diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-cpp/libcmis/files/libcmis-0.5.2-fix-onedrive.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 481 deletions
diff --git a/dev-cpp/libcmis/files/libcmis-0.5.2-fix-onedrive.patch b/dev-cpp/libcmis/files/libcmis-0.5.2-fix-onedrive.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9827bf7d9a5a..000000000000
--- a/dev-cpp/libcmis/files/libcmis-0.5.2-fix-onedrive.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-From fa5a130caff96c6f59085951f12f42f4e96a4f60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Christian Lohmaier <>
-Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2021 10:49:09 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] tdf#115643 make onedrive work again by switching to graph API
-the live SDK method had been deprecated quite a while ago and has been
-turned off a while back.
-While you can access and save existing files using the remote files
-dialog, creating new files or using "save as" requires using the
-LibreOffice open/save dialogs.
-Authentication is clunky: username and password you're asked when
-creating a new connection is not used at all for connecting, so only
-fill out a username to label your onedrive entry. Actual authentication
-is done in browser - copy'n'paste the URL from the dialog into the
-browser, login and approve access for LibreOffice (approving access only
-necessary once), then you get redirected to localhost, ignore that there
-is nothing to display. The important part is the code from the URL-bar.
-Copy and paste that into the LibreOffice dialog and LO can request an
-authentication token for API access.
-Testing this feature requires compiling with corresponding api-keys
-specified in configure/having an app registered with microsoft.
- src/libcmis/http-session.cxx | 88 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- src/libcmis/http-session.hxx | 3 +
- src/libcmis/oauth2-handler.cxx | 3 +-
- src/libcmis/oauth2-providers.cxx | 2 +-
- src/libcmis/onedrive-document.cxx | 17 +++---
- src/libcmis/onedrive-folder.cxx | 14 +++--
- src/libcmis/onedrive-object.cxx | 13 +++--
- src/libcmis/onedrive-repository.cxx | 2 +-
- src/libcmis/onedrive-session.cxx | 51 +++++------------
- src/libcmis/onedrive-utils.cxx | 10 ++--
- src/libcmis/session-factory.cxx | 2 +-
- 11 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/libcmis/http-session.cxx b/src/libcmis/http-session.cxx
-index 2638482..227667e 100644
---- a/src/libcmis/http-session.cxx
-+++ b/src/libcmis/http-session.cxx
-@@ -293,6 +293,94 @@ libcmis::HttpResponsePtr HttpSession::httpGetRequest( string url )
- return response;
- }
-+libcmis::HttpResponsePtr HttpSession::httpPatchRequest( string url, istream& is, vector< string > headers )
-+ checkOAuth2( url );
-+ // Duplicate istream in case we need to retry
-+ string isStr( static_cast< stringstream const&>( stringstream( ) << is.rdbuf( ) ).str( ) );
-+ istringstream isOriginal( isStr ), isBackup( isStr );
-+ // Reset the handle for the request
-+ curl_easy_reset( m_curlHandle );
-+ initProtocols( );
-+ libcmis::HttpResponsePtr response( new libcmis::HttpResponse( ) );
-+ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, lcl_bufferData );
-+ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, response->getData( ).get( ) );
-+ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, &lcl_getHeaders );
-+ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, response.get() );
-+ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 20);
-+ // Get the stream length
-+ is.seekg( 0, ios::end );
-+ long size = is.tellg( );
-+ is.seekg( 0, ios::beg );
-+ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, size );
-+ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_READDATA, &isOriginal );
-+ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, lcl_readStream );
-+ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1 );
-+ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PATCH" );
-+ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_IOCTLFUNCTION, lcl_ioctlStream );
-+ curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_IOCTLDATA, &isOriginal );
-+ // If we know for sure that 100-Continue won't be accepted,
-+ // don't even try with it to save one HTTP request.
-+ if ( m_no100Continue )
-+ headers.push_back( "Expect:" );
-+ try
-+ {
-+ httpRunRequest( url, headers );
-+ response->getData( )->finish();
-+ }
-+ catch ( const CurlException& )
-+ {
-+ long status = getHttpStatus( );
-+ /** If we had a HTTP 417 response, this is likely to be due to some
-+ HTTP 1.0 proxy / server not accepting the "Expect: 100-continue"
-+ header. Try to disable this header and try again.
