diff options
authorMounir Lamouri <>2009-07-03 17:27:18 +0000
committerMounir Lamouri <>2009-07-03 17:27:18 +0000
commit328e0be09731f80e138ab6c122f1712b91ca6cbb (patch)
parentremoving net-libs/opal from package.mask (diff)
net-libs/ptlib: removing, in gentoo-x86
svn path=/trunk/; revision=872
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 729 deletions
diff --git a/net-libs/ptlib/ChangeLog b/net-libs/ptlib/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index f1f8661..0000000
--- a/net-libs/ptlib/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for net-libs/ptlib
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 18 Apr 2009; Mounir Lamouri <> ptlib-2.6.1.ebuild:
- Add ~amd64 after Manfred Knick tests and fix some comments
- 02 Apr 2009; Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <>
- ptlib-2.6.1.ebuild:
- Fix bug when ffmpeg is enabled without pipechan
- 24 Mar 2009; Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <>
- +ptlib-2.6.1.ebuild:
- Version bump to 2.6.1, needed by opal-3.6.1 and ekiga-3.2.0
- 20 Mar 2009; Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <>
- ptlib-2.4.5-r1.ebuild:
- Blocking emerge if video is disabled and sdl enabled
- 20 Mar 2009; Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <>
- ptlib-2.4.5-r1.ebuild:
- Fixing install with debug enabled
- 15 Mar 2009; Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <>
- ptlib-2.4.5-r1.ebuild:
- add ~x86 keyword
- 13 Mar 2009; Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <>
- ptlib-2.4.5-r1.ebuild:
- renaming use flag resolver to dns
-*ptlib-2.4.5-r1 (12 Mar 2009)
- 12 Mar 2009; Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <>
- -ptlib-2.4.5.ebuild, +ptlib-2.4.5-r1.ebuild:
- enable ansi-bool when using --enable-ansi-bool
-*ptlib-2.4.5 (12 Mar 2009)
- 12 Mar 2009; Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <>
- -ptlib-2.4.4.ebuild, +ptlib-2.4.5.ebuild:
- version bump: 2.4.4 to 2.4.5 and misc enhancements
-*ptlib-2.4.4 (03 Mar 2009)
- 03 Mar 2009; Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) <>
- +metadata.xml, +ptlib-2.4.4.ebuild, +files/ptlib-asm.patch:
- add ptlib-2.4.4, see bug 238617
diff --git a/net-libs/ptlib/Manifest b/net-libs/ptlib/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b0d0e7..0000000
--- a/net-libs/ptlib/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-AUX ptlib-asm.patch 561 RMD160 3825ccdf533c614d6ed5ec2462e0b4308d72225b SHA1 3d9547f09baec55729bf8c8465064a67226b4bec SHA256 f97c433c846f9280c8f2e30b2ca3c618059bc4b809e892bb1ad7eba900b5e670
-DIST ptlib-2.4.5-htmldoc.tar.bz2 2082811 RMD160 b0afab6eecb040d7433293ed232ad534149a47bf SHA1 6aec9971ca03704b9a0818a5479b0f92d480a99f SHA256 20f9e3770520781dfe390768133fde1d1ef1b55c6320ef25905bb36da99c1ccb
-DIST ptlib-2.4.5.tar.bz2 2961858 RMD160 dd66ef8fc2edf470fce436ab1d3acc7c24d028d5 SHA1 b19d0590a77a66cded4556aea49d4a9ba81ed21f SHA256 06e17d81368106bcea103af42dfbb00e531645fbe0ea838dc4c8516608e889ae
-DIST ptlib-2.6.1-htmldoc.tar.bz2 2101211 RMD160 c9011b62eec841fef92c88af80a86a034b88a037 SHA1 5c806a40323bca60ad5bf7f4eb16ad6e77195e42 SHA256 0c64af0779971b14b9d86a127869fec0f49d207ed3231bbb79cb060c605ac4e1
-DIST ptlib-2.6.1.tar.bz2 3296212 RMD160 e7bd3f954c871725b269df0ab7561ab0fe6a23ba SHA1 b269a20f1bf98130e0088eea6ec5689197cf5521 SHA256 b8301389c1ee9968df8075942061665e33198d3865f92d8fb26e519068517305
-EBUILD ptlib-2.4.5-r1.ebuild 8943 RMD160 a7cda0ad18ff3db2323d2aec9ea881dbb0cb5e13 SHA1 6d147b97667fdee259ecac91c8746b9673696fb7 SHA256 42a106bfd9227479298ce906001a4fffbd3ff843d5a53d493f05bf624bd5fd4d
-EBUILD ptlib-2.6.1.ebuild 9234 RMD160 9331afe356e2f936ecc3eb8816026400d56e6766 SHA1 2c6ed2d8030bd0d5cda486ea57395c4bce84f44b SHA256 7afa3c3d2838454f8fe0162a2182fe8a49b656b49628093b10911ce00eb7b63b
-MISC ChangeLog 1639 RMD160 ed5ff0dd4ecbedd49a7cef6f43765b128073931f SHA1 0cca669d9fa2fb59aa1ea81c16e7528998c92d7f SHA256 24827b013f87c16222d0d3725543553475524bc25a5cb7f4e77182bee11225df
-MISC metadata.xml 1399 RMD160 6f7041ad693635a3cee1226eb914143dbfcecf55 SHA1 60331a1d8cb47e8bf0b8b8e91a5b021863699979 SHA256 7db5a0e0a077970d1873295c170b1a675cd3a034fb6cb7751f967938aeb995ed
