diff options
authorZac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org>2012-08-17 16:38:40 -0700
committerZac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org>2012-08-17 16:57:37 -0700
commit44b0faa3b84c1fd39ef72f58677ed3bcd6c82109 (patch)
parentmetadata.dtd: update to latest (diff)
emerge-delta-webrsync: import version 3.5.1-r3
1 files changed, 512 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/emerge-delta-webrsync b/misc/emerge-delta-webrsync
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6e1f5cff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/emerge-delta-webrsync
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Author: Brian Harring <ferringb@gentoo.org>, karltk@gentoo.org originally.
+# Rewritten from the old, Perl-based emerge-webrsync script
+f=$(python -c 'import portage, sys; sys.stdout.write("|".join([portage.settings[x] for x in ("PORTAGE_NICENESS", "FEATURES", "GENTOO_MIRRORS", "PORTDIR", "FETCHCOMMAND", "USERLAND", "DISTDIR", "PORTAGE_TMPDIR")]))')
+PORTAGE_NICENESS="${f%%|*}"; f="${f#*|}"
+FEATURES="${f%%|*}" ; f="${f#*|}"
+GENTOO_MIRRORS="${f%%|*}" ; f="${f#*|}"
+PORTDIR="${f%%|*}" ; f="${f#*|}"
+FETCHCOMMAND="${f%%|*}" ; f="${f#*|}"
+USERLAND="${f%%|*}" ; f="${f#*|}"
+DISTDIR="${f%%|*}" ; f="${f#*|}"
+unset IFS
+source /usr/lib/portage/bin/isolated-functions.sh || exit 1
+if [ -z "$NICENESS_PULLED" ]; then
+ if [ -n "${PORTAGE_NICENESS}" ]; then
+ export NICENESS_PULLED=asdf
+ exec nice -n "${PORTAGE_NICENESS}" "$0" "$@"
+ echo "failed setting PORTAGE_NICENESS to '$PORTAGE_NICENESS', disabling"
+ fi
+# hack. bug 92224
+if [ "${FETCHCOMMAND/getdelta.sh}" != "${FETCHCOMMAND}" ]; then
+ # evil evil evil evil
+ eval "$(grep FETCHCOMMAND /etc/make.globals)"
+unset f
+unset IFS
+unset PUKE_HELP wgetops
+for x in $*; do
+ if [[ $x == "-u" ]]; then
+ elif [[ $x == "-k" ]]; then
+ KEEP_OLDIES='asdf'
+ elif [[ $x == "-h" ]]; then
+ elif [[ $x == "-v" ]]; then
+ wgetops=
+ else
+ echo "$x isn't a valid arg. bailing."
+ fi
+ if [[ -n $PUKE_HELP ]]; then
+ echo "-u for upgrade; sync only if new snapshots are found"
+ echo "-k for keep; keep old tree snapshots around"
+ exit -1
+ fi
+if [[ ! -d $STATE_DIR ]]; then
+ echo "$STATE_DIR doesn't exist. don't have the ability to compensate for compressor differences without it!"
+ exit -2
+if [[ ! -d $DISTDIR ]] ; then
+ mkdir -p $DISTDIR
+if [[ ! -d $TMPDIR ]]; then
+ mkdir -p $TMPDIR
+cd "$DISTDIR"
+if [ "${wgetops-UNSET}" == "unset" ]; then
+ #this sucks. probably better to do 1> /dev/null
+ #that said, waiting on the refactoring.
+ if [ "${FETCHCOMMAND/wget}" != "${FETCHCOMMAND}" ]; then
+ wgetops="-q"
+ elif [ "${FETCHCOMMAND/curl}" != "${FETCHCOMMAND}" ]; then
+ wgetops="-s -f"
+ fi
+if type -p md5sum > /dev/null; then
+ md5_com='md5sum -c "${MD5_LOC}" &> /dev/null'
+elif type -p md5 > /dev/null; then
+ md5_com='[ "$(md5 -q ${FILE})" == "$(cut -d \ -f 1 ${MD5_LOC})" ]'
+ echo "warning, unable to do md5 verification of the snapshot!"
+ echo "no suitable md5/md5sum binary was found!"