-+ */
-+ if ( status == 417 && !m_no100Continue)
-+ {
-+ // Remember that we don't want 100-Continue for the future requests
-+ m_no100Continue = true;
-+ response = httpPutRequest( url, isBackup, headers );
-+ }
-+ // If the access token is expired, we get 401 error,
-+ // Need to use the refresh token to get a new one.
-+ if ( status == 401 && !getRefreshToken( ).empty( ) && !m_refreshedToken )
-+ {
-+ // Refresh the token
-+ oauth2Refresh();
-+ // Resend the query
-+ try
-+ {
-+ // Avoid infinite recursive call
-+ m_refreshedToken = true;
-+ response = httpPutRequest( url, isBackup, headers );
-+ m_refreshedToken = false;
-+ }
-+ catch (const CurlException&)
-+ {
-+ m_refreshedToken = false;
-+ throw;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ // Has tried but failed
-+ if ( ( status != 417 || m_no100Continue ) &&
-+ ( status != 401 || getRefreshToken( ).empty( ) || m_refreshedToken ) ) throw;
-+ }
-+ m_refreshedToken = false;
-+ return response;
- libcmis::HttpResponsePtr HttpSession::httpPutRequest( string url, istream& is, vector< string > headers )
- {
- checkOAuth2( url );
-diff --git a/src/libcmis/http-session.hxx b/src/libcmis/http-session.hxx
-index 851d52d..29de64d 100644
---- a/src/libcmis/http-session.hxx
-+++ b/src/libcmis/http-session.hxx
-@@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ class HttpSession
- virtual void setOAuth2Data( libcmis::OAuth2DataPtr oauth2 );
- libcmis::HttpResponsePtr httpGetRequest( std::string url );
-+ libcmis::HttpResponsePtr httpPatchRequest( std::string url,
-+ std::istream& is,
-+ std::vector< std::string > headers );
- libcmis::HttpResponsePtr httpPutRequest( std::string url,
- std::istream& is,
- std::vector< std::string > headers );
-diff --git a/src/libcmis/oauth2-handler.cxx b/src/libcmis/oauth2-handler.cxx
-index a3320e3..842769f 100644
---- a/src/libcmis/oauth2-handler.cxx
-+++ b/src/libcmis/oauth2-handler.cxx
-@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ void OAuth2Handler::fetchTokens( string authCode )
- string post =
- "code=" + authCode +
- "&client_id=" + m_data->getClientId() +
-- "&client_secret=" + m_data->getClientSecret() +
- "&redirect_uri=" + m_data->getRedirectUri() +
-+ "&scope=" + libcmis::escape( m_data->getScope() ) +
- "&grant_type=authorization_code" ;
- istringstream is( post );
-@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ void OAuth2Handler::refresh( )
- string post =
- "refresh_token=" + m_refresh +
- "&client_id=" + m_data->getClientId() +
-- "&client_secret=" + m_data->getClientSecret() +
- "&grant_type=refresh_token" ;
- istringstream is( post );
-diff --git a/src/libcmis/oauth2-providers.cxx b/src/libcmis/oauth2-providers.cxx
-index 5a4926b..db6fbef 100644
---- a/src/libcmis/oauth2-providers.cxx
-+++ b/src/libcmis/oauth2-providers.cxx
-@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ OAuth2Parser OAuth2Providers::getOAuth2Parser( const std::string& url )
- return OAuth2Alfresco;
- else if ( boost::starts_with( url, "" ) )
- return OAuth2Gdrive;
-- else if ( boost::starts_with( url, "" ) )
-+ else if ( boost::starts_with( url, "" ) )
- return OAuth2Onedrive;
- return OAuth2Gdrive;
-diff --git a/src/libcmis/onedrive-document.cxx b/src/libcmis/onedrive-document.cxx
-index f753b42..863a92f 100644
---- a/src/libcmis/onedrive-document.cxx
-+++ b/src/libcmis/onedrive-document.cxx
-@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ boost::shared_ptr< istream > OneDriveDocument::getContentStream( string /*stream
- boost::shared_ptr< istream > stream;
- string streamUrl = getStringProperty( "source" );
- if ( streamUrl.empty( ) )
-- throw libcmis::Exception( "can not found stream url" );
-+ throw libcmis::Exception( "could not find stream url" );
