diff options
authorSam James <>2025-01-29 11:23:21 +0000
committerSam James <>2025-01-29 11:23:21 +0000
commitaa3e477897014e4a9bb374fb39e30f81b74929dc (patch)
tree17a249a2075c1edfbf99ec41d8e27f0f6cacb746 /sys-libs
parentmedia-gfx/fotema: Bump to 1.19.1 (diff)
sys-libs/readline: add 8.3_beta_p20250128
Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-libs')
2 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-libs/readline/Manifest b/sys-libs/readline/Manifest
index 2e53f6f61fc0..f4e0b8fc29aa 100644
--- a/sys-libs/readline/Manifest
+++ b/sys-libs/readline/Manifest
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ DIST readline-8.2.tar.gz 3043952 BLAKE2B 7974322b9c092a756a79e537df08e8532f8e0fc
DIST readline-8.2.tar.gz.sig 95 BLAKE2B dc510459c0c47782ca87364a6677b4d8f0b68a984143122c08bd15aef08a71bff59ac92d3c3ada518dad09f189c144748e840175041eb619f679e2d8b95dc2aa SHA512 0effd273689e5f7fe7e049c8f2c5f3c97149f198a90d053231ee4de34901560a465ab0d4fd71fd07c7d7e233caed7f42e5b668bffaf1e23a7eb373c8f9e150fe
DIST readline-8.3-beta.tar.gz 3412518 BLAKE2B 196812d49ad5a56d4163a50e603269e9d7a3e4b28acf0d09103bd64a12845c107ef03fd09812f93a3854cdf0dae201e780b9e71d51ed752233f1b38fef1d87dd SHA512 5a8727420917016ef1be2ec3dff1bff433a62b9e0732707f203a6ffbbaaff6134b3ab67d22a51ee86ed2c4d94b75e0fb2d41bca8018ce52cccb44d27320dfa1d
DIST readline-8.3-beta.tar.gz.sig 95 BLAKE2B af715b9a5e4bcad38aec353c2501b82648544429acd0db6afc19c66c0f19d6b8215e1198b3d54e09a54edb94c8a5438fc07ba80df17fa2dab789ba2201355ac5 SHA512 1906eaf283f558a5401bdfe401081ed92c77bf36c5bee19c4460cf907e9578bff6ce29423577e58d9e920760dd3822424426637dce1346569bc3668c7fead104
+DIST readline-8.3_beta_p20250128-5bcabd92f35444fa87ed49bd180a2994fd9449ba.tar.gz 3475352 BLAKE2B 7ea7ee7706a4d815e7a60acf96fdb344ef2baeb362d13cd7f5b8e6021e117c18f801ad1788689745739f9c69de2b0da1a1d04078fc2610bbdf212e42583980a3 SHA512 7267f9b1a08479f13f721afe03c8a1453ec95404ce9bdcdb3a7d150faf96522542ae26ebbcd54d648855779b60b84fe2e8d14bf78afdb6d391ce9db5642cb90c
DIST readline81-001 2454 BLAKE2B 7ec4e5c39a224a70643b44b88bcfef5198e199c76f2a34f0b0ce24f1747dd46be49ddf93871c474cda64322b4358127fec4c2401d19422f84934546bbe1f3bf2 SHA512 cfbef10bdeb562a302ccf214878d02ebadf799343b3d2d7996a282f81bcfde83997ba6dcc9a8477af4dd7c73bca74105ca00a81e42ed13321672bd2930550e54
DIST readline81-001.sig 95 BLAKE2B 7d523d0fc21772cb03aa4b5d66ea58c1a99a6c0e4a8625e89cad015cbff63cd68e08207ca5150819225300ac864806032888104bbbea64ca38ebf89e28c24b7e SHA512 7fa3747e388aecb26f2d4f8346b89b367710ea99a14618c625066b820901dc467bd156ec37340fde1f86f0fe0d6b33044c1ed5768cf8ed1a25386d32dc6419a6
DIST readline81-002 1242 BLAKE2B 4ef0404561bd8fc5559e8e5f675ae3f12c467178a8954f54f3204c2d09b88ccec960e807c7af0ec3514b489b676e3be51f98351e377fb18e3d7a14d33d4da69d SHA512 e47c029b82cf3a4d44e85c4348f7e059c56726694c190d84186822e1c893e1c006e7ec75f33c36791112f81abd792a2e2fdae9a65cd128f3c89ff4ffd9a9a1ff
diff --git a/sys-libs/readline/readline-8.3_beta_p20250128.ebuild b/sys-libs/readline/readline-8.3_beta_p20250128.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d3e7f154e810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-libs/readline/readline-8.3_beta_p20250128.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# There's no standard way of versioning the point releases upstream
+# make anyway, so while this was added for RC versions, it's fine
+# in general.
