diff options
authorSven Eden <>2019-08-15 18:25:29 +0200
committerJoonas Niilola <>2019-09-20 18:23:33 +0300
commit0f0337527131a568b6f3edfd66c60796e1fb23df (patch)
tree2b521f6725f99c5620aa24ec8c9fb8bfe1689a35 /dev-libs
parentdev-libs/aws-checksums: HW accelerated CRC32c and CRC32 with fallbacks (diff)
dev-libs/aws-sdk-cpp: Version bump to 1.7.178
Closes: Closes: Signed-off-by: Sven Eden <> Bug: Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.71, Repoman-2.3.17 Signed-off-by: Joonas Niilola <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-libs')
3 files changed, 575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-libs/aws-sdk-cpp/Manifest b/dev-libs/aws-sdk-cpp/Manifest
index 3e0506583819..94388e17a897 100644
--- a/dev-libs/aws-sdk-cpp/Manifest
+++ b/dev-libs/aws-sdk-cpp/Manifest
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
DIST aws-sdk-cpp-1.5.17.tar.gz 16424254 BLAKE2B 3beeda2085a487b007c088b149a84b7c561ebc75a3a431d2c0139d1f2c6b3c1182e5e00df349436cd5d1f25fbbf60a963db69b562503903cd4a5ccf4db01aac0 SHA512 1a69098c0ddaba46e0d336875029dbdea0d92a3165ee7eed77d1425ea375b401138235f4fa71604fd3df89db633664cd9c36c1fad7989d974f28f7e1785b95c0
+DIST aws-sdk-cpp-1.7.178.tar.gz 22589166 BLAKE2B 40364307fb676a89cf2b363d02dfa95e03c6e0b02e34c3d5376820dd7721f13108bf1f1713ff5f39dfc7d98f5cd368718601a397f55c4e26a37cd62d346cbf70 SHA512 b5c969d8b0b9ca5aa7b6af762bf79647ee407cae2686b90c4acefb6a113cf4e7a582e4e5aebd2e6289685e6ac373f9f994e57cd34bd12543b2b36142e00df478
diff --git a/dev-libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-sdk-cpp-1.7.178.ebuild b/dev-libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-sdk-cpp-1.7.178.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1c20c4f04f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-sdk-cpp-1.7.178.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
+inherit cmake-utils python-single-r1
+SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+ access-management apigateway backup batch budgets chime cloud-desktop cloud-dev cloud-media cloud-mobile
+ cloudformation cloudfront cloudhsm cloudsearch cloudwatch cognito config dlm ec2 ecr ecs eks elasticache
+ elasticbeanstalk elasticloadbalancing elasticmapreduce email es events fsx globalaccelerator iot kinesis kms
+ lambda lex license-manager lightsail machinelearning macie managedblockchain marketplace opsworks organizations
+ other personalize polly queues rds rekognition resource-groups route53 s3 sagemaker secretsmanager securityhub
+ serverlessrepo shield sns sqs textract transcribe translate waf
+IUSE="+http libressl +rtti +ssl static-libs test unity-build ${MODULES[*]}"
+ http? ( net-misc/curl:= )
+ polly? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
+ ssl? (
+ !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
+ libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:0= )
+ )
+ dev-libs/aws-c-common
+ dev-libs/aws-checksums
+ dev-libs/aws-c-event-stream
+ sys-libs/zlib
+src_configure() {
+ local mybuildtargets="core"
+ for module in ${MODULES[@]}; do
+ if use ${module}; then
+ if [ "${module}" = "access-management" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};acm;acm-pca;iam;identity-management;ram;sts"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "apigateway" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};apigatewaymanagementapi;apigatewayv2"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "budgets" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};ce;cur"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "cloud-desktop" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";appstream;workdocs;worklink;workmail;workspaces"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "cloud-dev" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";cloud9;codebuild;codecommit;codedeploy;codepipeline;codestar;xray"
+ if ! use "queues"; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";queues"
+ fi
+ elif [ "${module}" = "cloud-media" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";elastictranscoder;mediaconnect;mediaconvert;medialive;mediapackage"
+ mybuildtargets+=";mediapackage-vod;mediastore;mediastore-data;mediatailor"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "cloud-mobile" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";amplify;appsync;devicefarm;mobile;mobileanalytics;pinpoint"
+ mybuildtargets+=";pinpoint-email;sms-voice"
+ if ! use "sns"; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";sns"
+ fi
+ elif [ "${module}" = "cloudhsm" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};cloudhsmv2"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "cloudsearch" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};cloudsearchdomain"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "cloudwatch" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";application-insights;appmesh;cloudtrail;guardduty;health;inspector"
