diff options
authorAndreas Hüttel <>2013-11-02 17:27:45 +0000
committerAndreas Hüttel <>2013-11-02 17:27:45 +0000
commite7266c23288f776cef2d602b11029ef4d517ed78 (patch)
tree65fd20d325d09d8be2ff9bc049415e089805e16d /app-emulation/vmware-modules
parentRemove unnneeded include by Peter King (bug #490080). Fix building with --as-... (diff)
Re-add keywords after testing
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.7/cvs/Linux x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0x84AD142F
Diffstat (limited to 'app-emulation/vmware-modules')
4 files changed, 22 insertions, 828 deletions
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-modules/ChangeLog b/app-emulation/vmware-modules/ChangeLog
index 609422c62487..d1f68f17475a 100644
--- a/app-emulation/vmware-modules/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-modules/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for app-emulation/vmware-modules
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/vmware-modules/ChangeLog,v 1.110 2013/11/02 17:15:35 dilfridge Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/vmware-modules/ChangeLog,v 1.111 2013/11/02 17:27:17 dilfridge Exp $
+ 02 Nov 2013; Andreas K. Huettel <>
+ -files/279-3.10.0.patch, vmware-modules-279.0.ebuild:
+ Re-add keywords after testing
02 Nov 2013; Andreas K. Huettel <>
files/279-vmblock.patch, vmware-modules-279.0.ebuild:
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-modules/Manifest b/app-emulation/vmware-modules/Manifest
index 5d60ddd1a480..c553cc14ddb7 100644
--- a/app-emulation/vmware-modules/Manifest
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-modules/Manifest
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ AUX 271-makefile-kernel-dir.patch 2153 SHA256 d76b1028d21b804836e36478d243cd7914
AUX 271-netdevice.patch 833 SHA256 8f17ce379abda45a8f94e1dcd6e43367273f97f76edd41f9941beb3b1730a751 SHA512 b4ec7c1694968a1843f10e8bfe0dbfdc99bd3b5fc1391456d91a3648b848b82df681a0748d967afa19e728c4d19b79b6a3cb9fd3e15a52a5cab048a6ac9b06a9 WHIRLPOOL b0cabe2ec1b8ca52d427c02593d6057c98d4ed00c578d006de65460138c37a5be76a7938d85f5a35eb6f49ee5e34065ce62b60a51b0ccf021639a59b27aeac8a
AUX 271-putname.patch 394 SHA256 b8103d3c72c24696e974e49dcdcdf2d5a2b2c2fdd5f6ca050842b840e906ba77 SHA512 86a0a0ec3ff225940190056e85d498fd7eb260bcc52882fea8921398f572bc46f56c3f2941d3f3d1587a07bc72c8885cbddacf632d2b5fed7d8c9d284399d6d8 WHIRLPOOL e1e8afcafe00131fd6d90b61e5d911da69d7c26b7fd19be085eb5cfd23c2ab19784ae5ddf18928f9cc4a178d87c6d51e8de27dfab8507e2d57fc18868fde9f45
AUX 271-vmmon.patch 1581 SHA256 a4e89766232d0fc0456bb026978dedca17fcc62e247c8d65ae747b537e62fd13 SHA512 10aca60b959647c058fa69f851892a0245acad971028876da8d0a0e6002d0e8f6f2677fd0d9b140ee8a1a68cf2cfa3f8937a992f8b0e7e163aa6bcc17b75c979 WHIRLPOOL 28d1a34e89c7a995dbde48d87d8942c6f58e61f4a24189a1463c148c843fdf16cea7df497993eb6fb8d8de228f07ae8a44233bb63e42b54ab1f762e7e24889ba
-AUX 279-3.10.0.patch 23418 SHA256 346d1ca7705dd5f791e0d69cdbb346ebd31f2f4f11f3989c23d1a89e11e1b91b SHA512 878678f951b05137deb1656ccd7fd3185887f02649f2a223ef60ccecdedc7aeda6ca08ddd108e379734b5e04ef11d326b20e45c069c53cc52b7a6869b8db6410 WHIRLPOOL 196515870addefcd6857dd3e44a04b8a6c0da39185e7cea7826f1498f5a4c17997ebe43aada7f22a1c3fa94302576ced2a7ed36e2452de00711256c83f7fa41e