- try
- {
-@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@ boost::shared_ptr< istream > OneDriveDocument::getContentStream( string /*stream
- void OneDriveDocument::setContentStream( boost::shared_ptr< ostream > os,
- string /*contentType*/,
- string fileName,
-- bool /*overwrite*/ )
-+ bool bReplaceExisting )
- {
- if ( !os.get( ) )
- throw libcmis::Exception( "Missing stream" );
- string metaUrl = getUrl( );
- // Update file name meta information
-- if ( !fileName.empty( ) && fileName != getContentFilename( ) )
-+ if ( bReplaceExisting && !fileName.empty( ) && fileName != getContentFilename( ) )
- {
- Json metaJson;
- Json fileJson( fileName.c_str( ) );
-@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ void OneDriveDocument::setContentStream( boost::shared_ptr< ostream > os,
- headers.push_back( "Content-Type: application/json" );
- try
- {
-- getSession()->httpPutRequest( metaUrl, is, headers );
-+ getSession()->httpPatchRequest( metaUrl, is, headers );
- }
- catch ( const CurlException& e )
- {
-@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ void OneDriveDocument::setContentStream( boost::shared_ptr< ostream > os,
- }
- fileName = libcmis::escape( getStringProperty( "cmis:name" ) );
-- string putUrl = getSession( )->getBindingUrl( ) + "/" +
-- getStringProperty( "cmis:parentId" ) + "/files/" +
-- fileName + "?overwrite=true";
-+ string putUrl = getSession( )->getBindingUrl( ) + "/me/drive/items/" +
-+ getStringProperty( "cmis:parentId" ) + ":/" +
-+ fileName + ":/content";
- // Upload stream
- boost::shared_ptr< istream> is ( new istream ( os->rdbuf( ) ) );
-@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ void OneDriveDocument::setContentStream( boost::shared_ptr< ostream > os,
- libcmis::DocumentPtr OneDriveDocument::checkOut( )
- {
- // OneDrive doesn't have CheckOut, so just return the same document here
-+ // TODO: no longer true - onedrive now has checkout/checkin
- libcmis::ObjectPtr obj = getSession( )->getObject( getId( ) );
- libcmis::DocumentPtr checkout =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< libcmis::Document > ( obj );
-diff --git a/src/libcmis/onedrive-folder.cxx b/src/libcmis/onedrive-folder.cxx
-index a9ae694..c1980c8 100644
---- a/src/libcmis/onedrive-folder.cxx
-+++ b/src/libcmis/onedrive-folder.cxx
-@@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ OneDriveFolder::~OneDriveFolder( )
- vector< libcmis::ObjectPtr > OneDriveFolder::getChildren( )
- {
- vector< libcmis::ObjectPtr > children;
-- string query = getSession( )->getBindingUrl( ) + "/" + getId( ) + "/files";
-+ // TODO: limited to 200 items by default - to get more one would have to
-+ // follow @odata.nextLink or change pagination size
-+ string query = getSession( )->getBindingUrl( ) + "/me/drive/items/" + getId( ) + "/children";
- string res;
- try
-@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ vector< libcmis::ObjectPtr > OneDriveFolder::getChildren( )
- }
- Json jsonRes = Json::parse( res );
-- Json::JsonVector objs = jsonRes["data"].getList( );
-+ Json::JsonVector objs = jsonRes["value"].getList( );
- // Create children objects from Json objects
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++)
-@@ -85,8 +87,7 @@ libcmis::FolderPtr OneDriveFolder::createFolder(
- const PropertyPtrMap& properties )
- {
- Json propsJson = OneDriveUtils::toOneDriveJson( properties );
-- string uploadUrl = getSession( )->getBindingUrl( ) + "/" + getId( );
-+ string uploadUrl = getSession( )->getBindingUrl( ) + "/me/drive/items/" + getId( ) + "/children";
- std::istringstream is( propsJson.toString( ) );
- string response;
-@@ -126,9 +127,10 @@ libcmis::DocumentPtr OneDriveFolder::createDocument(