+ mybuildtargets+=";logs;monitoring"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "cognito" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";cognito-identity;cognito-idp;cognito-sync"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "dynamodb" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};dax;dynamodbstreams"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "ec2" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};autoscaling;autoscaling-plans;application-autoscaling"
+ mybuildtargets+=";ec2-instance-connect;elasticfilesystem"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "elasticloadbalancing" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};elasticloadbalancingv2"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "events" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};eventbridge"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "iot" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};greengrass;iot1click-devices;iot1click-projects"
+ mybuildtargets+=";iotanalytics;iot-data;iotevents;iotevents-data;iot-jobs-data"
+ mybuildtargets+=";iotthingsgraph"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "kinesis" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};firehose;kinesisanalytics;kinesisanalyticsv2;kinesisvideo"
+ mybuildtargets+=";kinesis-video-archived-media;kinesis-video-media"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "lex" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};lex-models"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "marketplace" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";marketplacecommerceanalytics;marketplace-entitlement"
+ mybuildtargets+=";meteringmarketplace;pricing"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "opsworks" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};opsworkscm"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "other" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";AWSMigrationHub;alexaforbusiness;clouddirectory;comprehend"
+ mybuildtargets+=";comprehendmedical;connect;datapipeline;datasync;directconnect"
+ mybuildtargets+=";discovery;dms;docdb;ds;dynamodb;gamelift;glue;groundstation"
+ mybuildtargets+=";importexport;kafka;lakeformation;mq;mturk-requester;neptune"
+ mybuildtargets+=";quicksight;redshift;robomaker;sdb;service-quotas;servicecatalog"
+ mybuildtargets+=";servicediscovery;signer;sms;snowball;ssm;states;storagegateway"
+ mybuildtargets+=";support;swf"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "personalize" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};personalize-events;personalize-runtime"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "polly" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};text-to-speech"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "rds" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};pi;rds-data"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "resource-groups" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};resourcegroupstaggingapi"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "route53" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};route53domains;route53resolver"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "s3" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};athena;awstransfer;glacier;s3-encryption;s3control;transfer"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "sagemaker" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};sagemaker-runtime"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "transcribe" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};transcribestreaming"
+ elif [ "${module}" = "waf" ] ; then
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module};fms;waf-regional"
+ else
+ mybuildtargets+=";${module}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ local mycmakeargs=(
+ -DBUILD_ONLY="${mybuildtargets}"
+ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=$(usex !static-libs)
+ -DENABLE_RTTI=$(usex rtti)
+ -DENABLE_TESTING=$(usex test)
+ -DENABLE_UNITY_BUILD=$(usex unity-build)
+ -DNO_ENCRYPTION=$(usex !ssl)
+ -DNO_HTTP_CLIENT=$(usex !http)
+ )
+ cmake-utils_src_configure
diff --git a/dev-libs/aws-sdk-cpp/metadata.xml b/dev-libs/aws-sdk-cpp/metadata.xml
index 4520e67d29ef..15a0e912338c 100644
--- a/dev-libs/aws-sdk-cpp/metadata.xml
+++ b/dev-libs/aws-sdk-cpp/metadata.xml
@@ -8,6 +8,15 @@
<name>Proxy Maintainers</name>
+ <longdescription>
+ The AWS SDK for C++ provides a modern C++ version C++ 11 or later interface for Amazon Web Services AWS.
