diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 13:49:04 -0700
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 17:38:18 -0700
commit56bd759df1d0c750a065b8c845e93d5dfa6b549d (patch)
tree3f91093cdb475e565ae857f1c5a7fd339e2d781e /eclass/tests
proj/gentoo: Initial commit
This commit represents a new era for Gentoo: Storing the gentoo-x86 tree in Git, as converted from CVS. This commit is the start of the NEW history. Any historical data is intended to be grafted onto this point. Creation process: 1. Take final CVS checkout snapshot 2. Remove ALL ChangeLog* files 3. Transform all Manifests to thin 4. Remove empty Manifests 5. Convert all stale $Header$/$Id$ CVS keywords to non-expanded Git $Id$ 5.1. Do not touch files with -kb/-ko keyword flags. Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <> X-Thanks: Alec Warner <> - did the GSoC 2006 migration tests X-Thanks: Robin H. Johnson <> - infra guy, herding this project X-Thanks: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <> - Former Gentoo developer, wrote Git features for the migration X-Thanks: Brian Harring <> - wrote much python to improve cvs2svn X-Thanks: Rich Freeman <> - validation scripts X-Thanks: Patrick Lauer <> - Gentoo dev, running new 2014 work in migration X-Thanks: Michał Górny <> - scripts, QA, nagging X-Thanks: All of other Gentoo developers - many ideas and lots of paint on the bikeshed
Diffstat (limited to 'eclass/tests')
20 files changed, 1729 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..e164796f0916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit autotools
+test-it() {
+ tbegin "eaclocal_amflags $1: $2"
+ printf "ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = %b\n" "$2" >
+ local flags=$(eaclocal_amflags) exp=${3:-$2}
+ [[ "${flags}" == "${exp}" ]]
+ if ! tend $? ; then
+ printf '### INPUT:\n%s\n' "$2"
+ printf '### FILE:\n%s\n' "$(<"
+ printf '### EXPECTED:\n%s\n' "${exp}"
+ printf '### ACTUAL:\n%s\n' "${flags}"
+ fi
+ rm
+test-it simple "-Im4"
+test-it simple "-I m4 -I lakdjfladsfj /////"
+test-it shell-exec '`echo hi`' "hi"
+test-it shell-exec '`echo {0..3}`' "0 1 2 3"
+test-it multiline '-I oneline \\\n\t-I twoline' "-I oneline -I twoline"
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..c5501bdcde74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
+test-phase_name_free() {
+ local ph=${1}
+ if declare -f "${ph}"; then
+ die "${ph} function declared while name reserved for phase!"
+ fi
+ if declare -f "${ph}_all"; then
+ die "${ph}_all function declared while name reserved for phase!"
+ fi
+inherit distutils-r1
+tbegin "sane function names"
+test-phase_name_free python_prepare
+test-phase_name_free python_configure
+test-phase_name_free python_compile
+test-phase_name_free python_test
+test-phase_name_free python_install
+tend ${failed}
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..65dc89c9f258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+inherit eutils
+test-it() {
+ local s0 s1 s2
+ tbegin "push/pop '$*'"
+ s0=$(shopt -p)
+ t eshopts_push $*
+ s1=$(shopt -p)
+ t eshopts_pop
+ s2=$(shopt -p)
+ [[ ${s0} == "${s2}" ]] && \
+ [[ ${s1} == *"shopt $*"* ]]
+ tend $?
+# should handle bug #395025
+for arg in nullglob dotglob extglob ; do
+ for flag in s u ; do
+ test-it -${flag} ${arg}
+ done
+tbegin "multi push/pop"
+s0=$(shopt -p)
+t eshopts_push -s dotglob
+t eshopts_push -u dotglob
+t eshopts_push -s extglob
+t eshopts_push -u dotglob
+t eshopts_push -s dotglob
+t eshopts_pop
+t eshopts_pop
+t eshopts_pop
+t eshopts_pop
+t eshopts_pop
+s1=$(shopt -p)
+[[ ${s0} == "${s1}" ]]
+tend $?
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..c029c9b1dae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+tbegin "initial stack state"
+estack_pop teststack
+# Should be empty and thus return 1
+[[ $? -eq 1 ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "simple push/pop"
+estack_push ttt 1
+estack_pop ttt
+[[ ${pu}${po} == "00" ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "simple push/pop var"
+estack_push xxx "boo ga boo"
+estack_pop xxx i
+[[ ${pu}${po} == "00" ]] && [[ ${i} == "boo ga boo" ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "multi push/pop"
+estack_push yyy {1..10}
+while estack_pop yyy ; do
+ : $(( i++ ))
+[[ ${pu} -eq 0 && ${i} -eq 10 ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "umask push/pop"
+eumask_push 0000
+[[ ${pu}${po}:${u0}:${u1}:${u2} == "00:${u0}:0000:${u0}" ]]
+tend $?
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..1e53a873e901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+tbegin "simple push/pop"
+evar_push VAR
+[[ ${pu}${po}${VAR} == "001" ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "unset push/pop"
+unset VAR
+evar_push VAR
+[[ ${pu}${po}${VAR+set} == "00" ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "empty push/pop"
+evar_push VAR
+[[ ${pu}${po}${VAR+set}${VAR} == "00set" ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "export push/pop"
+export VAR=exported
+evar_push VAR
+var=$(bash -c 'echo ${VAR}')
+[[ ${pu}${po}${var} == "00exported" ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "unexport push/pop"
+unset VAR
+evar_push VAR
+var=$(bash -c 'echo ${VAR+set}')
+[[ ${pu}${po}${VAR}${var} == "00not-exported" ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "multi push/pop"
+A=a B=b C=c
+evar_push A B C
+A=A B=B C=C
+evar_pop 1
+[[ ${A}${B}${C} == "ABc" ]]
+evar_pop 2
+var=$(bash -c 'echo ${VAR+set}')
+[[ ${pu}${po1}${po2}${po3}${A}${B}${C} == "0000abc" ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "simple push_set/pop"
+evar_push_set VAR 2
+[[ ${VAR} == "2" ]]
+[[ ${pu}${po1}${po2}${VAR} == "0001" ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "unset push_set/pop"
+evar_push_set VAR
+[[ ${VAR+set} != "set" ]]
+[[ ${pu}${po1}${po2}${VAR} == "0001" ]]
+tend $?
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..a3d1f993f7d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+test-path_exists() {
+ local exp=$1; shift
+ tbegin "path_exists($*) == ${exp}"
+ path_exists "$@"
+ [[ ${exp} -eq $? ]]
+ tend $?
