diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/util/test_parserestrict.py')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/util/test_parserestrict.py b/tests/util/test_parserestrict.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d967d53a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/util/test_parserestrict.py
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+import pytest
+from snakeoil.currying import post_curry
+from pkgcore.ebuild import restricts
+from pkgcore.ebuild.atom import atom
+from pkgcore.repository import util
+from pkgcore.restrictions import boolean, packages, restriction, values
+from pkgcore.util import parserestrict
+class TestMatch:
+ def test_comma_separated_containment(self):
+ parser = parserestrict.comma_separated_containment('utensil')
+ restrict = parser('spork,foon')
+ # Icky, should really try to match a fake package.
+ assert isinstance(restrict, packages.PackageRestriction)
+ assert 'utensil' == restrict.attr
+ valrestrict = restrict.restriction
+ assert valrestrict.match(('foon',))
+ assert not valrestrict.match(('spork,foon',))
+ assert not valrestrict.match(('foo',))
+class TestExtendedRestrictionGeneration:
+ def verify_text_glob(self, restrict, token):
+ assert isinstance(restrict, values.StrRegex), token
+ def verify_text(self, restrict, token):
+ assert isinstance(restrict, values.StrExactMatch), token
+ assert restrict.exact == token
+ def test_convert_glob(self):
+ self.verify_text(parserestrict.convert_glob("diffball"), "diffball")
+ for token in ("diff*", "*diff"):
+ self.verify_text_glob(parserestrict.convert_glob(token), token)
+ for token in ("*", ""):
+ i = parserestrict.convert_glob(token)
+ assert i == None, (
+ f"verifying None is returned on pointless restrictions, failed token: {token}")
+ with pytest.raises(parserestrict.ParseError):
+ parserestrict.convert_glob('**')
+ def verify_restrict(self, restrict, attr, token):
+ assert isinstance(restrict, packages.PackageRestriction), token
+ assert restrict.attr == attr, (
+ f"verifying package attr {restrict.attr}; required({attr}), token {token}")
+ if "*" in token:
+ self.verify_text_glob(restrict.restriction, token)
+ else:
+ self.verify_text(restrict.restriction, token)
+ def generic_single_restrict_check(self, iscat):
+ if iscat:
+ sfmts = ["%s/*"]
+ attr = "category"
+ else:
+ sfmts = ["*/%s", "%s"]
+ attr = "package"
+ for sfmt in sfmts:
+ for raw_token in ("package", "*bsdiff", "bsdiff*"):
+ token = sfmt % raw_token
+ i = parserestrict.parse_match(token)
+ self.verify_restrict(i, attr, raw_token)
+ test_category = post_curry(generic_single_restrict_check, True)
+ test_package = post_curry(generic_single_restrict_check, False)
+ def test_combined(self):
+ assert isinstance(parserestrict.parse_match("dev-util/diffball"), atom), "dev-util/diffball"
+ for token in ("dev-*/util", "dev-*/util*", "dev-a/util*"):
+ i = parserestrict.parse_match(token)
+ assert isinstance(i, boolean.AndRestriction), token
+ assert len(i) == 2
+ self.verify_restrict(i[0], "category", token.split("/")[0])
+ self.verify_restrict(i[1], "package", token.split("/")[1])
+ def test_globs(self):
+ for token in ("*", "*/*"):
+ i = parserestrict.parse_match(token)
+ assert isinstance(i, restriction.AlwaysBool), token
+ assert len(i) == 1
+ for token in ("*::gentoo", "*/*::gentoo"):
+ i = parserestrict.parse_match(token)
+ assert isinstance(i, boolean.AndRestriction), token
+ assert len(i) == 2
+ assert isinstance(i[0], restricts.RepositoryDep), token.split("::")[1]
+ assert isinstance(i[1], restriction.AlwaysBool), token.split("::")[0]
+ for token in ("foo*::gentoo", "*foo::gentoo"):
+ i = parserestrict.parse_match(token)