+ It is meant to be performant and fully functioning with low- and high-level SDKs, while minimizing
+ dependencies and providing platform portability Windows, OSX, Linux, and mobile.
+ AWS SDK for C++ is in now in General Availability and recommended for production use. We invite our
+ customers to join the development efforts by submitting pull requests and sending us feedback and ideas
+ via GitHub Issues.
+ </longdescription>
<flag name="aws_targets_access-management">SDK Support for AWS access-management</flag>
<flag name="aws_targets_acm">SDK Support for AWS acm</flag>
@@ -160,5 +169,420 @@
<flag name="aws_targets_workmail">SDK Support for AWS workmail</flag>
<flag name="aws_targets_workspaces">SDK Support for AWS workspaces</flag>
<flag name="aws_targets_xray">SDK Support for AWS xray</flag>
+ <flag name="http">Enable http support via curl</flag>
+ <flag name="rtti">Flag to enable/disable rtti within the library</flag>
+ <flag name="unity-build">
+ Build using a single unified .cpp file for each service library.
+ Reduces the size of static library binaries
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="access-management">
+ AWS Access Management, a meta-flag that enables:
+ AWS Certificate Manager (ACM): Provision, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates on AWS managed
+ resources.
+ Identity and Access Management (IAM): A web service for securely controlling access to AWS
+ services.
+ Resource Access Manager (RAM): Customers who operate multiple accounts can create resources
+ centrally and use AWS RAM to share them with all of their accounts to reduce operational
+ overhead.
+ Also enables acm-pca, identity-management and sts (Security Token Service).
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="apigateway">
+ Create and deploy your own REST and WebSocket APIs at any scale.
+ Also enables apigatewaymanagementapi and apigatewayv2.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="backup">AWS Backup is a fully managed backup service</flag>
+ <flag name="batch">Run batch computing workloads on the AWS Cloud</flag>
+ <flag name="budgets">
+ Use AWS Budgets to plan service usage, service costs, and instance reservations.
+ Also enables the following related modules:
+ AWS Cost Explorer (CE) : Programmatically query cost and usage data.
+ Cost and Usage Report (CUR): Programmatically create, query, and delete AWS Cost and Usage
+ report definitions.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="chime">Amazon Chime, a secure, real-time, unified communications service.</flag>
+ <flag name="cloud-desktop">
+ AWS end user computing services.
+ AppStream 2.0: Fully managed, secure application streaming service.
+ WorkDocs : Fully managed, secure enterprise storage and sharing service.
+ WorkLink : Fully managed, cloud-based service that enables secure, one-click access to
+ internal websites and web apps from mobile devices.
+ WorkMail : Managed email and calendaring service.
+ WorkSpaces : Cloud-based desktop experience for end users.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="cloud-dev">
+ Enables in-cloud developer tools:
+ Cloud9 : Cloud-based integrated development environment IDE to write, run, and debug code.
+ CodeBuild : Managed build service that compiles, runs unit tests and produces artifacts.
+ CodeCommit : Privately store and manage Git repositories in the AWS cloud.
+ CodeDeploy : Automate the deployment and updating of applications.
+ CodePipeline: Continuous delivery service to model, visualize, and automate the steps required
+ to release software.
+ CodeStar : Quickly develop, build, and deploy applications on AWS.
+ Queues : Simple queue class. Allows standard queue operations top, delete, and push. Also
+ has higher level, asynchronous interface with callbacks.
+ X-Ray : Provides request tracing, exception collection, and profiling capabilities.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="cloud-media">
+ AWS Media modules for transforming, converting, delivering and streaming media.
+ Elastic Transcoder : Convert media files stored in Amazon S3 into media files in the formats
+ required by consumer playback devices.
+ Elemental Media Connect: Secure and flexible transport service for live video.
+ Elemental Media Convert: Format and compress offline video content for delivery to televisions
+ or connected devices.