+test-path_exists 1
+test-path_exists 1 -a
+test-path_exists 1 -o
+good="/ . /bin/bash"
+test-path_exists 0 ${good}
+test-path_exists 0 -a ${good}
+test-path_exists 0 -o ${good}
+bad="/asjdkfljasdlfkja jlakjdsflkasjdflkasdjflkasdjflaskdjf"
+test-path_exists 1 ${bad}
+test-path_exists 1 -a ${bad}
+test-path_exists 1 -o ${bad}
+test-path_exists 1 ${good} ${bad}
+test-path_exists 1 -a ${good} ${bad}
+test-path_exists 0 -o ${good} ${bad}
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..762a5f74d94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit flag-o-matic
+CFLAGS="-a -b -c=1"
+CXXFLAGS="-x -y -z=2"
+LDFLAGS="-l -m -n=3"
+ftend() {
+ local ret=$?
+ local msg="Failed; flags are:"
+ local flag
+ for flag in $(all-flag-vars) ; do
+ msg+=$'\n\t'"${flag}=${!flag}"
+ done
+ tend ${ret} "${msg}"
+tbegin "is-flag"
+! (is-flag 1 2 3) 2>/dev/null
+tbegin "is-ldflag"
+! (is-ldflag 1 2 3) 2>/dev/null
+while read exp flag ; do
+ [[ -z ${exp}${flag} ]] && continue
+ tbegin "is-flagq ${flag}"
+ is-flagq ${flag}
+ [[ ${exp} -eq $? ]]
+ ftend
+done <<<"
+ 1 -L
+ 0 -a
+ 0 -x
+while read exp flag ; do
+ [[ -z ${exp}${flag} ]] && continue
+ tbegin "is-ldflagq ${flag}"
+ is-ldflagq "${flag}"
+ [[ ${exp} -eq $? ]]
+ ftend
+done <<<"
+ 1 -a
+ 0 -n=*
+ 1 -n
+tbegin "strip-unsupported-flags"
+[[ ${CFLAGS} == "" ]] && [[ ${CXXFLAGS} == "-z=2" ]]
+for var in $(all-flag-vars) ; do
+ eval ${var}=\"-filter -filter-glob -foo-${var%FLAGS}\"
+tbegin "filter-flags basic"
+filter-flags -filter
+for var in $(all-flag-vars) ; do
+ val=${!var}
+ [[ ${val} == "-filter-glob -foo-${var%FLAGS}" ]] || exit 1
+tbegin "filter-flags glob"
+filter-flags '-filter-*'
+for var in $(all-flag-vars) ; do
+ val=${!var}
+ [[ ${val} == "-foo-${var%FLAGS}" ]] || exit 1
+tbegin "strip-flags basic"
+CXXFLAGS+=" -O999 "
+[[ -z ${CFLAGS}${LDFLAGS}${CPPFLAGS} && ${CXXFLAGS} == "-O2" ]]
+tbegin "replace-flags basic"
+CFLAGS="-O0 -foo"
+replace-flags -O0 -O1
+[[ ${CFLAGS} == "-O1 -foo" ]]
+tbegin "replace-flags glob"
+CXXFLAGS="-O0 -mcpu=bad -cow"
+replace-flags '-mcpu=*' -mcpu=good
+[[ ${CXXFLAGS} == "-O0 -mcpu=good -cow" ]]
+tbegin "append-cflags basic"
+append-cflags -O0
+[[ ${CFLAGS} == " -O0" ]]
+tbegin "append-cflags -DFOO='a b c'"
+append-cflags '-DFOO="a b c"'
+[[ ${CFLAGS} == ' -DFOO="a b c"' ]]
+tbegin "raw-ldflags"
+LDFLAGS='-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -flto'
+[[ ${LDFLAGS} == '-O1 --as-needed -z now' ]]
+tbegin "test-flags-CC (valid flags)"
+out=$(test-flags-CC -O3)
+[[ $? -eq 0 && ${out} == "-O3" ]]
+tbegin "test-flags-CC (invalid flags)"
+out=$(test-flags-CC -finvalid-flag)
+[[ $? -ne 0 && -z ${out} ]]
+if type -P clang >/dev/null ; then
+tbegin "test-flags-CC (valid flags w/clang)"
+out=$(CC=clang test-flags-CC -O3)
+[[ $? -eq 0 && ${out} == "-O3" ]]
+tbegin "test-flags-CC (invalid flags w/clang)"
+out=$(CC=clang test-flags-CC -finvalid-flag)
+[[ $? -ne 0 && -z ${out} ]]
+tbegin "test-flags-CC (gcc-valid but clang-invalid flags)"
+out=$(CC=clang test-flags-CC -finline-limit=1200)
+[[ $? -ne 0 && -z ${out} ]]
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..3de6f059752f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit git-r3
+mkdir "${testdir}" || die "unable to mkdir testdir"
+cd "${testdir}" || die "unable to cd to testdir"
+mkdir "${EGIT3_STORE_DIR}" || die "unable to mkdir store"
+test_file() {
+ local fn=${1}
+ local expect=${2}
+ if [[ ! -f ${fn} ]]; then
+ eerror "${fn} does not exist (not checked out?)"
+ else
+ local got=$(<"${fn}")
+ if [[ ${got} != ${expect} ]]; then
+ eerror "${fn}, expected: ${expect}, got: ${got}"
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 1
+test_no_file() {
+ local fn=${1}
+ if [[ -f ${fn} ]]; then
+ eerror "${fn} exists (wtf?!)"
