diff options
16 files changed, 499 insertions, 383 deletions
diff --git a/Bugzilla/Bug.pm b/Bugzilla/Bug.pm
index dcaef8004..ce4423a27 100755
--- a/Bugzilla/Bug.pm
+++ b/Bugzilla/Bug.pm
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Product;
use Bugzilla::Component;
use Bugzilla::Group;
+use Bugzilla::Status;
use List::Util qw(min);
use Storable qw(dclone);
@@ -52,8 +53,9 @@ use base qw(Bugzilla::Object Exporter);
bug_alias_to_id ValidateBugAlias ValidateBugID
RemoveVotes CheckIfVotedConfirmed
- is_open_state
+ BUG_STATE_OPEN is_open_state
@@ -176,6 +178,19 @@ use constant VALID_ENTRY_STATUS => qw(
+ none
+ duplicate
+ change_resolution
+ clearresolution
+ # XXX - We should cache this list.
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ return @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT value FROM bug_status WHERE is_open = 1')};
sub new {
@@ -213,12 +228,6 @@ sub new {
return $error_self;
- # XXX At some point these should be moved into accessors.
- # They only are here because this is how Bugzilla::Bug
- # originally did things, before it was a Bugzilla::Object.
- $self->{'isunconfirmed'} = ($self->{bug_status} eq 'UNCONFIRMED');
- $self->{'isopened'} = is_open_state($self->{bug_status});
return $self;
@@ -1025,8 +1034,7 @@ sub set_status {
my ($self, $status) = @_;
$self->set('bug_status', $status);
# Check for the everconfirmed transition
- $self->_set_everconfirmed(1) if ($status eq 'NEW'
- || $status eq 'ASSIGNED');
+ $self->_set_everconfirmed(1) if (is_open_state($status) && $status ne 'UNCONFIRMED');
@@ -1247,6 +1255,16 @@ sub flag_types {
return $self->{'flag_types'};
+sub isopened {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return is_open_state($self->{bug_status}) ? 1 : 0;
+sub isunconfirmed {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ($self->bug_status eq 'UNCONFIRMED') ? 1 : 0;
sub keywords {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'keywords'} if exists $self->{'keywords'};
@@ -1317,6 +1335,13 @@ sub reporter {
return $self->{'reporter'};
+sub status {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return undef if $self->{'error'};
+ $self->{'status'} ||= new Bugzilla::Status({name => $self->{'bug_status'}});
+ return $self->{'status'};
sub show_attachment_flags {
my ($self) = @_;
@@ -1530,18 +1555,159 @@ sub bug_alias_to_id {
# Workflow Control routines
+# Make sure that the new status is valid for ALL bugs.
+sub check_status_transition {
+ my ($self, $new_status, $bug_ids) = @_;
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ check_field('bug_status', $new_status);
+ trick_taint($new_status);
+ my $illegal_statuses =
+ $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT DISTINCT bug_status.value
+ FROM bug_status
+ ON bugs.bug_status = bug_status.value
+ WHERE bug_id IN (' . join (',', @$bug_ids). ')
+ AND bug_status.id NOT IN (SELECT old_status
+ FROM status_workflow
+ INNER JOIN bug_status b_s
+ ON b_s.id = status_workflow.new_status
+ WHERE b_s.value = ?)',
+ undef, $new_status);
+ if (scalar(@$illegal_statuses)) {
+ ThrowUserError('illegal_bug_status_transition', {old => $illegal_statuses,
+ new => $new_status})
+ }
+# Make sure all checks triggered by the workflow are successful.
+# Some are hardcoded and come from older versions of Bugzilla.
+sub check_status_change_triggers {
+ my ($self, $action, $bug_ids, $vars) = @_;
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ $vars ||= {};
+ # First, make sure no comment is required if there is none.
+ # If a comment is given, then this check is useless.
+ if (!$vars->{comment_exists}) {
+ if (grep { $action eq $_ } SPECIAL_STATUS_WORKFLOW_ACTIONS) {
+ # 'commentonnone' doesn't exist, so this is safe.
+ ThrowUserError('comment_required') if Bugzilla->params->{"commenton$action"};
+ }
+ else {
+ my $required_for_transitions =
+ $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT DISTINCT bug_status.value
+ FROM bug_status
+ ON bugs.bug_status = bug_status.value
+ INNER JOIN status_workflow
+ ON bug_status.id = old_status
+ INNER JOIN bug_status b_s
+ ON b_s.id = new_status
+ WHERE bug_id IN (' . join (',', @$bug_ids). ')
+ AND b_s.value = ?
+ AND require_comment = 1',
+ undef, $action);
+ if (scalar(@$required_for_transitions)) {
+ ThrowUserError('comment_required', {old => $required_for_transitions,
+ new => $action});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Now run hardcoded checks.
+ # There is no checks for these actions.
+ return if ($action eq 'none' || $action eq 'clearresolution');
+ if ($action eq 'duplicate') {
+ # You cannot mark bugs as duplicates when changing
+ # several bugs at once.
+ $vars->{bug_id} || ThrowUserError('dupe_not_allowed');
+ # Make sure we can change the original bug (issue A on bug 96085)
+ $vars->{dup_id} || ThrowCodeError('undefined_field', { field => 'dup_id' });
+ ValidateBugID($vars->{dup_id}, 'dup_id');
+ # Make sure a loop isn't created when marking this bug
+ # as duplicate.
+ my %dupes;
+ my $dupe_of = $vars->{dup_id};
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT dupe_of FROM duplicates
+ WHERE dupe = ?');
+ while ($dupe_of) {
+ if ($dupe_of == $vars->{bug_id}) {
+ ThrowUserError('dupe_loop_detected', { bug_id => $vars->{bug_id},
+ dupe_of => $vars->{dup_id} });
+ }
+ # If $dupes{$dupe_of} is already set to 1, then a loop
+ # already exists which does not involve this bug.
+ # As the user is not responsible for this loop, do not
+ # prevent him from marking this bug as a duplicate.