+ Elemental Media Live : Video service that allows easy and reliable creation of live outputs
+ for broadcast and streaming delivery.
+ Elemental Media Package: Just-in-time video packaging and origination service. (Includes
+ mediapackage-vod)
+ Elemental Media Store : Video origination and storage service.Manage video assets as objects in
+ containers to build dependable, cloud-based media workflows. (Includes mediastore-data)
+ Elemental Media Tailor : Personalization and monetization service that allows scalable server-
+ side ad insertion.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="cloud-mobile">
+ AWS Mobile modules for handling mobile application management and delivery.
+ Amplify : Comprehensive set of SDKs, libraries, tools, and documentation for client app
+ development.
+ AppSync : Enterprise level, fully managed GraphQL service with real-time data synchronization
+ and offline programming features.
+ Device Farm: Test iOS, Android and Fire OS apps on real, physical phones and tablets that are
+ hosted by AWS.
+ PinPoint : Engage customers by sending them email, SMS and voice messages, and push
+ notifications. (Includes pinpoint-email and sms-voice)
+ SNS : Amazon Simple Notification Service, see USE flag sns.
+ Also enables mobile and mobileanalytics.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="cloudformation">
+ Create and provision AWS infrastructure deployments predictably and repeatedly. Use a template
+ file to create and delete a collection of resources together as a single unit (a stack).
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="cloudfront">
+ Delivers static and dynamic web content through a worldwide network of edge locations that
+ provide low latency and high performance.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="cloudhsm">
+ Secure cryptographic key storage by providing managed hardware security modules in the AWS
+ Cloud.
+ Also enables cloudhsmv2.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="cloudsearch">
+ Fully managed service in the cloud to set up, manage, and scale a search solution for websites.
+ Also enables cloudsearchdomain.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="cloudwatch">
+ Amazon CloudWatch monitors Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources and the applications run on AWS
+ in real time.
+ The following modules besides 'monitoring' are also enabled:
+ Application Insights: Monitor .NET and SQL Server applications.
+ App Mesh : Monitor and control microservices running on AWS.
+ CloudTrail : Monitor AWS deployments in the cloud by getting a history of AWS API
+ calls, including API calls made via the AWS Management Console, the AWS SDKs, the
+ command line tools, and higher-level AWS services.
+ GuardDuty : Continuous security monitoring service.
+ Health : Provides personalized information about events that can affect the AWS
+ infrastructure, guides through scheduled changes, and accelerates the troubleshooting of
+ issues that affect AWS resources and accounts.
+ Inspector : A security vulnerability assessment service that helps improve the
+ security and compliance of
+ AWS resources.
+ Logs : Monitor, store, and access log files from Amazon EC2 instances, AWS
+ CloudTrail, or other sources.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="cognito">
+ Create unique identities, authenticate these identities with identity providers and save mobile
+ user data in the AWS Cloud.
+ Enables cognito-identity, cognito-idp and cognito-sync
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="config">
+ Provides a detailed view of the resources associated with your AWS account, including how they
+ are configured, how they are related to one another, and how the configurations and their
+ relationships have changed over time.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="dlm">
+ Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM):
+ Manage the lifecycle of AWS resources. Create lifecycle policies to automate operations on
+ specified resources.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="ec2">
+ Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a web service that provides resizeable computing capacity.
+ This flag also enables the following modules:
+ Auto Scaling : Set up dynamic and predictive scaling for scalable AWS resources. Also
+ enables autoscaling-plans and application-autoscaling.
+ Elastic File System: EFS provides file storage for Amazon EC2 instances.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="ecr">
+ Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a fully managed Docker container registry.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="ecs">
+ Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, fast, container management service.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="eks">
+ Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a managed service to run Kubernetes on AWS without own Kubernetes clusters.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="elasticache">
+ Set up, manage, and scale distributed in-memory cache environments in the AWS Cloud
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="elasticbeanstalk">Quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS Cloud.</flag>
+ <flag name="elasticloadbalancing">
+ Automatically distribute incoming application traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2
+ instances.
