diff options
authorAlexander Gabert <>2004-05-27 11:54:30 +0000
committerAlexander Gabert <>2004-05-27 11:54:30 +0000
commita3b6fef4112b9637d8ab7ca696205e5d99b45fc4 (patch)
treefa7373812b3d023e6b712ebcabd2358adc6b7e60 /sys-devel
parentInitial import, see bug #39399 (Manifest recommit) (diff)
added preliminary gcc 3.3.3 -r6 version, this one will fix the problems with bug 51386, removing guard from libgcc even UNResolved symbols
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-devel')
6 files changed, 994 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/sys-devel/gcc/ChangeLog b/sys-devel/gcc/ChangeLog
index 28254ff6bf9f..d86bc5b4121b 100644
--- a/sys-devel/gcc/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-devel/gcc/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-devel/gcc
# Copyright 2002-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/gcc/ChangeLog,v 1.251 2004/05/27 02:08:29 lv Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/gcc/ChangeLog,v 1.252 2004/05/27 11:54:30 pappy Exp $
+*gcc-3.3.3-r6 (27 May 2004)
+ 27 May 2004; Alexander Gabert <>
+ +files/3.3.3/gcc333-ssp-3.3.2_1-fixup.patch, +gcc-3.3.3-r6.ebuild:
+ added preliminary gcc 3.3.3 -r6 version, this one will fix the problems with
+ bug 51386, removing guard from libgcc even UNResolved symbols
*gcc-3.4.0-r5 (26 May 2004)
diff --git a/sys-devel/gcc/Manifest b/sys-devel/gcc/Manifest
index 46eded74fffc..6e20715a305b 100644
--- a/sys-devel/gcc/Manifest
+++ b/sys-devel/gcc/Manifest
@@ -1,46 +1,51 @@
-MD5 6953c04e837c49f5f9e5f558fbbf8fbe gcc-3.3.2-r3.ebuild 20487
-MD5 3c0d91ac99e191e0098f14b83f28ed44 gcc-3.3.1-r1.ebuild 16128
-MD5 f4b8a28609fe4d914076c91d9840c629 gcc-3.2.3-r4.ebuild 20112
-MD5 3a2e4f5d5f2d94e5ee2a399ab3b0f32e gcc-3.3-r1.ebuild 16506
+MD5 459eb44ff439862f4e79733b218be179 ChangeLog 52824
MD5 4bc0ae0e0e19f54dc1ea7a075745b063 gcc-2.95.3-r7.ebuild 5396
-MD5 a6dd62d4bac8bd5630f21e56dbe5919c gcc-3.3.3_pre20040130.ebuild 21520
-MD5 dc586211fcb550a333b881432d652b3d gcc-3.3.3_pre20040408-r1.ebuild 22692
-MD5 8a2d0081e6c0f75912849fbb37f3c531 gcc-3.2.2-r2.ebuild 15862
-MD5 bdaadd8732e58e8c60242fcddc6cfaa5 gcc-3.3.ebuild 16663
-MD5 42871c605b839610632d237b41e38866 gcc-3.3.2-r5.ebuild 21460
-MD5 7eb36ba5811423e02b4ae4c11d8869c5 gcc-3.3.3_pre20040215.ebuild 22195
-MD5 d8d35a54609911a201727872dc3ffe26 gcc-3.3.3_pre20040322.ebuild 22621
-MD5 b2c168723aee82080bc1ee741848ef40 gcc-3.3.3-r4.ebuild 25550
-MD5 849ebb38d34a7cf8a99552e5c3f941f6 gcc-3.4.0-r4.ebuild 27141
-MD5 1aabd842d43a507ea8d2e988f6f88707 gcc-3.3.2-r7.ebuild 21865
-MD5 ca6cec20814fc6a27d5b1394ef02c867 gcc-3.2.1-r7.ebuild 14773
-MD5 2091041850f831fdef34656fc3308604 gcc-3.3.2-r2.ebuild 18118
-MD5 6f4b970b6e64b99a49d7c2ac35817d38 gcc-3.3.3.ebuild 22398
-MD5 bd281971d3658dd49f02f647b97c4eeb gcc-3.3.1-r5.ebuild 18002
+MD5 c7e55fc7f4bfd637f45786c0c5fbb365 gcc-2.95.3-r8.ebuild 9095
MD5 b6a375116a668edbe10b2ac2e1f9fc6d gcc-3.0.4-r6.ebuild 8577
+MD5 873fbf9c46a3045493f51e0d46bca017 gcc-3.3.3-r6.ebuild 25262
MD5 68da62e17a31058a92822721b553eca9 gcc-3.1.1-r1.ebuild 9424
-MD5 14cf69f1206d85356781dd2ad63eb7ca gcc-3.3.2-r4.ebuild 20741
-MD5 8c9407ec40e58c4ebeabe5ee6e93a52a gcc-3.2.2.ebuild 16096
-MD5 c7e55fc7f4bfd637f45786c0c5fbb365 gcc-2.95.3-r8.ebuild 9095
MD5 b5f1d4d71ad38c5c5e489466ac0ad399 gcc-3.3.3-r3.ebuild 24690
-MD5 9fb6a5505f97c736a3f40f84ea9c71da gcc-3.3.2-r6.ebuild 21217
+MD5 99ca0d4119a40337165e44e6ff76b31b gcc-3.4.0-r5.ebuild 27895
+MD5 b2c168723aee82080bc1ee741848ef40 gcc-3.3.3-r4.ebuild 25550
+MD5 66229a95f7bb2856fd07dfd0d6589480 gcc-3.3.3-r5.ebuild 25326
+MD5 f2080fddad1b2c6d25a7d8341718cd83 gcc-3.2.3-r4.ebuild 20072
+MD5 3a2e4f5d5f2d94e5ee2a399ab3b0f32e gcc-3.3-r1.ebuild 16506
+MD5 3c0d91ac99e191e0098f14b83f28ed44 gcc-3.3.1-r1.ebuild 16128
+MD5 bd281971d3658dd49f02f647b97c4eeb gcc-3.3.1-r5.ebuild 18002
MD5 e6ead3ed008a1fe7adc73ddae996ade3 gcc-3.3.2-r1.ebuild 17965
-MD5 8c060b6f837f4a7a9181e99fe9a2e540 ChangeLog 52531
+MD5 2091041850f831fdef34656fc3308604 gcc-3.3.2-r2.ebuild 18118
+MD5 6953c04e837c49f5f9e5f558fbbf8fbe gcc-3.3.2-r3.ebuild 20487
+MD5 14cf69f1206d85356781dd2ad63eb7ca gcc-3.3.2-r4.ebuild 20741
+MD5 42871c605b839610632d237b41e38866 gcc-3.3.2-r5.ebuild 21460
+MD5 9fb6a5505f97c736a3f40f84ea9c71da gcc-3.3.2-r6.ebuild 21217
+MD5 1aabd842d43a507ea8d2e988f6f88707 gcc-3.3.2-r7.ebuild 21865
MD5 f00b83c775e21267dcfc5c57412dc961 gcc-3.3.2.ebuild 17908
-MD5 3b2fd4637666e71aae9954782cd23016 gcc-3.3.3_pre20040426.ebuild 22633
+MD5 d16e394b0b63e97945888630f4b8e5a1 gcc-3.4.0-r4.ebuild 27135
+MD5 6f4b970b6e64b99a49d7c2ac35817d38 gcc-3.3.3.ebuild 22398
+MD5 a6dd62d4bac8bd5630f21e56dbe5919c gcc-3.3.3_pre20040130.ebuild 21520
+MD5 7eb36ba5811423e02b4ae4c11d8869c5 gcc-3.3.3_pre20040215.ebuild 22195
+MD5 d8d35a54609911a201727872dc3ffe26 gcc-3.3.3_pre20040322.ebuild 22621
+MD5 dc586211fcb550a333b881432d652b3d gcc-3.3.3_pre20040408-r1.ebuild 22692
+MD5 bdaadd8732e58e8c60242fcddc6cfaa5 gcc-3.3.ebuild 16663
MD5 567094e03359ffc1c95af7356395228d metadata.xml 162
-MD5 66229a95f7bb2856fd07dfd0d6589480 gcc-3.3.3-r5.ebuild 25326
-MD5 99ca0d4119a40337165e44e6ff76b31b gcc-3.4.0-r5.ebuild 27895
+MD5 3b2fd4637666e71aae9954782cd23016 gcc-3.3.3_pre20040426.ebuild 22633
MD5 d70bcc196f1d68275346f067efcb9373 files/cc 20