AUX 279-apic.patch 302 SHA256 60e7df881281fedcabe9ea4427b324b5e1142a1a2b6ab5236ac0843bd1051048 SHA512 003240043e5875d8c6425c146e708eb3c3d8be7fa48a2ac42b3071f00dafdbd51f7796d6f884298b135adccaf8a3eac32fd82b34a436a724da125dac5f6261d7 WHIRLPOOL 4707d0ddd532d5ec27ee2ba3d0fb25c1972bbc9f958b4b89f2f5cceffdf955ba88cd1be0cde046aa5fa688d52faeab5ccf3f03bbccb3e9b088abc37ad579e8e0
AUX 279-makefile-include.patch 2501 SHA256 208121855fe18ecb279ff40f2833463559363461c2170d32c17040211a01f169 SHA512 c498c025c7eb025f6554cee683242dd73e4a284e4b28c95b75339f4f4a912a156acc1845881fbd78bf399c2092af7413f5d6c4782cd066527ea275518b411c1d WHIRLPOOL e03a6d7139ab7b309e0ca1527cb8b52a8f84f5f5d997a510305d2a6ccdd39f33b18c7276df8ac78d92d2a17a66236f582baaa5e374069d3912090544908a0338
AUX 279-makefile-kernel-dir.patch 2153 SHA256 d76b1028d21b804836e36478d243cd7914435a34f3fe014058e0a9cc7a020653 SHA512 f18339dc8ac4c864b0c2fb234ad2db8f4638a5cd28e8fd11b5593c82107925b41b42e0d0acac52232a373780d79a3e397f70886534cdf889055e86cfda718f62 WHIRLPOOL 70c869bf4efab6843856addd0c5f5a295ed2fe38f9fc2a8ab2ca55523cd39cb92018d6bd0dac75658fa0f5260962c98f0bbd001593f3f11c2d204c693061c5b6
@@ -28,23 +27,23 @@ AUX 279-vmblock.patch 1041 SHA256 217d27619ac782711686cffee44fbc4bbb40eb0657f335
AUX hardened.patch 5052 SHA256 191cf892bfb9a6288d110191de824bf6243bc6f48f1e62ab49f3582c7ade5af6 SHA512 52dcca8d9f689f0a0d0ca369c0c7ce0d177de3529d2d1325330eb5a9e940a55e8930bbbe7374793bdf29cbdefac9727e9eb21d00f81ad4f5eddba3a51597b7a5 WHIRLPOOL 539731bc36f3e292403f55d74c353deeb28baa312f726b36d2a6060adf3483dfa2ed011baf93eff941fa754ef62f4d6da86868c40550ee2292c4a711e061bde0
EBUILD vmware-modules-264.5.ebuild 2296 SHA256 6cef014c0bec60e55ac83f18954680b89a35e031049b745ef864e1ffaac06bc6 SHA512 c63329e2ed5cd845f13935da9277dc3c9145f40832b1b7eb79fe5767fda241a0ceca004da080b164c3c25ed04975739ca9ed8ea4b9f941e33713e68a0032355d WHIRLPOOL ca5d4cc0523e6758a8013603812f6ca8ee03aaf480ae6a9c6123fb692c2900618d88cb1f0e6f94f4b167d66c8b4b3ee52867c4aa50ab9f2bc05649971fefae4d
EBUILD vmware-modules-271.2.ebuild 2178 SHA256 1eea69a1154fd39be0ecfd60b0097be58265c7a3ca91949ea0c801380c91efa5 SHA512 58c108869ff3b73de5518ffec240e30398f261ca4c6b8a36172a36c494e9ca29a89ef272bddca6cdc38aa2cb3b8c59bdea79d4ad2c21ded6a1e592d3b23a662c WHIRLPOOL 1af685b6e45df9ccf18215b71653d3eb5991afa3830d358179c346a546f3ebfabae84307a1344b8cad64ccb3390b9f315926fd688a88bec89ed7c9c19445b910
-EBUILD vmware-modules-279.0.ebuild 2167 SHA256 ef9b64ac979505570db68c319750bcec82034b1a68ad2853cb0f6888227bf7f2 SHA512 b2147b652c1939d18ce5944ed15635e1c918b22bd89ccb09c62cd9a96d5b44292bfa3b852cbc695daf701f2f3587612c779ef13edb2823b05a14bf059e578c73 WHIRLPOOL 6a6104bdc81e36307bbabf174666cace44266dc16bb6d0aac3dae221c5c3daec8ab827a5c10350f3bc5c808d0fca7bc6bd176a3a2085ffb1dcd55b8270ca4ca3
-MISC ChangeLog 24415 SHA256 627f4eb4c3f79efaf527e981104559ab8faeb15125a363cf7cc93d8ebc1ab5fa SHA512 9c4aafb585b3258bb692c79bfd8e7657c8a7a2266c08863f8e71103a9ce4dcc91fc36697b9c6b4f08123ca972fb14ce9ec87c13a85e955bf99e58af4075c55eb WHIRLPOOL 628ebdf2aa31fb7673ad686f9b65f9762560d8b4271aec420c0efd481bfbf0c9dea083fadb42762396f697f1e23e09c1750e00907f104b64e494df9f81b55d72
