diff options
authorDavid Holm <>2005-04-23 12:54:03 +0000
committerDavid Holm <>2005-04-23 12:54:03 +0000
commit96edad3a9b46e2ff6c305e9983e282349c1690c1 (patch)
tree923b12005e44ffb9bcb97752dfdc3f2b46218043 /dev-lang
parentnew upstream release (development branch). fixes bug #89631. (diff)
NPTL support (Bug #76491)
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang')
5 files changed, 274 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat/ChangeLog b/dev-lang/gnat/ChangeLog
index bfdf92735aa6..69c08ccb76f3 100644
--- a/dev-lang/gnat/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-lang/gnat/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-lang/gnat
# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/gnat/ChangeLog,v 1.30 2005/02/23 16:14:41 dholm Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/gnat/ChangeLog,v 1.31 2005/04/23 12:54:03 dholm Exp $
+*gnat-3.15p-r5 (23 Apr 2005)
+ 23 Apr 2005; David Holm <> +files/gnat-3.15p-nptl.patch,
+ +gnat-3.15p-r5.ebuild:
+ Added patch for NPTL support from Maxim Reznik <reznikmm (at) front (dot)
+ ru>, bug #76491
*gnat-3.15p-r4 (23 Feb 2005)
diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat/Manifest b/dev-lang/gnat/Manifest
index 3984009978c9..3e790271ec85 100644
--- a/dev-lang/gnat/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lang/gnat/Manifest
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ MD5 86fdf8a4f3d7e83edb3bcc0613692225 gnat-3.14p.ebuild 5599
MD5 608766ca2b3f1891c60dc4bf831bf14a gnat-3.15p.ebuild 5655
MD5 4b8299d1078b0c3a88969f43c9ae6a64 metadata.xml 927
MD5 7e1abff13d1add33756c2f586bbb5e63 gnat-3.41.ebuild 4012
-MD5 0efbee93a411069d1f42963a4f2a4f3c ChangeLog 4975
MD5 140f94774ca1df5f61298c4a7982bf3a gnat-3.43.ebuild 4041
MD5 ca3b64c8223c3f3781cfe65e4e224ee6 gnat-3.15p-r3.ebuild 6070
MD5 7d626d97f619615a5722cf1e86d673b2 gnat-3.15p-r4.ebuild 5760
+MD5 9e647fec72de0891860dccad0a12c86a gnat-3.15p-r5.ebuild 5769
+MD5 524902affb557e1550b91a3dc612f204 ChangeLog 5200
MD5 59500f81e672cff22232586fc278547b files/digest-gnat-3.14p 213
MD5 737e39907fb4f28640a1b4cbbc1cdc78 files/digest-gnat-3.15p 216
MD5 5710cea3459403d02bc4ad4674fa7d1b files/digest-gnat-3.15p-r3 378
@@ -16,3 +17,5 @@ MD5 7fabcf7198fb4001adfba250899e0024 files/gnat-3.15p-noaddr2line.patch.bz2 542
MD5 ffcd9ae5ebd258ffd9c88fc3cf225bd6 files/digest-gnat-3.41 315
MD5 119e0c400e71cdafcfb3eeca106c7029 files/digest-gnat-3.43 315
MD5 5710cea3459403d02bc4ad4674fa7d1b files/digest-gnat-3.15p-r4 378
+MD5 5710cea3459403d02bc4ad4674fa7d1b files/digest-gnat-3.15p-r5 378
+MD5 5d64753ce1119bb193bf3c09b43e87b0 files/gnat-3.15p-nptl.patch 1965
diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat/files/digest-gnat-3.15p-r5 b/dev-lang/gnat/files/digest-gnat-3.15p-r5
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ef184b39a779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/gnat/files/digest-gnat-3.15p-r5
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+MD5 cf8b9cccc867e318bccaaa2dce384028 gnat-3.15p-src.tgz 5553434
+MD5 3bcbedfaccf343a8515efc0f74b8a027 gnat-3.15p-unx-docs.tar.gz 9515443
+MD5 23ce8b5d276e2eab421416564f9dc8a3 gcc-2.8.1.tar.bz2 6304274
+MD5 57c060cd1ccef8b1ae9165b11d98780a gnat-3.15p-i686-pc-redhat71-gnu-bin.tar.gz 13482938
+MD5 33a146f39c04b2ac055ae81585622d08 gnat-3.15p-powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 8228916
diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat/files/gnat-3.15p-nptl.patch b/dev-lang/gnat/files/gnat-3.15p-nptl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..74bcb0323b76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/gnat/files/gnat-3.15p-nptl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+This patch makes it possible to use the New POSIX Thread Library on
+Linux >= 2.6 and glibc >= 2.3. It also works on linux 2.4. I
+backported it from GCC 3.4.
