diff options
authorElfyn McBratney <>2005-05-03 16:00:53 +0000
committerElfyn McBratney <>2005-05-03 16:00:53 +0000
commitdd6453f5d8e6589ccd9b283f49bca4d6d39fd107 (patch)
treed4312c306e5d8460ac7960703b1791caff78e745 /net-www
parentVersion bump. (diff)
More bumps.
(Portage version:
Diffstat (limited to 'net-www')
6 files changed, 576 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/net-www/apache/ChangeLog b/net-www/apache/ChangeLog
index bb7d5a727fdb..df5dcd56540d 100644
--- a/net-www/apache/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-www/apache/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# ChangeLog for net-www/apache
# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/apache/ChangeLog,v 1.345 2005/04/25 01:54:54 beu Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/apache/ChangeLog,v 1.346 2005/05/03 16:00:53 beu Exp $
+*apache-1.3.33-r4 (03 May 2005)
+*apache-1.3.33-r3 (03 May 2005)
+ 03 May 2005; Elfyn McBratney <> +apache-1.3.33-r3.ebuild,
+ +apache-1.3.33-r4.ebuild:
+ More bumps - the -r1 and -r2 bumps didn't play nicely together what with -r1
+ existing as new- and old-style with the same name.
25 Apr 2005; Elfyn McBratney <> apache-2.0.51.ebuild,
apache-2.0.52.ebuild, apache-2.0.52-r1.ebuild, apache-2.0.52-r3.ebuild,
diff --git a/net-www/apache/Manifest b/net-www/apache/Manifest
index fbbf343aa664..4c44a1410b77 100644
--- a/net-www/apache/Manifest
+++ b/net-www/apache/Manifest
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-Hash: SHA1
MD5 d2794a4d623366ae015307911b5f5a1f apache-1.3.31-r1.ebuild 6806
MD5 26aeecc4289a4d8982052af3d229704a apache-1.3.31-r2.ebuild 6931
MD5 3dfa66eb87e3230e7059605fe9d06cf0 apache-2.0.50.ebuild 12919
MD5 a419841198cd6a94b9dcf2e07f3c15b7 metadata.xml 617
-MD5 9187a136bf97a98df3ae99906c6fabeb ChangeLog 59221
+MD5 02059c4adee05f904a1a72aa469947b0 apache-1.3.33-r4.ebuild 8621
+MD5 d2cd5c36c406bb4ad9ab535050037649 ChangeLog 59521
MD5 e2003fb220efdc943135d11e5c153424 apache-1.3.33-r1.ebuild 6943
MD5 633f7763be80ae4e32c2ee5db9b7c0c7 apache-2.0.54.ebuild 12115
MD5 e3d77982dec2d2ba4b87bafc71a907ec apache-2.0.52.ebuild 12845
@@ -14,6 +12,7 @@ MD5 b0f09340f1aa2719247f0c051e65dd49 apache-2.0.53.ebuild 11964
MD5 28d2832713864257d005780be669f927 apache-2.0.52-r2.ebuild 12308
MD5 defa6b47125809551de21814b2ccf0e6 apache-1.3.33.ebuild 6917
MD5 83b0135a7c76f7689bf2ffebe147af5f apache-2.0.51-r1.ebuild 12854
+MD5 a697381183aad248ea671bfa7f4e2877 apache-1.3.33-r3.ebuild 6945
MD5 8b22a63f1c8f003b237af3f3243b0d20 apache-1.3.33-r2.ebuild 8621
MD5 5ef74d0ec62cc9aa553b19c89ba898e7 apache-1.3.29-r2.ebuild 7197
MD5 bb680257cf230b7619d9ec6e65a07c51 apache-2.0.51.ebuild 12842
@@ -33,10 +32,12 @@ MD5 589e8773eb94f785be510f74b2e39ad0 files/digest-apache-1.3.29-r2 211
MD5 8cb4313e58d7bd5dc369eb92f75daa2b files/httpd-2.0.49-ipv6.patch 788