+EBUILD vmware-modules-279.0.ebuild 2178 SHA256 cb5630600d95543efc5be9ad8f731bf1fbedb518ac912031e78594d077732463 SHA512 031b796e1320f621d1423891114c0c7e170a7488d37d631702dce01722404cdd89575cfa1d03d3718caf3bbb20490672d4f8a97417548845b0e9aa4bdb234526 WHIRLPOOL 14a46bb756984d99b1c8ca2b845bd46ebddd3f9dc955311ae23ba4c79508205649b0e7e1796d707763a662e2422d6ac15095539efa955616ed61b70af29ac2c1
+MISC ChangeLog 24561 SHA256 3b013a2e0fb4c0707c69dc0ca822cd6e604b426d16ed068a5c9ace2edb57b7f4 SHA512 c179ddd04e850f500b8db8b3e15c8271859d418250483d84f854e20c6f24859cabf0da977b0fe5d56b139b9561e625454a0f17a870f643a25d9042e1ea731fe5 WHIRLPOOL 8ce1a54e20af9404ad24a544d9627ef1dc08f57c0e9d671007a12f8ea1431a77aead8f5c4e028e582d82b7ebe5ca145a7b8da42860e5352e8fc3031c08bfb014
MISC metadata.xml 318 SHA256 ac8fd80ce620f3ec98dfc0dac974408e862ac259c9e43830465598393faa95d0 SHA512 9f7b8c607064b29a2a80ab3af8e5a442a2af1cee3ef9f1929a525e8b3724cf7fef0a4de8d78f32b2bc30f1f734ecc204a3db06a0bcf1e09dbe3d6b8d49dba458 WHIRLPOOL de36c0b8febb345a20d876fceeaeab2bf6f2399620174028fe5bf956cdc871e6623981f8e42562668b34dbf0cf8c4fe35035f4696779f582f679614682c81c72
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-modules/files/279-3.10.0.patch b/app-emulation/vmware-modules/files/279-3.10.0.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7795b18f5d7e..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/vmware-modules/files/279-3.10.0.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,809 +0,0 @@
---- a/vmnet-only/bridge.c
-+++ b/vmnet-only/bridge.c
-@@ -105,8 +105,6 @@ static Bool VNetBridgeCycleDetect(VNetJack *this, int generation);
- static Bool VNetBridgeIsDeviceWireless(struct net_device *dev);
- static void VNetBridgePortsChanged(VNetJack *this);
- static int VNetBridgeIsBridged(VNetJack *this);
--static int VNetBridgeProcRead(char *page, char **start, off_t off,
-- int count, int *eof, void *data);
- static void VNetBridgeComputeHeaderPosIPv6(struct sk_buff *skb);
- static PacketStatus VNetCallSMACFunc(struct SMACState *state,
- struct sk_buff **skb, void *startOfData,
-@@ -225,6 +223,53 @@ VNetBridgeDevCompatible(VNetBridge *bridge, // IN: Bridge
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
-+ * VNetBridgeProcShow --
-+ *
-+ * Callback for read operation on this bridge entry in vnets proc fs.
-+ *
-+ * Results:
-+ * Length of read operation.
-+ *
-+ * Side effects:
-+ * None.
-+ *
-+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ */
-+VNetBridgeProcShow(struct seq_file *seqf, // IN/OUT: buffer to write into
-+ void *data) // IN: client data - pointer to bridge
-+ VNetBridge *bridge = (VNetBridge*)data;
-+ if (!bridge) {
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ VNetPrintPort(&bridge->port, seqf);
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "dev %s ", bridge->name);
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "\n");
-+ return 0;
-+static int proc_bridge_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return single_open(file, VNetBridgeProcShow, PDE_DATA(inode));
-+static const struct file_operations proc_bridge_fops = {
-+ .open = proc_bridge_open,
-+ .read = seq_read,
-+ .llseek = seq_lseek,
-+ .release = seq_release,
-+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
- * VNetBridge_Create --
- *
- * Creates a bridge. Allocates struct, allocates internal device,
-@@ -319,17 +364,14 @@ VNetBridge_Create(const char *devName, // IN: name of device (e.g., "eth0")
- * Make proc entry for this jack.
