diff options
authorAlin Năstac <>2007-07-08 07:52:02 +0000
committerAlin Năstac <>2007-07-08 07:52:02 +0000
commit759a8307812112218ddc605eb1621df29f71a72e (patch)
tree1d84e746dd588f71285c64721f1d5182207df7bd /mail-filter
parentFixed setuptools dependency. bug 184549 (diff)
Fix sqlite part of cron script, thanks to Henry So <> (#184194).
(Portage version:
Diffstat (limited to 'mail-filter')
-rw-r--r--mail-filter/dspam/dspam-3.8.0-r2.ebuild (renamed from mail-filter/dspam/dspam-3.8.0-r1.ebuild)4
-rw-r--r--mail-filter/dspam/files/digest-dspam-3.8.0-r2 (renamed from mail-filter/dspam/files/digest-dspam-3.8.0-r1)0
5 files changed, 331 insertions, 413 deletions
diff --git a/mail-filter/dspam/ChangeLog b/mail-filter/dspam/ChangeLog
index b51d9a5b5000..758ffd746031 100644
--- a/mail-filter/dspam/ChangeLog
+++ b/mail-filter/dspam/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for mail-filter/dspam
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-filter/dspam/ChangeLog,v 1.91 2007/06/24 09:08:38 mrness Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-filter/dspam/ChangeLog,v 1.92 2007/07/08 07:52:02 mrness Exp $
+*dspam-3.8.0-r2 (08 Jul 2007)
+ 08 Jul 2007; Alin Năstac <> -files/dspam-3.8.0.cron,
+ files/dspam.cron, -dspam-3.8.0-r1.ebuild, +dspam-3.8.0-r2.ebuild:
+ Fix sqlite part of cron script, thanks to Henry So <>
+ (#184194).
24 Jun 2007; Alin Năstac <> -dspam-3.6.8-r3.ebuild,
diff --git a/mail-filter/dspam/dspam-3.8.0-r1.ebuild b/mail-filter/dspam/dspam-3.8.0-r2.ebuild
index a6db84911680..6999837df287 100644
--- a/mail-filter/dspam/dspam-3.8.0-r1.ebuild
+++ b/mail-filter/dspam/dspam-3.8.0-r2.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-filter/dspam/dspam-3.8.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.5 2007/06/26 02:08:43 mr_bones_ Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-filter/dspam/dspam-3.8.0-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/07/08 07:52:02 mrness Exp $
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ src_install () {
# dspam cron job
exeinto /etc/cron.daily
- newexe "${FILESDIR}/${P}.cron" dspam.cron
+ newexe "${FILESDIR}/dspam.cron" dspam.cron
# documentation
diff --git a/mail-filter/dspam/files/digest-dspam-3.8.0-r1 b/mail-filter/dspam/files/digest-dspam-3.8.0-r2
index 86dd9ae31fc9..86dd9ae31fc9 100644
--- a/mail-filter/dspam/files/digest-dspam-3.8.0-r1
+++ b/mail-filter/dspam/files/digest-dspam-3.8.0-r2
diff --git a/mail-filter/dspam/files/dspam-3.8.0.cron b/mail-filter/dspam/files/dspam-3.8.0.cron
deleted file mode 100644
index cd305a622055..000000000000
--- a/mail-filter/dspam/files/dspam-3.8.0.cron
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Remove old signatures and unimportant tokens from the DSPAM database.
-# Purge old log entries in user logs.
-# Parameters
-LOGROTATE_AGE=30 # Delete log entries older than $LOGROTATE_AGE days
-# Function to run dspam_clean
-run_dspam_clean() {
- if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/dspam_clean" ]
- then
- echo "/usr/bin/dspam_clean not found!"
- return 1
- else
- /usr/bin/dspam_clean -s -p -u >/dev/null 2>&1
- return 0
- fi
-# Function to check if we have all needed tools
-check_for_tools() {
- local myrc=0
- for foo in awk cut sed getent
- do
- if ! which ${foo} >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "Command ${foo} not found!"