+QA_PKGCONFIG_VERSION=$(ver_cut 1-2)
+inherit flag-o-matic multilib multilib-minimal preserve-libs toolchain-funcs verify-sig
+# Official patches
+# See
+# Determine the patchlevel.
+case ${PV} in
+ 9999|*_alpha*|*_beta*|*_rc*)
+ # Set a negative patchlevel to indicate that it's a pre-release.
+ ;;
+ *_p*)
+ PLEVEL=${PV##*_p}
+ ;;
+ *)
+DESCRIPTION="Another cute console display library"
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ inherit git-r3
+elif (( PLEVEL < 0 )) && [[ ${PV} == *_p* ]] ; then
+ # It can be useful to have snapshots in the pre-release period once
+ # the first alpha is out, as various bugs get reported and fixed from
+ # the alpha, and the next pre-release is usually quite far away.
+ #
+ # i.e. if it's worth packaging the alpha, it's worth packaging a followup.
+ READLINE_COMMIT="5bcabd92f35444fa87ed49bd180a2994fd9449ba"
+ SRC_URI="${READLINE_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> ${P}-${READLINE_COMMIT}.tar.gz"
+ SRC_URI="mirror://gnu/${PN}/${MY_P}.tar.gz"
+ SRC_URI+=" verify-sig? ( mirror://gnu/${PN}/${MY_P}.tar.gz.sig )"
+ S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}"
+ if [[ ${PLEVEL} -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ # bash-5.1 -> bash51
+ my_p=${PN}$(ver_rs 1-2 '' $(ver_cut 1-2))
+ patch_url=
+ my_patch_index=
+ upstream_url_base="mirror://gnu/readline"
+ mirror_url_base=""
+ for ((my_patch_index=1; my_patch_index <= ${PLEVEL} ; my_patch_index++)) ; do
+ printf -v mangled_patch_ver ${my_p}-%03d ${my_patch_index}
+ patch_url="${upstream_url_base}/${MY_P}-patches/${mangled_patch_ver}"
+ SRC_URI+=" ${patch_url}"
+ SRC_URI+=" verify-sig? ( ${patch_url}.sig )"
+ # Add in the mirror URL too.
+ SRC_URI+=" ${patch_url/${upstream_url_base}/${mirror_url_base}}"
+ SRC_URI+=" verify-sig? ( ${patch_url/${upstream_url_base}/${mirror_url_base}}.sig )"
+ MY_PATCHES+=( "${DISTDIR}"/${mangled_patch_ver} )
+ done
+ unset my_p patch_url my_patch_index upstream_url_base mirror_url_base
+ fi
+SLOT="0/8" # subslot matches SONAME major
+if (( PLEVEL >= 0 )); then
+ KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
+IUSE="static-libs +unicode utils"
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-chetramey )
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.0-no_rpath.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-7.0-headers.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.0-headers.patch
+ # TODO: rebase
+ #"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.0-darwin-shlib-versioning.patch
+src_unpack() {
+ local patch
+ if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ elif (( PLEVEL < 0 )) && [[ ${PV} == *_p* ]] ; then
+ default
+ else
+ if use verify-sig; then
+ verify-sig_verify_detached "${DISTDIR}/${MY_P}.tar.gz"{,.sig}
+ for patch in "${MY_PATCHES[@]}"; do
+ verify-sig_verify_detached "${patch}"{,.sig}
+ done
+ fi
+ unpack "${MY_P}.tar.gz"
+ if [[ ${GENTOO_PATCH_VER} ]]; then
+ unpack "${PN}-${GENTOO_PATCH_VER}-patches.tar.xz"
+ fi
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ (( PLEVEL > 0 )) && eapply -p0 "${MY_PATCHES[@]}"
+ default
+ #(( PLEVEL < 0 )) && eautoreconf
+ if use prefix && [[ ! -x "${BROOT}"/usr/bin/pkg-config ]] ; then
+ # If we're bootstrapping, make a guess. We don't have pkg-config
+ # around yet. bug #818103.
+ # Incorrectly populating this leads to underlinked libreadline.