- */
-- retval = VNetProc_MakeEntry(bridge->, S_IFREG,
-- &bridge->port.jack.procEntry);
-+ retval = VNetProc_MakeEntryOps(bridge->, S_IFREG,
-+ &bridge->port.jack.procEntry, &proc_bridge_fops, bridge);
- if (retval) {
- if (retval == -ENXIO) {
- bridge->port.jack.procEntry = NULL;
- } else {
- goto out;
- }
-- } else {
-- bridge->port.jack.procEntry->read_proc = VNetBridgeProcRead;
-- bridge->port.jack.procEntry->data = bridge;
- }
- /*
-@@ -1719,45 +1761,3 @@ VNetBridgeReceiveFromDev(struct sk_buff *skb, // IN: packet to receive
- return 0;
- }
-- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- *
-- * VNetBridgeProcRead --
-- *
-- * Callback for read operation on this bridge entry in vnets proc fs.
-- *
-- * Results:
-- * Length of read operation.
-- *
-- * Side effects:
-- * None.
-- *
-- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- */
--VNetBridgeProcRead(char *page, // IN/OUT: buffer to write into
-- char **start, // OUT: 0 if file < 4k, else offset into page
-- off_t off, // IN: (unused) offset of read into the file
-- int count, // IN: (unused) maximum number of bytes to read
-- int *eof, // OUT: TRUE if there is nothing more to read
-- void *data) // IN: client data - pointer to bridge
-- VNetBridge *bridge = (VNetBridge*)data;
-- int len = 0;
-- if (!bridge) {
-- return len;
-- }
-- len += VNetPrintPort(&bridge->port, page+len);
-- len += sprintf(page+len, "dev %s ", bridge->name);
-- len += sprintf(page+len, "\n");
-- *start = 0;
-- *eof = 1;
-- return len;
---- a/vmnet-only/driver.c
-+++ b/vmnet-only/driver.c
-@@ -1785,21 +1785,17 @@ VNetSetMACUnique(VNetPort *port, // IN:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- VNetPrintJack(const VNetJack *jack, // IN: jack
-- char *buf) // OUT: info about jack
-+ struct seq_file *seqf) // OUT: info about jack
- {
-- int len = 0;
- read_lock(&vnetPeerLock);
- if (!jack->peer) {
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, "connected not ");
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "connected not ");
- } else {
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, "connected %s ", jack->peer->name);
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "connected %s ", jack->peer->name);
- }
- read_unlock(&vnetPeerLock);
-- return len;
- }
-@@ -1819,52 +1815,48 @@ VNetPrintJack(const VNetJack *jack, // IN: jack
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- VNetPrintPort(const VNetPort *port, // IN: port
-- char *buf) // OUT: info about port
-+ struct seq_file *seqf) // OUT: info about port
- {
-- int len = 0;
-+ VNetPrintJack(&port->jack, seqf);
-- len += VNetPrintJack(&port->jack, buf+len);
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, "mac %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ",
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "mac %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ",
- port->paddr[0], port->paddr[1], port->paddr[2],
- port->paddr[3], port->paddr[4], port->paddr[5]);
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, "ladrf %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ",
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "ladrf %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ",
- port->ladrf[0], port->ladrf[1], port->ladrf[2],
- port->ladrf[3], port->ladrf[4], port->ladrf[5],
- port->ladrf[6], port->ladrf[7]);
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, "flags IFF_RUNNING");
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "flags IFF_RUNNING");
- if (port->flags & IFF_UP) {
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, ",IFF_UP");
-+ seq_printf(seqf, ",IFF_UP");
- }
- if (port->flags & IFF_BROADCAST) {