- myrc=1
- fi
- done
- return ${myrc}
-# Acquire lock file and start processing
-DSPAM_CRON_LOCKFILE="/var/run/$(basename $0 .sh).pid"
-if ( set -o noclobber; echo "$$" > "${DSPAM_CRON_LOCKFILE}") 2> /dev/null; then
- trap 'rm -f "${DSPAM_CRON_LOCKFILE}"; exit $?' INT TERM EXIT
- #
- # Check for needed tools
- #
- if ! check_for_tools
- then
- # We have not all needed tools installed. Run just the dspam_clean part.
- run_dspam_clean
- exit $?
- fi
- #
- # Try to get DSPAM config directory
- #
- DSPAM_CONFIGDIR=$(getent passwd dspam | awk -F : '{print $6}')
- if [ ! -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/dspam.conf" ]
- then
- # Something is wrong in passwd! Check if /etc/mail/dspam exists instead.
- if [ -f /etc/mail/dspam/dspam.conf ]
- then
- DSPAM_CONFIGDIR="/etc/mail/dspam"
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -d "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}" ]
- then
- echo "Configuration directory not found!"
- exit 2
- fi
- #
- # Try to get DSPAM data home directory
- #
- DSPAM_HOMEDIR=$(awk '$1 ~ /^[[:space:]]*Home[[:space:]]/ {print $2}' "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/dspam.conf")
- if [ ! -d "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" ]
- then
- # Something is wrong in dspam.conf! Check if /var/spool/dspam exists instead.
- if [ -d /var/spool/dspam ]
- then
- DSPAM_HOMEDIR="/var/spool/dspam"
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -d "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" ]
- then
- echo "Home directory not found! Please fix your dspam.conf."
- exit 2
- fi
- #
- # User log purging
- #
- if [ -d "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/data" ]
- then
- dspam_logrotate -a ${LOGROTATE_AGE} -d "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/data" >/dev/null # 2>&1
- fi
- #
- # MySQL
- #
- if [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/" ]
- then
- if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/mysql_config" ]
- then
- echo "Can not run MySQL purge script:"
- echo " /usr/bin/mysql_config does not exist"
- run_dspam_clean
- exit 1
- fi
- DSPAM_MySQL_VER=$(/usr/bin/mysql_config --version | sed "s:[^0-9.]*::g")
- DSPAM_MySQL_MAJOR=$(echo "${DSPAM_MySQL_VER}" | cut -d. -f1)
- DSPAM_MySQL_MINOR=$(echo "${DSPAM_MySQL_VER}" | cut -d. -f2)
- DSPAM_MySQL_MICRO=$(echo "${DSPAM_MySQL_VER}" | cut -d. -f3)
- # For MySQL >= 4.1 use the new purge script
- if [ "${DSPAM_MySQL_INT}" -ge "262400" ]
- then
- if [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge-4.1-optimized.sql" -o -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge-4.1-optimized.sql" ]
- then
- # See:
- [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge-4.1-optimized.sql" ] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge-4.1-optimized.sql"
- [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge-4.1-optimized.sql" ] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge-4.1-optimized.sql"
- else
- [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge-4.1.sql" ] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge-4.1.sql"
- [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge-4.1.sql" ] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge-4.1.sql"
- fi
- else
- [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge.sql"
- [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge.sql"
- fi
- if [ -z "${DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL}" ]
- then
- echo "Can not run MySQL purge script:"
- echo " No mysql_purge SQL script found"
- run_dspam_clean
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/mysql" ]
- then
- echo "Can not run MySQL purge script:"
- echo " /usr/bin/mysql does not exist"
- run_dspam_clean
- exit 1
- fi
- # Get DSPAM MySQL username and password
- DSPAM_MySQL_HOST=$(sed "1q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
- DSPAM_MySQL_PORT=$(sed "2q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
- DSPAM_MySQL_USER=$(sed "3q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
- DSPAM_MySQL_PWD=$(sed "4q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
- DSPAM_MySQL_DB=$(sed "5q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
- # Check if MySQL is remote or using a socket
- if [ -S "${DSPAM_MySQL_HOST}" ]
- then
- DSPAM_MySQL_HOSTCMD="--socket"
- else
- fi
- # Run the MySQL purge script
- /usr/bin/mysql --silent --user="${DSPAM_MySQL_USER}" --password="${DSPAM_MySQL_PWD}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_HOSTCMD}="${DSPAM_MySQL_HOST}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_DB} < ${DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL}
- # Run the dspam_clean command
- run_dspam_clean