MD5 dcf3646d19d351cc4d95a8096c6eaf58 files/cpp 20
-MD5 e962c23dd4396850f0e36424ec5596d7 files/digest-gcc-3.3.3_pre20040408-r1 138
+MD5 3213bd50acdbbd71ce7dd3e40710e30e files/digest-gcc-2.95.3-r7 64
+MD5 3213bd50acdbbd71ce7dd3e40710e30e files/digest-gcc-2.95.3-r8 64
MD5 4a4be6eb294e00da7fef14ec597dcf13 files/digest-gcc-3.0.4-r6 128
+MD5 5a9db19cd5ad6ad16b0f838d525d842a files/digest-gcc-3.3.3-r3 522
MD5 0d683280daf95e6bb9712549352a200c files/digest-gcc-3.1.1-r1 140
-MD5 3853f5e3fdf34c40e6f45ae35a845c99 files/digest-gcc-3.2.1-r7 223
-MD5 a71b08c7e35abe2526586874801de12e files/digest-gcc-3.2.2-r2 226
+MD5 d476dba058ac32b251723e136c6dfa8e files/digest-gcc-3.3.3-r4 526
+MD5 05b3c7d1a70c2e18013f6fcfe78f06e7 files/digest-gcc-3.4.0-r5 442
+MD5 3fd5a29d44b89f4fb220fccaa968fc05 files/digest-gcc-3.3.3-r6 442
+MD5 8f56750ce25ca30ffebcbdb65de95a1f files/digest-gcc-3.3.3_pre20040426 138
MD5 40e6872c09149a81973f01a78c80bbb7 files/digest-gcc-3.2.3-r4 279
+MD5 f57a9900e4d0edcae7b1e327e263d2f7 files/digest-gcc-3.3 294
+MD5 12d4b0c4fc49fad52850ab007c3c7371 files/digest-gcc-3.3-r1 353
MD5 c850f6ba5703712442b90b2c00060a15 files/digest-gcc-3.3.1-r1 361
MD5 d192284727acd002cf658d4c559c2d39 files/digest-gcc-3.3.1-r5 361
+MD5 cf81ae4b2da79c34a005da1182c40134 files/digest-gcc-3.3.2 130
MD5 0d86971219ddd6dcb86f032bc2b93691 files/digest-gcc-3.3.2-r1 361
MD5 f48105f24e5c714530e66a94aa56d615 files/digest-gcc-3.3.2-r2 361
MD5 f48105f24e5c714530e66a94aa56d615 files/digest-gcc-3.3.2-r3 361
@@ -48,109 +53,101 @@ MD5 29b68fb9b347114baf405bf67ebca0cd files/digest-gcc-3.3.2-r4 361
MD5 01c41c9e6857eb40d402f2acb2bd96f9 files/digest-gcc-3.3.2-r5 361
MD5 41e5a58d926345eb32e6a2ba3ab17031 files/digest-gcc-3.3.2-r6 361
MD5 e58b6c1f3122b79a5d0d273acc3c008c files/digest-gcc-3.3.2-r7 361
-MD5 5a9db19cd5ad6ad16b0f838d525d842a files/digest-gcc-3.3.3-r3 522
-MD5 d476dba058ac32b251723e136c6dfa8e files/digest-gcc-3.3.3-r4 526
-MD5 3a68d40d170427ffbfcf181b5099d693 files/digest-gcc-3.3.3-r5 528
+MD5 35f63854b7b4d5ab1ed1489e517f8e24 files/digest-gcc-3.3.3 361
MD5 f9d2e2878a1c85e370c1c1e5d7131bfd files/digest-gcc-3.4.0-r4 369
-MD5 05b3c7d1a70c2e18013f6fcfe78f06e7 files/digest-gcc-3.4.0-r5 442
MD5 ac529391146ca1021405f8ec7a4b0579 files/digest-gcc-3.3.3_pre20040130 138
MD5 9996ea8d65888808363832ea1571fe0a files/digest-gcc-3.3.3_pre20040215 138
MD5 9996ea8d65888808363832ea1571fe0a files/digest-gcc-3.3.3_pre20040322 138
-MD5 8f56750ce25ca30ffebcbdb65de95a1f files/digest-gcc-3.3.3_pre20040426 138
-MD5 523970c128b929fe7c7cf36508ebd1d5 files/gcc-2.95.3-new-atexit.diff 13604
-MD5 33df162e1767e168f4f39442785071af files/texinfo-4.0-no-ncurses-gentoo.diff 51748
-MD5 8baffb486c75efe253bd2daa88daa7d6 files/gcc331_use_multilib.amd64.patch 352
-MD5 2d5af6fe0b03d39a94cb4c4d4b03e226 files/gcc-2.95.3-atexit.diff 1731
+MD5 e962c23dd4396850f0e36424ec5596d7 files/digest-gcc-3.3.3_pre20040408-r1 138
+MD5 3a68d40d170427ffbfcf181b5099d693 files/digest-gcc-3.3.3-r5 528
MD5 b56b1fa94f82e5c569de7677b8a485e0 files/ 1738
-MD5 a84561f46d573c1c835b1c4d2510cc07 files/gcc-3-deopt.patch 588
-MD5 9c13e6b0d5770979430b76c578afa22c files/gcc3-program-transform.patch 9771
-MD5 cd99b576d23043d02ee0b47a63c0c95e files/digest-gcc-3.2.2 64
-MD5 cf81ae4b2da79c34a005da1182c40134 files/digest-gcc-3.3.2 130
-MD5 35f63854b7b4d5ab1ed1489e517f8e24 files/digest-gcc-3.3.3 361
-MD5 73da03a8bd40327709e7850d9e2158e6 files/gcc-2.95.3-destructor-atexit.diff 3890
-MD5 3213bd50acdbbd71ce7dd3e40710e30e files/digest-gcc-2.95.3-r7 64
-MD5 3213bd50acdbbd71ce7dd3e40710e30e files/digest-gcc-2.95.3-r8 64
-MD5 f57a9900e4d0edcae7b1e327e263d2f7 files/digest-gcc-3.3 294
MD5 b1a242694f56184cbcdd40ba25800d50 files/gcc-2.95.3-alpha.diff 14345
+MD5 2d5af6fe0b03d39a94cb4c4d4b03e226 files/gcc-2.95.3-atexit.diff 1731
+MD5 73da03a8bd40327709e7850d9e2158e6 files/gcc-2.95.3-destructor-atexit.diff 3890
+MD5 523970c128b929fe7c7cf36508ebd1d5 files/gcc-2.95.3-new-atexit.diff 13604
MD5 385267d11aa8b32522d1585b2d520476 files/gcc-3-deopt-doc.patch 819
+MD5 a84561f46d573c1c835b1c4d2510cc07 files/gcc-3-deopt.patch 588
+MD5 9c13e6b0d5770979430b76c578afa22c files/gcc3-program-transform.patch 9771
+MD5 8baffb486c75efe253bd2daa88daa7d6 files/gcc331_use_multilib.amd64.patch 352
MD5 e3193bdffb435b77a21bfb504ff6f591 files/mkinfodir 7324
-MD5 12d4b0c4fc49fad52850ab007c3c7371 files/digest-gcc-3.3-r1 353
+MD5 782ac9b8dbc629fe4fdfaa7744cfc004 files/ 869
MD5 21848cde4833618f2898e7d17b75633e files/scan_libgcc_linked_ssp.txt 173
MD5 c589fe6a54dc88cf40463cf85a32e81e files/specs-3.3-amd64-unilib 3953
-MD5 782ac9b8dbc629fe4fdfaa7744cfc004 files/ 869
+MD5 33df162e1767e168f4f39442785071af files/texinfo-4.0-no-ncurses-gentoo.diff 51748
+MD5 aa7a1e8bbe618c0d88368e69caeb7653 files/3.1/gcc31-attr-visibility.patch.bz2 3671
+MD5 8b4c6af1c730dcdd843a77e8095d312b files/3.1/gcc31-attr-visibility2.patch.bz2 2341
+MD5 98f539e65ab7e21994e5d378537a5506 files/3.1/gcc31-boehm-gc-libs.patch.bz2 1921
+MD5 9495fab2aa4388693856b2c52f5ac363 files/3.1/gcc31-c++-diagnostic-no-line-wrapping.patch.bz2 562
+MD5 ea61b0ff2db11805fb0778c63b51f43b files/3.1/gcc31-c++-null-pm-init.patch.bz2 4434
+MD5 24642b902b9937cdebeb14063859135f files/3.1/gcc31-c++-tsubst-asm.patch.bz2 703
MD5 f7274feec78a2dc4ce9233880804ed0f files/3.1/gcc31-dwarf2-pr6381.patch.bz2 1059