+ last if exists $dupes{"$dupe_of"};
+ $dupes{"$dupe_of"} = 1;
+ $sth->execute($dupe_of);
+ $dupe_of = $sth->fetchrow_array;
+ }
+ # Also, let's see if the reporter has authorization to see
+ # the bug to which we are duping. If not we need to prompt.
+ $vars->{DuplicateUserConfirm} = 1;
+ # DUPLICATE bugs should have no time remaining.
+ $vars->{remove_remaining_time} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($action eq 'change_resolution' || !is_open_state($action)) {
+ # don't resolve as fixed while still unresolved blocking bugs
+ if (Bugzilla->params->{"noresolveonopenblockers"}
+ && $vars->{resolution} eq 'FIXED')
+ {
+ my @dependencies = Bugzilla::Bug::CountOpenDependencies(@$bug_ids);
+ if (scalar @dependencies > 0) {
+ ThrowUserError("still_unresolved_bugs",
+ { dependencies => \@dependencies,
+ dependency_count => scalar @dependencies });
+ }
+ }
+ # You cannot use change_resolution if there is at least one open bug
+ # nor can you close open bugs if no resolution is given.
+ my $open_states = join(',', map {$dbh->quote($_)} BUG_STATE_OPEN);
+ my $idlist = join(',', @$bug_ids);
+ my $is_open =
+ $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT 1 FROM bugs WHERE bug_id IN ($idlist)
+ AND bug_status IN ($open_states)");
+ if ($is_open) {
+ ThrowUserError('resolution_not_allowed') if ($action eq 'change_resolution');
+ ThrowUserError('missing_resolution', {status => $action}) if !$vars->{resolution};
+ }
+ # Now is good time to validate the resolution, if any.
+ check_field('resolution', $vars->{resolution},
+ Bugzilla::Bug->settable_resolutions) if $vars->{resolution};
+ $vars->{remove_remaining_time} = 1 if ($action ne 'change_resolution');
+ }
+ elsif ($action eq 'ASSIGNED'
+ && Bugzilla->params->{"usetargetmilestone"}
+ && Bugzilla->params->{"musthavemilestoneonaccept"})
+ {
+ $vars->{requiremilestone} = 1;
+ }
sub get_new_status_and_resolution {
my ($self, $action, $resolution) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $status;
+ my $everconfirmed = $self->everconfirmed;
if ($action eq 'none') {
# Leaving the status unchanged doesn't need more investigation.
- return ($self->bug_status, $self->resolution);
- }
- elsif ($action eq 'reopen') {
- $status = $self->everconfirmed ? 'REOPENED' : 'UNCONFIRMED';
- $resolution = '';
+ return ($self->bug_status, $self->resolution, $self->everconfirmed);
elsif ($action eq 'duplicate') {
# Only alter the bug status if the bug is currently open.
@@ -1560,37 +1726,21 @@ sub get_new_status_and_resolution {
$resolution = '';
else {
- # That's where actions not requiring any specific trigger (such as future
- # custom statuses) come.
- # XXX - This is hardcoded here for now, but will disappear soon when
- # this routine will look at the DB directly to get the workflow.
- if ($action eq 'confirm') {
- $status = 'NEW';
- }
- elsif ($action eq 'accept') {
- $status = 'ASSIGNED';
- }
- elsif ($action eq 'resolve') {
- $status = 'RESOLVED';
- }
- elsif ($action eq 'verify') {
- $status = 'VERIFIED';
- }
- elsif ($action eq 'close') {
- $status = 'CLOSED';
- }
- else {
- ThrowCodeError('unknown_action', { action => $action });
- }
+ $status = $action;
if (is_open_state($status)) {
# Open bugs have no resolution.
$resolution = '';
+ $everconfirmed = ($status eq 'UNCONFIRMED') ? 0 : 1;
- else {
- # All non-open statuses must have a resolution.
+ elsif (is_open_state($self->bug_status)) {
+ # A resolution is required to close bugs.
$resolution || ThrowUserError('missing_resolution', {status => $status});
+ else {
+ # Already closed bugs can only change their resolution
+ # using the change_resolution action.
+ $resolution = $self->resolution
+ }
# Now it's time to validate the bug resolution.
# Bug resolutions have no workflow specific rules, so any valid
@@ -1598,7 +1748,7 @@ sub get_new_status_and_resolution {
check_field('resolution', $resolution) if ($resolution ne '');
- return ($status, $resolution);
+ return ($status, $resolution, $everconfirmed);
@@ -1968,7 +2118,7 @@ sub CountOpenDependencies {
"FROM bugs, dependencies " .
"WHERE blocked IN (" . (join "," , @bug_list) . ") " .
"AND bug_id = dependson " .
- "AND bug_status IN ('" . (join "','", BUG_STATE_OPEN) . "') " .
+ "AND bug_status IN (" . join(', ', map {$dbh->quote($_)} BUG_STATE_OPEN) . ") " .
diff --git a/Bugzilla/Constants.pm b/Bugzilla/Constants.pm
index 0e2635895..d811796d0 100644
--- a/Bugzilla/Constants.pm
+++ b/Bugzilla/Constants.pm
@@ -120,8 +120,6 @@ use File::Basename;
@@ -351,10 +349,6 @@ use constant SAFE_PROTOCOLS => ('afs', 'cid', 'ftp', 'gopher', 'http', 'https',
'irc', 'mid', 'news', 'nntp', 'prospero', 'telnet',
'view-source', 'wais');
-# States that are considered to be "open" for bugs.
-use constant BUG_STATE_OPEN => ('NEW', 'REOPENED', 'ASSIGNED',
# Usage modes. Default USAGE_MODE_BROWSER. Use with Bugzilla->usage_mode.
use constant USAGE_MODE_BROWSER => 0;
use constant USAGE_MODE_CMDLINE => 1;
diff --git a/Bugzilla/Install/DB.pm b/Bugzilla/Install/DB.pm
index f1a148353..7dd5ad269 100644
--- a/Bugzilla/Install/DB.pm
+++ b/Bugzilla/Install/DB.pm
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ package Bugzilla::Install::DB;
use strict;
-use Bugzilla::Bug qw(is_open_state);
+use Bugzilla::Bug qw(BUG_STATE_OPEN is_open_state);
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Hook;
use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(indicate_progress);
diff --git a/Bugzilla/Status.pm b/Bugzilla/Status.pm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e83fd3533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bugzilla/Status.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Frédéric Buclin.