+ Also enables elasticloadbalancingv2.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="elasticmapreduce">
+ Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) processes large amounts of data efficiently using Hadoop
+ processing combined with several AWS products.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="email">
+ Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES):
+ An email platform to send and receive email using ones own email addresses and domains.
+ See:
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="es">
+ Amazon Elasticsearch Configuration Service (ES) is an API to create, configure, and manage
+ Elasticsearch domains.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="events">
+ Serverless event bus service to connect applications with data from a variety of sources.
+ Also enables eventbridge.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="fsx">Amazon FSx is a fully managed service to launch and use shared file storage.</flag>
+ <flag name="globalaccelerator">
+ AWS Global Accelerator is a network layer service for accelerators to improve availability and
+ performance for internet applications used by a global audience.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="iot">AWS IoT
+ This is a meta-flag for all Internet of Things modules provided by the SDK:
+ iot : enables secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected things
+ (such as sensors, actuators, embedded devices, or smart appliances) and the AWS Cloud
+ over MQTT and HTTP.
+ greengrass : Extends AWS onto physical devices so they can act locally on the data they
+ generate.
+ iot1click : A service for simple devices to trigger AWS Lambda functions that execute a
+ specific action.
+ iotanalytics : Provides advanced data analysis for AWS IoT.
+ iotevents : Monitor equipment or device fleets for failures or changes in operation, and
+ trigger actions when such events occur.
+ iotthingsgraph: Integrated set of tools that enable developers to build IoT applications using
+ devices and services that use different data representation standards and communication protocols.
+ Also enables iot1click-devices, iot1click-projects, iot-data, iotevents-data and iot-jobs-data.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="kinesis">
+ Amazon Kinesis
+ Collect, process, and analyze video and data streams in real time. The following modules besides
+ 'kinesis' are enabled:
+ firehose : Load data streams into AWS data stores.
+ kinesisanalytics : Process and analyze streaming data using SQL or Java. (Also
+ enables kinesisanalyticsv2)
+ kinesisvideo : Capture, process, and store video streams for analytics and
+ machine learning.
+ Additionally kinesis-video-archived-media and kinesis-video-media are enabled.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="kms">
+ AWS Key Management Service (KMS)
+ An encryption and key management service scaled for the cloud.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="lex">
+ Amazon Lex is an AWS service for building conversational interfaces into applications using
+ voice and text.
+ Also enables lex-models.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="lambda">AWS Lambda: Run code without provisioning or managing servers.</flag>
+ <flag name="license-manager">
+ Streamlines the process of bringing software vendor licenses to the cloud.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="lightsail">
+ The easiest way to get started with AWS for developers who just need virtual private servers
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="machinelearning">
+ The algorithms of Amazon Machine Learning create machine learning (ML) models by finding
+ patterns in existing data. The service uses these models to process new data and generate
+ predictions for application.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="macie">
+ A security service that uses machine learning to automatically discover, classify, and protect
+ sensitive data in AWS.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="managedblockchain">
+ Create and manage scalable blockchain networks using popular open source frameworks. Currently,
+ Managed Blockchain supports the Hyperledger Fabric open source framework.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="marketplace">
+ AWS Marketplace is an online store where you can buy or sell software that runs on Amazon Web
+ Services (AWS).
+ Marketplace support consists of the marketplacecommerceanalytics module plus:
+ Marketplace Entitlement Service: A contract verification feature that AWS Marketplace sellers
+ can use to verify the amount of the seller’s product (for example, end user licenses or
+ storage, data, or compute capacity) the customer has purchased.
+ Marketplace Metering Service : A pricing and metering feature that AWS Marketplace sellers can
+ use to directly charge for their software along one of four dimensions: users, data,
+ bandwidth, or hosts.
+ Also enables pricing.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="organizations">
+ Account management service that to consolidate multiple AWS accounts into an organization to be
+ centrally managed.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="opsworks">
+ AWS OpsWorks is a simple and flexible way to create and manage stacks and applications.