MD5 189cfb35b6320ae3ab57a32dbadd18f2 files/digest-apache-1.3.33 212
MD5 baf37cd1bc61f76ac73edd301f52decb files/digest-apache-2.0.52 201
+MD5 bb9ffec6d5f5d409b6705a2d8c19bc6a files/digest-apache-1.3.33-r3 212
MD5 bb36b429c433a5cbf2712605a76ce8fb files/digest-apache-1.3.31 139
MD5 2b4457530debe71160f56ae68ea4c9c8 files/apache.rc6 1078
MD5 44fc8ddc9a05a056d8a08e6d843c997c files/digest-apache-2.0.52-r1 204
MD5 b7c4fabdcb3845c4218b770acb792f73 files/apache-2.0.49-gentoo.diff 6316
+MD5 ed50404f07dbf0f82bd84de866aa90c3 files/digest-apache-1.3.33-r4 286
MD5 bb9ffec6d5f5d409b6705a2d8c19bc6a files/digest-apache-1.3.33-r1 212
MD5 042973893566b6b09b4dd9755d8f0881 files/apacheaddmod 5979
MD5 8de91cfef98483656aa4ab47f2c2ce8e files/apache2 331
@@ -101,10 +102,3 @@ MD5 a63b9472904d3500cf72b370a9ee3200 files/patches/1.3.31-r1/00_gentoo_db4_detec
MD5 61df284cb67dfde3085aec5543eeb03c files/patches/1.3.31-r1/00_gentoo_apachectl.patch 32836
MD5 161245c7aa1eb785db53b34d6a10be43 files/patches/1.3.31-r1/00_gentoo_suexec_pam.patch 2149
MD5 3c0dfc9f2dc93ae46eb6382cf9533f18 files/patches/1.3.31-r1/00_gentoo_base.patch 27799
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-www/apache/apache-1.3.33-r3.ebuild b/net-www/apache/apache-1.3.33-r3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..85ef96d36910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/apache/apache-1.3.33-r3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/apache/apache-1.3.33-r3.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/05/03 16:00:53 beu Exp $
+# Gentoo ARCH teams
+# Do NOT mark this ebuild as stable unless the corresponding mod_ssl package
+# can also be marked as stable on your arch.
+# Thanks,
+inherit eutils fixheadtails
+IUSE="pam ssl"
+DESCRIPTION="The Apache Web Server"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~sparc ~alpha ~hppa ~amd64 ~ia64 ~mips"
+# The mod_ssl archive is only for providing the EAPI patch in here.
+# You should install the net-www/mod_ssl package for the actual DSO.
+ <=sys-libs/db-4.1
+ >=dev-libs/mm-1.1.3
+ >=sys-libs/gdbm-1.8
+ >=dev-libs/expat-1.95.2
+ =sys-libs/db-1*
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-apache )
+ !dev-libs/apr
+ !dev-libs/apr-util"
+PDEPEND="ssl? ( =net-www/mod_ssl-${mod_ssl_dep} )"
+#Standard location for Gentoo Linux
+src_unpack() {
+ local myssl
+ unpack ${A} || die
+ cd ${S} || die
+ epatch ${WORKDIR}/apache-patches-1.3.33 || die
+ #Obsolete 'head -1' and 'tail -1' calls.
+ ht_fix_file src/Configure src/helpers/ \
+ src/helpers/ src/helpers/
+ # setup eapi...
+ myssl=${WORKDIR}/mod_ssl-${mod_ssl_ver}
+ cp ${myssl}/pkg.eapi/*.h src/include
+ cp ${myssl}/pkg.eapi/*.c src/ap
+ epatch ${myssl}/pkg.eapi/eapi.patch || die "eapi"
+ # set a reasonable MM_CORE_PATH location..