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+ return 1
+test_repo_clean() {
+ local P=${P}_${FUNCNAME#test_}
+ (
+ mkdir repo
+ cd repo
+ git init -q
+ echo test > file
+ git add file
+ git commit -m 1 -q
+ echo other-text > file2
+ git add file2
+ git commit -m 2 -q
+ ) || die "unable to prepare repo"
+ # we need to use an array to preserve whitespace
+ local EGIT_REPO_URI=(
+ "ext::git daemon --export-all --base-path=. --inetd %G/repo"
+ )
+ tbegin "fetching from a simple repo"
+ (
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ test_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file" test && \
+ test_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file2" other-text
+ ) &>fetch.log
+ eend ${?} || cat fetch.log
+test_repo_revert() {
+ local P=${P}_${FUNCNAME#test_}
+ (
+ cd repo
+ git revert -n HEAD^
+ git commit -m r1 -q
+ ) || die "unable to prepare repo"
+ # we need to use an array to preserve whitespace
+ local EGIT_REPO_URI=(
+ "ext::git daemon --export-all --base-path=. --inetd %G/repo"
+ )
+ tbegin "fetching revert"
+ (
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ test_no_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file" && \
+ test_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file2" other-text
+ ) &>fetch.log
+ eend ${?} || cat fetch.log
+test_repo_branch() {
+ local P=${P}_${FUNCNAME#test_}
+ (
+ cd repo
+ git branch -q other-branch HEAD^
+ git checkout -q other-branch
+ echo one-more > file3
+ git add file3
+ git commit -m 3 -q
+ git checkout -q master
+ ) || die "unable to prepare repo"
+ # we need to use an array to preserve whitespace
+ local EGIT_REPO_URI=(
+ "ext::git daemon --export-all --base-path=. --inetd %G/repo"
+ )
+ local EGIT_BRANCH=other-branch
+ tbegin "switching branches"
+ (
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ test_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file" test && \
+ test_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file2" other-text && \
+ test_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file3" one-more
+ ) &>fetch.log
+ eend ${?} || cat fetch.log
+test_repo_merge() {
+ local P=${P}_${FUNCNAME#test_}
+ (
+ cd repo
+ git branch -q one-more-branch HEAD^
+ git checkout -q one-more-branch
+ echo foobarbaz > file3
+ git add file3
+ git commit -m 3b -q
+ git checkout -q master
+ git merge -m 4 -q one-more-branch
+ ) || die "unable to prepare repo"
+ # we need to use an array to preserve whitespace
+ local EGIT_REPO_URI=(
+ "ext::git daemon --export-all --base-path=. --inetd %G/repo"
+ )
+ tbegin "fetching a merge commit"
+ (
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ test_no_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file" && \
+ test_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file2" other-text && \
+ test_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file3" foobarbaz
+ ) &>fetch.log
+ eend ${?} || cat fetch.log
+test_repo_revert_merge() {
+ local P=${P}_${FUNCNAME#test_}
+ (
+ cd repo
+ git branch -q to-be-reverted
+ git checkout -q to-be-reverted
+ echo trrm > file3
+ git add file3
+ git commit -m 5b -q
+ git checkout -q master
+ echo trrm > file2
+ git add file2
+ git commit -m 5 -q
+ git merge -m 6 -q to-be-reverted
+ echo trrm > file
+ git add file
+ git commit -m 7 -q
+ git revert -m 1 -n HEAD^
+ git commit -m 7r -q
+ ) || die "unable to prepare repo"
+ # we need to use an array to preserve whitespace
+ local EGIT_REPO_URI=(
+ "ext::git daemon --export-all --base-path=. --inetd %G/repo"
+ )
+ tbegin "fetching a revert of a merge commit"
+ (
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ test_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file" trrm && \
+ test_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file2" trrm && \
+ test_file "${WORKDIR}/${P}/file3" foobarbaz
+ ) &>fetch.log
+ eend ${?} || cat fetch.log
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..38ed723c8a83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit git-r3
+mkdir "${testdir}" || die "unable to mkdir testdir"
+cd "${testdir}" || die "unable to cd to testdir"
+mkdir "${EGIT3_STORE_DIR}" || die "unable to mkdir store"
+# Test cleaning up canonical repo URI
+test_repouri() {
+ local uri=${1}
+ local expect=${2}
+ local -x GIT_DIR
+ tbegin "GIT_DIR for ${uri}"
+ _git-r3_set_gitdir "${uri}" &>/dev/null
+ local got=${GIT_DIR#${EGIT3_STORE_DIR}/}
+ [[ ${expect} == ${got} ]]
+ tend ${?} || eerror "Expected: ${expect}, got: ${got}"
+test_repouri git:// proj_portage.git
+test_repouri proj_portage.git
+test_repouri git+ssh:// proj_portage.git
+test_repouri git:// mesa_mesa.git
+test_repouri ssh:// mesa_mesa.git
+test_repouri mesa_mesa.git
+test_repouri mesa_mesa.git
+test_repouri snakeoil.git
+test_repouri git:// xournal_code.git
+test_repouri xournal_code.git
+test_repouri git:// glibmm.git
+test_repouri glibmm.git
+test_repouri ssh:// glibmm.git
+test_repouri git:// git_git.git
+test_repouri git_git.git
+test_repouri git_git.git
+test_repouri git_git.git
+#test_repouri mgorny_python-exec.git
+test_repouri mgorny_python-exec.git
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..4a66a1c3707b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit git-r3
+# Test getting submodule URIs
+test_subrepos() {
+ local suburi=${1}
+ local expect=( "${@:2}" )
+ tbegin "subrepos for ${suburi} -> ${expect[0]}${expect[1]+...}"
+ local subrepos
+ _git-r3_set_subrepos "${suburi}" "${repos[@]}"
+ [[ ${expect[@]} == ${subrepos[@]} ]]
+ tend ${?} || eerror "Expected: ${expect[@]}, got: ${subrepos[@]}"
+# parent repos
+repos=( http://foohub/fooman/foo.git git://foohub/fooman/foo.git )
+# absolute URI
+test_subrepos http://foo/bar http://foo/bar
+test_subrepos /foo/bar /foo/bar
+# plain relative URI
+test_subrepos ./baz http://foohub/fooman/foo.git/baz git://foohub/fooman/foo.git/baz
+# backward relative URIs
+test_subrepos ../baz.git http://foohub/fooman/baz.git git://foohub/fooman/baz.git
+test_subrepos ../../bazman/baz.git http://foohub/bazman/baz.git git://foohub/bazman/baz.git
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..d5b36a5d8902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit linux-info
+test_get_running_version() {
+ local test_kv=$1 major=$2 minor=$3 patch=$4 extra=$5
+ tbegin "get_running_version ${test_kv}"
+ uname() { echo "${test_kv}" ; }
+ ROOT=/:/:/:/: get_running_version
+ local r=$?