+ Also enables opsworkscm.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="other">
+ This is a meta-flag for rarely needed modules that in themselves need not much build time. If
+ you would like to have any of the following modules to have their own USE flag, please open a
+ bug report and it will most probably get one.
+ Alexa for Business : Manage Alexa devices, enroll users, and assign skills.
+ AWS Migration Hub : A single location to track migration tasks across multiple AWS tools
+ and partner solutions.
+ Amazon Cloud Directory : Store hundreds of millions of application-specific objects with
+ multiple relationships and schemas.
+ Amazon Comprehend : Natural language processing (NLP) to extract insights about the
+ content of documents without the need of any special preprocessing.
+ Comprehend Medical : Specialized Amazon Comprehend variant to extract insights from
+ clinical documents such as doctor’s notes or clinical trial reports.
+ Amazon Connect : A contact center as a service (CCaS) solution that offers easy, self-
+ service configuration and enables dynamic, personal, and natural customer engagement at
+ any scale.
+ AWS Data Pipeline : A web service to automate the movement and transformation of data.
+ AWS Data Sync : A data-transfer service that simplifies, automates, and accelerates
+ moving and replicating data between on-premises storage systems and AWS storage services
+ over the internet or AWS Direct Connect.
+ AWS Direct Connect : Link your internal network to an AWS Direct Connect location over a
+ standard 1 gigabit or 10 gigabit Ethernet fiber-optic cable.
+ Application Discovery : Automatically identify applications running in on-premises data
+ centers, their associated dependencies, and their performance profile.
+ Database Migration (DMS): Migrate data from a database that is on-premises, on an Amazon
+ Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) DB instance, or in a database on an Amazon
+ Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance to a database on an AWS service.
+ Amazon DocumentDB : Fully managed database service to set up, operate, and scale MongoDB-
+ compatible databases.
+ AWS Directory Service : A web service to setup and run directories in the AWS cloud, or
+ connect AWS resources with an existing on-premises Microsoft Active Directory.
+ Amazon DynamoDB : A fully managed NoSQL database with seamless scalability. Also enables
+ dax and dynamodbstreams.
+ Amazon GameLift : A fully managed service for deploying, operating, and scaling session-
+ based multiplayer game servers in the cloud.
+ Amazon Glue : Fully managed ETL (extract, transform, and load) service to categorize
+ data, clean it, enrich it, and move it reliably between various data stores.
+ Amazon Ground Statíon : Fully managed service that enables you to control satellite
+ communications, process satellite data, and scale your satellite operations.
+ AWS Import/Export : Accelerates transferring large amounts of data between the AWS cloud
+ and portable storage devices that are mailed to Amazon.
+ Amazon Kafka : Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK)
+ AWS Lake Formation : A managed service to set up, secure, and manage your data lakes.
+ Amazon MQ : A managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ to set up and
+ operate message brokers in the cloud.
+ Amazon Mechanical Turk : Request on-demand, scalable, human workforce to complete jobs that
+ humans can do better than computers, such as recognizing objects in photographs.
+ Amazon Neptune : Fast and reliable fully managed graph database service. Supports
+ Apache TinkerPop Gremlin and W3C’s SPARQL
+ Amazon QuickSight : A fast business analytics service to build visualizations, perform ad
+ hoc analysis, and quickly get business insights from your data.
+ Amazon Redshift : Fully managed petabyte-scale data warehouse service.
+ Amazon Robomaker : A service to develop, simulate, and deploy intelligent robotics
+ applications at scale.
+ AWS ServiceCatalog : Create, manage, and distribute portfolios of approved products to end
+ users, who can then access the products they need in a personalized portal.
+ AWS ServiceDiscovery : Use AWS Cloud Map to configure public DNS, private DNS, or HTTP
+ namespaces that microservice applications run in.