-MD5 a235188ad8a8ac2bb3dc8fcd51603225 files/3.1/gcc31-fold-const.patch.bz2 1867
+MD5 87f7be372b23072220fbceed8a127474 files/3.1/gcc31-dwarf2-pr6436-test.patch.bz2 336
MD5 9ea8c34a980997a0d89744cb2ddf941a files/3.1/gcc31-fdata-sections.patch.bz2 2676
-MD5 98f539e65ab7e21994e5d378537a5506 files/3.1/gcc31-boehm-gc-libs.patch.bz2 1921
+MD5 d3250673494682fa71cb3760e6de257b files/3.1/gcc31-fde-merge-compat.patch.bz2 634
+MD5 a235188ad8a8ac2bb3dc8fcd51603225 files/3.1/gcc31-fold-const.patch.bz2 1867
+MD5 637b53059fa127746952cbffe1e8d403 files/3.1/gcc31-fold-const2.patch.bz2 368
+MD5 734e98009983615eff4814f671d83679 files/3.1/gcc31-i386-expand-clrstr.patch.bz2 527
+MD5 2aadf0591cbf8a4e04235f5fb415f974 files/3.1/gcc31-i386-malign-double-doc.patch.bz2 526
MD5 f3818c997439d173ac11322c08f2f2c8 files/3.1/gcc31-libstdc++-pr6594.patch.bz2 635
-MD5 87f7be372b23072220fbceed8a127474 files/3.1/gcc31-dwarf2-pr6436-test.patch.bz2 336
-MD5 386ffd7fc3ca4a8af55155fe57871dc4 files/3.1/gcc31-test-rotate.patch.bz2 1060
+MD5 981171de6a3f8d53741f77c12c221469 files/3.1/gcc31-libstdc++-pr6648.patch.bz2 770
MD5 2f1d2c02b99aa182f1fd9b6328c8b77a files/3.1/gcc31-libstdc++-setrlim.patch.bz2 584
-MD5 2aadf0591cbf8a4e04235f5fb415f974 files/3.1/gcc31-i386-malign-double-doc.patch.bz2 526
-MD5 ea61b0ff2db11805fb0778c63b51f43b files/3.1/gcc31-c++-null-pm-init.patch.bz2 4434
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MD5 df404bbcc95193a2591895758915e74e files/3.1/gcc31-pr6643.patch.bz2 421
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MD5 7f4bc242692c8e5a2ea0e3e865433d94 files/3.1/gcc31-trunc_int_for_mode.patch.bz2 826
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-MD5 24642b902b9937cdebeb14063859135f files/3.1/gcc31-c++-tsubst-asm.patch.bz2 703
-MD5 734e98009983615eff4814f671d83679 files/3.1/gcc31-i386-expand-clrstr.patch.bz2 527
-MD5 7f884a426afe182c10d2a5fad94c73cc files/3.2/gcc-3.2.fix-copy.patch 2185
-MD5 a97a78f90c372855823b9facf1ba57b6 files/3.2/gcc-3.2.ctype.patch 3500
MD5 2b3b3b8637dc17eedce3b1ca1b68f1f1 files/3.2/gcc-3.2-glibc-2.3-compat.diff 5511
+MD5 a97a78f90c372855823b9facf1ba57b6 files/3.2/gcc-3.2.ctype.patch 3500
+MD5 7f884a426afe182c10d2a5fad94c73cc files/3.2/gcc-3.2.fix-copy.patch 2185
MD5 f0d236f86eaa66efd429fdac632e0ae2 files/3.2/gcc-3.2.fix-var.patch 1577
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-MD5 d6ee829d1712436361f5f1daf7b14e83 files/3.3/gcc33-gentoo-branding.patch 890
-MD5 5f465144ef81f1b7c7f6d6abe6e4c59f files/awk/fixlafiles.awk 6285
-MD5 71ad2adafb2cc70631244faca2a85c63 files/awk/scanforssp.awk 5837
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MD5 8ec9b0352d226e4693cabffe0fa5bba6 files/3.2.1/gcc31-loop-load-final-value.patch 3324
+MD5 5e8f2122ef7f9ce187b0a0d50ac9d24a files/3.2.1/gcc32-arm-disable-mathf.patch 2229
+MD5 044a164462d9392aa67cde6f9fd5c1bc files/3.2.1/gcc32-arm-reload1-fix.patch 932
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MD5 2c18cb2004c626adf634823713582738 files/3.2.1/gcc32-fix-sixtrack.patch 2001
MD5 43442dbe4412f751605f1597815b5671 files/3.2.1/gcc32-libjava-x86_64-biarch-sigaction.patch 445
-MD5 7978d1aaf6bae19163e83c110dec1b38 files/3.2.1/gcc32-sparc32-hack.patch 2192
-MD5 38131a537835873acb08c415d27a013e files/3.2.1/gcc32-athlon-alignment.patch 509
-MD5 044a164462d9392aa67cde6f9fd5c1bc files/3.2.1/gcc32-arm-reload1-fix.patch 932
-MD5 5e8f2122ef7f9ce187b0a0d50ac9d24a files/3.2.1/gcc32-arm-disable-mathf.patch 2229
-MD5 7e8381ddac68428122ee2b186e3e7c5b files/3.2.1/gcc-3.2.1-bug-url.patch 537
-MD5 62e1cc1d310d74e97080b10802263791 files/3.2.1/gcc32-pr8988.patch 2070
MD5 9f5b59d7567b90894d8d32cf99f910cc files/3.2.1/gcc32-pr8213.patch 2036
-MD5 444d0885eecc638ed3ca644d96323422 files/3.2.1/gcc32-tls-reload-fix.patch 6660
+MD5 62e1cc1d310d74e97080b10802263791 files/3.2.1/gcc32-pr8988.patch 2070
MD5 f8505ae264a0fe9557382b7c96a13461 files/3.2.1/gcc32-shared-pthread.patch 3637
+MD5 7978d1aaf6bae19163e83c110dec1b38 files/3.2.1/gcc32-sparc32-hack.patch 2192
+MD5 51719a174883702ef1851fac4cc79398 files/3.2.1/gcc32-strip-dotdot.patch 2071
MD5 c113c3352ad365b8a35d2b0c21e69256 files/3.2.1/gcc32-testsuite.patch 650
+MD5 444d0885eecc638ed3ca644d96323422 files/3.2.1/gcc32-tls-reload-fix.patch 6660
MD5 17f15202b98a8dd84d0f4b67eff2d868 files/3.2.2/gcc32-pr7768.patch 1789
-MD5 465eeaf6008c25dc69ff502dc2a9d8e0 files/3.2.2/gcc322-ggc_page-speedup.patch 872
-MD5 ccb007933a794eb661ee3b742189f285 files/3.2.2/gcc322-pr8746.patch 2816
MD5 9f5b59d7567b90894d8d32cf99f910cc files/3.2.2/gcc32-pr8213.patch 2036
MD5 0760a0992d24384d13b7e160614c54ac files/3.2.2/gcc32-pr9732.patch 5534
+MD5 465eeaf6008c25dc69ff502dc2a9d8e0 files/3.2.2/gcc322-ggc_page-speedup.patch 872
+MD5 ccb007933a794eb661ee3b742189f285 files/3.2.2/gcc322-pr8746.patch 2816
MD5 f055e4ef28077477e8d64c6a985b1ad4 files/3.2.2/gcc322-pr9888.patch 9771
-MD5 494d917cc15c81c9cead4a8c17d4d00d files/3.2.3/gcc32-mklibgcc-serialize-crtfiles.patch 926
-MD5 c9c45dab64bab25e716859626ad7f94f files/3.2.3/gcc32-c++-classfn-member-template.patch 3219
-MD5 99db7c1a41babe024f0c6859c30a87ee files/3.2.3/gcc323-gentoo-branding.patch 2058
MD5 52ef1426cb70a472182503502b768058 files/3.2.3/gcc-3.2.3-mergel-fix.patch 2749
MD5 a3315d69ba1be0bc1518a75027896bf3 files/3.2.3/gcc-3.2.3-move-propolice-into-glibc.patch 3534