+ md5_com='true'
+cleanse_state_dir() {
+ [[ ${STATE_DIR:-/} != '/' ]] && rm ${STATE_DIR}/* &> /dev/null;
+full_version_attempt() {
+ local FILE file_exists
+ echo "Fetching most recent snapshot"
+ declare -i attempts=-1
+ while (( $attempts < 40 )) ; do
+ unset file_exists
+ attempts=$(( attempts + 1 ))
+ #this too, sucks. it works in the interim though.
+ if [ "$USERLAND" == "BSD" ] || [ "$USERLAND" == "Darwin" ] ; then
+ daysbefore=$(expr $(date +"%s") - 86400 \* $attempts)
+ day=$(date -r $daysbefore +"%d")
+ month=$(date -r $daysbefore +"%m")
+ year=$(date -r $daysbefore +"%Y")
+ else
+ day=$(date -d "-$attempts day" +"%d")
+ month=$(date -d "-$attempts day" +"%m")
+ year=$(date -d "-$attempts day" +"%Y")
+ fi
+ FILE="portage-${year}${month}${day}.tar.bz2"
+ echo "Attempting to fetch file dated: ${year}${month}${day}"
+ got_md5=0
+ if [ ! -e "${FILE}.md5sum" ]; then
+ fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/${FILE}.md5sum" "${FILE}.md5sum"
+ got_md5=$?
+ else
+ file_exists='asdf'
+ got_md5=0
+ fi
+ if [[ $got_md5 != 0 ]]; then
+ echo " --- No md5sum present on the mirror. (Not yet available.)"
+ continue
+ elif [ -s "${FILE}" ]; then
+ if verify_md5_file "$FILE"; then
+ echo " === snapshot $FILE is correct, using it"
+ if [[ -n $MUST_SYNC ]] || [[ -z file_exists ]]; then
+ sync_local "${FILE}"
+ echo
+ echo " === Snapshot has been sync'd"
+ echo
+ else
+ echo
+ echo "skipped sync"
+ echo
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ else
+ echo "md5 on ${FILE} failed, removing it and starting anew"
+ rm "$FILE" &> /dev/null
+ fi
+ fi
+ if fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/${FILE}" "${FILE}"; then
+ if ! verify_md5_file "$FILE"; then
+ echo "md5 failed on $FILE"
+ rm ${FILE} &> /dev/null
+ continue
+ else
+ sync_local "${FILE}"
+ cleanse_state_dir
+ echo
+ echo " *** Completed websync, please now perform a normal rsync if possible."
+ echo " Update is current as of YYYYMMDD: ${year}${month}${day}"
+ echo
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ exit 1
+sync_local() {
+ local FILE flags
+ FILE="$1"
+ if [ "${FILE/\/}" == "${FILE}" ]; then
+ fi
+ echo Syncing local tree...
+ if type -p tarsync &> /dev/null; then
+ echo "apparently you have tarsync installed. using it."
+ if ! tarsync "${FILE}" "${PORTDIR}" -v -s 1 -o portage -g portage -e /distfiles -e /packages -e /local; then
+ echo "ok, tarsync failed. that's teh suck :/"
+ exit 6
+ fi
+ else
+ cd ${TMPDIR} || die "couldn't cd to tmpdir, $TMPDIR!?"
+ flags="xf"
+ if [ "${FILE%.bz2}" != "${FILE}" ]; then
+ flags="jxf"
+ fi
+ if ! tar ${flags} "$FILE"; then
+ echo "Tar failed to extract the image. Please review the output."
+ echo "Executed command: tar jxf $FILE"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Make sure user and group file ownership is root
+ chown -R 0:0 portage
+ cd portage
+ rsync -av --progress --stats --delete --delete-after \
+ --exclude='/distfiles' --exclude='/packages' \
+ --exclude='/local' . ${PORTDIR%%/}
+ cd ..