- # Optimize the MySQL tables for DSPAM
- for foo in $(/usr/bin/mysql --user="${DSPAM_MySQL_USER}" --password="${DSPAM_MySQL_PWD}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_HOSTCMD}="${DSPAM_MySQL_HOST}" --silent --skip-column-names --batch ${DSPAM_MySQL_DB} -e 'SHOW TABLES;' 2>&1)
- do
- /usr/bin/mysql --user="${DSPAM_MySQL_USER}" --password="${DSPAM_MySQL_PWD}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_HOSTCMD}="${DSPAM_MySQL_HOST}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_DB} -e "OPTIMIZE TABLE ${foo};" 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- done
- exit 0
- #
- # PostgreSQL
- #
- elif [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/" ]
- then
- [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/pgsql_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_PgSQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/pgsql_purge.sql"
- [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/pgsql_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_PgSQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/pgsql_purge.sql"
- if [ -z "${DSPAM_PgSQL_PURGE_SQL}" ]
- then
- echo "Can not run PostgreSQL purge script:"
- echo " No pgsql_purge SQL script found"
- run_dspam_clean
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/psql" ]
- then
- echo "Can not run PostgreSQL purge script:"
- echo " /usr/bin/psql does not exist"
- run_dspam_clean
- exit 1
- fi
- # Get DSPAM PostgreSQL username and password
- DSPAM_PgSQL_HOST=$(sed "1q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
- DSPAM_PgSQL_PORT=$(sed "2q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
- DSPAM_PgSQL_USER=$(sed "3q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
- DSPAM_PgSQL_PWD=$(sed "4q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
- DSPAM_PgSQL_DB=$(sed "5q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
- # Run the PostgreSQL purge script
- # Run the dspam_clean command
- run_dspam_clean
- exit 0
- #
- # SQLite3
- #
- elif ( grep -q "^[[:space:]]*StorageDriver[[:space:]]*.*libsqlite3_drv" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/dspam.conf" )
- then
- [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/sqlite3_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_SQLite3_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/sqlite3_purge.sql"
- [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/sqlite3_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_SQLite3_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/sqlite3_purge.sql"
- if [ -z "${DSPAM_SQLite3_PURGE_SQL}" ]
- then
- echo "Can not run SQLite3 purge script:"
- echo " No sqlite_purge SQL script found"
- run_dspam_clean
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/sqlite3" ]
- then
- echo "Can not run SQLite3 purge script:"
- echo " /usr/bin/sqlite3 does not exist"
- run_dspam_clean
- exit 1
- fi
- # Run the SQLite3 purge script
- find "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" -name "*.sdb" -exec /usr/bin/sqlite3 "{}" < "${DSPAM_SQLite3_PURGE_SQL}" \; 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- # Run the dspam_clean command
- run_dspam_clean
- # Optimize the SQLite tables for DSPAM
- find "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" -name "*.sdb" -exec echo 'vacuum;' \| /usr/bin/sqlite3 "{}" \;
- exit 0
- #
- # SQLite
- #
- elif ( grep -q "^[[:space:]]*StorageDriver[[:space:]]*.*libsqlite_drv" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/dspam.conf" )
- then
- [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/sqlite_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_SQLite_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/sqlite_purge.sql"
- [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/sqlite_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_SQLite_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/sqlite_purge.sql"
- if [ -z "${DSPAM_SQLite_PURGE_SQL}" ]
- then
- echo "Can not run SQLite purge script:"
- echo " No sqlite_purge SQL script found"
- run_dspam_clean
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/sqlite" ]
- then
- echo "Can not run SQLite purge script:"
- echo " /usr/bin/sqlite does not exist"
- run_dspam_clean
- exit 1
- fi
- # Run the SQLite purge script
- find "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" -name "*.sdb" -exec /usr/bin/sqlite "{}" < "${DSPAM_SQLite_PURGE_SQL}" \; 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- # Run the dspam_clean command
- run_dspam_clean
- # Optimize the SQLite tables for DSPAM
- find "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" -name "*.sdb" -exec echo 'vacuum;' \| /usr/bin/sqlite "{}" \;
- exit 0
- #
- # Generic
- #
- else
- run_dspam_clean
- exit $?