-MD5 869b9a1ea49bf8b07c8405d2f1d76270 files/3.2.3/gcc323-hppa-default_assemble_visibility.patch 571
MD5 1f4f8ca52d2dda4a5dc3a9b8f130841c files/3.2.3/gcc-323-propolice-version.patch 700
-MD5 b398b7415b93423ff04952c6e69bdb4d files/3.3.1/gcc331-pp-fixup.patch 407
+MD5 c9c45dab64bab25e716859626ad7f94f files/3.2.3/gcc32-c++-classfn-member-template.patch 3219
+MD5 494d917cc15c81c9cead4a8c17d4d00d files/3.2.3/gcc32-mklibgcc-serialize-crtfiles.patch 926
+MD5 99db7c1a41babe024f0c6859c30a87ee files/3.2.3/gcc323-gentoo-branding.patch 2058
+MD5 869b9a1ea49bf8b07c8405d2f1d76270 files/3.2.3/gcc323-hppa-default_assemble_visibility.patch 571
+MD5 d047c78a9141b16915d8ec3f54d1e246 files/3.3/gcc33-coreutils-compat.patch.bz2 3462
+MD5 f6b6f7c3577eccb694066bb54dd8075a files/3.3/gcc33-gentoo-branding-1.patch 870
+MD5 d6ee829d1712436361f5f1daf7b14e83 files/3.3/gcc33-gentoo-branding.patch 890
+MD5 088e0807e677010cafe4e590e8711be1 files/3.3/gcc33-no-multilib-amd64.patch 343
+MD5 453122edf63d75cca3a6c56a6dac45b0 files/3.3/gcc33-propolice-version.patch 570
MD5 d3e53318166d71a05d2b51bd44502270 files/3.3.1/gcc331-gentoo-branding.patch 874
+MD5 b398b7415b93423ff04952c6e69bdb4d files/3.3.1/gcc331-pp-fixup.patch 407
MD5 9e7ed6184a1cdcb69db29f1de26c2d18 files/3.3.2/gcc332-altivec-fix.patch 1607
MD5 d9ae122db2768f8e504dfef256d4991f files/3.3.2/gcc332-gentoo-branding.patch 874
-MD5 25eda9981106a55c413d1df3d3a87db5 files/3.3.3/gcc333-debian-arm-ldm.patch 3383
-MD5 43c60f04779324d74d3aac52224bed95 files/3.3.3/gcc333_pre20040426-gentoo-branding.patch 820
MD5 cd87c02e4896f47bf6029eef0dc29468 files/3.3.3/gcc333-gentoo-branding.patch 874
-MD5 308a0e53f03e9cb74b3d12c2633cbee2 files/3.3.3/gcc-uclibc-3.3-loop.patch 433
MD5 0e8d94bbc14fbb3fbad1df4f404b39ef files/3.3.3/gcc333-ssp-3.3_7-fixup.patch 2616
-MD5 43c60f04779324d74d3aac52224bed95 files/3.3.3/gcc333_pre20040408-gentoo-branding.patch 820
-MD5 f317331e0b196ca455ca9554479cd8eb files/3.3.3/gcc333_pre20040322-gentoo-branding.patch 817
-MD5 9ba0bd0b103cf9535927ad7c482fe780 files/3.3.3/gcc333-debian-arm-getoff.patch 3501
-MD5 ff6d7b5082c5e39fab8a5d8932c1a8b7 files/3.3.3/gcc-3.3.3-uclibc-add-ssp.patch 461
MD5 4b249bff27ab6328436e6289ac9f9cfc files/3.3.3/gcc333_pre20040215-gentoo-branding.patch 839
+MD5 f317331e0b196ca455ca9554479cd8eb files/3.3.3/gcc333_pre20040322-gentoo-branding.patch 817
+MD5 43c60f04779324d74d3aac52224bed95 files/3.3.3/gcc333_pre20040408-gentoo-branding.patch 820
MD5 3210d5fd70806c44d4426c3dceebd480 files/3.3.3/gcc333_pre20040408-stack-size.patch 653
+MD5 ff6d7b5082c5e39fab8a5d8932c1a8b7 files/3.3.3/gcc-3.3.3-uclibc-add-ssp.patch 461
+MD5 308a0e53f03e9cb74b3d12c2633cbee2 files/3.3.3/gcc-uclibc-3.3-loop.patch 433
+MD5 9ba0bd0b103cf9535927ad7c482fe780 files/3.3.3/gcc333-debian-arm-getoff.patch 3501
+MD5 25eda9981106a55c413d1df3d3a87db5 files/3.3.3/gcc333-debian-arm-ldm.patch 3383
+MD5 43c60f04779324d74d3aac52224bed95 files/3.3.3/gcc333_pre20040426-gentoo-branding.patch 820
+MD5 bb0078854a778b2a279cfb15d8933c29 files/3.3.3/gcc333-ssp-3.3.2_1-fixup.patch 2598
+MD5 66edf32babf498517ca56fa44c901f26 files/3.4.0/gcc-3.4.0-move-propolice-into-glibc.patch 894
MD5 02c346508a61b399952de4f8855871ff files/3.4.0/gcc-3.4.0-r3-gentoo-branding.patch 781
MD5 66df5567226338b7504bbd3c25cea92c files/3.4.0/gcc-3.4-libiberty-pic.patch 370
-MD5 66edf32babf498517ca56fa44c901f26 files/3.4.0/gcc-3.4.0-move-propolice-into-glibc.patch 894
+MD5 5f465144ef81f1b7c7f6d6abe6e4c59f files/awk/fixlafiles.awk 6285
+MD5 71ad2adafb2cc70631244faca2a85c63 files/awk/scanforssp.awk 5837
diff --git a/sys-devel/gcc/files/3.3.3/gcc333-ssp-3.3.2_1-fixup.patch b/sys-devel/gcc/files/3.3.3/gcc333-ssp-3.3.2_1-fixup.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..563989b5b980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/gcc/files/3.3.3/gcc333-ssp-3.3.2_1-fixup.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+--- ./protector.dif.orig Wed May 19 19:03:13 2004
++++ ./protector.dif Wed May 19 19:04:43 2004
+@@ -23,23 +23,6 @@
+ BACKEND = main.o libbackend.a
+-*************** LIB2FUNCS_1 = _muldi3 _negdi2 _lshrdi3 _
+-*** 798,804 ****
+- LIB2FUNCS_2 = _floatdixf _fixunsxfsi _fixtfdi _fixunstfdi _floatditf \
+- _clear_cache _trampoline __main _exit _absvsi2 _absvdi2 _addvsi3 \
+-! _addvdi3 _subvsi3 _subvdi3 _mulvsi3 _mulvdi3 _negvsi2 _negvdi2 _ctors
+- # Defined in libgcc2.c, included only in the static library.
+- LIB2FUNCS_ST = _eprintf _bb __gcc_bcmp
+---- 798,804 ----
+- LIB2FUNCS_2 = _floatdixf _fixunsxfsi _fixtfdi _fixunstfdi _floatditf \
+- _clear_cache _trampoline __main _exit _absvsi2 _absvdi2 _addvsi3 \
+-! _addvdi3 _subvsi3 _subvdi3 _mulvsi3 _mulvdi3 _negvsi2 _negvdi2 _ctors _stack_smash_handler
+- # Defined in libgcc2.c, included only in the static library.
+- LIB2FUNCS_ST = _eprintf _bb __gcc_bcmp
+ *************** ifcvt.o : ifcvt.c $(CONFIG_H) $(SYSTEM_H
+ *** 1665,1670 ****
+ --- 1665,1671 ----
+@@ -50,6 +33,31 @@
+ $(out_object_file): $(out_file) $(CONFIG_H) $(TREE_H) $(GGC_H) \
+ $(RTL_H) $(REGS_H) hard-reg-set.h real.h insn-config.h conditions.h \
++Index: gcc/
++RCS file: /home/cvsroot/gcc/gcc/,v
++retrieving revision
++retrieving revision
++diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.13 -r1.