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, ",IFF_BROADCAST");
-+ seq_printf(seqf, ",IFF_BROADCAST");
- }
- if (port->flags & IFF_DEBUG) {
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, ",IFF_DEBUG");
-+ seq_printf(seqf, ",IFF_DEBUG");
- }
- if (port->flags & IFF_PROMISC) {
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, ",IFF_PROMISC");
-+ seq_printf(seqf, ",IFF_PROMISC");
- }
- if (port->flags & IFF_MULTICAST) {
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, ",IFF_MULTICAST");
-+ seq_printf(seqf, ",IFF_MULTICAST");
- }
- if (port->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) {
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, ",IFF_ALLMULTI");
-+ seq_printf(seqf, ",IFF_ALLMULTI");
- }
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, " ");
-- return len;
-+ seq_printf(seqf, " ");
- }
---- a/vmnet-only/hub.c
-+++ b/vmnet-only/hub.c
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/poll.h>
-+#include <linux/seq_file.h>
- #include <linux/netdevice.h>
- #include <linux/etherdevice.h>
-@@ -71,8 +72,6 @@ static void VNetHubReceive(VNetJack *this, struct sk_buff *skb);
- static Bool VNetHubCycleDetect(VNetJack *this, int generation);
- static void VNetHubPortsChanged(VNetJack *this);
- static int VNetHubIsBridged(VNetJack *this);
--static int VNetHubProcRead(char *page, char **start, off_t off,
-- int count, int *eof, void *data);
- static VNetHub *vnetHub;
- static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(vnetHubLock);
-@@ -241,6 +240,53 @@ VNetHub_AllocPvn(uint8 id[]) // IN: the PVN ID to alloc on
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
-+ * VNetHubProcShow --
-+ *
-+ * Callback for read operation on hub entry in vnets proc fs.
-+ *
-+ * Results:
-+ * Length of read operation.
-+ *
-+ * Side effects:
-+ * None.
-+ *
-+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ */
-+VNetHubProcShow(struct seq_file *seqf, // IN/OUT: buffer to write into
-+ void *data) // IN: client data - not used
-+ VNetJack *jack = (VNetJack*)data;
-+ VNetHub *hub;
-+ if (!jack || !jack->private) {
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ hub = (VNetHub*)jack->private;
-+ VNetPrintJack(jack, seqf);
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "tx %u ", hub->stats[jack->index].tx);
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "\n");
-+ return 0;
-+static int proc_hub_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return single_open(file, VNetHubProcShow, PDE_DATA(inode));
-+static const struct file_operations proc_hub_fops = {
-+ .open = proc_hub_open,
-+ .read = seq_read,
-+ .llseek = seq_lseek,
-+ .release = seq_release,
-+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
- * VNetHubAlloc --
- *
- * Allocate a jack on this hub.
-@@ -354,7 +400,7 @@ VNetHubAlloc(Bool allocPvn, // IN: TRUE for PVN, FALSE for vnet
- * Make proc entry for this jack.
- */
-- retval = VNetProc_MakeEntry(jack->name, S_IFREG, &jack->procEntry);
-+ retval = VNetProc_MakeEntryOps(jack->name, S_IFREG, &jack->procEntry, &proc_hub_fops, jack);
- if (retval) {
- if (retval == -ENXIO) {
- jack->procEntry = NULL;
-@@ -362,9 +408,6 @@ VNetHubAlloc(Bool allocPvn, // IN: TRUE for PVN, FALSE for vnet
- hub->used[i] = FALSE;
- return NULL;
- }
-- } else {
-- jack->procEntry->read_proc = VNetHubProcRead;
-- jack->procEntry->data = jack;
- }
- /*
-@@ -686,46 +729,3 @@ VNetHubIsBridged(VNetJack *this)
- }
-- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- *
-- * VNetHubProcRead --
-- *
-- * Callback for read operation on hub entry in vnets proc fs.
-- *
-- * Results:
-- * Length of read operation.
-- *
-- * Side effects:
-- * None.