+ sed -i -e 's:logs/mm:/var/cache/apache-mm/mm:' \
+ src/include/httpd.h
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf mycflags
+ mycflags="${CFLAGS}"
+ unset CFLAGS ; unset CXXFLAGS
+ select_modules_config || die "determining modules"
+ LIBS="-ldb -lgdbm -lgdbm_compat -lpthread" \
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --exec-prefix=/usr \
+ --bindir=/usr/bin \
+ --sbindir=/usr/sbin \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/apache \
+ --mandir=/usr/share/man \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/apache/conf \
+ --datadir=${DATADIR} \
+ --cgidir=${DATADIR}/cgi-bin \
+ --iconsdir=${DATADIR}/icons \
+ --htdocsdir=${DATADIR}/htdocs \
+ --manualdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF}/manual \
+ --includedir=/usr/include/apache \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --runtimedir=/var/run \
+ --logfiledir=/var/log/apache \
+ --proxycachedir=/var/cache/apache \
+ --serverroot=/etc/apache \
+ --target=apache \
+ --server-uid=apache \
+ --server-gid=apache \
+ --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl \
+ --enable-rule=EAPI \
+ --enable-rule=SHARED_CHAIN \
+ --enable-suexec \
+ --suexec-uidmin=1000 \
+ --suexec-gidmin=100 \
+ --suexec-caller=apache \
+ --suexec-userdir=public_html \
+ --suexec-docroot=/var/www \
+ --suexec-safepath="/bin:/usr/bin" \
+ --suexec-logfile=/var/log/apache/suexec_log \
+ \
+ ${myconf} || die "bad ./configure"
+ emake || die "compile problem"
+src_install() {
+ local myfile
+ GID=`id -g apache`
+ if [ -z "${GID}" ]; then
+ einfo "Using default GID of 81 for Apache"
+ GID=81
+ fi
+ make install-quiet root=${D} || die
+ ${FILESDIR}/robots.txt
+ #protect the suexec binary
+ fowners root:${GID} /usr/sbin/suexec
+ fperms 4710 /usr/sbin/suexec
+ # nice support scripts..
+ for myfile in apacheaddmod apachedelmod \
+ apachelogserverstatus apachesplitlogfile
+ do
+ exeinto /usr/sbin
+ doexe ${FILESDIR}/$myfile
+ done
+ # setup links in /etc/apache..
+ cd ${D}/etc/apache
+ ln -sf ../../usr/lib/apache modules
+ # apxs needs this to pickup the right lib for install..
+ ln -sf ../../usr/lib lib
+ ln -sf ../../var/log/apache logs
+ ln -sf ../../usr/lib/apache-extramodules extramodules
+ # drop in a convenient link to the manual
+ dosym /usr/share/doc/${PF}/manual ${DATADIR}/htdocs/manual
+ # deprecated config files, empty dirs..
+ rm -f ${D}/etc/apache/conf/apache.conf.default
+ rm -f ${D}/etc/apache/conf/access.conf*
+ rm -f ${D}/etc/apache/conf/srm.conf*
+ # now the config files..
+ insinto /etc/apache/conf
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/conf/commonapache.conf
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/conf/apache.conf
+ # Added by Jason Wever <>
+ # A little sedfu to fix bug #7172 for sparc64s
+ if [ ${ARCH} = "sparc" ]
+ then
+ sed -i -e '15a\AcceptMutex fcntl' \
+ ${D}/etc/apache/conf/apache.conf
+ fi
+ insinto /etc/apache/conf/vhosts
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/conf/VirtualHomePages.conf
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/conf/DynamicVhosts.conf
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/conf/Vhosts.conf
+ exeinto /etc/init.d ; newexe ${FILESDIR}/apache.rc6 apache
+ insinto /etc/conf.d ; newins ${FILESDIR}/apache.confd apache
+ insinto /etc/apache ; doins ${FILESDIR}/apache-builtin-mods
+ if use pam; then
+ insinto /etc/pam.d ; newins ${FILESDIR}/suexec.pam suexec
+ fi
+ #empty dirs
+ keepdir /var/cache/apache /var/cache/apache-mm /usr/lib/apache-extramodules /etc/apache/conf/addon-modules /var/log/apache
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # these are in baselayout now; it will not hurt to leave them here though
+ # moved to pkg_postinst by jnelson, moved to pkg_preinst by lostlogic
+ getent group apache >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ groupadd -g 81 apache || die "problem adding group apache"
+ fi
+ # usermod returns 2 on user-exists-but-no-flags-given
+ #usermod apache &>/dev/null
+ #if [ $? != 2 ]; then
+ getent passwd apache >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ useradd -u 81 -g apache -s /bin/false -d /var/www/localhost -c "apache" apache
+ assert "problem adding user apache"
+ fi
+ einfo
+ einfo "Please remember to update your config files in /etc/apache"
+ einfo "as --datadir has been changed to ${DATADIR}!"
+ einfo
+parse_modules_config() {
+ local filename=$1
+ local name=""
+ local dso=""
+ local disable=""
+ [ -f ${filename} ] || return 1
+ einfo "Using ${filename} for builtins."