diff --git a/net-libs/ptlib/files/ptlib-asm.patch b/net-libs/ptlib/files/ptlib-asm.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e5d6e9c..0000000
--- a/net-libs/ptlib/files/ptlib-asm.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- src/ptlib/common/jidctflt.cxx.orig 2008-09-24 09:13:06.000000000 -0400
-+++ src/ptlib/common/jidctflt.cxx 2008-09-24 09:11:49.000000000 -0400
-@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@
- "\tsar %2,%1\n"
- "\tsub $-128,%1\n"
- "\tcmovl %5,%1\n" /* Use the sub to compare to 0 */
-- "\tcmpl %4,%1\n"
-+ "\tcmp %4,%1\n"
- "\tcmovg %4,%1\n"
- : "=r"(x)
-- : "0"(x), "Ir"(shift), "ir"(1UL<<(shift-1)), "r" (0xff), "r" (0)
-+ : "0"((unsigned long)x), "c"((char)shift), "ir"(1UL<<(shift-1)), "r" (0xffUL), "r" (0UL)
- );
- return x;
- }
diff --git a/net-libs/ptlib/metadata.xml b/net-libs/ptlib/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 32ea685..0000000
--- a/net-libs/ptlib/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <herd>voip</herd>
- <use>
- <flag name="asn">Enable ASN decoding/encoding support</flag>
- <flag name="audio">Enable audio support</flag>
- <flag name="config-file">Enable config file support</flag>
- <flag name="dns">Enable DNS resolver support</flag>
- <flag name="dtmf">Enable DTMF encoding/decoding support</flag>
- <flag name="http">Enable http support</flag>
- <flag name="http-forms">Enable http forms support</flag>
- <flag name="http-server">Enable http server support</flag>
- <flag name="mail">Enable mail protocols (POP3/SMTP)</flag>
- <flag name="pipechan">Enable pipechannel support</flag>
- <flag name="qos">Enable QOS support</flag>
- <flag name="remote">Enable remote connection support</flag>
- <flag name="serial">Enable serial port support</flag>
- <flag name="shmvideo">Enable shared memory video devices</flag>
- <flag name="socks">Enable SOCKS protocol support</flag>
- <flag name="stun">Enable STUN support</flag>
- <flag name="telnet">Enable telnet protocol support</flag>
- <flag name="tts">Enable Text-To-Speech server support</flag>
- <flag name="url">Enable url support</flag>
- <flag name="video">Enable video support</flag>
- <flag name="vxml">Enable VXML support</flag>
- <flag name="wav">Enable WAVFILE support</flag>
- </use>
diff --git a/net-libs/ptlib/ptlib-2.4.5-r1.ebuild b/net-libs/ptlib/ptlib-2.4.5-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index df1781b..0000000
--- a/net-libs/ptlib/ptlib-2.4.5-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic
-DESCRIPTION="Network focused portable C++ class library providing high level functions"
- doc? ( mirror://sourceforge/opalvoip/${P}-htmldoc.tar.bz2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~ppc ~x86"
-# default enabled are features from 'minsize', the most used according to ptlib
-IUSE="alsa +asn +audio config-file debug dns doc dtmf esd examples ftp +http
-http-forms http-server ieee1394 ipv6 jabber ldap mail odbc oss pch pipechan
-qos remote sasl sdl serial shmvideo snmp soap socks ssl +stun telnet tts +url
-v4l v4l2 +video vxml wav xml xmlrpc"
-RDEPEND="audio? ( alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
- esd? ( media-sound/esound ) )
- ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
- odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )
- sasl? ( dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:2 )
- sdl? ( media-libs/libsdl )
- ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
- video? ( ieee1394? ( media-libs/libdv
- sys-libs/libavc1394
- media-libs/libdc1394:1 )
- v4l2? ( media-libs/libv4l ) )
- xml? ( dev-libs/expat )"
- dev-util/pkgconfig
- sys-devel/bison
- sys-devel/flex
- video? ( v4l? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
- v4l2? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers ) )
- !!dev-libs/pwlib"
-# media-libs/libdc1394:2 should be supported but headers location have changed
-# looks to have an auto-magic dep with medialibs, but not in the tree so...