-- *
-- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- */
--VNetHubProcRead(char *page, // IN/OUT: buffer to write into
-- char **start, // OUT: 0 if file < 4k, else offset into page
-- off_t off, // IN: offset of read into the file
-- int count, // IN: maximum number of bytes to read
-- int *eof, // OUT: TRUE if there is nothing more to read
-- void *data) // IN: client data - not used
-- VNetJack *jack = (VNetJack*)data;
-- VNetHub *hub;
-- int len = 0;
-- if (!jack || !jack->private) {
-- return len;
-- }
-- hub = (VNetHub*)jack->private;
-- len += VNetPrintJack(jack, page+len);
-- len += sprintf(page+len, "tx %u ", hub->stats[jack->index].tx);
-- len += sprintf(page+len, "\n");
-- *start = 0;
-- *eof = 1;
-- return len;
---- a/vmnet-only/netif.c
-+++ b/vmnet-only/netif.c
-@@ -62,8 +62,6 @@ static int VNetNetifStartXmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev);
- static struct net_device_stats *VNetNetifGetStats(struct net_device *dev);
- static int VNetNetifSetMAC(struct net_device *dev, void *addr);
- static void VNetNetifSetMulticast(struct net_device *dev);
--static int VNetNetIfProcRead(char *page, char **start, off_t off,
-- int count, int *eof, void *data);
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -116,6 +114,53 @@ VNetNetIfSetup(struct net_device *dev) // IN:
- }
-+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * VNetNetIfProcShow --
-+ *
-+ * Callback for read operation on this netif entry in vnets proc fs.
-+ *
-+ * Results:
-+ * Length of read operation.
-+ *
-+ * Side effects:
-+ * None.
-+ *
-+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ */
-+VNetNetIfProcShow(struct seq_file *seqf, // IN/OUT: buffer to write into
-+ void *data) // IN: client data
-+ VNetNetIF *netIf = data;
-+ if (!netIf) {
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ VNetPrintPort(&netIf->port, seqf);
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "dev %s ", netIf->dev->name);
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "\n");
-+ return 0;
-+static int proc_netif_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return single_open(file, VNetNetIfProcShow, PDE_DATA(inode));
-+static const struct file_operations proc_netif_fops = {
-+ .open = proc_netif_open,
-+ .read = seq_read,
-+ .llseek = seq_lseek,
-+ .release = seq_release,
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -180,16 +225,13 @@ VNetNetIf_Create(char *devName, // IN:
- * Make proc entry for this jack.
- */
-- retval = VNetProc_MakeEntry(netIf->, S_IFREG,
-- &netIf->port.jack.procEntry);
-+ retval = VNetProc_MakeEntryOps(netIf->, S_IFREG,
-+ &netIf->port.jack.procEntry, &proc_netif_fops, netIf);
- if (retval) {
- netIf->port.jack.procEntry = NULL;
- if (retval != -ENXIO) {
- goto outFreeDev;
- }
-- } else {
-- netIf->port.jack.procEntry->read_proc = VNetNetIfProcRead;
-- netIf->port.jack.procEntry->data = netIf;
- }
- /*
-@@ -553,45 +595,3 @@ VNetNetifGetStats(struct net_device *dev) // IN:
- return &netIf->stats;
- }
-- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- *
-- * VNetNetIfProcRead --
-- *
-- * Callback for read operation on this netif entry in vnets proc fs.
-- *
-- * Results:
-- * Length of read operation.
-- *
-- * Side effects:
-- * None.
-- *
-- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- */
--VNetNetIfProcRead(char *page, // IN/OUT: buffer to write into
-- char **start, // OUT: 0 if file < 4k, else offset into page
-- off_t off, // IN: (unused) offset of read into the file
-- int count, // IN: (unused) maximum number of bytes to read
-- int *eof, // OUT: TRUE if there is nothing more to read
-- void *data) // IN: client data
-- VNetNetIF *netIf = data;
-- int len = 0;
-- if (!netIf) {
-- return len;
-- }
-- len += VNetPrintPort(&netIf->port, page+len);
-- len += sprintf(page+len, "dev %s ", netIf->dev->name);
-- len += sprintf(page+len, "\n");
-- *start = 0;
-- *eof = 1;
-- return len;
---- a/vmnet-only/procfs.c
-+++ b/vmnet-only/procfs.c
-@@ -45,10 +45,6 @@
- #if defined(CONFIG_PROC_FS)
--static int VNetProcMakeEntryInt(VNetProcEntry *parent, char *name, int mode,
-- VNetProcEntry **ret);
--static void VNetProcRemoveEntryInt(VNetProcEntry *node, VNetProcEntry *parent);
- static VNetProcEntry *base = NULL;
-@@ -71,7 +67,12 @@ static VNetProcEntry *base = NULL;
- int
- VNetProc_Init(void)
- {
-- return VNetProcMakeEntryInt(NULL, "vmnet", S_IFDIR, &base);
-+ base = proc_mkdir("vmnet", NULL);
-+ if(IS_ERR(base)) {
-+ base = NULL;
-+ return PTR_ERR(base);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
- }
-@@ -94,14 +95,14 @@ VNetProc_Init(void)
- void
- VNetProc_Cleanup(void)
- {
-- VNetProcRemoveEntryInt(base, NULL);
-+ proc_remove(base);
- base = NULL;
- }
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
-- * VNetProcMakeEntryInt --
-+ * VNetProc_MakeEntryOps --
- *
- * Make an entry in the vnets proc file system.