+ for i in `cat $filename | sed "s/^#.*//"` ; do
+ if [ $i == "-" ] ; then
+ disable="true"
+ elif [ -z "$name" ] && [ ! -z "`echo $i | grep "mod_"`" ] ; then
+ name=`echo $i | sed "s/mod_//"`
+ elif [ "$disable" ] && ( [ $i == "static" ] || [ $i == "shared" ] ) ; then
+ MY_BUILTINS="${MY_BUILTINS} --disable-module=$name"
+ name="" ; disable=""
+ elif [ $i == "static" ] ; then
+ MY_BUILTINS="${MY_BUILTINS} --enable-module=$name --disable-shared=$name"
+ name="" ; disable=""
+ elif [ $i == "shared" ] ; then
+ MY_BUILTINS="${MY_BUILTINS} --enable-module=$name --enable-shared=$name"
+ name="" ; disable=""
+ fi
+ done
+select_modules_config() {
+ parse_modules_config /etc/apache/apache-builtin-mods || \
+ parse_modules_config ${FILESDIR}/apache-builtin-mods || \
+ return 1
diff --git a/net-www/apache/apache-1.3.33-r4.ebuild b/net-www/apache/apache-1.3.33-r4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4aa2021b2212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/apache/apache-1.3.33-r4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/apache/apache-1.3.33-r4.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/05/03 16:00:53 beu Exp $
+inherit eutils fixheadtails
+# latest gentoo apache files
+# The mod_ssl archive is only for providing the EAPI patch in here.
+# You should install the net-www/mod_ssl package for the actual DSO.
+DESCRIPTION="The Apache Web Server"
+ ssl? (${mod_ssl_ver}-${PV}.tar.gz )
+ lingerd? (${lingerd_ver}.tar.gz )
+ mirror://gentoo/${GENTOO_PATCHNAME}-${GENTOO_PATCHSTAMP}.tar.bz2"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~sparc ~alpha ~hppa ~amd64 ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc64"
+IUSE="doc ssl pam lingerd no-suexec static-modules apache2"
+ >=sys-libs/db-1.85-r1
+ >=dev-libs/mm-1.1.3
+ >=sys-libs/gdbm-1.8
+ >=dev-libs/expat-1.95.2
+ net-www/gentoo-webroot-default
+ app-misc/mime-types
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-apache )
+ lingerd? ( =net-www/lingerd-${lingerd_ver} )"
+# so leave it out until it's available
+PDEPEND="ssl? ( =net-www/mod_ssl-${mod_ssl_ver}-r1 )"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A} || die
+ cd ${S} || die
+ epatch ${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}/patches/[0-2]*
+ # setup the filesystem layout config
+ cat ${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}/patches/config.layout >> config.layout
+ sed -i -e 's:version:${PF}:g' config.layout
+ if useq pam; then
+ epatch ${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}/patches/31_all_gentoo_suexec_pam.patch || die "pam patch failed"
+ fi
+ # fix obsolete 'head -1' and 'tail -1' calls
+ ht_fix_file src/Configure src/helpers/ src/helpers/ src/helpers/
+ # setup mod_ssl eapi
+ if useq ssl; then
+ local myssl
+ myssl=${WORKDIR}/mod_ssl-${mod_ssl_ver}-${PV}
+ cp ${myssl}/pkg.eapi/*.h src/include
+ cp ${myssl}/pkg.eapi/*.c src/ap
+ epatch ${myssl}/pkg.eapi/eapi.patch || die "failed to setup mod_ssl eapi"
+ fi
+ # set a reasonable MM_CORE_PATH location..
+ sed -i -e 's:logs/mm:/var/cache/apache-mm/mm:' src/include/httpd.h
+ if useq lingerd; then
+ local mylingerd=${WORKDIR}/lingerd-${lingerd_ver}
+ cp ${mylingerd}/apache-1.3/ap_lingerd.c ${mylingerd}/li_config.h src/main
+ cd src
+ if useq ssl; then
+ epatch ${mylingerd}/apache-1.3/aplinger-ssl.diff
+ else
+ epatch ${mylingerd}/apache-1.3/aplinger.diff
+ fi
+ cd ..