- fi
- #
- # Release lock
- #
- trap - INT TERM EXIT
diff --git a/mail-filter/dspam/files/dspam.cron b/mail-filter/dspam/files/dspam.cron
index fa831d189019..0aa2085f12b1 100644
--- a/mail-filter/dspam/files/dspam.cron
+++ b/mail-filter/dspam/files/dspam.cron
@@ -1,101 +1,333 @@
-# Remove old signatures and unimportant tokens from the DSPAM database
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Remove old signatures and unimportant tokens from the DSPAM database.
+# Purge old log entries in user logs.
-for foo in awk head tail cut sed
- DSPAM_Check_App="$(${foo} --version 2>&1)"
- if [[ "${DSPAM_Check_App/ *}" == "bash:" ]]
+# Parameters
+LOGROTATE_AGE=30 # Delete log entries older than $LOGROTATE_AGE days
+# Function to run dspam_clean
+run_dspam_clean() {
+ if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/dspam_clean" ]
- echo "Command ${foo} not found."
- exit 1
+ echo "/usr/bin/dspam_clean not found!"
+ return 1
+ else
+ /usr/bin/dspam_clean -s -p -u >/dev/null 2>&1
+ return 0
-DSPAM_HOMEDIR="$(getent passwd dspam | awk -F : '{print $6}')"
-[[ ! -d "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" ]] && exit 2
-if [ ! -f "${DSPAM_DATA_FILES[0]}" ]
- DSPAM_DATA_FILES=( /etc/mail/dspam/*.data )
- if [ -f "${DSPAM_DATA_FILES[0]}" ]
+# Function to check if we have all needed tools
+check_for_tools() {
+ local myrc=0
+ for foo in awk cut sed getent
+ do
+ if ! which ${foo} >/dev/null 2>&1
+ then
+ echo "Command ${foo} not found!"
+ myrc=1
+ fi
+ done
+ return ${myrc}
+# Acquire lock file and start processing
+DSPAM_CRON_LOCKFILE="/var/run/$(basename $0 .sh).pid"
+if ( set -o noclobber; echo "$$" > "${DSPAM_CRON_LOCKFILE}") 2> /dev/null; then
+ trap 'rm -f "${DSPAM_CRON_LOCKFILE}"; exit $?' INT TERM EXIT
+ #
+ # Check for needed tools
+ #
+ if ! check_for_tools
- DSPAM_HOMEDIR="/etc/mail/dspam"
+ # We have not all needed tools installed. Run just the dspam_clean part.
+ run_dspam_clean
+ exit $?
-[[ ! -f "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/dspam.conf" ]] && exit 2
-DSPAM_SPOOLDIR="$(grep ^Home "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/dspam.conf" | cut -d' ' -f2)"
-if [[ -d "${DSPAM_SPOOLDIR}" ]]
- cd /
- su -s /bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/dspam_logrotate -a 30 -d ${DSPAM_SPOOLDIR}" dspam
- echo 'Spool directory not configured. Please set "Home" in your dspam.conf.'
-if [[ -f "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/" ]]
- [[ ! -f "/usr/bin/mysql_config" ]] && exit 4
- DSPAM_MySQL_VER="$(mysql_config --version | sed "s:\([^0-9\.]*\)::g")"
- DSPAM_MySQL_MAJOR="$(echo "${DSPAM_MySQL_VER}" | cut -d. -f1)"
- DSPAM_MySQL_MINOR="$(echo "${DSPAM_MySQL_VER}" | cut -d. -f2)"
- DSPAM_MySQL_MICRO="$(echo "${DSPAM_MySQL_VER}" | cut -d. -f3)"
- # For MySQL >= 4.1 use the new purge script
- if [[ "${DSPAM_MySQL_INT}" -ge "262400" ]]
+ #
+ # Try to get DSPAM config directory
+ #
+ DSPAM_CONFIGDIR=$(getent passwd dspam | awk -F : '{print $6}')
+ if [ ! -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/dspam.conf" ]
- [[ -f "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/config/mysql_purge-4.1.sql" ]] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/config/mysql_purge-4.1.sql"
- [[ -f "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/mysql_purge-4.1.sql" ]] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/mysql_purge-4.1.sql"
+ # Something is wrong in passwd! Check if /etc/mail/dspam exists instead.