-# tools/ directory seems to be only for windows
-pkg_setup() {
- local warning=false
- # ekiga can't use, at least, alsa plugin with --as-needed
- # users where experiencing issues with --as-needed, see bug 238617
- # TODO: should be re-tested and, if possible, fixed in a cleanier way
- append-ldflags -Wl,--no-as-needed
- # warn user about use flag that are gonna override other ones
- if ! use audio; then
- ewarn "disabling audio will remove all audio support"
- ewarn "even if other audio features have been enabled"
- warning=true
- fi
- if ! use video; then
- if use sdl; then
- # video disabled and sdl disabled make compilation to crash
- # upstream has been contacted, see bug 2696064 in their bugtracker
- eerror "video has been disabled and sdl has been enabled"
- eerror "${PN} can't build with this configuration"
- eerror "please, enablde video or disable sdl and re-emerge"
- die
- else
- ewarn "disabling video will remove all video support"
- ewarn "even if other video features have been enabled"
- warning=true
- fi
- fi
- if use jabber && ! use xml; then
- ewarn "jabber support needs xml support: jabber has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable xml support if you want to use the jabber protocol"
- warning=true
- fi
- if use http && ! use url; then
- ewarn "http support needs url support: http support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable url support if you want to use the http protocol"
- warning=true
- fi
- if use http-forms; then
- if ! use http; then
- ewarn "http-forms support needs http support: http-forms support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable http support if you want to use http-forms"
- warning=true
- fi
- if ! use config-file; then
- ewarn "http-forms support needs config-file support: http-forms support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable config-file support if you want to use http-forms"
- warning=true
- fi
- fi
- if use http-server && ! use http-forms; then
- ewarn "http-server support needs http-forms support: http-server support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable http-forms support if you want to use http-server"
- warning=true
- fi
- if use vxml; then
- if ! use xml; then
- ewarn "vxml support needs xml support: vxml support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable xml support if you want to use vxml"
- warning=true
- fi
- if ! use http; then
- ewarn "vxml support needs http support: vxml support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable http support if you want to use vxml"
- warning=true
- fi
- fi
- if use xmlrpc; then
- if ! use xml; then
- ewarn "xmlrpc support needs xml support: xmlrpc support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable xml support if you want to use xmlrpc"
- warning=true
- fi
- if ! use http; then
- ewarn "xmlrpc support needs http support: xmlrpc support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable http support if you want to use xmlrpc"
- warning=true
- fi
- fi
- if use soap; then
- if ! use xml; then
- ewarn "soap support needs xml support: soap support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable xml support if you want to use soap"
- warning=true
- fi
- if ! use http; then
- ewarn "soap support needs http support: soap support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable http support if you want to use soap"
- warning=true
- fi
- fi
- if ${warning}; then
- echo
- ewarn "If one of the warnings above is not volunteer, hit Ctrl+C now"
- ewarn "and re-emerge ${PN} with the desired USE flags"
- echo
- ebeep
- epause
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- # move files from ${P}-htmldoc.tar.gz
- if use doc; then
- mv ../html . || die "moving doc files failed"
- fi
- # remove visual studio related files from samples/
- if use examples; then
- rm -f samples/*/*.vcproj
- rm -f samples/*/*.sln
- rm -f samples/*/*.dsp
- rm -f samples/*/*.dsw
- fi
- # this patch fixes bug 145424
- # upstream has been contacted, see bug 2657924 in upstream bugtracker
- # TODO: check for fix by upstream when bumping
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-asm.patch
- # --enable-ansi-bool and --disable-ansi-bool are the same
- # we want to enable it so to prevent eautoreconf, a sed script is enough
- # upstream has been contacted with a patch, see bug 2685609 in patch tracker
- sed -i -e "s/\${enable_ansi_bool}x/x/" configure \
- || die "patching configure failed"
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=""
- # plugins disable only if ! audio and ! video
- if ! use audio && ! use video; then
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-plugins"
- else
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-plugins"
- fi
- # minsize, openh323, opal: presets of features (overwritten by use flags)