+# Portions created by Frédéric Buclin are Copyright (C) 2007
+# Frédéric Buclin. All Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com>
+use strict;
+package Bugzilla::Status;
+use base qw(Bugzilla::Object);
+##### Initialization #####
+use constant DB_TABLE => 'bug_status';
+use constant DB_COLUMNS => qw(
+ id
+ value
+ sortkey
+ isactive
+ is_open
+use constant NAME_FIELD => 'value';
+use constant LIST_ORDER => 'sortkey, value';
+##### Accessors ####
+sub name { return $_[0]->{'value'}; }
+sub sortkey { return $_[0]->{'sortkey'}; }
+sub is_active { return $_[0]->{'isactive'}; }
+sub is_open { return $_[0]->{'is_open'}; }
+##### Methods ####
+sub can_change_to {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ if (!defined $self->{'can_change_to'}) {
+ my $new_status_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT new_status
+ FROM status_workflow
+ INNER JOIN bug_status
+ ON id = new_status
+ WHERE isactive = 1
+ AND old_status = ?',
+ undef, $self->id);
+ $self->{'can_change_to'} = Bugzilla::Status->new_from_list($new_status_ids);
+ }
+ return $self->{'can_change_to'};
+=head1 NAME
+Bugzilla::Status - Bug status class.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Bugzilla::Status;
+ my $bug_status = new Bugzilla::Status({name => 'ASSIGNED'});
+ my $bug_status = new Bugzilla::Status(4);
+Status.pm represents a bug status object. It is an implementation
+of L<Bugzilla::Object>, and thus provides all methods that
+L<Bugzilla::Object> provides.
+The methods that are specific to C<Bugzilla::Status> are listed
+=head1 METHODS
+=item C<can_change_to>
+ Description: Returns the list of active statuses a bug can be changed to
+ given the current bug status.
+ Params: none.
+ Returns: A list of Bugzilla::Status objects.
diff --git a/buglist.cgi b/buglist.cgi
index 338017fa1..6d47b69f9 100755
--- a/buglist.cgi
+++ b/buglist.cgi
@@ -1139,8 +1139,26 @@ if ($dotweak) {
$vars->{'unconfirmedstate'} = 'UNCONFIRMED';
- $vars->{'bugstatuses'} = [ keys %$bugstatuses ];
+ # Convert bug statuses to their ID.
+ my @bug_statuses = map {$dbh->quote($_)} keys %$bugstatuses;
+ my $bug_status_ids =
+ $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT id FROM bug_status
+ WHERE value IN (' . join(', ', @bug_statuses) .')');
+ # This query collects new statuses which are common to all current bug statuses.
+ # It also accepts transitions where the bug status doesn't change.
+ $bug_status_ids =
+ $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT DISTINCT new_status
+ FROM status_workflow sw1
+ WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM status_workflow sw2
+ WHERE sw2.old_status != sw1.new_status
+ AND sw2.old_status IN (' . join(', ', @$bug_status_ids) . ')
+ AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM status_workflow sw3
+ WHERE sw3.new_status = sw1.new_status
+ AND sw3.old_status = sw2.old_status))');
+ $vars->{'current_bug_statuses'} = [keys %$bugstatuses];
+ $vars->{'new_bug_statuses'} = Bugzilla::Status->new_from_list($bug_status_ids);
# The groups to which the user belongs.
$vars->{'groups'} = GetGroups();
diff --git a/editworkflow.cgi b/editworkflow.cgi
index 9a369c974..ac914f76d 100644
--- a/editworkflow.cgi
+++ b/editworkflow.cgi
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Token;
+use Bugzilla::Status;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
@@ -42,12 +43,6 @@ $user->in_group('admin')
my $action = $cgi->param('action') || 'edit';
my $token = $cgi->param('token');
-sub get_statuses {
- my $statuses = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT id, value, is_open FROM bug_status
- ORDER BY sortkey, value', { Slice => {} });
- return $statuses;
sub get_workflow {
my $workflow = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT old_status, new_status, require_comment
FROM status_workflow');
@@ -64,7 +59,7 @@ sub load_template {
my $template = Bugzilla->template;
my $vars = {};
- $vars->{'statuses'} = get_statuses();
+ $vars->{'statuses'} = [Bugzilla::Status->get_all];
$vars->{'workflow'} = get_workflow();
$vars->{'token'} = issue_session_token("workflow_$filename");
$vars->{'message'} = $message;
@@ -79,9 +74,8 @@ if ($action eq 'edit') {
elsif ($action eq 'update') {
check_token_data($token, 'workflow_edit');
- my $statuses = get_statuses;
+ my $statuses = [Bugzilla::Status->get_all];
my $workflow = get_workflow();
- my $initial_state = {id => 0};
my $sth_insert = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO status_workflow (old_status, new_status)
VALUES (?, ?)');
@@ -90,22 +84,28 @@ elsif ($action eq 'update') {
my $sth_delnul = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM status_workflow
WHERE old_status IS NULL AND new_status = ?');
- foreach my $old ($initial_state, @$statuses) {
- # Hashes cannot have undef as a key, so we use 0. But the DB
- # must store undef, for referential integrity.
- my $old_id_for_db = $old->{'id'} || undef;
+ # Part 1: Initial bug statuses.
+ foreach my $new (@$statuses) {
+ if ($cgi->param('w_0_' . $new->id)) {
+ $sth_insert->execute(undef, $new->id)
+ unless defined $workflow->{0}->{$new->id};
+ }
+ else {
+ $sth_delnul->execute($new->id);
+ }
+ }
+ # Part 2: Bug status changes.