+ if [ -f /etc/mail/dspam/dspam.conf ]
+ then
+ DSPAM_CONFIGDIR="/etc/mail/dspam"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}" ]
+ then
+ echo "Configuration directory not found!"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ #
+ # Try to get DSPAM data home directory
+ #
+ DSPAM_HOMEDIR=$(awk '$1 ~ /^[[:space:]]*Home[[:space:]]/ {print $2}' "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/dspam.conf")
+ if [ ! -d "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" ]
+ then
+ # Something is wrong in dspam.conf! Check if /var/spool/dspam exists instead.
+ if [ -d /var/spool/dspam ]
+ then
+ DSPAM_HOMEDIR="/var/spool/dspam"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" ]
+ then
+ echo "Home directory not found! Please fix your dspam.conf."
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ #
+ # User log purging
+ #
+ if [ -d "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/data" ]
+ then
+ dspam_logrotate -a ${LOGROTATE_AGE} -d "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/data" >/dev/null # 2>&1
+ fi
+ #
+ # MySQL
+ #
+ if [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/" ]
+ then
+ if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/mysql_config" ]
+ then
+ echo "Can not run MySQL purge script:"
+ echo " /usr/bin/mysql_config does not exist"
+ run_dspam_clean
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ DSPAM_MySQL_VER=$(/usr/bin/mysql_config --version | sed "s:[^0-9.]*::g")
+ DSPAM_MySQL_MAJOR=$(echo "${DSPAM_MySQL_VER}" | cut -d. -f1)
+ DSPAM_MySQL_MINOR=$(echo "${DSPAM_MySQL_VER}" | cut -d. -f2)
+ DSPAM_MySQL_MICRO=$(echo "${DSPAM_MySQL_VER}" | cut -d. -f3)
+ # For MySQL >= 4.1 use the new purge script
+ if [ "${DSPAM_MySQL_INT}" -ge "262400" ]
+ then
+ if [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge-4.1-optimized.sql" -o -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge-4.1-optimized.sql" ]
+ then
+ # See:
+ [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge-4.1-optimized.sql" ] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge-4.1-optimized.sql"
+ [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge-4.1-optimized.sql" ] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge-4.1-optimized.sql"
+ else
+ [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge-4.1.sql" ] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge-4.1.sql"
+ [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge-4.1.sql" ] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge-4.1.sql"
+ fi
+ else
+ [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/mysql_purge.sql"
+ [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/mysql_purge.sql"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL}" ]
+ then
+ echo "Can not run MySQL purge script:"
+ echo " No mysql_purge SQL script found"
+ run_dspam_clean
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/mysql" ]
+ then
+ echo "Can not run MySQL purge script:"
+ echo " /usr/bin/mysql does not exist"
+ run_dspam_clean
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Get DSPAM MySQL username and password
+ DSPAM_MySQL_HOST=$(sed "1q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
+ DSPAM_MySQL_PORT=$(sed "2q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
+ DSPAM_MySQL_USER=$(sed "3q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
+ DSPAM_MySQL_PWD=$(sed "4q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
+ DSPAM_MySQL_DB=$(sed "5q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
+ # Check if MySQL is remote or using a socket
+ if [ -S "${DSPAM_MySQL_HOST}" ]
+ then
+ DSPAM_MySQL_HOSTCMD="--socket"
+ else
+ fi
+ # Run the MySQL purge script
+ /usr/bin/mysql --silent --user="${DSPAM_MySQL_USER}" --password="${DSPAM_MySQL_PWD}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_HOSTCMD}="${DSPAM_MySQL_HOST}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_DB} < ${DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL}
+ # Run the dspam_clean command
+ run_dspam_clean
+ # Optimize the MySQL tables for DSPAM
+ for foo in $(/usr/bin/mysql --user="${DSPAM_MySQL_USER}" --password="${DSPAM_MySQL_PWD}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_HOSTCMD}="${DSPAM_MySQL_HOST}" --silent --skip-column-names --batch ${DSPAM_MySQL_DB} -e 'SHOW TABLES;' 2>&1)
+ do
+ /usr/bin/mysql --user="${DSPAM_MySQL_USER}" --password="${DSPAM_MySQL_PWD}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_HOSTCMD}="${DSPAM_MySQL_HOST}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_DB} -e "OPTIMIZE TABLE ${foo};" 1>/dev/null 2>&1
+ done
+ exit 0
+ #