+ [[ ${r} -eq 0 &&
+ ${major} == "${KV_MAJOR}" &&
+ ${minor} == "${KV_MINOR}" &&
+ ${patch} == "${KV_PATCH}" &&
+ ${extra} == "${KV_EXTRA}" ]]
+ tend $? "FAIL: {ret: ${r}==0} {major: ${major}==${KV_MAJOR}} {minor: ${minor}==${KV_MINOR}} {patch: ${patch}==${KV_PATCH}} {extra: ${extra}==${KV_EXTRA}}"
+ 1.2.3 1 2 3 ''
+ 1 2 3 .4
+ 1.2.3-ver+1.4 1 2 3 -ver+1.4
+ 1.2-kern.3 1 2 0 -kern.3
+ 1.2+kern.5 1 2 0 +kern.5
+ 1.2.3_blah 1 2 3 _blah
+ 3.2.1-zen-vs2.3.2.5+ 3 2 1 -zen-vs2.3.2.5+
+for (( i = 0; i < ${#tests[@]}; i += 5 )) ; do
+ test_get_running_version "${tests[@]:i:5}"
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..d20cb6ea08d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit multiprocessing
+tbegin "simple"
+MAKEOPTS="-j1" multijob_init
+multijob_child_init ls -d / >/dev/null || die "fail!"
+tend $?
+tbegin "less simple"
+multijob_init -j3
+multijob_child_init true || die "fail!"
+multijob_child_init false || die "fail!"
+multijob_child_init true || die "fail!"
+tend $(( $? == 1 ? 0 : 1 ))
+tbegin "less less simple"
+multijob_init -j1
+multijob_child_init true || die "fail!"
+multijob_child_init false || die "fail!"
+multijob_child_init true && die "fail!"
+tend $?
+tbegin "less less less simple"
+multijob_init -j10
+multijob_child_init true || die "fail!"
+multijob_finish_one || die "fail!"
+multijob_child_init false || die "fail!"
+multijob_finish_one && die "fail!"
+multijob_child_init true || die "fail!"
+multijob_finish_one || die "fail!"
+tend $?
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..017d491156a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit multiprocessing
+test-makeopts_jobs() {
+ local exp=$1; shift
+ tbegin "makeopts_jobs($*) == ${exp}"
+ local act=$(makeopts_jobs "$@")
+ [[ ${act} == "${exp}" ]]
+ tend $? "Got back: ${act}"
+ 999 "-j"
+ 999 "--jobs"
+ 1 ""
+ 1 "-l9 -w"
+ 1 "-l9 -w-j4"
+ 1 "-l9--jobs=3"
+ 1 "-l9--jobs=8"
+ 2 "-j2"
+ 3 "-j 3"
+ 4 "-l3 -j 4 -w"
+ 5 "--jobs=5"
+ 6 "--jobs 6"
+ 7 "-l3 --jobs 7 -w"
+ 4 "-j1 -j 2 --jobs 3 --jobs=4"
+ 8 " -j 8 "
+for (( i = 0; i < ${#tests[@]}; i += 2 )) ; do
+ test-makeopts_jobs "${tests[i]}" "${tests[i+1]}"
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..e49636a6111a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+test_var() {
+ local var=${1}
+ local impl=${2}
+ local expect=${3}
+ tbegin "${var} for ${impl}"
+ local ${var}
+ python_export ${impl} ${var}
+ [[ ${!var} == ${expect} ]] || eerror "(${impl}: ${var}: ${!var} != ${expect}"
+ tend ${?}
+test_is() {
+ local func=${1}
+ local expect=${2}
+ tbegin "${func} (expecting: ${expect})"
+ ${func}
+ [[ ${?} == ${expect} ]]
+ tend ${?}
+test_fix_shebang() {
+ local from=${1}
+ local to=${2}
+ local expect=${3}
+ local args=( "${@:4}" )
+ tbegin "python_fix_shebang${args[@]+ ${args[*]}} from ${from} to ${to} (exp: ${expect})"
+ echo "${from}" > "${tmpfile}"
+ output=$( EPYTHON=${to} python_fix_shebang "${args[@]}" -q "${tmpfile}" 2>&1 )
+ if [[ ${?} != 0 ]]; then
+ if [[ ${expect} != FAIL ]]; then
+ echo "${output}"
+ tend 1
+ else
+ tend 0
+ fi
+ else
+ [[ $(<"${tmpfile}") == ${expect} ]] \
+ || eerror "${from} -> ${to}: $(<"${tmpfile}") != ${expect}"
+ tend ${?}
+ fi
+inherit python-utils-r1
+test_var EPYTHON python2_7 python2.7
+test_var PYTHON python2_7 /usr/bin/python2.7
+test_var PYTHON_SITEDIR python2_7 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages
+test_var PYTHON_INCLUDEDIR python2_7 /usr/include/python2.7
+test_var PYTHON_LIBPATH python2_7 /usr/lib/libpython2.7$(get_libname)
+test_var PYTHON_PKG_DEP python2_7 '*dev-lang/python*:2.7'
+test_var PYTHON_SCRIPTDIR python2_7 /usr/lib/python-exec/python2.7
+test_var EPYTHON python3_3 python3.3
+test_var PYTHON python3_3 /usr/bin/python3.3
+test_var PYTHON_SITEDIR python3_3 /usr/lib/python3.3/site-packages
+test_var PYTHON_INCLUDEDIR python3_3 /usr/include/python3.3
+test_var PYTHON_LIBPATH python3_3 /usr/lib/libpython3.3$(get_libname)
+test_var PYTHON_PKG_DEP python3_3 '*dev-lang/python*:3.3'
+test_var PYTHON_SCRIPTDIR python3_3 /usr/lib/python-exec/python3.3
+test_var EPYTHON jython2_7 jython2.7
+test_var PYTHON jython2_7 /usr/bin/jython2.7
+test_var PYTHON_SITEDIR jython2_7 /usr/share/jython-2.7/Lib/site-packages
+test_var PYTHON_PKG_DEP jython2_7 '*dev-java/jython*:2.7'
+test_var PYTHON_SCRIPTDIR jython2_7 /usr/lib/python-exec/jython2.7
+test_var EPYTHON pypy pypy
+test_var PYTHON pypy /usr/bin/pypy
+test_var PYTHON_SITEDIR pypy /usr/lib/pypy/site-packages
+test_var PYTHON_INCLUDEDIR pypy /usr/lib/pypy/include
+test_var PYTHON_PKG_DEP pypy '*virtual/pypy*:0='
+test_var PYTHON_SCRIPTDIR pypy /usr/lib/python-exec/pypy
+test_var EPYTHON pypy3 pypy3
+test_var PYTHON pypy3 /usr/bin/pypy3
+test_var PYTHON_SITEDIR pypy3 /usr/lib/pypy3/site-packages
+test_var PYTHON_INCLUDEDIR pypy3 /usr/lib/pypy3/include
+test_var PYTHON_PKG_DEP pypy3 '*virtual/pypy3*:0='
+test_var PYTHON_SCRIPTDIR pypy3 /usr/lib/python-exec/pypy3
+test_is "python_is_python3 python2.7" 1
+test_is "python_is_python3 python3.2" 0
+test_is "python_is_python3 jython2.7" 1
+test_is "python_is_python3 pypy" 1
+test_is "python_is_python3 pypy3" 0
+# generic shebangs
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python' python2.7 '#!/usr/bin/python2.7'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python' python3.4 '#!/usr/bin/python3.4'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python' pypy '#!/usr/bin/pypy'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python' pypy3 '#!/usr/bin/pypy3'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python' jython2.7 '#!/usr/bin/jython2.7'
+# python2/python3 matching
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python2' python2.7 '#!/usr/bin/python2.7'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python3' python2.7 FAIL
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python3' python2.7 '#!/usr/bin/python2.7' --force
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python3' python3.4 '#!/usr/bin/python3.4'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python2' python3.4 FAIL
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python2' python3.4 '#!/usr/bin/python3.4' --force
+# pythonX.Y matching (those mostly test the patterns)
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python2.7' python2.7 '#!/usr/bin/python2.7'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python2.7' python3.2 FAIL