+ foreach my $old (@$statuses) {
foreach my $new (@$statuses) {
- next if $old->{'id'} == $new->{'id'};
+ next if $old->id == $new->id;
- if ($cgi->param('w_' . $old->{'id'} . '_' . $new->{'id'})) {
- $sth_insert->execute($old_id_for_db, $new->{'id'})
- unless defined $workflow->{$old->{'id'}}->{$new->{'id'}};
- }
- elsif ($old_id_for_db) {
- $sth_delete->execute($old_id_for_db, $new->{'id'});
+ if ($cgi->param('w_' . $old->id . '_' . $new->id)) {
+ $sth_insert->execute($old->id, $new->id)
+ unless defined $workflow->{$old->id}->{$new->id};
else {
- $sth_delnul->execute($new->{'id'});
+ $sth_delete->execute($old->id, $new->id);
diff --git a/process_bug.cgi b/process_bug.cgi
index a28efa02f..bb0d608a5 100755
--- a/process_bug.cgi
+++ b/process_bug.cgi
@@ -120,6 +120,11 @@ sub send_results {
$vars->{'header_done'} = 1;
+sub comment_exists {
+ my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
+ return ($cgi->param('comment') && $cgi->param('comment') =~ /\S+/) ? 1 : 0;
# Begin Data/Security Validation
@@ -244,32 +249,6 @@ if ($cgi->cookie("BUGLIST") && defined $cgi->param('id')) {
$vars->{'bug_list'} = \@bug_list;
-# This function checks if there is a comment required for a specific
-# function and tests, if the comment was given.
-# If comments are required for functions is defined by params.
-sub CheckonComment {
- my ($function) = (@_);
- my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
- # Param is 1 if comment should be added !
- my $ret = Bugzilla->params->{ "commenton" . $function };
- # Allow without comment in case of undefined Params.
- $ret = 0 unless ( defined( $ret ));
- if( $ret ) {
- if (!defined $cgi->param('comment')
- || $cgi->param('comment') =~ /^\s*$/) {
- # No comment - sorry, action not allowed !
- ThrowUserError("comment_required");
- } else {
- $ret = 0;
- }
- }
- return( ! $ret ); # Return val has to be inverted
# Figure out whether or not the user is trying to change the product
# (either the "product" variable is not set to "don't change" or the
# user is changing a single bug and has changed the bug's product),
@@ -287,11 +266,13 @@ if (defined $cgi->param('id')) {
|| ThrowCodeError('undefined_field', { field => 'product' });
-if (((defined $cgi->param('id') && $cgi->param('product') ne $oldproduct)
+if ((defined $cgi->param('id') && $cgi->param('product') ne $oldproduct)
|| (!$cgi->param('id')
&& $cgi->param('product') ne $cgi->param('dontchange')))
- && CheckonComment( "reassignbycomponent" ))
+ if (Bugzilla->params->{'commentonreassignbycomponent'} && !comment_exists()) {
+ ThrowUserError('comment_required');
+ }
# Check to make sure they actually have the right to change the product
if (!$bug->check_can_change_field('product', $oldproduct, $cgi->param('product'),
@@ -439,6 +420,7 @@ defined($cgi->param('component'))
# Confirm that the reporter of the current bug can access the bug we are duping to.
sub DuplicateUserConfirm {
+ my ($dupe, $original) = @_;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $template = Bugzilla->template;
@@ -448,11 +430,6 @@ sub DuplicateUserConfirm {
- # Remember that we validated both these ids earlier, so we know
- # they are both valid bug ids
- my $dupe = $cgi->param('id');
- my $original = $cgi->param('dup_id');
my $reporter = $dbh->selectrow_array(
q{SELECT reporter FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = ?}, undef, $dupe);
my $rep_user = Bugzilla::User->new($reporter);
@@ -618,16 +595,6 @@ sub DoComma {
$::comma = ",";
-sub DoConfirm {
- my $bug = shift;
- if ($bug->check_can_change_field("canconfirm", 0, 1,
- \$PrivilegesRequired))
- {
- DoComma();
- $::query .= "everconfirmed = 1";
- }
# Changing this so that it will process groups from checkboxes instead of
# select lists. This means that instead of looking for the bit-X values in
# the form, we need to loop through all the bug groups this user has access
@@ -941,127 +908,54 @@ if (defined $cgi->param('qa_contact') && !$cgi->param('set_default_qa_contact'))
-if ($cgi->param('set_default_assignee') || $cgi->param('set_default_qa_contact')) {
- CheckonComment('reassignbycomponent');
+if (($cgi->param('set_default_assignee') || $cgi->param('set_default_qa_contact'))
+ && Bugzilla->params->{'commentonreassignbycomponent'} && !comment_exists())
+ ThrowUserError('comment_required');
my $duplicate; # It will store the ID of the bug we are pointing to, if any.
-SWITCH: for ($cgi->param('knob')) {
- /^none$/ && do {
- last SWITCH;
- };
- /^confirm$/ && CheckonComment( "confirm" ) && do {
- DoConfirm($bug);
- last SWITCH;
- };
- /^accept$/ && CheckonComment( "accept" ) && do {
- DoConfirm($bug);
- if (Bugzilla->params->{"usetargetmilestone"}
- && Bugzilla->params->{"musthavemilestoneonaccept"})
- {
- $requiremilestone = 1;
- }
- last SWITCH;
- };
- /^clearresolution$/ && CheckonComment( "clearresolution" ) && do {
- last SWITCH;
- };
- /^(resolve|change_resolution)$/ && CheckonComment( "resolve" ) && do {
- # Check here, because it's the only place we require the resolution
- check_field('resolution', scalar $cgi->param('resolution'),
- Bugzilla::Bug->settable_resolutions);
- # don't resolve as fixed while still unresolved blocking bugs
- if (Bugzilla->params->{"noresolveonopenblockers"}
- && $cgi->param('resolution') eq 'FIXED')
- {
- my @dependencies = Bugzilla::Bug::CountOpenDependencies(@idlist);
- if (scalar @dependencies > 0) {
- ThrowUserError("still_unresolved_bugs",
- { dependencies => \@dependencies,
- dependency_count => scalar @dependencies });
- }
- }
- if ($cgi->param('knob') eq 'resolve') {
- # RESOLVED bugs should have no time remaining;
- # more time can be added for the VERIFY step, if needed.
