diff options
authorDiego Elio Pettenò <>2006-03-28 05:40:50 +0000
committerDiego Elio Pettenò <>2006-03-28 05:40:50 +0000
commit7bbf622fdf9a63639a9b00e782a49aeeaba35947 (patch)
tree3808d04ed5f566264dc287126d395c0a18b4e7f3 /net-misc/mDNSResponder/files
parentGrab fix from upstream #127547 by TGL. (diff)
Version bump, thanks to Beech Horn in bug #126167 for notifying and forwardporting the makefiles patch; also now uses gcc to link and respect CC, CFLAGS and LDFLAGS, and doesn't strip.
(Portage version: 2.1_pre7-r2)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-misc/mDNSResponder/files')
2 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-misc/mDNSResponder/files/digest-mDNSResponder-107.5 b/net-misc/mDNSResponder/files/digest-mDNSResponder-107.5
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..852cf1f50eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/mDNSResponder/files/digest-mDNSResponder-107.5
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 ec345a16649ecb5b6e50096f2b5cbdaf mDNSResponder-107.5.tar.gz 1379397
+RMD160 df10cb280905f957b5bb2419207288bb66c94e97 mDNSResponder-107.5.tar.gz 1379397
+SHA256 8703e4a72108a8ed89194af7658cac348592e84fa67bd2d3794da4d81a610cf5 mDNSResponder-107.5.tar.gz 1379397
diff --git a/net-misc/mDNSResponder/files/mDNSResponder-107.5-Makefiles.patch b/net-misc/mDNSResponder/files/mDNSResponder-107.5-Makefiles.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a84142bc5445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/mDNSResponder/files/mDNSResponder-107.5-Makefiles.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+Index: mDNSResponder-107.5/Clients/Makefile
+--- mDNSResponder-107.5.orig/Clients/Makefile
++++ mDNSResponder-107.5/Clients/Makefile
+@@ -51,12 +51,16 @@
+ #############################################################################
+-# On OS X the dns_sd library functions are included in libSystem, which is implicitly linked with every executable
+-# If /usr/lib/libSystem.dylib exists, then we're on OS X, so we don't need also to link the "dns_sd" shared library
+-ifneq "$(wildcard /usr/lib/libSystem.dylib)" ""
+-LIBS =
+-LIBS = -L../mDNSPosix/build/prod/ -ldns_sd
++ifneq "$(wildcard ../mDNSPosix/build/prod/libdns_sd.*)" ""
++ LIBS ?= -L../mDNSPosix/build/prod/ -ldns_sd
++ifneq "$(wildcard ../mDNSPosix/build/debug/libdns_sd.*)" ""
++ LIBS ?= -L../mDNSPosix/build/debug/ -ldns_sd
++ifneq "$(wildcard /usr/lib/libdns_sd.*)" ""
++ LIBS ?= -ldns_sd
+ endif
+ targets: build/dns-sd
+@@ -68,4 +72,4 @@ build:
+ mkdir build
+ build/dns-sd: build dns-sd.c
+- cc $(filter %.c %.o, $+) $(LIBS) -I../mDNSShared -o $@
++ $(CC) $(CFLAGS_OPT) $(LDFLAGS) $(filter %.c %.o, $+) $(LIBS) -I../mDNSShared -o $@
+Index: mDNSResponder-107.5/mDNSPosix/Makefile
+--- mDNSResponder-107.5.orig/mDNSPosix/Makefile
++++ mDNSResponder-107.5/mDNSPosix/Makefile
+@@ -401,13 +401,13 @@ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ #############################################################################
+ all: setup Daemon libdns_sd Clients SAClient SAResponder SAProxyResponder Identify NetMonitor dnsextd $(OPTIONALTARG)
+-install: setup InstalledDaemon InstalledStartup InstalledLib InstalledManPages InstalledClients $(OPTINSTALL)
++install: setup InstalledDaemon InstalledLib InstalledManPages InstalledClients $(OPTINSTALL)
+ # 'setup' sets up the build directory structure the way we want
+ setup:
+@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ libdns_sd: setup $(BUILDDIR)/libdns_sd.$
+- @$(LD) $(LIBFLAGS) -o $@ $+
++ @$(LD) $(LIBFLAGS) -Wl,-soname=libdns_sd.$(LDSUFFIX).$(LIBVERS) -o $@ $+
+ @$(STRIP) $@