+ assert isinstance(i, boolean.AndRestriction), token
+ assert len(i) == 2
+ assert isinstance(i[0], restricts.RepositoryDep), token.split("::")[1]
+ self.verify_restrict(i[1], "package", token.split("::")[0])
+ for token, attr, n in (
+ ('foo/*:5', 'category', 0),
+ ('*/foo:5', 'package', 1),
+ ):
+ i = parserestrict.parse_match(token)
+ assert isinstance(i, boolean.AndRestriction), token
+ assert len(i) == 2
+ assert isinstance(i[0], restricts.SlotDep), token.split(":")[1]
+ self.verify_restrict(i[1], attr, token.split(":")[0].split("/")[n])
+ for token, attr, n in (
+ ('foo/*:5/5', 'category', 0),
+ ('*/foo:5/5', 'package', 1),
+ ):
+ i = parserestrict.parse_match(token)
+ assert isinstance(i, boolean.AndRestriction), token
+ assert len(i) == 3
+ slot, _sep, subslot = token.split(":")[1].partition('/')
+ assert isinstance(i[0], restricts.SlotDep), slot
+ assert isinstance(i[1], restricts.SubSlotDep), subslot
+ self.verify_restrict(i[2], attr, token.split(":")[0].split("/")[n])
+ for token, attr, n in (
+ ("foo/*::gentoo", "category", 0),
+ ("*/foo::gentoo", "package", 1),
+ ):
+ i = parserestrict.parse_match(token)
+ assert isinstance(i, boolean.AndRestriction), token
+ assert len(i) == 2
+ assert isinstance(i[0], restricts.RepositoryDep), token.split("::")[1]
+ self.verify_restrict(i[1], attr, token.split("::")[0].split("/")[n])
+ for token, attr, n in (
+ ('foo/*:5/5::gentoo', 'category', 0),
+ ('*/foo:5/5::gentoo', 'package', 1),
+ ):
+ i = parserestrict.parse_match(token)
+ assert isinstance(i, boolean.AndRestriction), token
+ assert len(i) == 4
+ token, repo_id = token.rsplit('::', 1)
+ assert isinstance(i[0], restricts.RepositoryDep), repo_id
+ slot, _sep, subslot = token.split(":")[1].partition('/')
+ assert isinstance(i[1], restricts.SlotDep), slot
+ assert isinstance(i[2], restricts.SubSlotDep), subslot
+ self.verify_restrict(i[3], attr, token.split(":")[0].split("/")[n])
+ def test_atom_globbed(self):
+ assert isinstance(
+ parserestrict.parse_match("=sys-devel/gcc-4*"), atom), "=sys-devel/gcc-4*"
+ def test_use_atom(self):
+ o = parserestrict.parse_match("net-misc/openssh[-X]")
+ assert isinstance(o, atom), "net-misc/openssh[-X]"
+ assert o.use
+ def test_slot_atom(self):
+ o = parserestrict.parse_match("sys-devel/automake:1.6")
+ assert isinstance(o, atom), "sys-devel/automake:1.6"
+ assert o.slot
+ def test_subslot_atom(self):
+ o = parserestrict.parse_match("dev-libs/boost:0/1.54")
+ assert isinstance(o, atom), "dev-libs/boost:0/1.54"
+ assert o.slot
+ assert o.subslot
+ def test_subslot_package(self):
+ token = 'boost:0/1.54'
+ o = parserestrict.parse_match(token)
+ assert isinstance(o, boolean.AndRestriction), token
+ assert len(o) == 3
+ slot, _sep, subslot = token.split(":")[1].partition('/')
+ assert isinstance(o[0], restricts.SlotDep), slot
+ assert isinstance(o[1], restricts.SubSlotDep), subslot
+ self.verify_restrict(o[2], "package", token.split(":")[0])
+ def test_exceptions(self):
+ for token in (
+ "!dev-util/diffball",
+ "dev-util/diffball-0.4",
+ "=dev-util/*diffball-0.4*",
+ "::gentoo",
+ ):
+ with pytest.raises(parserestrict.ParseError):
+ parserestrict.parse_match(token)
+class TestParsePV:
+ def setup_method(self, method):
+ self.repo = util.SimpleTree({
+ 'spork': {
+ 'foon': ('1', '2'),
+ 'spork': ('1', '2'),
+ },
+ 'foon': {
+ 'foon': ('2', '3'),
+ }})
+ def test_parse_pv(self):
+ for input, output in (
+ ('spork/foon-3', 'spork/foon-3'),
+ ('spork-1', 'spork/spork-1'),
+ ('foon-3', 'foon/foon-3'),
+ ):
+ assert output == parserestrict.parse_pv(self.repo, input).cpvstr
+ for bogus in (
+ 'spork',
+ 'foon-2',
+ ):
+ with pytest.raises(parserestrict.ParseError):
+ parserestrict.parse_pv(self.repo, bogus)