- _remove_remaining_time();
- }
- else {
- # You cannot use change_resolution if there is at least
- # one open bug.
- my $open_states = join(',', map {$dbh->quote($_)} BUG_STATE_OPEN);
- my $idlist = join(',', @idlist);
- my $is_open =
- $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT 1 FROM bugs WHERE bug_id IN ($idlist)
- AND bug_status IN ($open_states)");
- ThrowUserError('resolution_not_allowed') if $is_open;
- }
- last SWITCH;
- };
- /^reopen$/ && CheckonComment( "reopen" ) && do {
- last SWITCH;
- };
- /^verify$/ && CheckonComment( "verify" ) && do {
- last SWITCH;
- };
- /^close$/ && CheckonComment( "close" ) && do {
- # CLOSED bugs should have no time remaining.
- _remove_remaining_time();
- last SWITCH;
- };
- /^duplicate$/ && CheckonComment( "duplicate" ) && do {
- # You cannot mark bugs as duplicates when changing
- # several bugs at once.
- unless (defined $cgi->param('id')) {
- ThrowUserError('dupe_not_allowed');
- }
- # Make sure we can change the original bug (issue A on bug 96085)
- defined($cgi->param('dup_id'))
- || ThrowCodeError('undefined_field', { field => 'dup_id' });
- $duplicate = $cgi->param('dup_id');
- ValidateBugID($duplicate, 'dup_id');
- $cgi->param('dup_id', $duplicate);
- # Make sure a loop isn't created when marking this bug
- # as duplicate.
- my %dupes;
- my $dupe_of = $duplicate;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT dupe_of FROM duplicates
- WHERE dupe = ?');
- while ($dupe_of) {
- if ($dupe_of == $cgi->param('id')) {
- ThrowUserError('dupe_loop_detected', { bug_id => $cgi->param('id'),
- dupe_of => $duplicate });
- }
- # If $dupes{$dupe_of} is already set to 1, then a loop
- # already exists which does not involve this bug.
- # As the user is not responsible for this loop, do not
- # prevent him from marking this bug as a duplicate.
- last if exists $dupes{"$dupe_of"};
- $dupes{"$dupe_of"} = 1;
- $sth->execute($dupe_of);
- $dupe_of = $sth->fetchrow_array;
- }
- # Also, let's see if the reporter has authorization to see
- # the bug to which we are duping. If not we need to prompt.
- DuplicateUserConfirm();
- # DUPLICATE bugs should have no time remaining.
- _remove_remaining_time();
- last SWITCH;
- };
- ThrowCodeError("unknown_action", { action => $cgi->param('knob') });
+# Make sure the bug status transition is legal for all bugs.
+my $knob = scalar $cgi->param('knob');
+# Special actions (duplicate, change_resolution and clearresolution) are outside
+# the workflow.
+if (!grep { $knob eq $_ } SPECIAL_STATUS_WORKFLOW_ACTIONS) {
+ Bugzilla::Bug->check_status_transition($knob, \@idlist);
+ my $bug_status = new Bugzilla::Status({name => $knob});
+ # Fill the resolution field with the correct value (e.g. in case the
+ # workflow allows several open -> closed transitions).
+ if ($bug_status->is_open) {
+ $cgi->delete('resolution');
+ }
+ else {
+ $cgi->param('resolution', $cgi->param('resolution_knob_' . $bug_status->id));
+ }
+elsif ($knob eq 'change_resolution') {
+ # Fill the resolution field with the correct value.
+ $cgi->param('resolution', $cgi->param('resolution_knob_change_resolution'));
+else {
+ # The resolution field is not in use.
+ $cgi->delete('resolution');
+# The action is a valid one.
+# Some information is required for checks.
+$vars->{comment_exists} = comment_exists();
+$vars->{bug_id} = $cgi->param('id');
+$vars->{dup_id} = $cgi->param('dup_id');
+$vars->{resolution} = $cgi->param('resolution') || '';
+Bugzilla::Bug->check_status_change_triggers($knob, \@idlist, $vars);
+# Some triggers require extra actions.
+$duplicate = $vars->{dup_id};
+$requiremilestone = $vars->{requiremilestone};
+DuplicateUserConfirm($vars->{bug_id}, $duplicate) if $vars->{DuplicateUserConfirm};
+_remove_remaining_time() if $vars->{remove_remaining_time};
my @keywordlist;
my %keywordseen;
@@ -1252,14 +1146,15 @@ foreach my $id (@idlist) {
my $comma = $::comma;
my $old_bug_obj = new Bugzilla::Bug($id);
- my $status;
+ my ($status, $everconfirmed);
my $resolution = $old_bug_obj->resolution;
- # These are the only actions where we care about the resolution field.
- if ($cgi->param('knob') =~ /^(?:resolve|change_resolution)$/) {
+ # We only care about the resolution field if the user explicitly edits it
+ # or if he closes the bug.