- *
-@@ -116,72 +117,21 @@ VNetProc_Cleanup(void)
- */
- int
--VNetProcMakeEntryInt(VNetProcEntry *parent, // IN:
-- char *name, // IN:
-+VNetProc_MakeEntryOps(char *name, // IN:
- int mode, // IN:
-- VNetProcEntry **ret) // OUT:
-+ VNetProcEntry **ret,
-+ const struct file_operations *fops,
-+ void *data
-+ ) // OUT:
- {
- VNetProcEntry *ent;
-- ent = create_proc_entry(name, mode, parent);
-+ ent = proc_create_data(name, mode, base, fops, data);
- *ret = ent;
- if (!ent)
- return -ENOMEM;
- return 0;
- }
-- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- *
-- * VNetProcRemoveEntryInt --
-- *
-- * Remove a previously installed proc entry.
-- *
-- * Results:
-- * None.
-- *
-- * Side effects:
-- * None.
-- *
-- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- */
--VNetProcRemoveEntryInt(VNetProcEntry *node,
-- VNetProcEntry *parent)
-- if (node) {
-- remove_proc_entry(node->name, parent);
-- }
-- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- *
-- * VNetProc_MakeEntry --
-- *
-- * Make an entry in the vnets proc file system.
-- *
-- * Results:
-- * errno. If errno is 0 and ret is non NULL then ret is filled
-- * in with the resulting proc entry.
-- *
-- * Side effects:
-- * None.
-- *
-- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- */
--VNetProc_MakeEntry(char *name, // IN:
-- int mode, // IN:
-- VNetProcEntry **ret) // OUT:
-- return VNetProcMakeEntryInt(base, name, mode, ret);
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
-@@ -201,7 +151,8 @@ VNetProc_MakeEntry(char *name, // IN:
- void
- VNetProc_RemoveEntry(VNetProcEntry *node)
- {
-- VNetProcRemoveEntryInt(node, base);
-+ if(node)
-+ proc_remove(node);
- }
-@@ -253,31 +204,6 @@ VNetProc_Cleanup(void)
- }
-- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- *
-- * VNetProc_MakeEntry --
-- *
-- * Make an entry in the vnets proc file system.
-- *
-- * Results:
-- * errno. If errno is 0 and ret is non NULL then ret is filled
-- * in with the resulting proc entry.
-- *
-- * Side effects:
-- * None.
-- *
-- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- */
--VNetProc_MakeEntry(char *name,
-- int mode,
-- VNetProcEntry **ret)
-- return -ENXIO;
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
---- a/vmnet-only/userif.c
-+++ b/vmnet-only/userif.c
-@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ VNetUserIfReceive(VNetJack *this, // IN
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
-- * VNetUserIfProcRead --
-+ * VNetUserIfProcShow --
- *
- * Callback for read operation on this userif entry in vnets proc fs.
- *
-@@ -403,30 +403,23 @@ VNetUserIfReceive(VNetJack *this, // IN
- */
- static int
--VNetUserIfProcRead(char *page, // IN/OUT: buffer to write into
-- char **start, // OUT: 0 if file < 4k, else offset into
-- // page
-- off_t off, // IN: offset of read into the file
-- int count, // IN: maximum number of bytes to read
-- int *eof, // OUT: TRUE if there is nothing more to
-- // read
-+VNetUserIfProcShow(struct seq_file *seqf, // IN/OUT: buffer to write into
- void *data) // IN: client data - not used
- {
- VNetUserIF *userIf = (VNetUserIF*)data;
-- int len = 0;
- if (!userIf) {
-- return len;
-+ return 0;
- }
-- len += VNetPrintPort(&userIf->port, page+len);
-+ VNetPrintPort(&userIf->port, seqf);
-- len += sprintf(page+len, "read %u written %u queued %u ",
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "read %u written %u queued %u ",
- userIf->,
- userIf->stats.written,
- userIf->stats.queued);
-- len += sprintf(page+len,
-+ seq_printf(seqf,
- "dropped.down %u dropped.mismatch %u "
- "dropped.overflow %u dropped.largePacket %u",
- userIf->stats.droppedDown,
-@@ -434,13 +427,23 @@ VNetUserIfProcRead(char *page, // IN/OUT: buffer to write into
- userIf->stats.droppedOverflow,
- userIf->stats.droppedLargePacket);
-- len += sprintf(page+len, "\n");
-+ seq_printf(seqf, "\n");
-- *start = 0;
-- *eof = 1;
-- return len;
-+ return 0;
-+static int proc_userif_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return single_open(file, VNetUserIfProcShow, PDE_DATA(inode));
- }
-+static const struct file_operations proc_userif_fops = {
-+ .open = proc_userif_open,
-+ .read = seq_read,
-+ .llseek = seq_lseek,
-+ .release = seq_release,
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -1036,8 +1039,8 @@ VNetUserIf_Create(VNetPort **ret) // OUT
- * Make proc entry for this jack.