+ local ncurses_libs
+ local ncurses_libs_suffix=$(usex unicode w '')
+ ncurses_libs="-lncurses${ncurses_libs_suffix}"
+ if has_version "sys-libs/ncurses[tinfo(+)]" ; then
+ ncurses_libs+=" -ltinfo${ncurses_libs_suffix}"
+ fi
+ else
+ # Force ncurses linking, bug #71420.
+ # Use pkg-config to get the right values, bug #457558.
+ local ncurses_libs=$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) ncurses$(usex unicode w '') --libs)
+ fi
+ sed -i \
+ -e "/^SHLIB_LIBS=/s:=.*:='${ncurses_libs}':" \
+ support/shobj-conf || die
+ sed -i \
+ -e "/^[[:space:]]*LIBS=.-lncurses/s:-lncurses:${ncurses_libs}:" \
+ examples/rlfe/configure || die
+ # Fix building under Gentoo/FreeBSD; upstream FreeBSD deprecated
+ # objformat for years, so we don't want to rely on that.
+ sed -i -e '/objformat/s:if .*; then:if true; then:' support/shobj-conf || die
+ # For local readline headers
+ ln -s ../.. examples/rlfe/readline || die
+src_configure() {
+ # Fix implicit decls with widechar funcs
+ append-cppflags -D_GNU_SOURCE
+ #
+ append-cppflags -Dxrealloc=_rl_realloc -Dxmalloc=_rl_malloc -Dxfree=_rl_free
+ # Make sure configure picks a better ar than `ar`, bug #484866
+ export ac_cv_prog_AR="$(tc-getAR)"
+ # Force the test since we used sed above to force it.
+ export bash_cv_termcap_lib=ncurses
+ # Control cross-compiling cases when we know the right answer.
+ # In cases where the C library doesn't support wide characters, readline
+ # itself won't work correctly, so forcing the answer below should be OK.
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler ; then
+ export bash_cv_func_sigsetjmp="present"
+ export bash_cv_func_ctype_nonascii="yes"
+ # bug #503312
+ export bash_cv_wcwidth_broken="no"
+ fi
+ # This is for rlfe, but we need to make sure LDFLAGS doesn't change
+ # so we can re-use the config cache file between the two.
+ append-ldflags -L.
+ multilib-minimal_src_configure
+multilib_src_configure() {
+ local myeconfargs=(
+ --cache-file="${BUILD_DIR}"/config.cache
+ --with-curses
+ $(use_enable static-libs static)
+ )
+ ECONF_SOURCE="${S}" econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
+ if use utils && multilib_is_native_abi && ! tc-is-cross-compiler ; then
+ # Code is full of AC_TRY_RUN()
+ mkdir -p examples/rlfe || die
+ cd examples/rlfe || die
+ ECONF_SOURCE="${S}"/examples/rlfe econf --cache-file="${BUILD_DIR}"/config.cache
+ fi
+multilib_src_compile() {
+ emake
+ if use utils && multilib_is_native_abi && ! tc-is-cross-compiler ; then
+ # Code is full of AC_TRY_RUN()
+ cd examples/rlfe || die
+ local l
+ for l in readline history ; do
+ ln -s ../../shlib/lib${l}$(get_libname)* lib${l}$(get_libname) || die
+ ln -s ../../lib${l}.a lib${l}.a || die
+ done
+ emake
+ fi
+multilib_src_install() {
+ default
+ if multilib_is_native_abi ; then
+ if use utils && ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then
+ dobin examples/rlfe/rlfe
+ fi
+ fi
+multilib_src_install_all() {
+ HTML_DOCS="doc/history.html doc/readline.html doc/rluserman.html" einstalldocs
+ dodoc USAGE
+ docinto ps
+ dodoc doc/*.ps
+pkg_preinst() {
+ # bug #29865
+ # Reappeared in bug #595324 with paludis so keeping this for now...
+ preserve_old_lib \
+ /$(get_libdir)/lib{history,readline}$(get_libname 4) \
+ /$(get_libdir)/lib{history,readline}$(get_libname 5) \
+ /$(get_libdir)/lib{history,readline}$(get_libname 6) \
+ /$(get_libdir)/lib{history,readline}$(get_libname 7)
+pkg_postinst() {
+ preserve_old_lib_notify \
+ /$(get_libdir)/lib{history,readline}$(get_libname 4) \
+ /$(get_libdir)/lib{history,readline}$(get_libname 5) \
+ /$(get_libdir)/lib{history,readline}$(get_libname 6) \
+ /$(get_libdir)/lib{history,readline}$(get_libname 7)