+ # PostgreSQL
+ #
+ elif [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/" ]
+ then
+ [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/pgsql_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_PgSQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/pgsql_purge.sql"
+ [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/pgsql_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_PgSQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/pgsql_purge.sql"
+ if [ -z "${DSPAM_PgSQL_PURGE_SQL}" ]
+ then
+ echo "Can not run PostgreSQL purge script:"
+ echo " No pgsql_purge SQL script found"
+ run_dspam_clean
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/psql" ]
+ then
+ echo "Can not run PostgreSQL purge script:"
+ echo " /usr/bin/psql does not exist"
+ run_dspam_clean
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Get DSPAM PostgreSQL username and password
+ DSPAM_PgSQL_HOST=$(sed "1q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
+ DSPAM_PgSQL_PORT=$(sed "2q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
+ DSPAM_PgSQL_USER=$(sed "3q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
+ DSPAM_PgSQL_PWD=$(sed "4q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
+ DSPAM_PgSQL_DB=$(sed "5q;d" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/")
+ # Run the PostgreSQL purge script
+ # Run the dspam_clean command
+ run_dspam_clean
+ exit 0
+ #
+ # SQLite3
+ #
+ elif ( grep -q "^[[:space:]]*StorageDriver[[:space:]]*.*libsqlite3_drv" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/dspam.conf" )
+ then
+ [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/sqlite3_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_SQLite3_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/sqlite3_purge.sql"
+ [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/sqlite3_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_SQLite3_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/sqlite3_purge.sql"
+ if [ -z "${DSPAM_SQLite3_PURGE_SQL}" ]
+ then
+ echo "Can not run SQLite3 purge script:"
+ echo " No sqlite_purge SQL script found"
+ run_dspam_clean
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/sqlite3" ]
+ then
+ echo "Can not run SQLite3 purge script:"
+ echo " /usr/bin/sqlite3 does not exist"
+ run_dspam_clean
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Run the SQLite3 purge script
+ find "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" -name "*.sdb" -print | while read name
+ do
+ /usr/bin/sqlite3 "$name" < "${DSPAM_SQLite3_PURGE_SQL}"
+ done 1>/dev/null 2>&1
+ # Run the dspam_clean command
+ run_dspam_clean
+ # Optimize the SQLite tables for DSPAM
+ find "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" -name "*.sdb" -print | while read name
+ do
+ echo 'vacuum;' | /usr/bin/sqlite3 "$name"
+ done
+ exit 0
+ #
+ # SQLite
+ #
+ elif ( grep -q "^[[:space:]]*StorageDriver[[:space:]]*.*libsqlite_drv" "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/dspam.conf" )
+ then
+ [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/sqlite_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_SQLite_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/config/sqlite_purge.sql"
+ [ -f "${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/sqlite_purge.sql" ] && DSPAM_SQLite_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_CONFIGDIR}/sqlite_purge.sql"
+ if [ -z "${DSPAM_SQLite_PURGE_SQL}" ]
+ then
+ echo "Can not run SQLite purge script:"
+ echo " No sqlite_purge SQL script found"
+ run_dspam_clean
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/sqlite" ]
+ then
+ echo "Can not run SQLite purge script:"
+ echo " /usr/bin/sqlite does not exist"
+ run_dspam_clean
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Run the SQLite purge script
+ find "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" -name "*.sdb" -print | while read name
+ do
+ /usr/bin/sqlite "$name" < "${DSPAM_SQLite_PURGE_SQL}"
+ done 1>/dev/null 2>&1
+ # Run the dspam_clean command
+ run_dspam_clean
+ # Optimize the SQLite tables for DSPAM
+ find "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" -name "*.sdb" -print | while read name
+ do
+ echo 'vacuum;' | /usr/bin/sqlite "$name"
+ done
+ exit 0
+ #
+ # Generic
+ #
- [[ -f "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/config/mysql_purge.sql" ]] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/config/mysql_purge.sql"
- [[ -f "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/mysql_purge.sql" ]] && DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/mysql_purge.sql"
+ run_dspam_clean
+ exit $?