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python2.7' python3.2 '#!/usr/bin/python3.2' --force
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python3.2' python3.2 '#!/usr/bin/python3.2'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python3.2' python2.7 FAIL
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python3.2' python2.7 '#!/usr/bin/python2.7' --force
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/pypy' pypy '#!/usr/bin/pypy'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/pypy' python2.7 FAIL
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/pypy' python2.7 '#!/usr/bin/python2.7' --force
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/jython2.7' jython2.7 '#!/usr/bin/jython2.7'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/jython2.7' jython3.2 FAIL
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/jython2.7' jython3.2 '#!/usr/bin/jython3.2' --force
+# fancy path handling
+test_fix_shebang '#!/mnt/python2/usr/bin/python' python3.4 \
+ '#!/mnt/python2/usr/bin/python3.4'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/mnt/python2/usr/bin/python2' python2.7 \
+ '#!/mnt/python2/usr/bin/python2.7'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/mnt/python2/usr/bin/env python' python2.7 \
+ '#!/mnt/python2/usr/bin/env python2.7'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/mnt/python2/usr/bin/python2 python2' python2.7 \
+ '#!/mnt/python2/usr/bin/python2.7 python2'
+test_fix_shebang '#!/mnt/python2/usr/bin/python3 python2' python2.7 FAIL
+test_fix_shebang '#!/mnt/python2/usr/bin/python3 python2' python2.7 \
+ '#!/mnt/python2/usr/bin/python2.7 python2' --force
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/foo' python2.7 FAIL
+# regression test for bug #522080
+test_fix_shebang '#!/usr/bin/python ' python2.7 '#!/usr/bin/python2.7 '
+# make sure we don't break pattern matching
+test_is "_python_impl_supported python2_5" 1
+test_is "_python_impl_supported python2_6" 1
+test_is "_python_impl_supported python2_7" 0
+test_is "_python_impl_supported python3_1" 1
+test_is "_python_impl_supported python3_2" 1
+test_is "_python_impl_supported python3_3" 0
+test_is "_python_impl_supported python3_4" 0
+test_is "_python_impl_supported pypy1_8" 1
+test_is "_python_impl_supported pypy1_9" 1
+test_is "_python_impl_supported pypy2_0" 1
+test_is "_python_impl_supported pypy" 0
+test_is "_python_impl_supported pypy3" 0
+test_is "_python_impl_supported jython2_5" 0
+test_is "_python_impl_supported jython2_7" 0
+rm "${tmpfile}"
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..c4a3ce824fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit savedconfig
+quiet() {
+ local out ret
+ out=$("$@" 2>&1)
+ ret=$?
+ [[ ${ret} -eq 0 ]] || echo "${out}"
+ return ${ret}
+sc() { EBUILD_PHASE=install quiet save_config "$@" ; }
+rc() { EBUILD_PHASE=prepare quiet restore_config "$@" ; }
+cleanup() { rm -rf "${ED}"/* "${T}"/* "${WORKDIR}"/* ; }
+test-it() {
+ local ret=0
+ tbegin "$@"
+ mkdir -p "${ED}"/etc/portage/savedconfig
+ : $(( ret |= $? ))
+ pushd "${WORKDIR}" >/dev/null
+ : $(( ret |= $? ))
+ test
+ : $(( ret |= $? ))
+ popd >/dev/null
+ : $(( ret |= $? ))
+ tend ${ret}
+ cleanup
+test() {
+ touch f || return 1
+ sc f || return 1
+ [[ -f ${ED}/etc/portage/savedconfig/${CATEGORY}/${PF} ]]
+test-it "simple save_config"
+test() {
+ touch a b c || return 1
+ sc a b c || return 1
+ [[ -d ${ED}/etc/portage/savedconfig/${CATEGORY}/${PF} ]]
+test-it "multi save_config"
+test() {
+ mkdir dir || return 1
+ touch dir/{a,b,c} || return 1
+ sc dir || return 1
+ [[ -d ${ED}/etc/portage/savedconfig/${CATEGORY}/${PF} ]]
+test-it "dir save_config"
+test() {
+ echo "ggg" > f || return 1
+ rc f || return 1
+ [[ $(<f) == "ggg" ]]
+test-it "simple restore_config"
+test() {
+ echo "ggg" > f || return 1
+ rc f || return 1
+ [[ $(<f) == "ggg" ]] || return 1
+ sc f || return 1
+ echo "hhh" > f || return 1
+ rc f || return 1
+ [[ $(<f) == "ggg" ]]
+test-it "simple restore+save config"
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..5a65fbe63ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit scons-utils
+test-scons_clean_makeopts() {
+ local sconsopts=$(scons_clean_makeopts ${1})
+ if [[ ${sconsopts} != ${2-${1}} ]]; then
+ eerror "Self-test failed:"
+ eindent
+ eerror "MAKEOPTS: ${1}"
+ eerror "Expected: ${2-${1}}"
+ eerror "Actual: ${sconsopts}"
+ eoutdent
+ (( ++failed ))
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+# jobcount expected for non-specified state
+# failed test counter
+tbegin "scons_clean_makeopts()"
+# sane MAKEOPTS
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '--jobs=14 -k'
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '--jobs=14 -k'
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '--jobs 15 -k'
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '--jobs=16 --keep-going'
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '-j17 --keep-going'
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '-j 18 --keep-going'
+# needing cleaning
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '--jobs -k' "--jobs=${jc} -k"
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '--jobs --keep-going' "--jobs=${jc} --keep-going"
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '-kj' "-kj ${jc}"
+# broken by definition (but passed as it breaks make as well)
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '-jk'
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '--jobs=randum'
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '-kjrandum'
+# needing stripping
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '--load-average=25 -kj16' '-kj16'
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '--load-average 25 -k -j17' '-k -j17'
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '-j2 HOME=/tmp' '-j2'
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '--jobs funnystuff -k' "--jobs=${jc} -k"
+# bug #388961
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '--jobs -l3' "--jobs=${jc}"
+test-scons_clean_makeopts '-j -l3' "-j ${jc}"
+tend ${failed}
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d3095e5fc350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+if ! source /lib/gentoo/ ; then
+ echo "Missing Please install sys-apps/gentoo-functions!" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+# Let overlays override this so they can add their own testsuites.