+ if ($knob eq 'change_resolution' || $cgi->param('resolution')) {
$resolution = $cgi->param('resolution');
- ($status, $resolution) =
- $old_bug_obj->get_new_status_and_resolution(scalar $cgi->param('knob'), $resolution);
+ ($status, $resolution, $everconfirmed) =
+ $old_bug_obj->get_new_status_and_resolution($knob, $resolution);
if ($status ne $old_bug_obj->bug_status) {
$query .= "$comma bug_status = ?";
@@ -1271,6 +1166,11 @@ foreach my $id (@idlist) {
push(@bug_values, $resolution);
$comma = ',';
+ if ($everconfirmed ne $old_bug_obj->everconfirmed) {
+ $query .= "$comma everconfirmed = ?";
+ push(@bug_values, $everconfirmed);
+ $comma = ',';
+ }
# We have to check whether the bug is moved to another product
# and/or component before reassigning. If $component is defined,
@@ -1314,7 +1214,7 @@ foreach my $id (@idlist) {
"user_group_map READ", "group_group_map READ", "flagtypes READ",
"flaginclusions AS i READ", "flagexclusions AS e READ",
"keyworddefs READ", "groups READ", "attachments READ",
- "group_control_map AS oldcontrolmap READ",
+ "bug_status READ", "group_control_map AS oldcontrolmap READ",
"group_control_map AS newcontrolmap READ",
"group_control_map READ", "email_setting READ", "classifications READ");
diff --git a/reports.cgi b/reports.cgi
index 0be2ab64b..065e6d73a 100755
--- a/reports.cgi
+++ b/reports.cgi
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Error;
+use Bugzilla::Bug;
eval "use GD";
$@ && ThrowCodeError("gd_not_installed");
diff --git a/sanitycheck.cgi b/sanitycheck.cgi
index 8be69dec6..c1444ac82 100755
--- a/sanitycheck.cgi
+++ b/sanitycheck.cgi
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Error;
+use Bugzilla::Bug;
# General subs
diff --git a/template/en/default/admin/workflow/comment.html.tmpl b/template/en/default/admin/workflow/comment.html.tmpl
index 5e9a788d6..df9d5e872 100644
--- a/template/en/default/admin/workflow/comment.html.tmpl
+++ b/template/en/default/admin/workflow/comment.html.tmpl
@@ -50,24 +50,24 @@
[% FOREACH status = statuses %]
<th class="col-header[% status.is_open ? " open-status" : " closed-status" %]">
- [% status.value FILTER html %]
+ [% status.name FILTER html %]
[% END %]
[%# This defines the entry point in the workflow %]
- [% p = [{id => 0, value => "{Start}", is_open => 1}] %]
+ [% p = [{id => 0, name => "{Start}", is_open => 1}] %]
[% FOREACH status = p.merge(statuses) %]
<tr class="highlight">
<th align="right" class="[% status.is_open ? "open-status" : "closed-status" %]">
- [% status.value FILTER html %]
+ [% status.name FILTER html %]
[% FOREACH new_status = statuses %]
[% IF workflow.${status.id}.${new_status.id}.defined %]
<td align="center" class="checkbox-cell
[% " checked" IF workflow.${status.id}.${new_status.id} %]"
- title="From [% status.value FILTER html %] to [% new_status.value FILTER html %]">
+ title="From [% status.name FILTER html %] to [% new_status.name FILTER html %]">
<input type="checkbox" name="c_[% status.id %]_[% new_status.id %]"
id="c_[% status.id %]_[% new_status.id %]" onclick="toggle_cell(this)"
[% " checked='checked'" IF workflow.${status.id}.${new_status.id} %]>
diff --git a/template/en/default/admin/workflow/edit.html.tmpl b/template/en/default/admin/workflow/edit.html.tmpl
index dee71c0a1..d602171a1 100644
--- a/template/en/default/admin/workflow/edit.html.tmpl
+++ b/template/en/default/admin/workflow/edit.html.tmpl
@@ -34,8 +34,12 @@
- This page allows you to define which status transitions are valid
- in your workflow.
+ This page allows you to define which status transitions are valid in your workflow.
+ For compatibility with older versions of [% terms.Bugzilla %], reopening [% terms.abug %]
+ will only display either UNCONFIRMED or REOPENED (if allowed by your workflow) but not
+ both. The decision depends on whether the [% terms.bug %] has ever been confirmed or not.
+ So it is a good idea to allow both transitions and let [% terms.Bugzilla %] select the
+ correct one.
<form id="workflow_form" method="POST" action="editworkflow.cgi">
@@ -50,24 +54,24 @@
[% FOREACH status = statuses %]
<th class="col-header[% status.is_open ? " open-status" : " closed-status" %]">
- [% status.value FILTER html %]
+ [% status.name FILTER html %]
[% END %]
[%# This defines the entry point in the workflow %]
- [% p = [{id => 0, value => "{Start}", is_open => 1}] %]
+ [% p = [{id => 0, name => "{Start}", is_open => 1}] %]
[% FOREACH status = p.merge(statuses) %]
<tr class="highlight">
<th align="right" class="[% status.is_open ? "open-status" : "closed-status" %]">
- [% status.value FILTER html %]
+ [% status.name FILTER html %]
[% FOREACH new_status = statuses %]
[% IF status.id != new_status.id %]
<td align="center" class="checkbox-cell
[% " checked" IF workflow.${status.id}.${new_status.id}.defined %]"
- title="From [% status.value FILTER html %] to [% new_status.value FILTER html %]">
+ title="From [% status.name FILTER html %] to [% new_status.name FILTER html %]">
<input type="checkbox" name="w_[% status.id %]_[% new_status.id %]"
id="w_[% status.id %]_[% new_status.id %]" onclick="toggle_cell(this)"
[% " checked='checked'" IF workflow.${status.id}.${new_status.id}.defined %]>
diff --git a/template/en/default/bug/edit.html.tmpl b/template/en/default/bug/edit.html.tmpl
index 619c594e1..fe3adbbe9 100644
--- a/template/en/default/bug/edit.html.tmpl
+++ b/template/en/default/bug/edit.html.tmpl
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
<td align="right">
<b><a href="page.cgi?id=fields.html#status">Status</a></b>:
- <td>[% status_descs.${bug.bug_status} FILTER html %]</td>
+ <td>[% get_status(bug.bug_status) FILTER html %]</td>
diff --git a/template/en/default/bug/knob.html.tmpl b/template/en/default/bug/knob.html.tmpl
index 0e1a928f4..99aed9c22 100644
--- a/template/en/default/bug/knob.html.tmpl
+++ b/template/en/default/bug/knob.html.tmpl
@@ -18,42 +18,39 @@
# Contributor(s): Gervase Markham <gerv@gerv.net>
# Vaskin Kissoyan <vkissoyan@yahoo.com>
+ # Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com>
[% PROCESS global/variables.none.tmpl %]
-[%# *** Knob *** %]
<div id="knob">
<div id="knob-options">
- [% knum = 1 %]
[% initial_action_shown = 0 %]
- [% IF bug.isunconfirmed && bug.user.canconfirm %]
- [% PROCESS initial_action %]