- [[ "${DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL}" == "" ]] && exit 3
- [[ ! -f "/usr/bin/mysql" ]] && exit 4
- DSPAM_MySQL_HOST="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 1|tail -n 1)"
- DSPAM_MySQL_PORT="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 2|tail -n 1)"
- DSPAM_MySQL_USER="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 3|tail -n 1)"
- DSPAM_MySQL_PWD="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 4|tail -n 1)"
- DSPAM_MySQL_DB="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 5|tail -n 1)"
- (/usr/bin/mysql -u ${DSPAM_MySQL_USER} -p"${DSPAM_MySQL_PWD}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_DB} < ${DSPAM_MySQL_PURGE_SQL}) 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- MYRC="$?"
- for foo in $(/usr/bin/mysql -u ${DSPAM_MySQL_USER} -p"${DSPAM_MySQL_PWD}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_DB} -e 'SHOW TABLES;' 2>&1 | grep -v "^+\|^Tables_in_${DSPAM_MySQL_DB}")
- do
- (/usr/bin/mysql -u ${DSPAM_MySQL_USER} -p"${DSPAM_MySQL_PWD}" ${DSPAM_MySQL_DB} -e "OPTIMIZE TABLE ${foo};") 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- done
- exit ${MYRC}
-elif [[ -f "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/" ]]
- [[ -f "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/config/pgsql_purge.sql" ]] && DSPAM_PgSQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/config/pgsql_purge.sql"
- [[ -f "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/pgsql_purge.sql" ]] && DSPAM_PgSQL_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/pgsql_purge.sql"
- [[ "${DSPAM_PgSQL_PURGE_SQL}" == "" ]] && exit 3
- [[ ! -f "/usr/bin/psql" ]] && exit 4
- DSPAM_PgSQL_HOST="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 1|tail -n 1)"
- DSPAM_PgSQL_PORT="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 2|tail -n 1)"
- DSPAM_PgSQL_USER="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 3|tail -n 1)"
- DSPAM_PgSQL_PWD="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 4|tail -n 1)"
- DSPAM_PgSQL_DB="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 5|tail -n 1)"
- exit $?
-elif [[ -f "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/" ]]
- [[ -f "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/config/ora_purge.sql" ]] && DSPAM_Oracle_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/config/ora_purge.sql"
- [[ -f "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/ora_purge.sql" ]] && DSPAM_Oracle_PURGE_SQL="${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/ora_purge.sql"
- [[ "${DSPAM_Oracle_PURGE_SQL}" == "" ]] && exit 3
- [[ ! -f "/usr/bin/sqlplus" ]] && exit 4
- DSPAM_Oracle_DBLINK="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 1|tail -n 1)"
- DSPAM_Oracle_USER="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 2|tail -n 1)"
- DSPAM_Oracle_PWD="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 3|tail -n 1)"
- DSPAM_Oracle_SCHEMA="$(cat ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/|head -n 4|tail -n 1)"
- (/usr/bin/sqlplus -s ${DSPAM_Oracle_USER}/${DSPAM_Oracle_PWD} @${DSPAM_Oracle_PURGE_SQL}) 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- exit $?
- [[ ! -f "/usr/bin/dspam_clean" ]] && exit 4
- /usr/bin/dspam_clean -s -p -u 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- exit $?
+ #
+ # Release lock
+ #
+ trap - INT TERM EXIT