- # ansi-bool, atomicity: there is no reason to disable those features
- # internalregex: we want to use external one
- # sunaudio and bsdvideo are respectively for SunOS and BSD's
- # appshare, vfw: only for windows
- # sockagg: always enabled, see bug 2685379 in upstream bugtracker
- # samples: no need to build sample
- econf ${myconf} \
- --disable-minsize \
- --disable-openh323 \
- --disable-opal \
- --enable-ansi-bool \
- --enable-atomicity \
- --disable-internalregex \
- --disable-sunaudio \
- --disable-bsdvideo \
- --disable-appshare \
- --disable-vfw \
- --enable-sockagg \
- --disable-samples \
- $(use_enable audio) \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable asn) \
- $(use_enable config-file configfile) \
- $(use_enable debug exceptions) \
- $(use_enable debug memcheck) \
- $(use_enable debug tracing) \
- $(use_enable dtmf) \
- $(use_enable esd) \
- $(use_enable ftp) \
- $(use_enable http) \
- $(use_enable http-forms httpforms) \
- $(use_enable http-server httpsvc) \
- $(use_enable ieee1394 avc) \
- $(use_enable ieee1394 dc) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable jabber) \
- $(use_enable ldap openldap) \
- $(use_enable mail pop3smtp) \
- $(use_enable odbc) \
- $(use_enable oss) \
- $(use_enable pch) \
- $(use_enable pipechan) \
- $(use_enable qos) \
- $(use_enable remote remconn) \
- $(use_enable dns resolver) \
- $(use_enable sasl) \
- $(use_enable sdl) \
- $(use_enable serial) \
- $(use_enable shmvideo) \
- $(use_enable snmp) \
- $(use_enable soap) \
- $(use_enable socks) \
- $(use_enable ssl openssl) \
- $(use_enable stun) \
- $(use_enable telnet) \
- $(use_enable tts) \
- $(use_enable url) \
- $(use_enable v4l) \
- $(use_enable v4l2) \
- $(use_enable video) \
- $(use_enable video vidfile) \
- $(use_enable vxml) \
- $(use_enable wav wavfile) \
- $(use_enable xml expat) \
- $(use_enable xmlrpc)
-src_compile() {
- local makeopts=""
- use debug && makeopts="debug"
- emake ${makeopts} || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- local makeopts=""
- use debug && makeopts="DEBUG=1"
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" ${makeopts} install || die "emake install failed"
- if use doc; then
- dohtml -r html/* || die "dohtml failed"
- fi
- dodoc History.txt ReadMe.txt ReadMe_QOS.txt || die "dodoc failed"
- # 2.4.5 has only one ChangeLog
- dodoc ChangeLog-${PN}-v${PV//./_}.txt || die "dodoc failed"
- if use examples; then
- local exampledir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
- local basedir="samples"
- local sampledirs="`ls samples --hide=Makefile`"
- # first, install Makefile
- insinto ${exampledir}/
- doins ${basedir}/Makefile || die "doins failed"
- # now, all examples
- for x in ${sampledirs}; do
- insinto ${exampledir}/${x}/
- doins ${basedir}/${x}/* || die "doins failed"
- done
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use examples; then
- ewarn "all examples have been installed, some of them will not work on your system"
- ewarn "it will depend of the enabled use flags"
- ewarn "to test examples, you have to run PTLIBDIR=/usr/share/ptlib make"
- fi
diff --git a/net-libs/ptlib/ptlib-2.6.1.ebuild b/net-libs/ptlib/ptlib-2.6.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 634445f..0000000
--- a/net-libs/ptlib/ptlib-2.6.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic
-DESCRIPTION="Network focused portable C++ class library providing high level functions"
- doc? ( mirror://sourceforge/opalvoip/${P}-htmldoc.tar.bz2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-# default enabled are features from 'minsize', the most used according to ptlib
-IUSE="alsa +asn +audio config-file debug dns doc dtmf esd examples ffmpeg ftp
-+http http-forms http-server ieee1394 ipv6 jabber ldap mail odbc oss pch
-pipechan qos remote sasl sdl serial shmvideo snmp soap socks ssl +stun telnet
-tts +url v4l v4l2 +video vxml wav xml xmlrpc"
-COMMON_DEP="audio? ( alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
- esd? ( media-sound/esound ) )
- ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
- odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )
- sasl? ( dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:2 )
- sdl? ( media-libs/libsdl )
- ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
- video? ( ieee1394? ( media-libs/libdv
- sys-libs/libavc1394
- media-libs/libdc1394:1 )
- v4l2? ( media-libs/libv4l ) )
- xml? ( dev-libs/expat )"
- ffmpeg? ( media-video/ffmpeg )"
- dev-util/pkgconfig
- sys-devel/bison
- sys-devel/flex
- video? ( v4l? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
- v4l2? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers ) )
- !!dev-libs/pwlib"
-# media-libs/libdc1394:2 should be supported but headers location have changed
-# tools/ directory is ignored
-# looks to have an auto-magic dep with medialibs, but not in the tree so...