++*** gcc/ 2003/06/18 08:05:16
++--- gcc/ 2003/06/18 08:51:26
++*************** lib2funcs='_muldi3 _negdi2 _lshrdi3 _ash
++*** 48,54 ****
++ _fixunsdfdi _fixdfdi _fixunssfdi _fixsfdi _fixxfdi _fixunsxfdi
++ _floatdixf _fixunsxfsi _fixtfdi _fixunstfdi _floatditf _clear_cache
++ _trampoline __main _exit _absvsi2 _absvdi2 _addvsi3 _addvdi3
++! _subvsi3 _subvdi3 _mulvsi3 _mulvdi3 _negvsi2 _negvdi2 _ctors
++ _ffssi2 _ffsdi2 _clz _clzsi2 _clzdi2 _ctzsi2 _ctzdi2 _popcount_tab
++ _popcountsi2 _popcountdi2 _paritysi2 _paritydi2'
++--- 48,54 ---
++ _fixunsdfdi _fixdfdi _fixunssfdi _fixsfdi _fixxfdi _fixunsxfdi
++ _floatdixf _fixunsxfsi _fixtfdi _fixunstfdi _floatditf _clear_cache
++ _trampoline __main _exit _absvsi2 _absvdi2 _addvsi3 _addvdi3
++! _subvsi3 _subvdi3 _mulvsi3 _mulvdi3 _negvsi2 _negvdi2 _ctors _stack_smash_handler
++ _ffssi2 _ffsdi2 _clz _clzsi2 _clzdi2 _ctzsi2 _ctzdi2 _popcount_tab
++ _popcountsi2 _popcountdi2 _paritysi2 _paritydi2'
+ Index: gcc/calls.c
+ ===================================================================
+ RCS file: /home/cvsroot/gcc/gcc/calls.c,v
diff --git a/sys-devel/gcc/files/digest-gcc-3.3.3-r6 b/sys-devel/gcc/files/digest-gcc-3.3.3-r6
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3be5fd87889c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/gcc/files/digest-gcc-3.3.3-r6
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 3c6cfd9fcd180481063b4058cf6faff2 gcc-3.3.3.tar.bz2 23279245
+MD5 a5e5f8c88d29e2af3ed0ff52623e28d9 gcc-3.3.3-patches-1.3.tar.bz2 77276
+MD5 2d2cb065ecd3aa0acf4aabc646068723 gcc-3.3.3-branch-update-20040412.patch.bz2 224699
+MD5 c24398a6d67954d467cbf2fc6c9dc3f9 protector-3.3.2-2.tar.gz 27258
+MD5 7bfc29747dfc5fa614b5ac366bf38224 gcc-3.3.3-manpages.tar.bz2 137822
+MD5 620ac4c41d8fbf6761e2401b7b07b713 gcc-3.3.3-piepatches-v8.7.6.tar.bz2 13916
diff --git a/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.3.3-r6.ebuild b/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.3.3-r6.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..39f4d3fe41fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.3.3-r6.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.3.3-r6.ebuild,v 1.1 2004/05/27 11:54:30 pappy Exp $
+IUSE="static nls bootstrap java build X multilib gcj f77 objc pic hardened uclibc debug"
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic libtool
+# Compile problems with these (bug #6641 among others)...
+#filter-flags "-fno-exceptions -fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr"
+# Recently there has been a lot of stability problem in Gentoo-land. Many
+# things can be the cause to this, but I believe that it is due to gcc3
+# still having issues with optimizations, or with it not filtering bad
+# combinations (protecting the user maybe from himeself) yet.
+# This can clearly be seen in large builds like glibc, where too aggressive
+# CFLAGS cause the tests to fail miserbly.
+# Quote from Nick Jones <>, who in my opinion
+# knows what he is talking about:
+# People really shouldn't force code-specific options on... It's a
+# bad idea. The -march options aren't just to look pretty. They enable
+# options that are sensible (and include sse,mmx,3dnow when apropriate).
+# The next command strips CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS from nearly all flags. If
+# you do not like it, comment it, but do not bugreport if you run into
+# problems.
+# <> (13 Oct 2002)
+# gcc produce unstable binaries if compiled with a different CHOST.
+[ "${ARCH}" = "hppa" ] && export CHOST="hppa-unknown-linux-gnu"
+# Theoretical cross compiler support
+[ ! -n "${CCHOST}" ] && export CCHOST="${CHOST}"
+MY_PV="`echo ${PV} | awk -F. '{ gsub(/_pre.*|_alpha.*/, ""); print $1 "." $2 }'`"
+MY_PV_FULL="`echo ${PV} | awk '{ gsub(/_pre.*|_alpha.*/, ""); print $0 }'`"
+# Dont install in /usr/include/g++-v3/, but in gcc internal directory.
+# We will handle /usr/include/g++-v3/ with gcc-config ...
+# PIE support
+# ProPolice version
+# Patch tarball support ...
+# Snapshot support ...
+# Branch update support ...
+MAIN_BRANCH="${PV}" # Tarball, etc used ...
+if [ -z "${SNAPSHOT}" ]
+ SRC_URI="${P}/${PN}-${MAIN_BRANCH}.tar.bz2"
+ if [ -n "${PATCH_VER}" ]
+ then
+ mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.bz2"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${BRANCH_UPDATE}" ]
+ then
+ mirror://gentoo/${PN}-${MAIN_BRANCH}-branch-update-${BRANCH_UPDATE}.patch.bz2"
+ fi
+ S="${WORKDIR}/gcc-${SNAPSHOT//-}"
+ SRC_URI="${SNAPSHOT}/gcc-${SNAPSHOT//-}.tar.bz2"
+if [ -n "${PP_VER}" ]
+ mirror://gentoo/${P}-manpages.tar.bz2"
+# bug #6148 - the bounds checking patch interferes with gcc.c
+DESCRIPTION="The GNU Compiler Collection. Includes C/C++, java compilers, pie and ssp extentions"
+## SpanKY says hppa is a no go with any 3.3.x
+## desired KEYWORDS="~sparc ~x86"
+## KEYWORDS="-* -hppa arm ~x86 ~sparc ~amd64"
+# Ok, this is a hairy one again, but lets assume that we
+# are not cross compiling, than we want SLOT to only contain
+# $PV, as people upgrading to new gcc layout will not have
+# their old gcc unmerged ...
+if [ "${CHOST}" == "${CCHOST}" ]
+# GCC-3.3 is supposed to be binary compatible with 3.2..
+# SLOT="${MY_PV}"
+ SLOT="3.2"
+# GCC-3.3 is supposed to be binary compatible with 3.2..
+# SLOT="${CCHOST}-${MY_PV}"
+ SLOT="${CCHOST}-3.2"
+# We need the later binutils for support of the new cleanup attribute.
+# 'make check' fails for about 10 tests (if I remember correctly) less
+# if we use later bison.
+# This one depends on glibc-2.3.2-r3 containing the __guard in glibc
+# we scan for Guard@@libgcc and then apply the function moving patch.
+# If using NPTL, we currently cannot however depend on glibc-2.3.2-r3,
+# else bootstap will break.
+# we need a proper glibc version for the Scrt1.o provided to the pie-ssp specs
+ !nptl? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2-r3 )
+ ( !sys-devel/hardened-gcc )
+ >=sys-devel/binutils-
+ >=sys-devel/bison-1.875
+ >=sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.1
+ amd64? ( multilib? ( >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-1.0 ) )
+ !build? ( >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2-r2
+ nls? ( sys-devel/gettext ) )"
+ !nptl? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2-r3 )
+ >=sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.1
+ >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4
+ >=sys-apps/texinfo-4.2-r4
+ !build? ( >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2-r2 )"
+chk_gcc_version() {
+ # This next bit is for updating libtool linker scripts ...
+ local OLD_GCC_VERSION="`gcc -dumpversion`"
+ local OLD_GCC_CHOST="$(gcc -v 2>&1 | egrep '^Reading specs' |\
+ sed -e 's:^.*/gcc-lib/\([^/]*\)/[0-9]\+.*$:\1:')"
+ if [ "${OLD_GCC_VERSION}" != "${MY_PV_FULL}" ]
+ then
+ echo "${OLD_GCC_VERSION}" > "${WORKDIR}/.oldgccversion"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${OLD_GCC_CHOST}" ]
+ then
+ if [ "${CHOST}" = "${CCHOST}" -a "${OLD_GCC_CHOST}" != "${CHOST}" ]
+ then
+ echo "${OLD_GCC_CHOST}" > "${WORKDIR}/.oldgccchost"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Did we check the version ?
+ touch "${WORKDIR}/.chkgccversion"
+version_patch() {
+ [ ! -f "$1" ] && return 1
+ [ -z "$2" ] && return 1
+ sed -e "s:@GENTOO@:$2:g" ${1} > ${T}/${1##*/}
+ epatch ${T}/${1##*/}
+glibc_have_ssp() {
+ local my_libc="${ROOT}/lib/"
+# Not necessary. lib64 is a symlink to /lib. -- 3 Apr 04
+# case "${ARCH}" in
+# "amd64")
+# my_libc="${ROOT}/lib64/"
+# ;;
+# esac
+ # Check for the glibc to have the __guard symbols
+ if [ "$(readelf -s "${my_libc}" 2>/dev/null | \
+ grep GLOBAL | grep OBJECT | grep '__guard')" ] && \
+ [ "$(readelf -s "${my_libc}" 2>/dev/null | \
+ grep GLOBAL | grep FUNC | grep '__stack_smash_handler')" ]
+ then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+check_glibc_ssp() {
+ if glibc_have_ssp
+ then
+ if [ -n "${GLIBC_SSP_CHECKED}" ] && \
+ [ -z "$(readelf -s "${ROOT}/$(gcc-config -L)/" 2>/dev/null | \
+ grep 'GLOBAL' | grep 'OBJECT' | grep '__guard')" ]
+ then
+ # No need to check again ...
