diff options
authorMaurice van der Pot <>2007-08-06 17:49:04 +0000
committerMaurice van der Pot <>2007-08-06 17:49:04 +0000
commit579b464b61ad3abb8f0b90210662d4d0661e1c65 (patch)
tree97799365fedd98b38c436b24a20e609a7a2f48fa /net-proxy/http-replicator/files
parentFixed initial owner/permission problem reported in bug #187883. (diff)
Added http-replicator revision with new repcacheman that handles the new Manifest format (bug #186487)
(Portage version: 2.1.3_rc9)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-proxy/http-replicator/files')
2 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-proxy/http-replicator/files/digest-http-replicator-3.0-r1 b/net-proxy/http-replicator/files/digest-http-replicator-3.0-r1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..46d6443e3432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-proxy/http-replicator/files/digest-http-replicator-3.0-r1
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 7d8d69175a5dc3d470273b1e508a27f3 http-replicator_3.0.tar.gz 19481
+RMD160 cb26c8e55df3dfbbf20bb08f62f3d0ac89191e68 http-replicator_3.0.tar.gz 19481
+SHA256 a7499b980531636d349ce2cace14692fed2e747d23ad0c48cbc68b84369e2d98 http-replicator_3.0.tar.gz 19481
diff --git a/net-proxy/http-replicator/files/http-replicator-3.0-repcacheman-0.44 b/net-proxy/http-replicator/files/http-replicator-3.0-repcacheman-0.44
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..b200a7be48f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-proxy/http-replicator/files/http-replicator-3.0-repcacheman-0.44
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# repcacheman ver 0.44
+# Cache Manager for Http-Replicator
+# deletes duplicate files in PORTDIR.
+# imports authenticated (checksum + listed in portage)
+# files from PORTDIR to replicator's cache directory.
+# Uses portage to perform checksum and database functions.
+# All else, Copyright(C)2004-2007 Tom Poplawski (
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+import portage_manifest
+import portage_checksum
+import portage_exception
+import portage
+import string
+import os
+import pwd,sys,optparse
+if os.getuid():
+ print"Must be root"
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Parse Options
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+parser.add_option('-d', '--dir', type='string', default="/var/cache/http-replicator", help='http-replicators cache DIR')
+parser.add_option('-u','--user', type='string', default="portage", help='http-replicator USER')
+options, args = parser.parse_args() # parse command line
+if options.user:
+ try:
+ uid=pwd.getpwnam(options.user)[2]
+ gid=pwd.getpwnam(options.user)[3]
+ except:
+ print "User \'" + options.user + "\' Doesn't exist on system - edit config or add user to system."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print "Error\n\tunable to get USER from /etc/http-replicator.conf"
+ sys.exit(1)
+# dir is replicator's cache directory
+if os.path.isdir(dir) :
+ newdir=0
+else :
+ print"\n\nBegin Http-Replicator Setup...."
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir)
+ print "\tcreated " + dir
+ newdir=1
+ except:
+ print "\tcreate " + dir + " failed"
+ print '\terror:', sys.exc_info()[1]
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ os.chown(dir,uid,gid)
+ print "\tchanged owner of " + dir + " to " + options.user
+ except:
+ print "\tchange owner " + dir + " to " + options.user + " failed:"
+ print '\terror:', sys.exc_info()[1]
+print "\n\nReplicator's cache directory: " + dir
+# Import Portage settings
+if distdir:
+ print "Portage's DISTDIR: " + distdir
+ print"Unable to get Portage's DISTDIR"
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Start Work
+print "\nComparing directories...."
+# Create filecmp object
+import filecmp
+dc=filecmp.dircmp (distdir,dir,['cvs-src','git-src','hg-src','.locks'])
+print "Done!"
+if dupes:
+ print "\nDeleting duplicate file(s) in " + distdir
+ for s in dupes:
+ print s
+ try:
+ os.remove(distdir + s )
+ deleted +=1
+ except:
+ print "\tdelete " + distdir + s + " failed:"
+ print '\terror:', sys.exc_info()[1]
+ print "Done!"
+if nf:
+ print "\nNew files in DISTDIR:"
+ for s in newfiles:
+ print s
+ print"\nChecking authenticity and integrity of new files..."
+ added=0
+ errors=0
+ badsum=0
+# search all packages
+ for mycp in portage.db["/"]["porttree"].dbapi.cp_all():
+ manifest = portage_manifest.Manifest("/usr/portage/" + mycp , distdir)
+ if manifest == None:
+ portage.writemsg("Missing manifest: %s\n" % mycpv)
+ remove=[]
+ for file in newfiles:
+ if manifest.hasFile("DIST",file):
+ try:
+ myok, myreason = manifest.checkFileHashes("DIST",file)
+ try:
+ os.rename(distdir+file,dir+file)
+ added += 1
+ except:
+ try:
+ import shutil
+ shutil.copyfile(distdir+file,dir+file)
+ added += 1
+ os.remove(distdir+file)
+ except:
+ print "\tmove/copy " + file + " failed:"
+ print '\terror:', sys.exc_info()[1]
+ errors+=1
+ try:
+ os.chown(dir+file,uid,gid)
+ except:
+ print "\tchown " + file + " failed:"
+ print '\terror:', sys.exc_info()[1]
+ errors +=1
+ remove.append( file )
+ except portage_exception.DigestException, e:
+ print("\n!!! Digest verification failed:")
+ print("!!! %s" % e.value[0])
+ print("!!! Reason: %s" % e.value[1])
+ print("!!! Got: %s" % e.value[2])
+ print("!!! Expected: %s" % e.value[3])
+ badsum+=1
+ if remove:
+ for rf in remove:
+ newfiles.remove ( rf )
+print "\nSUMMARY:"
+print "Found " + str(len(dupes)) + " duplicate file(s)"
+if deleted:
+ print "\tDeleted " + str(deleted) + " dupe(s)"
+if nf:
+ print "Found " + str(nf) + " new file(s)"
+ print "\tAdded " + str(added) + " of those file(s) to the cache"
+ print "Rejected " +str(len(newfiles)) + " File(s) - ",
+ print str(badsum) + " failed checksum(s)"
+ for s in newfiles:
+ print "\t%s" %s
+ if errors:
+ print "Encountered " +str(errors) + " errors"
+# if badsum:
+# print str(badsum) + " partial/corrupted file(s)"
+if newdir:
+ print"\n\nexecute:\n/etc/init.d/http-replicator start"
+ print"to run http-replicator.\n\nexecute:\nrc-update add http-replicator default"
+ print"to make http-replicator start at boot"
+ print"\n\nexecute:\n/usr/bin/repcacheman\nafter emerge's on the server to delete"
+ print"dup files and add new files to the cache"
+print "\n\nHTTP-Replicator requires you delete any partial downloads in " + distdir
+print "run rm -rf " + distdir +'*'