons was provided by port001\ Further additions were made to the icon set by several other forum users.</p>
+<p>Users interested in extending the icon set can obtain the original files in
+<uri link=\"".$iconpath."photoshop-base-l33t.psd\">Photoshop</uri> or
+<uri link=\"".$iconpath."gimp-base-l33t.xcf\">GIMP</uri> format. Instructions and discussions regarding this icon set can be found on the <uri link=\"\">Gentoo Forums</uri>.</p>
+print INDEX_FILE $index_footer;
+close INDEX_FILE;
+# exit main()
+# Check for usage if user supplies arguments.
+sub usage {
+ my ($option1, $parameter1);
+ $option1 = $ARGV[0];
+ $parameter1 = $ARGV[1];
+ if ($option1 =~ /-h|--help/ || $parameter1 !~ /./) {
+ print "\nusage: icon2xml [-o outputfile.xml]\n\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ if ($option1 =~ /-o/) {
+ $index_page = $parameter1;
+ }
+} # usage()
+# return date in "dd mmm yyyy" format
+sub today {
+ my (@timenow, @month, $today);
+ @timenow = localtime(time);
+ @month = ( 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dez');
+ $today = $timenow[3]." ".$month[($timenow[4])]." ".($timenow[5]+1900);
+ return $today;
+} # today
+# process icon filenames for use in creating XML pages.
+# get filenames
+# sort filenames
+sub prep_filenames {
+ my (@files, $line, $current_category);
+ opendir(DIR, $searchpath);
+ @files = grep(!/^\.\.?$/,readdir(DIR));
+ closedir(DIR);
+ @files = sort (grep /l33t_/, @files);
+ foreach my $line (@files) {
+ (my $current_category = $line) =~ m/(.{4})_(.{3})_(.+)/g;
+ push @{$categorised_filenames{$2}}, $line;
+ }
+} # prep_filenames()
+# remove tarball of icon images
+sub rm_tarball {
+ if (-e "$searchpath/icons.tar.bz2" ) {
+ unlink ("$searchpath/icons.tar.bz2") || print "Removal of old tarball not successful";
+ }
+} # rm_tarball()
+# make a new tarball of icon files
+sub new_tarball {
+ system `tar -cjf $searchpath/icons.tar.bz2 $searchpath/*.png`;
+} # new_tarball()
+# return size of tarball in kb (1024)
+sub size_tarball {
+ my ($getsizeof, @tarstat, $tarsize);
+ if (-e "$searchpath/icons.tar.bz2" ) {
+ $getsizeof = "$searchpath/icons.tar.bz2";
+ @tarstat = stat $getsizeof;
+ $tarsize = int ($tarstat[7]/1024)."kb";
+ } else {
+ $tarsize = "0kb";
+ }
+ return $tarsize;
+} # size_tarball()
+# For each category:
+# - add an entry to the categories index page.
+# - create it's XML page.
+# Icons ($icon_filename) will be displayed 5 per line in the category page
+# $catdir : output location for category XML files
+# $category_header1 : HTML header for category pages - split for readability
+# $category_header2 : HTML header for category pages
+# $category_footer : HTML footer for category pages
+# $category_page : path and filename for current category XML page
+# $category_title :
+sub make_xml_pages {
+ my ($category, $category_page, $category_title, $icon_filename);
+ my ($divide, $i);
+ my $catdir = "$basedir/icons";
+ my $category_header1 = "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href=\"/xsl/guide.xsl\" type=\"text/xsl\"?>
+<mainpage id=\"graphics\">
+<title>Gentoo Linux Icons</title>
+<author title=\"Gentoo PR Cooridnator\"><mail link=\"klieber\\">Kurt Lieber</mail></author>
+<title>Gentoo Linux Icon Sets - ";
+ my $category_header2 = "</title>
+ my $category_footer = "</table>
+<p><uri link=\"/dyn/icons.xml\">Return to Icon Sets - index</uri></p>
+ foreach $category (sort (keys(%categories))) {
+ $category_page = "$catdir/$category.xml";
+ open (CATEGORY_FILE, ">$category_page") || die "unable to open $category_page";
+ $category_title = "$categories{$category} ($category)";
+ print INDEX_FILE "<tr><ti><uri link=\"categories/$category.xml\">$category_title</uri></ti></tr>\n";
+ print CATEGORY_FILE "$category_header1$category_title$category_header2";
+ print CATEGORY_FILE "<tr><th>$category_title</th></tr>\n\n<tr><ti><table>\n";
+ $divide = 5;
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach $icon_filename (@{$categorised_filenames{$category}}) {
+ if ($i == 0) {print CATEGORY_FILE "<tr>\n"}
+ if ($i != 0 && $i / $divide == (int $i / $divide)) {
+ print CATEGORY_FILE "</tr><tr>\n";
+ }
+ print CATEGORY_FILE "<ti><fig link=\"$iconpath$icon_filename\"/></ti>\n";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ print CATEGORY_FILE "</tr>\n";
+ print CATEGORY_FILE "</table></ti></tr>\n";
+ print CATEGORY_FILE $category_footer;
+ }
+} # make_xml_pages();