+inherit() {
+ local e path
+ for e in "$@" ; do
+ for path in "${TESTS_ECLASS_SEARCH_PATHS[@]}" ; do
+ local eclass=${path}/${e}.eclass
+ if [[ -e "${eclass}" ]] ; then
+ source "${eclass}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ die "could not find ${eclass}"
+debug-print() {
+ [[ ${#} -eq 0 ]] && return
+ if [[ ${ECLASS_DEBUG_OUTPUT} == on ]]; then
+ printf 'debug: %s\n' "${@}" >&2
+ elif [[ -n ${ECLASS_DEBUG_OUTPUT} ]]; then
+ printf 'debug: %s\n' "${@}" >> "${ECLASS_DEBUG_OUTPUT}"
+ fi
+debug-print-function() {
+ debug-print "${1}, parameters: ${*:2}"
+debug-print-section() {
+ debug-print "now in section ${*}"
+has() {
+ local needle=$1
+ shift
+ local x
+ for x in "$@"; do
+ [ "${x}" = "${needle}" ] && return 0
+ done
+ return 1
+use() { has "$1" ${IUSE} ; }
+die() {
+ echo "die: $*" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+has_version() {
+ portageq has_version / "$@"
+KV_major() {
+ [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
+ local KV=$@
+ echo "${KV%%.*}"
+KV_minor() {
+ [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
+ local KV=$@
+ KV=${KV#*.}
+ echo "${KV%%.*}"
+KV_micro() {
+ [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
+ local KV=$@
+ KV=${KV#*.*.}
+ echo "${KV%%[^[:digit:]]*}"
+KV_to_int() {
+ [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
+ local KV_MAJOR=$(KV_major "$1")
+ local KV_MINOR=$(KV_minor "$1")
+ local KV_MICRO=$(KV_micro "$1")
+ local KV_int=$(( KV_MAJOR * 65536 + KV_MINOR * 256 + KV_MICRO ))
+ # We make version 2.2.0 the minimum version we will handle as
+ # a sanity check ... if its less, we fail ...
+ if [[ ${KV_int} -ge 131584 ]] ; then
+ echo "${KV_int}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ return 1
+tbegin() {
+ ebegin "Testing $*"
+texit() {
+ rm -rf "${tmpdir}"
+ exit ${tret}
+tend() {
+ t eend "$@"
+t() {
+ "$@"
+ local ret=$?
+ : $(( tret |= ${ret} ))
+ return ${ret}
+mkdir -p "${D}" "${T}" "${WORKDIR}"
+dodir() {
+ mkdir -p "${@/#/${ED}/}"
+elog() { einfo "$@" ; }
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..41c1ae59306b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit toolchain-funcs
+# TEST: tc-arch-kernel
+test-tc-arch-kernel() {
+ local ret=0
+ KV=$1 ; shift
+ for CHOST in "$@" ; do
+ exp=${CHOST##*:}
+ CHOST=${CHOST%%:*}
+ actual=$(tc-arch-kernel)
+ if [[ ${actual} != ${exp:-${CHOST}} ]] ; then
+ eerror "Failure for CHOST: ${CHOST} Expected: ${exp} != Actual: ${actual}"
+ ((++ret))
+ fi
+ done
+ return ${ret}
+tbegin "tc-arch-kernel() (KV=2.6.0)"
+test-tc-arch-kernel 2.6.0 \
+ alpha arm{,eb}:arm avr32 bfin:blackfin cris hppa:parisc \
+ i{3..6}86:i386 ia64 m68k mips{,eb}:mips nios2 powerpc:ppc powerpc64:ppc64 \
+ s390{,x}:s390 sh{1..4}{,eb}:sh sparc{,64} vax x86_64 \
+ i{3..6}86-gentoo-freebsd:i386
+tend $?
+tbegin "tc-arch-kernel() (KV=2.6.30)"
+test-tc-arch-kernel 2.6.30 \
+ i{3..6}86:x86 x86_64:x86 \
+ powerpc{,64}:powerpc i{3..6}86-gentoo-freebsd:i386
+tend $?
+# TEST: tc-arch
+tbegin "tc-arch"
+for CHOST in \
+ alpha arm{,eb}:arm avr32:avr bfin cris hppa i{3..6}86:x86 ia64 m68k \
+ mips{,eb}:mips nios2 powerpc:ppc powerpc64:ppc64 s390{,x}:s390 \
+ sh{1..4}{,eb}:sh sparc{,64}:sparc vax x86_64:amd64
+ exp=${CHOST##*:}
+ CHOST=${CHOST%%:*}
+ actual=$(tc-arch)
+ if [[ ${actual} != ${exp:-${CHOST}} ]] ; then
+ eerror "Failure for CHOST: ${CHOST} Expected: ${exp} != Actual: ${actual}"
+ : $((++ret))
+ fi
+tend ${ret}
+# TEST: tc-ld-is-gold
+tbegin "tc-ld-is-gold (bfd selected)"
+LD=ld.bfd tc-ld-is-gold && ret=1 || ret=0
+tend ${ret}
+tbegin "tc-ld-is-gold (gold selected)" tc-ld-is-gold
+tend ${ret}
+tbegin "tc-ld-is-gold (bfd selected via flags)" LDFLAGS=-fuse-ld=bfd tc-ld-is-gold
+tend ${ret}
+tbegin "tc-ld-is-gold (gold selected via flags)"
+LD=ld.bfd LDFLAGS=-fuse-ld=gold tc-ld-is-gold
+tend ${ret}
+# TEST: tc-ld-disable-gold
+tbegin "tc-ld-disable-gold (bfd selected)"
+export LD=ld.bfd LDFLAGS=
+ewarn() { :; }
+[[ ${LD} == "ld.bfd" && -z ${LDFLAGS} ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "tc-ld-disable-gold (gold selected)"
+export LDFLAGS=
+ewarn() { :; }
+[[ ${LD} == "ld.bfd" || ${LDFLAGS} == *"-fuse-ld=bfd"* ]]
+tend $?