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ setup_apache_vars
+ select_modules_config || die "determining modules"
+ if ! useq no-suexec; then
+ myconf="${myconf}
+ --enable-suexec
+ --suexec-uidmin=1000 \
+ --suexec-gidmin=100 \
+ --suexec-caller=apache \
+ --suexec-userdir=public_html \
+ --suexec-docroot=/var/www \
+ --suexec-safepath="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin" \
+ --suexec-logfile=/var/log/apache/suexec_log"
+ fi
+ if useq ssl; then
+ myconf="${myconf} --enable-rule=EAPI"
+ fi
+ LIBS="-ldb -lgdbm -lgdbm_compat -lpthread" \
+ ./configure \
+ --with-layout=Gentoo \
+ --target=apache \
+ --server-uid=apache \
+ --server-gid=apache \
+ --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl \
+ --enable-rule=SHARED_CHAIN \
+ ${MY_BUILTINS} ${myconf} || die "bad ./configure please submit bug report to Include your config.layout and config.log"
+ emake || die "problem compiling apache"
+ # build ssl version of apache bench (ab-ssl)
+ if useq ssl; then
+ cd src/support
+ rm -f ab ab.o
+ make ab CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -DUSE_SSL -lcrypto -lssl -I/usr/include/openssl -L/usr/lib" || die
+ mv ab ab-ssl
+ rm -f ab.o
+ make ab || die
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ # setup apache user and group
+ enewgroup apache 81
+ enewuser apache 81 /bin/false /var/www apache
+ # general install
+ make install-quiet root=${D} || die
+ dodoc ABOUT_APACHE Announcement INSTALL LICENSE README* ${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}/docs/robots.txt
+ # protect the suexec binary
+ if ! useq no-suexec; then
+ fowners root:apache /usr/sbin/suexec
+ fperms 4710 /usr/sbin/suexec
+ fi
+ # apxs needs this to pickup the right lib for install
+ dosym /usr/lib /usr/lib/apache/lib
+ dosym /var/log/apache /usr/lib/apache/logs
+ dosym /etc/apache /usr/lib/apache/conf
+ # nice support scripts
+ exeinto /usr/sbin
+ for i in apachelogserverstatus apachesplitlogfile; do
+ doexe ${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}/scripts/${i}
+ done
+ # some more scripts
+ for i in split-logfile log_server_status; do
+ doexe ${S}/src/support/${i}
+ done
+ # the ssl version of apache bench
+ if useq ssl; then
+ doexe src/support/ab-ssl
+ fi
+ # drop in a convenient link to the manual
+ if useq doc; then
+ insinto /etc/apache/modules.d
+ doins ${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}/conf/modules.d/00_apache_manual.conf
+ sed -i -e "s:1.3.32:${PVR}:" ${D}/etc/apache/modules.d/00_apache_manual.conf
+ else
+ rm -rf ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/manual
+ fi
+ # tidy up
+ cd ${D}
+ dodoc etc/apache/*.default
+ rm -f etc/apache/*.default
+ rm -f etc/apache/*.conf
+ rm -f etc/apache/mime.types
+ # we DEPEND on net-www/gentoo-webroot-default for sharing this by now
+ rm -rf var/www/localhost
+ # config files
+ insinto /etc/conf.d
+ newins ${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}/init/apache.confd apache
+ exeinto /etc/init.d
+ newexe ${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}/init/apache.initd apache
+ insinto /etc/apache
+ doins ${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}/conf/apache-builtin-mods
+ doins ${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}/conf/httpd.conf
+ keepdir /etc/apache/vhosts.d
+ keepdir /etc/apache/modules.d
+ # Added by Jason Wever <>
+ # A little sedfu to fix bug #7172 for sparc64s
+ if [ ${ARCH} = "sparc" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '15a\AcceptMutex fcntl' ${D}/etc/apache/httpd.conf
+ fi
+ if useq lingerd; then
+ sed -i 's:\(need net.*\):\1 lingerd:g' ${D}/etc/init.d/apache
+ fi
+ if useq pam; then
+ insinto /etc/pam.d
+ newins ${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}/patches/suexec.pam suexec
+ fi
+ # empty dirs
+ for i in /var/log/apache /var/cache/apache /var/cache/apache-mm; do
+ keepdir ${i}
+ fowners apache:apache ${i}
+ fperms 755 ${i}
+ done
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo
+ einfo "Please remember to update your config files in /etc/apache"
+ einfo "as --datadir has been changed to ${DATADIR}, and ServerRoot"
+ einfo "has changed to /usr/lib/apache!"