- */
-- retval = VNetProc_MakeEntry(userIf->, S_IFREG,
-- &userIf->port.jack.procEntry);
-+ retval = VNetProc_MakeEntryOps(userIf->, S_IFREG,
-+ &userIf->port.jack.procEntry, &proc_userif_fops, userIf);
- if (retval) {
- if (retval == -ENXIO) {
- userIf->port.jack.procEntry = NULL;
-@@ -1045,9 +1048,6 @@ VNetUserIf_Create(VNetPort **ret) // OUT
- kfree(userIf);
- return retval;
- }
-- } else {
-- userIf->port.jack.procEntry->read_proc = VNetUserIfProcRead;
-- userIf->port.jack.procEntry->data = userIf;
- }
- /*
---- a/vmnet-only/vnetInt.h
-+++ b/vmnet-only/vnetInt.h
-@@ -171,12 +171,14 @@ VNetJack *VNetDisconnect(VNetJack *jack);
- void VNetSend(const VNetJack *jack, struct sk_buff *skb);
--int VNetProc_MakeEntry(char *name, int mode,
-- VNetProcEntry **ret);
-+int VNetProc_MakeEntryOps(char *name, int mode,
-+ VNetProcEntry **ret,
-+ const struct file_operations *fops,
-+ void *data);
- void VNetProc_RemoveEntry(VNetProcEntry *node);
--int VNetPrintJack(const VNetJack *jack, char *buf);
-+void VNetPrintJack(const VNetJack *jack, struct seq_file *seqf);
- int VNet_MakeMACAddress(VNetPort *port);
-@@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ Bool VNetPacketMatch(const uint8 *destAddr, const uint8 *ifAddr,
- Bool VNetCycleDetectIf(const char *name, int generation);
--int VNetPrintPort(const VNetPort *port, char *buf);
-+void VNetPrintPort(const VNetPort *port, struct seq_file *seqf);
- int VNetSnprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...);
---- a/vmblock-only/linux/control.c 2013-05-21 19:21:19.165750556 +0200
-+++ b/vmblock-only/linux/control.c 2013-05-21 19:22:18.363747723 +0200
-@@ -208,9 +208,10 @@
- VMBlockSetProcEntryOwner(controlProcMountpoint);
- /* Create /proc/fs/vmblock/dev */
-- controlProcEntry = create_proc_entry(VMBLOCK_CONTROL_DEVNAME,
-- controlProcDirEntry);
-+ controlProcEntry = proc_create(VMBLOCK_CONTROL_DEVNAME,
-+ controlProcDirEntry,
-+ &ControlFileOps);
- if (!controlProcEntry) {
- Warning("SetupProcDevice: could not create " VMBLOCK_DEVICE "\n");
- remove_proc_entry(VMBLOCK_CONTROL_MOUNTPOINT, controlProcDirEntry);
-@@ -218,7 +219,6 @@
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-- controlProcEntry->proc_fops = &ControlFileOps;
- return 0;
- }
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-modules/vmware-modules-279.0.ebuild b/app-emulation/vmware-modules/vmware-modules-279.0.ebuild
index f567b5fbb55c..b8a2c600f915 100644
--- a/app-emulation/vmware-modules/vmware-modules-279.0.ebuild
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-modules/vmware-modules-279.0.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/vmware-modules/vmware-modules-279.0.ebuild,v 1.2 2013/11/02 17:15:35 dilfridge Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/vmware-modules/vmware-modules-279.0.ebuild,v 1.3 2013/11/02 17:27:17 dilfridge Exp $
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ SRC_URI=""
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"