+I omitted irrelevant parts of this patch to keep it minimal.
+Ludovic Brenta.
+diff -u -u -r1.5 -r1.6
+--- ada/ 24 Apr 2003 17:53:51 -0000 1.5
++++ ada/ 1 May 2003 14:14:35 -0000 1.6
+@@ -443,11 +448,8 @@
+ private
+- type sigset_t is array (0 .. 31) of unsigned_long;
++ type sigset_t is array (0 .. 127) of unsigned_char;
+ pragma Convention (C, sigset_t);
+- for sigset_t'Size use 1024;
+- -- This is for GNU libc version 2 but should be backward compatible with
+- -- other libc where sigset_t is smaller.
+ type pid_t is new int;
+@@ -476,7 +478,7 @@
+ stackaddr : System.Address;
+ stacksize : size_t;
+ end record;
+- pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, pthread_attr_t);
++ pragma Convention (C, pthread_attr_t);
+ type pthread_condattr_t is record
+ dummy : int;
+@@ -490,25 +492,22 @@
+ type pthread_t is new unsigned_long;
+- type struct_pthread_queue is record
+- head : System.Address;
+- tail : System.Address;
++ type struct_pthread_fast_lock is record
++ status : long;
++ spinlock : int;
+ end record;
+- pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_queue);
++ pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_fast_lock);
+ type pthread_mutex_t is record
+- m_spinlock : int;
++ m_reserved : int;
+ m_count : int;
+ m_owner : System.Address;
+ m_kind : int;
+- m_waiting : struct_pthread_queue;
++ m_lock : struct_pthread_fast_lock;
+ end record;
+ pragma Convention (C, pthread_mutex_t);
+- type pthread_cond_t is record
+- c_spinlock : int;
+- c_waiting : struct_pthread_queue;
+- end record;
++ type pthread_cond_t is array (0 .. 47) of unsigned_char;
+ pragma Convention (C, pthread_cond_t);
+ type pthread_key_t is new unsigned;
diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat/gnat-3.15p-r5.ebuild b/dev-lang/gnat/gnat-3.15p-r5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..50895147bad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/gnat/gnat-3.15p-r5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/gnat/gnat-3.15p-r5.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/04/23 12:54:03 dholm Exp $
+inherit eutils gnat
+DESCRIPTION="The GNU Ada Toolkit"
+DEPEND="x86? ( >=app-shells/tcsh-6.0 )"
+ x86? (${PV}/${P}-i686-pc-redhat71-gnu-bin.tar.gz )
+ ppc? ( mirror://gentoo/${P}-powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 )"
+KEYWORDS="x86 ppc"
+case ${ARCH} in
+ x86) GNATBOOT="${WORKDIR}/boot"
+ GNATBOOTINST="${WORKDIR}/${P}-i686-pc-linux-gnu-bin"
+ ;;
+ ppc)
+ GNATBOOT="${WORKDIR}/${P}-powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu"
+ ;;
+CFLAGS="-O2 -gnatpgn"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ # Install the bootstrap compiler
+ if [ "${ARCH}" = "x86" ]; then
+ patch -p1 < ${FILESDIR}/gnat-3.15p-i686-pc-linux-gnu-bin.patch
+ echo $'\n'3$'\n'${GNATBOOT}$'\n' | ./doconfig > doconfig.log 2>&1
+ ./doinstall
+ fi
+ # Prepare the gcc source directory
+ cd "${S}"
+ patch -p0 < "${GNATDIR}/src/gcc-281.dif"
+ touch
+ mv "${GNATDIR}/src/ada" "${S}"
+ bzcat "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo.patch.bz2" | patch -p1
+ touch ada/ ada/a-[es]info.h ada/[bs]
+ # Make $local_prefix point to $prefix
+ sed -i -e "s/@local_prefix@/@prefix@/" "${S}/"
+ cd "${S}"
+ bzcat "${FILESDIR}/${P}-noaddr2line.patch.bz2" | patch -p1
+ sed -i -e "s/-laddr2line//g" ada/
+ patch -p0 < "${FILESDIR}/${P}-nptl.patch"
+src_compile() {
+ local PATH="${GNATBOOT}/bin:${PATH}"
+ local LDFLAGS="-L${GNATBOOT}/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.8.1"
+ if [ -d ${GNATBOOTINST} ]; then
+ fi
+ # Configure gcc
+ cd "${S}"
+ econf --libdir=/usr/lib/ada --program-prefix=gnat \
+ || die "./configure failed"
+ # Make sure we don't overwrite the existing gcc
+ sed -i -e "s/\$(bindir)\/gcov/\$(bindir)\/gnatgcov/" "${S}/Makefile"
+ sed -i -e "s/alias)-gcc/alias)-gnatgcc/g" "${S}/Makefile"
+ # Compile it by first using the bootstrap compiler and then bootstrapping
+ # our own version. Finally compile the libraries and tools.