+ Clients: setup libdns_sd ../Clients/build/dns-sd
+@@ -457,49 +457,45 @@ nss_mdns: setup $(BUILDDIR)/$(NSSLIBFILE
+ @echo "Name Service Switch module done"
+- @$(LD) $(LIBFLAGS) -o $@ $+
++ @$(LD) $(LIBFLAGS) -Wl,-soname=$(NSSLINKNAME) -o $@ $+
+ @$(STRIP) $@
+ #############################################################################
+ # The Install targets place built stuff in their proper places
+-InstalledDaemon: $(INSTBASE)/sbin/mdnsd
++InstalledDaemon: $(DESTDIR)$(INSTBASE)/sbin/mdnsd
+ @echo $+ " installed"
+-InstalledLib: $(INSTBASE)/lib/libdns_sd.$(LDSUFFIX).$(LIBVERS) $(INSTBASE)/include/dns_sd.h
++InstalledLib: $(DESTDIR)$(INSTBASE)/lib/libdns_sd.$(LDSUFFIX).$(LIBVERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INSTBASE)/include/dns_sd.h
+ @echo $+ " installed"
+ @echo $+ " installed"
+-InstalledManPages: $(MANPATH)/man8/mdnsd.8
++InstalledManPages: $(DESTDIR)$(MANPATH)/man8/mdnsd.8
+ @echo $+ " installed"
+-InstalledClients: $(INSTBASE)/bin/dns-sd
++InstalledClients: $(DESTDIR)$(INSTBASE)/bin/dns-sd
+ @echo $+ " installed"
+-InstalledNSS: $(NSSINSTPATH)/$(NSSLINKNAME) /etc/nss_mdns.conf $(MANPATH)/man5/nss_mdns.conf.5 $(MANPATH)/man8/libnss_mdns.8
++InstalledNSS: $(DESTDIR)$(NSSINSTPATH)/$(NSSLINKNAME) $(DESTDIR)etc/nss_mdns.conf $(DESTDIR)$(MANPATH)/man5/nss_mdns.conf.5 $(DESTDIR)$(MANPATH)/man8/libnss_mdns.8
+ @echo $+ " installed"
+ # Note: If daemon already installed, we make sure it's stopped before overwriting it
+-$(INSTBASE)/sbin/mdnsd: $(BUILDDIR)/mdnsd
++$(DESTDIR)$(INSTBASE)/sbin/mdnsd: $(BUILDDIR)/mdnsd
+ @if test -x $@; then $(STARTUPSCRIPTDIR)/$(STARTUPSCRIPTNAME) stop; fi
+ $(CP) $< $@
+-$(INSTBASE)/lib/libdns_sd.$(LDSUFFIX).$(LIBVERS): $(BUILDDIR)/libdns_sd.$(LDSUFFIX)
++$(DESTDIR)$(INSTBASE)/lib/libdns_sd.$(LDSUFFIX).$(LIBVERS): $(BUILDDIR)/libdns_sd.$(LDSUFFIX)
+ $(CP) $< $@
+- $(LN) $@ $(INSTBASE)/lib/libdns_sd.$(LDSUFFIX)
+-ifdef LDCONFIG
+- # -m means 'merge into existing database', -R means 'rescan directories'
+- $(LDCONFIG) -mR
++ $(LN) libdns_sd.$(LDSUFFIX).$(LIBVERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INSTBASE)/lib/libdns_sd.$(LDSUFFIX)
+-$(INSTBASE)/include/dns_sd.h: $(SHAREDDIR)/dns_sd.h
++$(DESTDIR)$(INSTBASE)/include/dns_sd.h: $(SHAREDDIR)/dns_sd.h
+ $(CP) $< $@
+ # We make this target dependent on $(INSTBASE)/sbin/mdnsd because we need to ensure
+ # that the daemon is installed *before* we try to execute the command to start it.
+ $(CP) $< $@
+ chmod ugo+x $@
+ $@ start
+@@ -516,36 +512,32 @@ else
+ endif
+ endif
+-$(MANPATH)/man5/%.5: %.5
++$(DESTDIR)$(MANPATH)/man5/%.5: %.5
+ cp $< $@
+ chmod 444 $@
+-$(MANPATH)/man8/%.8: %.8
++$(DESTDIR)$(MANPATH)/man8/%.8: %.8
+ cp $< $@
+ chmod 444 $@
+-$(MANPATH)/man8/mdnsd.8: $(SHAREDDIR)/mDNSResponder.8
++$(DESTDIR)$(MANPATH)/man8/mdnsd.8: $(SHAREDDIR)/mDNSResponder.8
+ cp $< $@
+ chmod 444 $@
+-$(INSTBASE)/bin/dns-sd: ../Clients/build/dns-sd
++$(DESTDIR)$(INSTBASE)/bin/dns-sd: ../Clients/build/dns-sd
++ mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(INSTBASE)/bin
+ $(CP) $< $@
+- $(LN) $< $@
+- ldconfig
++ $(LN) $(NSSLIBFILE) $@
+ $(CP) $< $@
+ chmod 444 $@
+-/etc/nss_mdns.conf: nss_mdns.conf
++$(DESTDIR)etc/nss_mdns.conf: nss_mdns.conf
+ $(CP) $< $@
+ chmod 444 $@
+- # Check the nsswitch.conf file.
+- # If 'mdns' does not already appear on the "hosts:" line, then add it right before 'dns'
+- cp -f /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf.pre-mdns
+- sed -e '/mdns/!s/^\(hosts:.*\)dns\(.*\)/\1mdns dns\2/' /etc/nsswitch.conf.pre-mdns > /etc/nsswitch.conf
+ #############################################################################