-# TODO: contact upstream about this auto-magic dep
-# TODO: according to scanelf, there is a dep with libraw1394
-pkg_setup() {
- local warning=false
- # ekiga can't use, at least, alsa plugin with --as-needed
- # users where experiencing issues with --as-needed, see bug 238617
- # TODO: should be re-tested and, if possible, fixed in a cleanier way
- append-ldflags -Wl,--no-as-needed
- # bug that make ptlib unusable when ffmpeg is enabled without pipechan
- # upstream has been contacted, see bug 2726070
- if use ffmpeg && ! use pipechan; then
- eerror "ffmpeg can't be enabled without enabling pipechan"
- eerror "Please, try again with disabling ffmpeg or enabling pipechan"
- die
- fi
- # warn user about use flag that are gonna override other ones
- if ! use audio; then
- ewarn "disabling audio will remove all audio support"
- ewarn "even if other audio features have been enabled"
- warning=true
- fi
- if ! use video; then
- ewarn "disabling video will remove all video support"
- ewarn "even if other video features have been enabled"
- warning=true
- fi
- if use jabber && ! use xml; then
- ewarn "jabber support needs xml support: jabber has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable xml support if you want to use the jabber protocol"
- warning=true
- fi
- if use http && ! use url; then
- ewarn "http support needs url support: http support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable url support if you want to use the http protocol"
- warning=true
- fi
- if use http-forms; then
- if ! use http; then
- ewarn "http-forms support needs http support: http-forms support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable http support if you want to use http-forms"
- warning=true
- fi
- if ! use config-file; then
- ewarn "http-forms support needs config-file support: http-forms support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable config-file support if you want to use http-forms"
- warning=true
- fi
- fi
- if use http-server && ! use http-forms; then
- ewarn "http-server support needs http-forms support: http-server support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable http-forms support if you want to use http-server"
- warning=true
- fi
- if use vxml; then
- if ! use xml; then
- ewarn "vxml support needs xml support: vxml support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable xml support if you want to use vxml"
- warning=true
- fi
- if ! use http; then
- ewarn "vxml support needs http support: vxml support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable http support if you want to use vxml"
- warning=true
- fi
- fi
- if use xmlrpc; then
- if ! use xml; then
- ewarn "xmlrpc support needs xml support: xmlrpc support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable xml support if you want to use xmlrpc"
- warning=true
- fi
- if ! use http; then
- ewarn "xmlrpc support needs http support: xmlrpc support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable http support if you want to use xmlrpc"
- warning=true
- fi
- fi
- if use soap; then
- if ! use xml; then
- ewarn "soap support needs xml support: soap support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable xml support if you want to use soap"
- warning=true
- fi
- if ! use http; then
- ewarn "soap support needs http support: soap support has been disabled"
- ewarn "enable http support if you want to use soap"
- warning=true
- fi
- fi
- if ${warning}; then
- echo
- ewarn "If one of the warnings above is not volunteer, hit Ctrl+C now"
- ewarn "and re-emerge ${PN} with the desired USE flags"
- echo
- ebeep
- epause
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- # move files from ${P}-htmldoc.tar.gz
- if use doc; then
- mv ../html . || die "moving doc files failed"
- fi
- # remove visual studio related files from samples/
- if use examples; then
- rm -f samples/*/*.vcproj
- rm -f samples/*/*.sln
- rm -f samples/*/*.dsp
- rm -f samples/*/*.dsw
- fi
- # this patch fixes bug 145424
- # upstream has been contacted, see bug 2657924 in upstream bugtracker