+ einfo
+ # Check for obsolete symlinks
+ local list=""
+ for i in lib logs modules extramodules; do
+ local d="/etc/apache/${i}"
+ [ -s "${d}" ] && list="${list} ${d}"
+ done
+ [ -n "${list}" ] && einfo "You should delete these old symlinks: ${list}"
+ if has_version '<net-www/apache-1.3.33-r1' ; then
+ einfo "Configuration locations have changed, you will need to migrate"
+ einfo "your configuration from /etc/apache/conf/apache.conf and"
+ einfo "/etc/apache/conf/commonapache.conf to /etc/apache/httpd.conf."
+ einfo
+ einfo "Apache now checks for the old configuration and refuses to start"
+ einfo "if it exists. You must remove the old configuration first"
+ einfo
+ einfo "For more information, see"
+ einfo ""
+ einfo
+ fi
+ if use apache2 ; then
+ ewarn "You have apache2 in USE. Any modules that you"
+ ewarn "install may depend on apache-2.* instead of"
+ ewarn "apache-1*. It's recommended that you remove"
+ ewarn "apache2 from USE."
+ fi
+setup_apache_vars() {
+ unset CFLAGS
+ unset CXXFLAGS
+ # standard location for Gentoo Linux
+ DATADIR="${DATADIR:-/var/www/localhost}"
+ einfo "DATADIR is set to: ${DATADIR}"
+parse_modules_config() {
+ local name=""
+ local disable=""
+ [ -f ${1} ] || return 1
+ for i in `cat $1 | sed "s/^#.*//"` ; do
+ if [ $i == "-" ]; then
+ disable="true"
+ elif [ -z "$name" ] && [ ! -z "`echo $i | grep "mod_"`" ]; then
+ name=`echo $i | sed "s/mod_//"`
+ elif [ "$disable" ] && ( [ $i == "static" ] || [ $i == "shared" ] ); then
+ MY_BUILTINS="${MY_BUILTINS} --disable-module=$name"
+ name="" ; disable=""
+ elif [ $i == "static" ] || useq static-modules; then
+ MY_BUILTINS="${MY_BUILTINS} --enable-module=$name --disable-shared=$name"
+ name="" ; disable=""
+ elif [ $i == "shared" ]; then
+ MY_BUILTINS="${MY_BUILTINS} --enable-module=$name --enable-shared=$name"
+ name="" ; disable=""
+ fi
+ done
+ einfo "${1} options:\n${MY_BUILTINS}"
+select_modules_config() {
+ parse_modules_config /etc/apache/apache-builtin-mods || \
+ parse_modules_config ${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}/conf/apache-builtin-mods || \
+ return 1
+# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/net-www/apache/files/digest-apache-1.3.33-r3 b/net-www/apache/files/digest-apache-1.3.33-r3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8bd95ba241ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/apache/files/digest-apache-1.3.33-r3
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 3dfd2c3778f37a2dfc22b97417a61407 apache_1.3.33.tar.gz 2468567
+MD5 cdfdf1f576f77768c90825b43b462405 mod_ssl-2.8.22-1.3.33.tar.gz 754606
+MD5 076a31dd788955ae49316ead2368e71d apache-patches-1.3.33.tar.bz2 14275
diff --git a/net-www/apache/files/digest-apache-1.3.33-r4 b/net-www/apache/files/digest-apache-1.3.33-r4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6292fca2caf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/apache/files/digest-apache-1.3.33-r4
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+MD5 3dfd2c3778f37a2dfc22b97417a61407 apache_1.3.33.tar.gz 2468567
+MD5 cdfdf1f576f77768c90825b43b462405 mod_ssl-2.8.22-1.3.33.tar.gz 754606
+MD5 6401015bafad4f44fdf8a9a1795d9258 lingerd-0.94.tar.gz 33938
+MD5 9bbab49c3d3a48ee5806013af011ddfa gentoo-apache-1.3.33-r4-20050503.tar.bz2 28421