+ echo "cleaning up"
+ rm -rf portage
+ fi
+ if has metadata-transfer ${FEATURES} ; then
+ echo "transferring metadata/cache"
+ emerge --metadata
+ fi
+ local post_sync=/etc/portage/bin/post_sync
+ [[ -x "${post_sync}" ]] && ${post_sync}
+fetch_from_mirrors() {
+ if [[ "$#" == 3 ]]; then
+ MIRRORS="${3}"
+ else
+ fi
+ FILE="$2"
+ for i in $MIRRORS ; do
+ URI="${i}/${1}"
+ if (eval "$FETCHCOMMAND $wgetops") && [ -s "${FILE}" ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ rm "${FILE}" &> /dev/null
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+verify_md5_file() {
+ local FILE MD5_LOC CUR
+ FILE="$1"
+ if [[ $# == 2 ]]; then
+ MD5_LOC="$2"
+ else
+ MD5_LOC="$(pwd)/$1.md5sum"
+ fi
+ if [ "${FILE/*\/}" != "$1" ]; then
+ CUR="$(pwd)"
+ cd "$(dirname ${FILE})"
+ FILE="$(basename ${FILE})"
+ fi
+ if eval "$md5_com"; then
+ [ -n "${CUR}" ] && cd "${CUR}"
+ return 0
+ else
+ [ -n "${CUR}" ] && cd "${CUR}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+#inline actual script
+if ! type -p patcher &> /dev/null; then
+ echo "!!!"
+ echo "!!! cannot find patcher, did you emerge dev-util/diffball?"
+ echo "!!! lack of patcher == have to do full fetch"
+ echo "!!!"
+ sleep 10
+ full_version_attempt
+echo "Looking for available base versions for a delta"
+#note we're already in distdir
+unset base_version
+# portage-snapshots in reverse order.
+# icky.
+unset dfile
+potentials="$(ls -1 portage-2[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]].tar.bz2 ${STATE_DIR}/portage-2[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]].tar.bz2 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's:^.*/::' | sort -r)"
+for basef in ${potentials}; do
+ chksum=''
+ found="dar"
+ if [ -e "${STATE_DIR}/${basef}.md5sum" ]; then
+ chksum="${STATE_DIR}/${basef}.md5sum"
+ elif [ -e "${basef}.md5sum" ]; then
+ chksum="${DISTDIR}/${basef}.md5sum"
+ else
+ echo "attempting to get md5sum for $basef"
+ if ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/${basef}.md5sum" "${basef}.md5sum"; then
+ echo "can't get md5 for ${basef}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ chksum="${basef}.md5sum"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${basef}" ]; then
+ dfile="${DISTDIR}/${basef}"
+ else
+ dfile="${STATE_DIR}/${basef}"
+ fi
+ if ! verify_md5_file "${dfile}" "${chksum}"; then
+ echo "found a stale snapshot. cleansing"
+ rm "${dfile}" &> /dev/null
+ rm "${chksum}.md5sum" &> /dev/null
+ dar=""
+ else
+ base_version="${basef}"
+ break
+ fi
+#by this point, we either have a base_version, or we don't.
+if [[ -z ${base_version} ]]; then
+ echo "no base found. resorting to pulling a full version"
+ full_version_attempt
+#we have a md5 verified base. now we get the patch.
+# we now have yyyymmdd
+unset patch_dates
+if [ "$USERLAND" == "BSD" ] || [ "$USERLAND" == "Darwin" ] ; then
+ daysbefore=$(expr $(date +"%s") - 86400 \* $attempts)
+ day=$(date -r $daysbefore +"%d")
+ month=$(date -r $daysbefore +"%m")
+ year=$(date -r $daysbefore +"%Y")
+ day=$(date -d "-$attempts day" +"%d")
+ month=$(date -d "-$attempts day" +"%m")
+ year=$(date -d "-$attempts day" +"%Y")
+next_date() {
+ local year day month
+ year="${1:0:4}"
+ month="${1:4:2}"
+ day="${1:6:2}"
+# if [[ "${USERLAND}" == "BSD" ]] || [[ "${USERLAND}" == "Darwin" ]]; then
+# else
+ date -d "$year/$month/$day +1 day" +"%Y%m%d"
+# fi
+echo "fetching patches"
+while [[ -n ${fetched} ]]; do
+ next_day=$(next_date ${base_date})
+ # if we can't get a *single* patch or md5, even one missing, do full.