+ return 0
+ fi
+ echo
+ ewarn "This sys-libs/glibc has __guard object and __stack_smash_handler functions"
+ ewarn "scanning the system for binaries with __guard - this may take 5-10 minutes"
+ ewarn "Please do not press ctrl-C or ctrl-Z during this period - it will continue"
+ echo
+ if ! bash ${FILESDIR}/
+ then
+ echo
+ eerror "Found binaries that are dynamically linked to the libgcc with __guard@@GCC"
+ eerror "You need to compile these binaries without CFLAGS -fstack-protector/hcc -r"
+ echo
+ eerror "Also, you have to make sure that using ccache needs the cache to be flushed"
+ eerror "wipe out /var/tmp/ccache or /root/.ccache. This will remove possible saved"
+ eerror "-fstack-protector arguments that still may reside in such a compiler cache"
+ echo
+ eerror "When such binaries are found, gcc cannot remove libgcc propolice functions"
+ eerror "leading to gcc -static -fstack-protector breaking, see gentoo bug #25299"
+ echo
+ einfo "To do a full scan on your system, enter this following command in a shell"
+ einfo "(Please keep running and remerging broken packages until it do not report"
+ einfo " any breakage anymore!):"
+ echo
+ einfo " # ${FILESDIR}/"
+ echo
+ die "Binaries with libgcc __guard@GCC dependencies detected!"
+ else
+ echo
+ einfo "No binaries with suspicious libgcc __guard@GCC dependencies detected"
+ echo
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 0
+update_gcc_for_libc_ssp() {
+ if glibc_have_ssp
+ then
+ einfo "Updating gcc to use SSP from glibc..."
+ sed -e 's|^\(LIBGCC2_CFLAGS.*\)$|\1 -D_LIBC_PROVIDES_SSP_|' \
+ -i ${S}/gcc/ || die "Failed to update gcc!"
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ local release_version="Gentoo Linux ${PVR}"
+ if [ -n "${PP_VER}" ] && [ "${ARCH}" != "hppa" ]
+ then
+ # the guard check should be very early in the unpack process
+ check_glibc_ssp
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${SNAPSHOT}" ]
+ then
+ unpack ${PN}-${MAIN_BRANCH}.tar.bz2
+ if [ -n "${PATCH_VER}" ]
+ then
+ unpack ${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.bz2
+ fi
+ else
+ unpack gcc-${SNAPSHOT//-}.tar.bz2
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${PP_VER}" ]
+ then
+ unpack protector-${PP_FVER}.tar.gz
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${PIE_VER}" ]
+ then
+ unpack ${PIE_CORE}
+ fi
+ cd ${S}
+ # Fixup libtool to correctly generate .la files with portage
+ elibtoolize --portage --shallow
+ # Branch update ...
+ if [ -n "${BRANCH_UPDATE}" ]
+ then
+ epatch ${DISTDIR}/${PN}-${MAIN_BRANCH}-branch-update-${BRANCH_UPDATE}.patch.bz2
+ fi
+ # Do bulk patches included in ${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.bz2
+ if [ -n "${PATCH_VER}" ]
+ then
+ mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/patch/exclude
+# mv -f ${WORKDIR}/patch/{40,41}* ${WORKDIR}/patch/exclude/
+ mv -f ${WORKDIR}/patch/41* ${WORKDIR}/patch/exclude/
+ # do not enable it, the pie patches won't apply
+ #use uclibc || mv -f ${WORKDIR}/patch/8?_* ${WORKDIR}/patch/exclude/
+ if [ -n "`use multilib`" -a "${ARCH}" = "amd64" ]
+ then
+ mv -f ${WORKDIR}/patch/06* ${WORKDIR}/patch/exclude/
+ bzip2 -c ${FILESDIR}/gcc331_use_multilib.amd64.patch > \
+ ${WORKDIR}/patch/06_amd64_gcc331-use-multilib.patch.bz2
+ fi
+ epatch ${WORKDIR}/patch
+ use uclibc && epatch ${FILESDIR}/3.3.3/gcc-uclibc-3.3-loop.patch
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${PIE_VER}" ]
+ then
+ # corrects startfile/endfile selection and shared/static/pie flag usage
+ epatch ${WORKDIR}/piepatch/upstream
+ # adds non-default pie support (for now only rs6000)
+ epatch ${WORKDIR}/piepatch/nondef
+ # adds default pie support for all archs less rs6000 if DEFAULT_PIE[_SSP] is defined
+ epatch ${WORKDIR}/piepatch/def
+ fi
+ if [ "${ARCH}" = "ppc" -o "${ARCH}" = "ppc64" ]
+ then
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/3.3.2/gcc332-altivec-fix.patch
+ fi
+ if [ "${ARCH}" = "arm" ]
+ then
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/3.3.3/gcc333-debian-arm-getoff.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/3.3.3/gcc333-debian-arm-ldm.patch
+ fi
+ # non-default SSP support.
+ if [ "${ARCH}" != "hppa" -a "${ARCH}" != "hppa64" -a -n "${PP_VER}" ]
+ then
+ # ProPolice Stack Smashing protection
+ EPATCH_OPTS="${EPATCH_OPTS} ${WORKDIR}/protector.dif" \
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/3.3.1/gcc331-pp-fixup.patch
+ EPATCH_OPTS="${EPATCH_OPTS} ${WORKDIR}/protector.dif" \
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/3.3.3/gcc333-ssp-3.3.2_1-fixup.patch
+ epatch ${WORKDIR}/protector.dif
+ cp ${WORKDIR}/protector.c ${WORKDIR}/${P}/gcc/ || die "protector.c not found"
+ cp ${WORKDIR}/protector.h ${WORKDIR}/${P}/gcc/ || die "protector.h not found"
+ use uclibc && epatch ${FILESDIR}/3.3.3/gcc-3.3.3-uclibc-add-ssp.patch
+ # we apply only the needed parts of protectonly.dif
+ sed -e 's|^CRTSTUFF_CFLAGS = |CRTSTUFF_CFLAGS = -fno-stack-protector -fno-stack-protector-all |' \
+ -i gcc/ || die "Failed to update crtstuff!"
+ sed -e 's|^\(LIBGCC2_CFLAGS.*\)$|\1 -fno-stack-protector -fno-stack-protector-all|' \
+ -i ${S}/gcc/ || die "Failed to update libgcc!"
+ release_version="${release_version}, ssp-${PP_FVER}"
+ update_gcc_for_libc_ssp
+ fi
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/${P}
+ release_version="${release_version}, pie-${PIE_VER}"
+ if ( use hardened && ( use x86 || use sparc || use amd64 ) )
+ then
+ einfo "Updating gcc to use automatic PIE + SSP building ..."
+ -i ${S}/gcc/ || die "Failed to update gcc!"
+ # rebrand to make bug reports easier
+ release_version="${release_version/Gentoo/Gentoo Hardened}"
+ fi
+ # corrects text relocations in libiberty.a
+ (use pic || use hardened) && epatch ${FILESDIR}/3.4.0/gcc-3.4-libiberty-pic.patch
+ version_patch ${FILESDIR}/3.3.3/gcc333-gentoo-branding.patch \
+ "${BRANCH_UPDATE} (${release_version})" || die "Failed Branding"
+ # TODO: on arches where we lack a Scrt1.o (like parisc) we still need unpack, compile and install logic
+ # TODO: for the crt1Snocsu.o provided by a custom gcc-pie-ssp.tgz which can also be included in SRC_URI
+ # Misdesign in libstdc++ (Redhat)
+ cp -a ${S}/libstdc++-v3/config/cpu/i{4,3}86/atomicity.h
+ # disable --as-needed from being compiled into gcc specs
+ # natively when using >=sys-devel/binutils- this is
+ # done to keep our gcc backwards compatible with binutils.
+ # gcc 3.4.1 cvs has patches that need back porting..