- <input type="radio" id="knob-confirm" name="knob" value="confirm">
- <label for="knob-confirm">
- Confirm [% terms.bug %] (change status to <b>[% get_status("NEW") FILTER html %]</b>)
- </label>
- <br>
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
- [% END %]
- [% IF bug.isopened && bug.bug_status != "ASSIGNED" && bug.user.canedit
- && (!bug.isunconfirmed || bug.user.canconfirm) %]
+ [%# These actions are based on the current custom workflow. %]
+ [% FOREACH bug_status = bug.status.can_change_to %]
+ [% NEXT IF bug.isunconfirmed && bug_status.is_open && !bug.user.canconfirm %]
+ [% NEXT IF bug.isopened && !bug.isunconfirmed && bug_status.is_open && !bug.user.canedit %]
+ [% NEXT IF !bug_status.is_open && !bug.user.canedit && !bug.user.isreporter %]
+ [% NEXT IF !bug_status.is_open && bug_status.is_open && !bug.user.canedit && !bug.user.isreporter %]
+ [%# Special hack to only display UNCO or REOP when reopening, but not both;
+ # for compatibility with older versions. %]
+ [% NEXT IF !bug.isopened && (bug.everconfirmed && bug_status.name == "UNCONFIRMED"
+ || !bug.everconfirmed && bug_status.name == "REOPENED") %]
[% PROCESS initial_action %]
- <input type="radio" id="knob-accept" name="knob" value="accept">
- <label for="knob-accept">
- Accept [% terms.bug %] (
- [% IF bug.isunconfirmed %]confirm [% terms.bug %], and [% END %]change
- status to <b>[% get_status("ASSIGNED") FILTER html %]</b>)
+ <input type="radio" id="knob_[% bug_status.id FILTER html %]" name="knob"
+ value="[% bug_status.name FILTER html %]">
+ <label for="knob_[% bug_status.id FILTER html %]">
+ Change status to <b>[% get_status(bug_status.name) FILTER html %]</b>
+ [% IF bug.isopened && !bug_status.is_open %]
+ and set the resolution to [% PROCESS select_resolution field = "knob_${bug_status.id}" %]
+ [% END %]
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
[% END %]
+ [%# These actions are special and are independent of the workflow. %]
[% IF bug.user.canedit || bug.user.isreporter %]
[% IF bug.isopened %]
[% IF bug.resolution %]
@@ -64,65 +61,27 @@
<b>[% get_resolution(bug.resolution) FILTER html %]</b>)
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
[% END %]
- [% PROCESS initial_action %]
- <input type="radio" id="knob-resolve" name="knob" value="resolve">
- <label for="knob-resolve">
- Resolve [% terms.bug %], changing
- <a href="page.cgi?id=fields.html#resolution">resolution</a> to
- </label>
- [% PROCESS select_resolution %]
- [% PROCESS duplicate %]
[% ELSE %]
- [% IF bug.resolution != "MOVED" ||
- (bug.resolution == "MOVED" && bug.user.canmove) %]
+ [% IF bug.resolution != "MOVED" || bug.user.canmove %]
[% PROCESS initial_action %]
- <input type="radio" id="knob-change-resolution" name="knob" value="change_resolution">
- <label for="knob-change-resolution">
+ <input type="radio" id="knob_change_resolution" name="knob" value="change_resolution">
+ <label for="knob_change_resolution">
Change <a href="page.cgi?id=fields.html#resolution">resolution</a> to
- [% PROCESS select_resolution %]
- [% PROCESS duplicate %]
- <input type="radio" id="knob-reopen" name="knob" value="reopen">
- <label for="knob-reopen">
- Reopen [% terms.bug %]
- </label>
- <br>
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
- [% END %]
- [% IF bug.bug_status == "RESOLVED" %]
- [% PROCESS initial_action %]
- <input type="radio" id="knob-verify" name="knob" value="verify">
- <label for="knob-verify">
- Mark [% terms.bug %] as <b>[% get_status("VERIFIED") FILTER html %]</b>
- </label>
+ [% PROCESS select_resolution field = "knob_change_resolution" %]
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
- [% END %]
- [% IF bug.bug_status != "CLOSED" %]
- [% PROCESS initial_action %]
- <input type="radio" id="knob-close" name="knob" value="close">
- <label for="knob-close">
- Mark [% terms.bug %] as <b>[% get_status("CLOSED") FILTER html %]</b>
- </label>
- <br>
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
+ [% PROCESS duplicate %]
[% END %]
<div id="knob-buttons">
- <input type="submit" value="Commit" id="commit">
+ <input type="submit" value="Commit" id="commit">
[% IF bug.user.canmove %]
- &nbsp; <font size="+1"><b> | </b></font> &nbsp;
- <input type="submit" name="action" id="action"
- value="[% Param("move-button-text") %]">
+ <input type="submit" name="action" id="action" value="[% Param("move-button-text") %]">
[% END %]
@@ -143,23 +102,20 @@
[% END %]
[% BLOCK select_resolution %]
- <select name="resolution"
- onchange="document.changeform.knob[[% knum %]].checked=true">
+ <select name="resolution_[% field FILTER html %]"
+ onchange="document.forms['changeform'].[% field FILTER html %].checked=true">
[% FOREACH r = bug.choices.resolution %]
<option value="[% r FILTER html %]">[% get_resolution(r) FILTER html %]</option>
[% END %]
- <br>
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK duplicate %]
- <input type="radio" id="knob-duplicate" name="knob" value="duplicate">
- <label for="knob-duplicate">
+ <input type="radio" id="knob_duplicate" name="knob" value="duplicate">
+ <label for="knob_duplicate">
Mark the [% terms.bug %] as duplicate of [% terms.bug %] #
<input name="dup_id" size="6"
- onchange="if (this.value != '') {document.changeform.knob[[% knum %]].checked=true}">
+ onchange="if (this.value != '') {document.forms['changeform'].knob_duplicate.checked=true}">
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
[% END %]
diff --git a/template/en/default/filterexceptions.pl b/template/en/default/filterexceptions.pl
index ed3d72503..b5ab0bf47 100644
--- a/template/en/default/filterexceptions.pl
+++ b/template/en/default/filterexceptions.pl
@@ -191,8 +191,7 @@
'list/edit-multiple.html.tmpl' => [
- 'knum',
- 'menuname',
+ 'menuname',
'list/list.rdf.tmpl' => [
@@ -319,10 +318,6 @@
-'bug/knob.html.tmpl' => [
- 'knum',
'bug/navigate.html.tmpl' => [
diff --git a/template/en/default/global/user-error.html.tmpl b/template/en/default/global/user-error.html.tmpl
index 485f7c403..615499426 100644
--- a/template/en/default/global/user-error.html.tmpl
+++ b/template/en/default/global/user-error.html.tmpl
@@ -243,7 +243,13 @@
[% ELSIF error == "comment_required" %]
[% title = "Comment Required" %]
- You have to specify a <b>comment</b> on this change.