+ einfo "Building compiler"
+ make CC="gcc" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" LANGUAGES="c ada gcov" ||
+ die "Failed while running inital compilation!"
+ make CC="gcc" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" LANGUAGES="c ada gcov" bootstrap ||
+ die "Died while bootstrapping!"
+ einfo "Building shared gnatlib"
+ gnatlib-shared ||
+ die "Failed to build the shared version of gnatlib!"
+ einfo "Building gnattools"
+ make CC="gcc" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" gnattools ||
+ die "Failed to build gnattools!"
+src_install() {
+ local PATH="${GNATBOOT}/bin:${PATH}"
+ local LDFLAGS="-L${GNATBOOT}/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.8.1"
+ if [ -d ${GNATBOOTINST} ]; then
+ fi
+ # Install gnatgcc, tools and native threads library
+ make prefix="${D}/usr" libdir="${D}/usr/lib/ada" \
+ LANGUAGES="c ada gcov" GCC_INSTALL_NAME=gnatgcc \
+ install-common install-libgcc install-gnatlib install-driver ||
+ die "Failed while installing GNAT"
+ touch "${D}/usr/lib/ada/gcc-lib/${CHOST}/2.8.1/include/float.h"
+ if [ "${ARCH}" = "x86" ]; then
+ # Install the FSU threads library
+ cd "${D}/usr/lib/ada/gcc-lib/${CHOST}/2.8.1"
+ mkdir rts-native
+ mkdir rts-fsu
+ # Move the native threads library
+ mv adalib adainclude rts-native
+ cd ${S}
+ # Compile and install the FSU threads library
+ rm stamp-gnatlib1
+ einfo "Building FSU-threads runtime"
+ THREAD_KIND="fsu" gnatlib-shared
+ make prefix="${D}/usr" libdir="${D}/usr/lib/ada" install-gnatlib
+ cd "${D}/usr/lib/ada/gcc-lib/${CHOST}/2.8.1"
+ mv adalib adainclude rts-fsu
+ cd ${S}
+ # Install the precompiled FSU library from the binary distribution
+ cp "${GNATBOOTINST}/libgthreads.a" "${D}/usr/lib/ada/gcc-lib/${CHOST}/2.8.1"
+ cp "${GNATBOOTINST}/libmalloc.a" "${D}/usr/lib/ada/gcc-lib/${CHOST}/2.8.1"
+ # Make native threads the default
+ cd "${D}/usr/lib/ada/gcc-lib/${CHOST}/2.8.1"
+ ln -s rts-native/adalib adalib
+ ln -s rts-native/adainclude adainclude
+ fi
+ if [ -z ${GNATBOOTINST} ]; then
+ cp "${GNATBOOTINST}/" "${D}/usr/bin"
+ chmod +x "${D}/usr/bin"
+ fi
+ # Fix broken symlinks
+ cd ${D}/usr/lib/ada/gcc-lib/${CHOST}/2.8.1/adalib
+ rm -f
+ rm -f
+ ln -sf
+ ln -sf
+ # Install documentation and examples
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/${P}-src
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}/examples
+ doins examples/*
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/${P}-unx-docs
+ rm -f */gvd.*
+ rm -f */gdb.*
+ for i in `find . -name 'gcc*'`; do \
+ mv ${i} ${i/gcc/gnatgcc}; \
+ done
+ dohtml html/*
+ docinto ps
+ dodoc ps/*
+ docinto txt
+ dodoc txt/*
+ doinfo info/*
+ cd ${S}
+ mv gcc.1 gnatgcc.1
+ doman gnatgcc.1
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # Notify the user what changed
+ einfo ""
+ if [ "${ARCH}" = "x86" ]; then
+ einfo "Both the native-threads and the FSU-threads runtimes have been"
+ einfo "installed. The native-threads version is the default on linux."
+ einfo "If you want to use FSU-threads (required if you are using"
+ einfo "Annex D) simply use the following switch: --RTS=fsu"
+ einfo ""
+ fi
+ einfo "The compiler has been installed as gnatgcc, and the coverage testing"
+ einfo "tool as gnatgcov."
+ einfo ""