+tbegin "tc-ld-disable-gold (gold selected via flags)"
+export LD= LDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=gold"
+ewarn() { :; }
+[[ ${LD} == *"/ld.bfd" || ${LDFLAGS} == "-fuse-ld=gold -fuse-ld=bfd" ]]
+tend $?
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..7dc5e7330c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit toolchain
+test_downgrade_arch_flags() {
+ local exp msg ret=0 ver
+ ver=${1}
+ exp=${2}
+ shift 2
+ CFLAGS=${@}
+ tbegin "${ver} ${CFLAGS} => ${exp}"
+ CHOST=x86_64 # needed for tc-arch
+ downgrade_arch_flags ${ver}
+ if [[ ${CFLAGS} != ${exp} ]]; then
+ msg="Failure - Expected: \"${exp}\" Got: \"${CFLAGS}\""
+ ret=1
+ fi
+ tend ${ret} ${msg}
+# ver expected given
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.9 "-march=haswell" "-march=haswell"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.8 "-march=core-avx2" "-march=haswell"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.7 "-march=core-avx2" "-march=haswell"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.6 "-march=core-avx-i" "-march=haswell"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.5 "-march=core2" "-march=haswell"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.4 "-march=core2" "-march=haswell"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.3 "-march=core2" "-march=haswell"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.2 "-march=nocona" "-march=haswell"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.1 "-march=nocona" "-march=haswell"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.0 "-march=nocona" "-march=haswell"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 3.4 "-march=nocona" "-march=haswell"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 3.3 "-march=nocona" "-march=haswell"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.9 "-march=bdver4" "-march=bdver4"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.8 "-march=bdver3" "-march=bdver4"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.7 "-march=bdver2" "-march=bdver4"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.6 "-march=bdver1" "-march=bdver4"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.5 "-march=amdfam10" "-march=bdver4"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.4 "-march=amdfam10" "-march=bdver4"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.3 "-march=amdfam10" "-march=bdver4"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.2 "-march=k8" "-march=bdver4"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.1 "-march=k8" "-march=bdver4"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.0 "-march=k8" "-march=bdver4"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 3.4 "-march=k8" "-march=bdver4"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 3.3 "-march=x86-64" "-march=bdver4"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 3.4 "-march=c3-2" "-march=c3-2"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 3.3 "-march=c3" "-march=c3-2"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.5 "-march=garbage" "-march=garbage"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.9 "-mtune=intel" "-mtune=intel"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.8 "-mtune=generic" "-mtune=intel"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 3.4 "" "-mtune=generic"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 3.4 "" "-mtune=x86-64"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 3.3 "" "-mtune=anything"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.5 "-march=amdfam10 -mtune=generic" "-march=btver2 -mtune=generic"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 3.3 "-march=k6-2" "-march=geode -mtune=barcelona"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 3.4 "-march=k8" "-march=btver2 -mtune=generic"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.2 "-march=native" "-march=native"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.1 "-march=nocona" "-march=native"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.9 "-march=foo -mno-sha -mno-rtm -mno-avx2 -mno-avx -mno-sse4.1" "-march=foo -mno-sha -mno-rtm -mno-avx2 -mno-avx -mno-sse4.1"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.8 "-march=foo -mno-rtm -mno-avx2 -mno-avx -mno-sse4.1" "-march=foo -mno-sha -mno-rtm -mno-avx2 -mno-avx -mno-sse4.1"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.7 "-march=foo -mno-avx2 -mno-avx -mno-sse4.1" "-march=foo -mno-sha -mno-rtm -mno-avx2 -mno-avx -mno-sse4.1"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.6 "-march=foo -mno-avx -mno-sse4.1" "-march=foo -mno-sha -mno-rtm -mno-avx2 -mno-avx -mno-sse4.1"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.3 "-march=foo -mno-sse4.1" "-march=foo -mno-sha -mno-rtm -mno-avx2 -mno-avx -mno-sse4.1"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.2 "-march=foo" "-march=foo -mno-sha -mno-rtm -mno-avx2 -mno-avx -mno-sse4.1"
+test_downgrade_arch_flags 4.4 "-O2 -march=core2 -ffoo -fblah" "-O2 -march=atom -mno-sha -ffoo -mno-rtm -fblah"
diff --git a/eclass/tests/ b/eclass/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..633ba26dc2e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit versionator
+eshopts_push -s extglob
+ver=( "" "lt" "eq" "gt" )
+lt=1 eq=2 gt=3
+test_version_compare() {
+ tbegin "version_compare ${1} -${ver[${2}]} ${3}"
+ version_compare "${1}" "${3}"
+ local r=$?