- # TODO: has been accepted by upstream, check for fix when bumping
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-asm.patch
- # --enable-ansi-bool and --disable-ansi-bool are the same
- # we want to enable it so to prevent eautoreconf, a sed script is enough
- # upstream has been contacted with a patch, see bug 2685609 in patch tracker
- # TODO: has been accepted by upstream, check for fix when bumping
- sed -i -e "s/\${enable_ansi_bool}x/x/" configure \
- || die "patching configure failed"
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=""
- # plugins are disabled only if ! audio and ! video
- if ! use audio && ! use video; then
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-plugins"
- else
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-plugins"
- fi
- # minsize, openh323, opal: presets of features (overwritten by use flags)
- # ansi-bool, atomicity: there is no reason to disable those features
- # internalregex: we want to use system one
- # sunaudio and bsdvideo are respectively for SunOS and BSD's
- # appshare, vfw: only for windows
- # sockagg: always enabled, see bug 2685379 in upstream bugtracker
- # samples: no need to build samples
- # vidfile has been merged with video use flag
- econf ${myconf} \
- --disable-minsize \
- --disable-openh323 \
- --disable-opal \
- --enable-ansi-bool \
- --enable-atomicity \
- --disable-internalregex \
- --disable-sunaudio \
- --disable-bsdvideo \
- --disable-appshare \
- --disable-vfw \
- --enable-sockagg \
- --disable-samples \
- $(use_enable audio) \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable asn) \
- $(use_enable config-file configfile) \
- $(use_enable debug exceptions) \
- $(use_enable debug memcheck) \
- $(use_enable debug tracing) \
- $(use_enable dtmf) \
- $(use_enable esd) \
- $(use_enable ffmpeg ffvdev) \
- $(use_enable ftp) \
- $(use_enable http) \
- $(use_enable http-forms httpforms) \
- $(use_enable http-server httpsvc) \
- $(use_enable ieee1394 avc) \
- $(use_enable ieee1394 dc) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable jabber) \
- $(use_enable ldap openldap) \
- $(use_enable mail pop3smtp) \
- $(use_enable odbc) \
- $(use_enable oss) \
- $(use_enable pch) \
- $(use_enable pipechan) \
- $(use_enable qos) \
- $(use_enable remote remconn) \
- $(use_enable dns resolver) \
- $(use_enable sasl) \
- $(use_enable sdl) \
- $(use_enable serial) \
- $(use_enable shmvideo) \
- $(use_enable snmp) \
- $(use_enable soap) \
- $(use_enable socks) \
- $(use_enable ssl openssl) \
- $(use_enable stun) \
- $(use_enable telnet) \
- $(use_enable tts) \
- $(use_enable url) \
- $(use_enable v4l) \
- $(use_enable v4l2) \
- $(use_enable video) \
- $(use_enable video vidfile) \
- $(use_enable vxml) \
- $(use_enable wav wavfile) \
- $(use_enable xml expat) \
- $(use_enable xmlrpc)
-src_compile() {
- local makeopts=""
- use debug && makeopts="debug"
- emake ${makeopts} || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- local makeopts=""
- use debug && makeopts="DEBUG=1"
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" ${makeopts} install || die "emake install failed"
- if use doc; then
- dohtml -r html/* || die "dohtml failed"
- fi
- dodoc History.txt ReadMe.txt ReadMe_QOS.txt || die "dodoc failed"
- # ChangeLog is not standard
- dodoc ChangeLog-${PN}-v${PV//./_}.txt || die "dodoc failed"
- if use examples; then
- local exampledir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
- local basedir="samples"
- local sampledirs="`ls samples --hide=Makefile`"
- # first, install Makefile
- insinto ${exampledir}/
- doins ${basedir}/Makefile || die "doins failed"
- # now, all examples
- for x in ${sampledirs}; do
- insinto ${exampledir}/${x}/
- doins ${basedir}/${x}/* || die "doins failed"
- done
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use examples; then
- ewarn "All examples have been installed, some of them will not work on your system"
- ewarn "it will depend of the enabled USE flags."
- ewarn "To test examples, you have to run PTLIBDIR=/usr/share/ptlib make"
- fi