+ You have to specify a <b>comment</b>
+ [% IF old.size && new %]
+ to change the [% terms.bug %] status from [% old.join(", ") FILTER html %]
+ to [% new FILTER html %].
+ [% ELSE %]
+ on this change.
+ [% END %]
Please explain your change.
[% ELSIF error == "comment_too_long" %]
@@ -633,7 +639,12 @@
[% title = "Your Search Makes No Sense" %]
The only legal values for the <em>Attachment is patch</em> field are
0 and 1.
+ [% ELSIF error == "illegal_bug_status_transition" %]
+ [% title = "Illegal $terms.Bug Status Change" %]
+ You are not allowed to change the [% terms.bug %] status from
+ [%+ old.join(", ") FILTER html %] to [%+ new FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_change" %]
[% title = "Not allowed" %]
You tried to change the
diff --git a/template/en/default/list/edit-multiple.html.tmpl b/template/en/default/list/edit-multiple.html.tmpl
index 668445995..28e513e7b 100644
--- a/template/en/default/list/edit-multiple.html.tmpl
+++ b/template/en/default/list/edit-multiple.html.tmpl
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# Contributor(s): Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org>
# Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org>
+ # Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com>
[% PROCESS global/variables.none.tmpl %]
@@ -301,66 +302,25 @@
-[% knum = 0 %]
<input id="knob-none" type="radio" name="knob" value="none" checked="checked">
<label for="knob-none">Do nothing else</label><br>
-[% IF bugstatuses.size == 1 && bugstatuses.0 == unconfirmedstate %]
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
- <input id="knob-confirm" type="radio" name="knob" value="confirm">
- <label for="knob-confirm">
- Confirm [% terms.bugs %] (change status to <b>[% get_status("NEW") FILTER html %]</b>)
- </label><br>
+[% FOREACH bug_status = new_bug_statuses %]
+ <input type="radio" id="knob_[% bug_status.id FILTER html %]" name="knob"
+ value="[% bug_status.name FILTER html %]">
+ <label for="knob_[% bug_status.id FILTER html %]">
+ Change status to <b>[% get_status(bug_status.name) FILTER html %]</b>
+ </label>
+ [% IF !bug_status.is_open %]
+ and set the resolution to [% PROCESS select_resolution field = "knob_${bug_status.id}" %]
+ [% END %]
+ <br>
[% END %]
-[%# If all the bugs being changed are open, allow the user to accept them,
- clear their resolution or resolve them. %]
-[% IF !bugstatuses.containsany(closedstates) %]
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
- <input id="knob-accept" type="radio" name="knob" value="accept">
- <label for="knob-accept">
- Accept [% terms.bugs %] (change status to <b>[% get_status("ASSIGNED") FILTER html %]</b>)
- </label><br>
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
+[%# If all the bugs being changed are open, allow the user to clear their resolution. %]
+[% IF !current_bug_statuses.containsany(closedstates) %]
<input id="knob-clearresolution" type="radio" name="knob" value="clearresolution">
<label for="knob-clearresolution">Clear the resolution</label><br>
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
- <input id="knob-resolve" type="radio" name="knob" value="resolve">
- <label for="knob-resolve">
- Resolve [% terms.bugs %], changing <a href="page.cgi?id=fields.html#resolution">resolution</a> to
- </label>
- <select name="resolution" onchange="document.forms.changeform.knob[[% knum %]].checked=true">
- [% FOREACH resolution = resolutions %]
- [% NEXT IF !resolution %]
- <option value="[% resolution FILTER html %]">
- [% get_resolution(resolution) FILTER html %]
- </option>
- [% END %]
- </select><br>
-[% END %]
-[%# If all the bugs are closed, allow the user to reopen them. %]
-[% IF !bugstatuses.containsany(openstates) %]
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
- <input id="knob-reopen" type="radio" name="knob" value="reopen">
- <label for="knob-reopen">Reopen [% terms.bugs %]</label><br>
-[% END %]
-[% IF bugstatuses.size == 1 %]
- [% IF bugstatuses.contains('RESOLVED') %]
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
- <input id="knob-verify" type="radio" name="knob" value="verify">
- <label for="knob-verify">Mark [% terms.bugs %] as <b>[% get_status("VERIFIED") FILTER html %]</b></label><br>
- [% END %]
-[% END %]
-[% IF !bugstatuses.containsany(openstates) AND !bugstatuses.contains('CLOSED') %]
- [% knum = knum + 1 %]
- <input id="knob-close" type="radio" name="knob" value="close">
- <label for="knob-close">Mark [% terms.bugs %] as <b>[% get_status("CLOSED") FILTER html %]</b></label><br>
[% END %]
<input type="submit" id="commit" value="Commit">
@@ -384,3 +344,13 @@
[% END %]
[% END %]
+[% BLOCK select_resolution %]
+ <select name="resolution"
+ onchange="document.forms['changeform'].[% field FILTER html %].checked=true">
+ [% FOREACH r = resolutions %]
+ [% NEXT IF !r %]
+ <option value="[% r FILTER html %]">[% get_resolution(r) FILTER html %]</option>
+ [% END %]
+ </select>
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