+ [[ ${r} -eq ${2} ]]
+ tend $? "FAIL: ${@} (got ${r} exp ${2})"
+echo "
+ 0 $lt 1
+ 1 $lt 2
+ 2 $gt 1
+ 2 $eq 2
+ 0 $eq 0
+ 10 $lt 20
+ 68 $eq 068
+ 068 $gt 67
+ 068 $lt 69
+ 1.0 $lt 2.0
+ 2.0 $eq 2.0
+ 2.0 $gt 1.0
+ 1.0 $gt 0.0
+ 0.0 $eq 0.0
+ 0.0 $lt 1.0
+ 0.1 $lt 0.2
+ 0.2 $eq 0.2
+ 0.3 $gt 0.2
+ 1.2 $lt 2.1
+ 2.1 $gt 1.2
+ 1.2.3 $lt 1.2.4
+ 1.2.4 $gt 1.2.3
+ 1.2.0 $gt 1.2
+ 1.2.1 $gt 1.2
+ 1.2 $lt 1.2.1
+ 1.2b $eq 1.2b
+ 1.2b $lt 1.2c
+ 1.2b $gt 1.2a
+ 1.2b $gt 1.2
+ 1.2 $lt 1.2a
+ 1.3 $gt 1.2a
+ 1.3 $lt 1.3a
+ 1.0_alpha7 $lt 1.0_beta7
+ 1.0_beta $lt 1.0_pre
+ 1.0_pre5 $lt 1.0_rc2
+ 1.0_rc2 $lt 1.0
+ 1.0_p1 $gt 1.0
+ 1.0_p1-r1 $gt 1.0_p1
+ 1.0_alpha6-r1 $gt 1.0_alpha6
+ 1.0_beta6-r1 $gt 1.0_alpha6-r2
+ 1.0_pre1 $lt 1.0_p1
+ 1.0p $gt 1.0_p1
+ 1.0r $gt 1.0-r1
+ 1.6.15 $gt 1.6.10-r2
+ 1.6.10-r2 $lt 1.6.15
+" | while read a b c ; do
+ [[ -z "${a}${b}${c}" ]] && continue
+ test_version_compare "${a}" "${b}" "${c}"
+for q in "alpha beta pre rc=${lt};${gt}" "p=${gt};${lt}" ; do
+ for p in ${q%%=*} ; do
+ c=${q##*=}
+ alt=${c%%;*} agt=${c##*;}
+ test_version_compare "1.0" $agt "1.0_${p}"
+ test_version_compare "1.0" $agt "1.0_${p}1"
+ test_version_compare "1.0" $agt "1.0_${p}068"
+ test_version_compare "2.0_${p}" $alt "2.0"
+ test_version_compare "2.0_${p}1" $alt "2.0"
+ test_version_compare "2.0_${p}068" $alt "2.0"
+ test_version_compare "1.0_${p}" $eq "1.0_${p}"
+ test_version_compare "0.0_${p}" $lt "0.0_${p}1"
+ test_version_compare "666_${p}3" $gt "666_${p}"
+ test_version_compare "1_${p}7" $lt "1_${p}8"
+ test_version_compare "1_${p}7" $eq "1_${p}7"
+ test_version_compare "1_${p}7" $gt "1_${p}6"
+ test_version_compare "1_${p}09" $eq "1_${p}9"
+ test_version_compare "1_${p}7-r0" $eq "1_${p}7"
+ test_version_compare "1_${p}7-r0" $lt "1_${p}7-r1"
+ test_version_compare "1_${p}7-r0" $lt "1_${p}7-r01"
+ test_version_compare "1_${p}7-r01" $eq "1_${p}7-r1"
+ test_version_compare "1_${p}8-r1" $gt "1_${p}7-r100"
+ test_version_compare "1_${p}_alpha" $lt "1_${p}_beta"
+ done
+for p in "-r" "_p" ; do
+ test_version_compare "7.2${p}1" $lt "7.2${p}2"
+ test_version_compare "7.2${p}2" $gt "7.2${p}1"
+ test_version_compare "7.2${p}3" $gt "7.2${p}2"
+ test_version_compare "7.2${p}2" $lt "7.2${p}3"
+# The following tests all come from portage's test cases:
+test_version_compare "6.0" $gt "5.0"
+test_version_compare "5.0" $gt "5"
+test_version_compare "1.0-r1" $gt "1.0-r0"
+test_version_compare "1.0-r1" $gt "1.0"
+test_version_compare "999999999999999999999999999999" $gt "999999999999999999999999999998"
+test_version_compare "1.0.0" $gt "1.0"
+test_version_compare "1.0.0" $gt "1.0b"
+test_version_compare "1b" $gt "1"
+test_version_compare "1b_p1" $gt "1_p1"
+test_version_compare "1.1b" $gt "1.1"
+test_version_compare "12.2.5" $gt "12.2b"
+test_version_compare "4.0" $lt "5.0"
+test_version_compare "5" $lt "5.0"
+test_version_compare "1.0_pre2" $lt "1.0_p2"
+test_version_compare "1.0_alpha2" $lt "1.0_p2"
+test_version_compare "1.0_alpha1" $lt "1.0_beta1"
+test_version_compare "1.0_beta3" $lt "1.0_rc3"
+test_version_compare "1.001000000000000000001" $lt "1.001000000000000000002"
+test_version_compare "1.00100000000" $lt "1.0010000000000000001"
+test_version_compare "999999999999999999999999999998" $lt "999999999999999999999999999999"
+test_version_compare "1.01" $lt "1.1"
+test_version_compare "1.0-r0" $lt "1.0-r1"
+test_version_compare "1.0" $lt "1.0-r1"
+test_version_compare "1.0" $lt "1.0.0"
+test_version_compare "1.0b" $lt "1.0.0"
+test_version_compare "1_p1" $lt "1b_p1"
+test_version_compare "1" $lt "1b"
+test_version_compare "1.1" $lt "1.1b"
+test_version_compare "12.2b" $lt "12.2.5"
+test_version_compare "4.0" $eq "4.0"
+test_version_compare "1.0" $eq "1.0"
+test_version_compare "1.0-r0" $eq "1.0"
+test_version_compare "1.0" $eq "1.0-r0"
+test_version_compare "1.0-r0" $eq "1.0-r0"
+test_version_compare "1.0-r1" $eq "1.0-r1"
+# The following were just tests for != in portage, we need something a bit
+# more precise
+test_version_compare "1" $lt "2"
+test_version_compare "1.0_alpha" $lt "1.0_pre"
+test_version_compare "1.0_beta" $gt "1.0_alpha"
+test_version_compare "0" $lt "0.0"
+test_version_compare "1.0-r0" $lt "1.0-r1"
+test_version_compare "1.0-r1" $gt "1.0-r0"
+test_version_compare "1.0" $lt "1.0-r1"
+test_version_compare "1.0-r1" $gt "1.0"
+test_version_compare "1_p1" $lt "1b_p1"
+test_version_compare "1b" $gt "1"
+test_version_compare "1.1b" $gt "1.1"
+test_version_compare "12.2b" $gt "12.2"
+# The following tests all come from paludis's test cases:
+test_version_compare "1.0" $gt "1"
+test_version_compare "1" $lt "1.0"
+test_version_compare "1.0_alpha" $gt "1_alpha"
+test_version_compare "1.0_alpha" $gt "1"
+test_version_compare "1.0_alpha" $lt "1.0"
+test_version_compare "" $gt "1.2_alpha7-r4"
+test_version_compare "0001" $eq "1"
+test_version_compare "01" $eq "001"
+test_version_compare "0001.1" $eq "1.1"
+test_version_compare "01.01" $eq "1.01"
+test_version_compare "1.010" $eq "1.01"
+test_version_compare "1.00" $eq "1.0"
+test_version_compare "1.0100" $eq "1.010"
+test_version_compare "1" $eq "1-r0"
+test_version_compare "1-r00" $eq "1-r0"