+ AWS Service Quotas : Service for viewing and managing quotas
+ AWS Simple DB (SDB) : A web service providing the core database functions of data indexing
+ and querying in the cloud.
+ AWS Code Signer : Use AWS Signer for FreeRTOS to sign code that you created for any of
+ the IoT devices that Amazon Web Services supports.
+ Server Migration Service: (SMS) Combines data collection tools with automated server replication
+ to speed the migration of on-premises servers to AWS.
+ AWS Snowball : A service to transport terabytes or petabytes of data to and from AWS
+ AWS Systems Manager : (SSM) Organize, monitor, and automate management tasks on AWS
+ resources.
+ AWS Step Functions : (states) A service to coordinate the components of distributed
+ applications and microservices using visual workflows.
+ AWS Storage Gateway : Connect on-premises software with cloud-based storage.
+ Amazon Support : Provides support for users of Amazon Web Services.
+ Simple Workflow Service : (SWF) Build applications that coordinate work across distributed
+ components.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="personalize">
+ Real-time personalization and recommendations, based on the same technology used at
+ Also enables personalize-events and personalize-runtime.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="polly">
+ Amazon Polly
+ A Text-to-Speech (TTS) cloud service that converts text into lifelike speech.
+ Also enables text-to-speech.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="queues">
+ AWS Queues is a simple queue class.
+ Allows standard queue operations top, delete, and push. Also has higher level, asynchronous
+ interface with callbacks.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="rds">
+ Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) is a web service to set up, operate, and scale a
+ relational database in the cloud.
+ Also enables pi (Performance Insights) and rds-data.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="route53">
+ AWS Route 53 is a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service.
+ Also enables route53domains and route53resolver.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="rekognition">Add image and video analysis to applications.</flag>
+ <flag name="resource-groups">
+ AWS Resource Groups and Tag Editor
+ Organize AWS resources into groups, tag resources using virtually any criteria, and manage,
+ monitor, and automate tasks on grouped resources.
+ Also enables resourcegroupstaggingapi. (Resource Groups Tagging API)
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="s3">
+ Amazon Simple Storage Service Storage for the internet.
+ Additionally to the s3 module, the following modules are activated:
+ Athena : Interactive query service to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL.
+ Glacier : Storage solution for 'cold data'.
+ Transfer for SFTP: Transfer files directly into and out of Amazon S3 using SFTP.
+ Also enables s3-encryption, s3control and transfer.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="sagemaker">
+ Amazon SageMaker
+ Fully managed machine learning service. With Amazon SageMaker, data scientists and developers
+ can quickly and easily build and train machine learning models, and then directly deploy them
+ into a production-ready hosted environment.
+ Also enables sagemaker-runtime.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="secretsmanager">
+ Encrypt, store, and retrieve credentials for databases and other services.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="securityhub">Provides a comprehensive view of the security state of AWS resources.</flag>
+ <flag name="serverlessrepo">
+ AWS Serverless Application Repository
+ Enables teams, organizations, and individual developers to find, deploy, publish, share, store,
+ and easily assemble serverless architectures.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="shield">AWS Shield, protection against DDoS attacks</flag>
+ <flag name="sns">
+ Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a web service that enables applications, end-users,
+ and devices to instantly send and receive notifications from the cloud.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="sqs">
+ Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS): Fully managed message queuing service that makes it easy to
+ decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="textract">
+ Amazon Textract to add document text detection and analysis to applications.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="transcribe">
+ A transcription services for audio files. It uses advanced machine learning technologies to
+ recognize spoken words and transcribe them into text.
+ Also enables transcribestreaming.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="translate">
+ A neural machine translation service for translating text to and from English across a breadth
+ of supported languages.
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="waf">
+ The Web Application Firewall (WAF) can monitor web requests that are forwarded to Amazon
+ CloudFront distributions or an Application Load Balancer. Can also be used to block or allow
+ requests based on conditions such as the IP addresses that requests originate from or values in
+ the requests.
+ Also enables fms and waf-regional.
+ </flag>