+ # (May 3 2004)
+ sed -i -e s/HAVE_LD_AS_NEEDED/USE_LD_AS_NEEDED/g ${S}/gcc/
+ cd ${S}; ./contrib/gcc_update --touch &> /dev/null
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf=
+ local gcc_lang=
+ if ! use build
+ then
+ myconf="${myconf} --enable-shared"
+ gcc_lang="c,c++"
+ use f77 && gcc_lang="${gcc_lang},f77"
+ use objc && gcc_lang="${gcc_lang},objc"
+ use java && use gcj && gcc_lang="${gcc_lang},java"
+ # We do NOT want 'ADA support' in here!
+ # use ada && gcc_lang="${gcc_lang},ada"
+ else
+ gcc_lang="c"
+ fi
+ if ! use nls || use build
+ then
+ myconf="${myconf} --disable-nls"
+ else
+ myconf="${myconf} --enable-nls --without-included-gettext"
+ fi
+ # Enable building of the gcj Java AWT & Swing X11 backend
+ # if we have X as a use flag and are not in a build stage.
+ # X11 support is still very experimental but enabling it is
+ # quite innocuous... [No, gcc is *not* linked to X11...]
+ # <> (15 May 2003)
+ if [ -n "`use java`" -a -n "`use gcj`" -a \
+ -n "`use X`" -a -z "`use build`" -a \
+ -f /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xlib.h ]
+ then
+ myconf="${myconf} --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib"
+ myconf="${myconf} --enable-interpreter --enable-java-awt=xlib --with-x"
+ fi
+ # Multilib not yet supported
+ if [ -n "`use multilib`" -a "${ARCH}" = "amd64" ]
+ then
+ einfo "WARNING: Multilib support enabled. This is still experimental."
+ myconf="${myconf} --enable-multilib"
+ else
+ if [ "${ARCH}" = "amd64" ]
+ then
+ einfo "WARNING: Multilib not enabled. You will not be able to build 32bit binaries."
+ fi
+ myconf="${myconf} --disable-multilib"
+ fi
+ # Fix linking problem with c++ apps which where linked
+ # against a 3.2.2 libgcc
+ [ "${ARCH}" = "hppa" ] && myconf="${myconf} --enable-sjlj-exceptions"
+ # --with-gnu-ld needed for cross-compiling
+ # --enable-sjlj-exceptions : currently the unwind stuff seems to work
+ # for statically linked apps but not dynamic
+ # so use setjmp/longjmp exceptions by default
+ # --disable-libunwind-exceptions needed till unwind sections get fixed. see ps.m for details
+ if ! use uclibc
+ then
+ # it's getting close to a time where we are going to need USE=glibc, uclibc, bsdlibc -solar
+ myconf="${myconf} --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-clocale=generic"
+ else
+ myconf="${myconf} --disable-__cxa_atexit --enable-target-optspace --with-gnu-ld --enable-sjlj-exceptions"
+ fi
+ # In general gcc does not like optimization, and add -O2 where
+ export CFLAGS="$(echo "${CFLAGS}" | sed -e 's|-O[0-9s]\?|-O2|g')"
+ einfo "CFLAGS=\"${CFLAGS}\""
+ export CXXFLAGS="$(echo "${CXXFLAGS}" | sed -e 's|-O[0-9s]\?|-O2|g')"
+ einfo "CXXFLAGS=\"${CXXFLAGS}\""
+ export GCJFLAGS="$(echo "${GCJFLAGS}" | sed -e 's|-O[0-9s]\?|-O2|g')"
+ einfo "GCJFLAGS=\"${GCJFLAGS}\""
+ # Build in a separate build tree
+ mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/build
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/build
+ # Install our pre generated manpages if we do not have perl ...
+ if [ ! -x /usr/bin/perl ]
+ then
+ unpack ${P}-manpages.tar.bz2
+ fi
+ einfo "Configuring GCC..."
+ addwrite "/dev/zero"
+ ${S}/configure --prefix=${LOC} \
+ --bindir=${BINPATH} \
+ --includedir=${LIBPATH}/include \
+ --datadir=${DATAPATH} \
+ --mandir=${DATAPATH}/man \
+ --infodir=${DATAPATH}/info \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --host=${CHOST} \
+ --target=${CCHOST} \
+ --with-system-zlib \
+ --enable-languages=${gcc_lang} \
+ --enable-threads=posix \
+ --enable-long-long \
+ --disable-checking \
+ --disable-libunwind-exceptions \
+ --enable-cstdio=stdio \
+ --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs \
+ --with-gxx-include-dir=${STDCXX_INCDIR} \
+ --with-local-prefix=${LOC}/local \
+ ${myconf} || die
+ touch ${S}/gcc/c-gperf.h
+ # Do not make manpages if we do not have perl ...
+ if [ ! -x /usr/bin/perl ]
+ then
+ find ${WORKDIR}/build -name '*.[17]' -exec touch {} \; || :
+ fi
+ # Setup -j in MAKEOPTS
+ get_number_of_jobs
+ einfo "Building GCC..."
+ # Only build it static if we are just building the C frontend, else
+ # a lot of things break because there are not ....
+ if [ -n "`use static`" -a "${gcc_lang}" = "c" ]
+ then
+ # Fix for our libtool-portage.patch
+ S="${WORKDIR}/build" \
+ emake LDFLAGS="-static" bootstrap \
+ # Above FLAGS optimize and speedup build, thanks
+ # to Jeff Garzik <>
+ else
+ # Fix for our libtool-portage.patch
+ S="${WORKDIR}/build" \
+ emake bootstrap-lean \
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ local x=
+ # Do allow symlinks in ${LOC}/lib/gcc-lib/${CHOST}/${PV}/include as
+ # this can break the build.
+ for x in ${WORKDIR}/build/gcc/include/*
+ do
+ if [ -L ${x} ]
+ then
+ rm -f ${x}
+ continue
+ fi
+ done
+ # Remove generated headers, as they can cause things to break
+ # (ncurses, openssl, etc).
+ for x in `find ${WORKDIR}/build/gcc/include/ -name '*.h'`
+ do
+ if grep -q 'It has been auto-edited by fixincludes from' ${x}
+ then
+ rm -f ${x}
+ fi
+ done
+ einfo "Installing GCC..."
+ # Do the 'make install' from the build directory
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/build
+ S="${WORKDIR}/build" \
+ make prefix=${LOC} \
+ bindir=${BINPATH} \
+ includedir=${LIBPATH}/include \
+ datadir=${DATAPATH} \
+ mandir=${DATAPATH}/man \
+ infodir=${DATAPATH}/info \
+ DESTDIR="${D}" \
+ install || die
+ [ -r ${D}${BINPATH}/gcc ] || die "gcc not found in ${D}"
+ dodir /lib /usr/bin
+ dodir /etc/env.d/gcc
+ echo "PATH=\"${BINPATH}\"" > ${D}/etc/env.d/gcc/${CCHOST}-${MY_PV_FULL}
+ echo "ROOTPATH=\"${BINPATH}\"" >> ${D}/etc/env.d/gcc/${CCHOST}-${MY_PV_FULL}
+ if [ -n "`use multilib`" -a "${ARCH}" = "amd64" ]
+ then
+ # amd64 is a bit unique because of multilib. Add some other paths
+ echo "LDPATH=\"${LIBPATH}:${LIBPATH}/32:${LIBPATH}/../lib64:${LIBPATH}/../lib32\"" >> \
+ ${D}/etc/env.d/gcc/${CCHOST}-${MY_PV_FULL}
+ else
+ echo "LDPATH=\"${LIBPATH}\"" >> ${D}/etc/env.d/gcc/${CCHOST}-${MY_PV_FULL}
+ fi
+ echo "MANPATH=\"${DATAPATH}/man\"" >> ${D}/etc/env.d/gcc/${CCHOST}-${MY_PV_FULL}
+ echo "INFOPATH=\"${DATAPATH}/info\"" >> ${D}/etc/env.d/gcc/${CCHOST}-${MY_PV_FULL}
+ echo "STDCXX_INCDIR=\"${STDCXX_INCDIR##*/}\"" >> ${D}/etc/env.d/gcc/${CCHOST}-${MY_PV_FULL}
+ # Also set CC and CXX
+ echo "CC=\"gcc\"" >> ${D}/etc/env.d/gcc/${CCHOST}-${MY_PV_FULL}
+ echo "CXX=\"g++\"" >> ${D}/etc/env.d/gcc/${CCHOST}-${MY_PV_FULL}
+ # Make sure we do not check glibc for SSP again, as we did already
+ if glibc_have_ssp || \
+ [ -f "${ROOT}/etc/env.d/99glibc_ssp" ]
+ then
+ echo "GLIBC_SSP_CHECKED=1" > ${D}/etc/env.d/99glibc_ssp
+ fi
+ # Make sure we dont have stuff lying around that
+ # can nuke multiple versions of gcc
+ if ! use build
+ then
+ cd ${D}${LIBPATH}
+ # Tell libtool files where real libraries are
+ for x in ${D}${LOC}/lib/*.la ${D}${LIBPATH}/../*.la
+ do
+ if [ -f "${x}" ]
+ then
+ sed -i -e "s:/usr/lib:${LIBPATH}:" ${x}
+ mv ${x} ${D}${LIBPATH}
+ fi
+ done
+ # Move all the libraries to version specific libdir.