- }
- }
-+ // TODO: limited to 4MB, larger uploads need dedicated UploadSession
- fileName = libcmis::escape( fileName );
-- string newDocUrl = getSession( )->getBindingUrl( ) + "/" +
-- getId( ) + "/files/" + fileName;
-+ string newDocUrl = getSession( )->getBindingUrl( ) + "/me/drive/items/" +
-+ getId( ) + ":/" + fileName + ":/content";
- boost::shared_ptr< istream> is ( new istream ( os->rdbuf( ) ) );
- vector< string > headers;
- string res;
-diff --git a/src/libcmis/onedrive-object.cxx b/src/libcmis/onedrive-object.cxx
-index 976a97b..8deb591 100644
---- a/src/libcmis/onedrive-object.cxx
-+++ b/src/libcmis/onedrive-object.cxx
-@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void OneDriveObject::initializeFromJson ( Json json, string /*id*/, string /*nam
- Json::JsonObject objs = json.getObjects( );
- Json::JsonObject::iterator it;
- PropertyPtr property;
-- bool isFolder = json["type"].toString( ) == "folder";
-+ bool isFolder = json["folder"].toString( ) != "";
- for ( it = objs.begin( ); it != objs.end( ); ++it)
- {
- property.reset( new OneDriveProperty( it->first, it->second ) );
-@@ -74,7 +74,12 @@ void OneDriveObject::initializeFromJson ( Json json, string /*id*/, string /*nam
- {
- property.reset( new OneDriveProperty( "cmis:contentStreamFileName", it->second ) );
- m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId()] = property;
-- }
-+ } else if ( it->first == "parentReference" ) {
-+ if (it->second["id"].toString() != "") {
-+ property.reset( new OneDriveProperty( "cmis:parentId", it->second["id"] ) );
-+ m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId()] = property;
-+ }
-+ }
- }
- m_refreshTimestamp = time( NULL );
-@@ -122,7 +127,7 @@ void OneDriveObject::remove( bool /*allVersions*/ )
- string OneDriveObject::getUrl( )
- {
-- return getSession( )->getBindingUrl( ) + "/" + getId( );
-+ return getSession( )->getBindingUrl( ) + "/me/drive/items/" + getId( );
- }
- string OneDriveObject::getUploadUrl( )
-@@ -152,7 +157,7 @@ libcmis::ObjectPtr OneDriveObject::updateProperties(
- {
- vector< string > headers;
- headers.push_back( "Content-Type: application/json" );
-- response = getSession( )->httpPutRequest( getUrl( ), is, headers );
-+ response = getSession( )->httpPatchRequest( getUrl( ), is, headers );
- }
- catch ( const CurlException& e )
- {
-diff --git a/src/libcmis/onedrive-repository.cxx b/src/libcmis/onedrive-repository.cxx
-index 3eaac9c..b01f5c2 100644
---- a/src/libcmis/onedrive-repository.cxx
-+++ b/src/libcmis/onedrive-repository.cxx
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ OneDriveRepository::OneDriveRepository( ) :
- m_description = "One Drive repository";
- m_productName = "One Drive";
- m_productVersion = "v5";
-- m_rootId = "me/skydrive";
-+ m_rootId = "/me/drive/root";
- m_capabilities[ ACL ] = "discover";
- m_capabilities[ AllVersionsSearchable ] = "true";
-diff --git a/src/libcmis/onedrive-session.cxx b/src/libcmis/onedrive-session.cxx
-index a6652b4..05ff45e 100644
---- a/src/libcmis/onedrive-session.cxx
-+++ b/src/libcmis/onedrive-session.cxx
-@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@ libcmis::ObjectPtr OneDriveSession::getObject( string objectId )
- {
- // Run the http request to get the properties definition
- string res;
-- string objectLink = m_bindingUrl + "/" + objectId;
-+ string objectLink = m_bindingUrl + "/me/drive/items/" + objectId;
-+ if (objectId == getRootId())
-+ objectLink = m_bindingUrl + objectId;
- try
- {
- res = httpGetRequest( objectLink )->getStream()->str();
-@@ -90,12 +92,11 @@ libcmis::ObjectPtr OneDriveSession::getObject( string objectId )
- libcmis::ObjectPtr OneDriveSession::getObjectFromJson( Json& jsonRes )