+ p="snapshot-${base_date}-${next_day}.patch.bz2"
+ if [[ ! -e ${p}.md5sum ]] && ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/deltas/${p}.md5sum" "${p}.md5sum"; then
+ echo "failed fetching ${p}.md5sum"
+ fetched=''
+ break
+ fi
+ fetch="yes"
+ if [[ -e ${p} ]]; then
+ if ! verify_md5_file "${p}"; then
+ rm ${p} &> /dev/null
+ else
+ fetch=""
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ -n $fetch ]]; then
+ if ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/deltas/${p}" "${p}"; then
+ echo "failed fetching ${p}"
+ fetched=''
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${fetched} ]]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ if ! verify_md5_file "${p}"; then
+ echo "md5 failed on ${p}"
+ fetched=''
+ break
+ fi
+ patches="${patches} ${p}"
+ base_date="${next_day}"
+if [[ -z $patches ]]; then
+ echo "no patches found? up to date?"
+ if [[ -n $MUST_SYNC ]]; then
+ echo "syncing with existing file"
+ sync_local "${dfile}"
+ else
+ :
+ fi
+ exit $?
+unset got_umd5
+#grab the md5 for later usage.
+if [[ ! -e portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.md5sum ]] && ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.md5sum" "portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.md5sum"; then
+ echo "warning... couldn't grab the md5sum for ${final_date}. which is odd"
+ echo "thus, bailing (sorry)"
+ exit 5
+ if [[ ! -e portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum ]] && ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum" "portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum"; then
+ if ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum" "portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum"; then
+ echo "couldn't grab umd5sum (uncompressed md5sum) for ${final_date}."
+ echo "can't compensate for bzip2 version differences iow."
+ else
+ got_umd5=1
+ fi
+ else
+ got_umd5=1
+ fi
+# generate tmp dir.
+TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/delta-webrsync-XXXXXX)
+# got our patches.
+if ! patcher -v "${dfile}" ${patches} "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar"; then
+ echo "reconstruction failed (contact the author with the error from the reconstructor please)"
+ rm "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar"
+ rmdir ${TEMPDIR}
+ full_version_attempt
+if [[ -n $got_umd5 ]]; then
+ echo "verifying uncompressed md5"
+ if ! verify_md5_file "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar" "${DISTDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum"; then
+ echo "uncompressed verification failed. This means either you found a bug in diffball, or something odd is going on"
+ echo "with upstream patch generation"
+ echo "trying md5sum next, which probably will fail."
+ else
+ verified="1"
+ fi
+unset need_last_sync
+if [ "$verified" == "1" ]; then
+ echo "recompressing. (backgrounding)"
+ need_last_sync="dar"
+ bzip2 -vk9 "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar" &
+ echo "beginning update to the tree"
+ sync_local "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar"
+ echo "doing final md5 stuff"
+ wait
+ # bzip2 is finished now.
+ rm "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar"
+ echo "recompressing."
+ bzip2 -v9 "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2"
+echo "verifying generated tarball"
+if ! verify_md5_file "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2" "${DISTDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.md5sum"; then
+ if [[ -z $verified ]]; then
+ echo "couldn't verify the generated tarball. bug, most likely."
+ exit 5
+ fi
+ # hokay. md5 doesn't agree with umd5. bzip2 issue in effect.
+ echo "compressed md5 differs, but uncompressed md5 says it right. bzip2 version incompatability in other words"
+ echo "saving the md5"
+ if type -p md5sum &> /dev/null; then
+ md5sum ${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2 | sed -e "s:${TEMPDIR}/\?::" > \
+ ${STATE_DIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.md5sum
+ elif type -p md5 &> /dev/null; then
+ echo "$(md5 -q ${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2) portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2" > \
+ ${STATE_DIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.md5sum
+ else
+ echo "couldn't find either md5 or md5sum. something is screwed... (bailing, sorry)"
+ exit 7
+ fi
+ mv "${DISTDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum" "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2" ${STATE_DIR}/
+ rmdir ${TEMPDIR}
+ dfile="${STATE_DIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2"
+ dfile="${DISTDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2"
+ mv "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2" ${DISTDIR}/
+if [ -z "${need_last_sync}" ]; then
+ echo "beginning update to the tree"
+ sync_local "${dfile}"
+if [[ -z $KEEP_OLDIES ]]; then
+ echo "cleansing"
+ for x in $potentials; do
+ echo "removing ${x}"
+ rm "${DISTDIR}/${x}" "${DISTDIR}/${x}.md5sum" &> /dev/null
+ rm "${STATE_DIR}/${x}" "${STATE_DIR}/${x}.md5sum" "${STATE_DIR}/${x}.umd5sum" &> /dev/null
+ done
+echo "done."