+ for x in ${D}${LOC}/lib/*.{so,a}* ${D}${LIBPATH}/../*.{so,a}*
+ do
+ [ -f "${x}" -o -L "${x}" ] && mv -f ${x} ${D}${LIBPATH}
+ done
+ # Move Java headers to compiler-specific dir
+ for x in ${D}${LOC}/include/gc*.h ${D}${LOC}/include/j*.h
+ do
+ [ -f "${x}" ] && mv -f ${x} ${D}${LIBPATH}/include/
+ done
+ for x in gcj gnu java javax org
+ do
+ if [ -d "${D}${LOC}/include/${x}" ]
+ then
+ dodir /${LIBPATH}/include/${x}
+ mv -f ${D}${LOC}/include/${x}/* ${D}${LIBPATH}/include/${x}/
+ rm -rf ${D}${LOC}/include/${x}
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -d "${D}${LOC}/lib/security" ]
+ then
+ dodir /${LIBPATH}/security
+ mv -f ${D}${LOC}/lib/security/* ${D}${LIBPATH}/security
+ rm -rf ${D}${LOC}/lib/security
+ fi
+ # Move libgcj.spec to compiler-specific directories
+ [ -f "${D}${LOC}/lib/libgcj.spec" ] && \
+ mv -f ${D}${LOC}/lib/libgcj.spec ${D}${LIBPATH}/libgcj.spec
+ # Rename jar because it could clash with Kaffe's jar if this gcc is
+ # primary compiler (aka don't have the -<version> extension)
+ cd ${D}${LOC}/${CCHOST}/gcc-bin/${MY_PV}
+ [ -f jar ] && mv -f jar gcj-jar
+ # Move <cxxabi.h> to compiler-specific directories
+ [ -f "${D}${STDCXX_INCDIR}/cxxabi.h" ] && \
+ mv -f ${D}${STDCXX_INCDIR}/cxxabi.h ${D}${LIBPATH}/include/
+ # These should be symlinks
+ cd ${D}${BINPATH}
+ for x in gcc g++ c++ g77 gcj
+ do
+ rm -f ${CCHOST}-${x}
+ [ -f "${x}" ] && ln -sf ${x} ${CCHOST}-${x}
+ if [ -f "${CCHOST}-${x}-${PV}" ]
+ then
+ rm -f ${CCHOST}-${x}-${PV}
+ ln -sf ${x} ${CCHOST}-${x}-${PV}
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ # This one comes with binutils
+ [ -f "${D}${LOC}/lib/libiberty.a" ] && rm -f ${D}${LOC}/lib/libiberty.a
+ cd ${S}
+ if ! use build
+ then
+ cd ${S}
+ docinto /${CCHOST}
+ docinto ${CCHOST}/html
+ dohtml *.html
+ cd ${S}/boehm-gc
+ docinto ${CCHOST}/boehm-gc
+ dodoc ChangeLog doc/{README*,barrett_diagram}
+ docinto ${CCHOST}/boehm-gc/html
+ dohtml doc/*.html
+ cd ${S}/gcc
+ docinto ${CCHOST}/gcc
+ if use f77
+ then
+ cd ${S}/libf2c
+ docinto ${CCHOST}/libf2c
+ dodoc ChangeLog* README TODO *.netlib
+ fi
+ cd ${S}/libffi
+ docinto ${CCHOST}/libffi
+ dodoc ChangeLog* LICENSE README
+ cd ${S}/libiberty
+ docinto ${CCHOST}/libiberty
+ dodoc ChangeLog* COPYING.LIB README
+ if use objc
+ then
+ cd ${S}/libobjc
+ docinto ${CCHOST}/libobjc
+ dodoc ChangeLog* README* THREADS*
+ fi
+ cd ${S}/libstdc++-v3
+ docinto ${CCHOST}/libstdc++-v3
+ dodoc ChangeLog* README
+ docinto ${CCHOST}/libstdc++-v3/html
+ dohtml -r -a css,diff,html,txt,xml docs/html/*
+ cp -f docs/html/17_intro/[A-Z]* \
+ ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/${DOCDESTTREE}/17_intro/
+ if use java && use gcj
+ then
+ cd ${S}/fastjar
+ docinto ${CCHOST}/fastjar
+ cd ${S}/libjava
+ docinto ${CCHOST}/libjava
+ fi
+ prepman ${DATAPATH}
+ prepinfo ${DATAPATH}
+ else
+ rm -rf ${D}/usr/share/{man,info}
+ rm -rf ${D}${DATAPATH}/{man,info}
+ fi
+ # Rather install the script, else portage with changing $FILESDIR
+ # between binary and source package borks things ....
+ insinto /lib/rcscripts/awk
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/awk/fixlafiles.awk
+ exeinto /sbin
+ doexe ${FILESDIR}/
+ if [ -n "`use multilib`" -a "${ARCH}" = "amd64" ]
+ then
+ # If using multilib, GCC has a bug, where it doesn't know where to find
+ # -lgcc_s when linking while compiling with g++ . ${LIBPATH} is in
+ # it's path though, so ln the 64bit and 32bit versions of -lgcc_s
+ # to that directory.
+ ln -sf ${LIBPATH}/../lib64/ ${D}/${LIBPATH}/
+ ln -sf ${LIBPATH}/../lib32/ ${D}/${LIBPATH}/
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ if [ ! -f "${WORKDIR}/.chkgccversion" ]
+ then
+ chk_gcc_version
+ fi
+ # Make again sure that the linker "should" be able to locate
+ # ...
+ if [ -n "`use multilib`" -a "${ARCH}" = "amd64" ]
+ then
+ # Can't always find, make it find it
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LIBPATH}:${LIBPATH}/../lib64:${LIBPATH}/../lib32:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
+ else
+ fi
+ ${ROOT}/sbin/ldconfig
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if [ -n "`use multilib`" -a "${ARCH}" = "amd64" ]
+ then
+ # Can't always find, make it find it
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LIBPATH}:${LIBPATH}/../lib64:${LIBPATH}/../lib32:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
+ else
+ fi
+ if [ "${ROOT}" = "/" -a "${COMPILER}" = "gcc3" -a "${CHOST}" = "${CCHOST}" ]
+ then
+ gcc-config --use-portage-chost ${CCHOST}-${MY_PV_FULL}
+ fi
+ # Update libtool linker scripts to reference new gcc version ...
+ if [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ] && \
+ [ -f "${WORKDIR}/.oldgccversion" -o -f "${WORKDIR}/.oldgccchost" ]
+ then
+ local OLD_GCC_CHOST=
+ if [ -f "${WORKDIR}/.oldgccversion" ] && \
+ [ -n "$(cat "${WORKDIR}/.oldgccversion")" ]
+ then
+ OLD_GCC_VERSION="$(cat "${WORKDIR}/.oldgccversion")"
+ else
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${WORKDIR}/.oldgccchost" ] && \
+ [ -n "$(cat "${WORKDIR}/.oldgccchost")" ]
+ then
+ OLD_GCC_CHOST="--oldarch $(cat "${WORKDIR}/.oldgccchost")"
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.4.0-r4.ebuild b/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.4.0-r4.ebuild
index 70797ac882d6..9e44ebbef5d6 100644
--- a/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.4.0-r4.ebuild
+++ b/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.4.0-r4.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.4.0-r4.ebuild,v 1.5 2004/05/26 16:30:01 lv Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.4.0-r4.ebuild,v 1.6 2004/05/27 11:54:30 pappy Exp $
IUSE="static nls bootstrap java build X multilib gcj f77 objc hardened uclibc"
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ fi
!nptl? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2-r3 )
- hardened? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.3_pre20040420-r1 )
+ hardened? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.3_pre20040420 )
( !sys-devel/hardened-gcc )
!amd64? ( hardened? ( >=sys-devel/binutils- ) )
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ DEPEND="virtual/glibc
!nptl? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2-r3 )
- hardened? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.3_pre20040420-r1 )
+ hardened? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.3_pre20040420 )