- {
- libcmis::ObjectPtr object;
-- string kind = jsonRes["type"].toString( );
-- if ( kind == "folder" || kind == "album" )
-+ if ( jsonRes["folder"].toString() != "" )
- {
- object.reset( new OneDriveFolder( this, jsonRes ) );
- }
-- else if ( kind == "file" )
-+ else if ( jsonRes["file"].toString() != "" )
- {
- object.reset( new OneDriveDocument( this, jsonRes ) );
- }
-@@ -108,44 +109,18 @@ libcmis::ObjectPtr OneDriveSession::getObjectFromJson( Json& jsonRes )
- libcmis::ObjectPtr OneDriveSession::getObjectByPath( string path )
- {
-- string id;
-- if ( path == "/" )
-- {
-- id = "me/skydrive";
-- }
-- else
-+ string res;
-+ string objectQuery = m_bindingUrl + "/me/drive/root:" + libcmis::escape( path );
-+ try
- {
-- path = "/SkyDrive" + path;
-- size_t pos = path.rfind("/");
-- string name = libcmis::escape( path.substr( pos + 1, path.size( ) ) );
-- string res;
-- string objectQuery = m_bindingUrl + "/me/skydrive/search?q=" + name;
-- try
-- {
-- res = httpGetRequest( objectQuery )->getStream( )->str( );
-- }
-- catch ( const CurlException& e )
-- {
-- throw e.getCmisException( );
-- }
-- Json jsonRes = Json::parse( res );
-- Json::JsonVector objs = jsonRes["data"].getList( );
-- // Searching for a match in the path to the object
-- for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objs.size( ); i++ )
-- {
-- if ( isAPathMatch( objs[i], path ) )
-- {
-- id = objs[i]["id"].toString( );
-- break;
-- }
-- }
-+ res = httpGetRequest( objectQuery )->getStream( )->str( );
- }
-- if ( id.empty( ) )
-+ catch ( const CurlException& e )
- {
-- throw libcmis::Exception( "No file could be found" );
-+ throw libcmis::Exception( "No file could be found for path " + path + ": " + e.what() );
- }
-- return getObject( id );
-+ Json jsonRes = Json::parse( res );
-+ return getObjectFromJson( jsonRes );
- }
- bool OneDriveSession::isAPathMatch( Json objectJson, string path )
-diff --git a/src/libcmis/onedrive-utils.cxx b/src/libcmis/onedrive-utils.cxx
-index dc6ec5d..17ed324 100644
---- a/src/libcmis/onedrive-utils.cxx
-+++ b/src/libcmis/onedrive-utils.cxx
-@@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ string OneDriveUtils::toCmisKey( const string& key )
- convertedKey = "cmis:createdBy";
- else if ( key == "description" )
- convertedKey = "cmis:description";
-- else if ( key == "created_time" )
-+ else if ( key == "createdDateTime" )
- convertedKey = "cmis:creationDate";
-- else if ( key == "updated_time" )
-+ else if ( key == "lastModifiedDateTime" )
- convertedKey = "cmis:lastModificationDate";
- else if ( key == "name" )
- convertedKey = "cmis:name";
- else if ( key == "size" )
- convertedKey = "cmis:contentStreamLength";
-- else if ( key == "parent_id" )
-- convertedKey = "cmis:parentId";
-+ else if ( key == "@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl" )
-+ convertedKey = "source";
- else convertedKey = key;
- return convertedKey;
- }
-@@ -75,8 +75,6 @@ string OneDriveUtils::toOneDriveKey( const string& key )
- convertedKey = "name";
- else if ( key == "cmis:contentStreamLength" )
- convertedKey = "file_size";
-- else if ( key == "cmis:parentId" )
-- convertedKey = "parent_id";
- else convertedKey = key;
- return convertedKey;
- }
-diff --git a/src/libcmis/session-factory.cxx b/src/libcmis/session-factory.cxx
-index ba55cd9..e740afb 100644
---- a/src/libcmis/session-factory.cxx
-+++ b/src/libcmis/session-factory.cxx
-@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace libcmis
- session = new GDriveSession( bindingUrl, username, password,
- oauth2, verbose );
- }
-- else if ( bindingUrl == "" )
-+ else if ( bindingUrl == "" )
- {
- session = new OneDriveSession( bindingUrl, username, password,
- oauth2, verbose);