diff options
authorEray Aslan <>2012-12-06 11:27:40 +0000
committerEray Aslan <>2012-12-06 11:27:40 +0000
commitcd63089eae40652acb2c424d6096bd239f0abac2 (patch)
treeb39a0f1e4b0e047d47a6cfe20681406cb132998a /mail-mta/nullmailer
parentwww-servers/tomcat: removed obsolete file (diff)
Remove old
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.0_alpha144/cvs/Linux x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0x77F1F175586A3B1F
Diffstat (limited to 'mail-mta/nullmailer')
8 files changed, 20 insertions, 665 deletions
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog b/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog
index cb1509e8059c..a0cd0ceaadfc 100644
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for mail-mta/nullmailer
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog,v 1.58 2012/11/06 11:18:38 eras Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog,v 1.59 2012/12/06 11:27:28 eras Exp $
+ 06 Dec 2012; Eray Aslan <> -files/init.d-nullmailer,
+ -files/nullmailer-1.10-fix-sendmail.patch, -nullmailer-1.05.ebuild,
+ -nullmailer-1.06.ebuild, -nullmailer-1.10-r1.ebuild, -nullmailer-1.10.ebuild:
+ Remove old
06 Nov 2012; Eray Aslan <> nullmailer-1.05.ebuild,
nullmailer-1.06.ebuild, nullmailer-1.10-r1.ebuild, nullmailer-1.10.ebuild,
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/Manifest b/mail-mta/nullmailer/Manifest
index 7464f54bfe3d..63db2df58bb4 100644
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/Manifest
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/Manifest
@@ -1,38 +1,27 @@
Hash: SHA256
-AUX init.d-nullmailer 1221 SHA256 279dd0519b62b57b4f5f6a7bcbfcd8337dd3d5e6e785de1d443f2005def64d72 SHA512 1e0c29b6c63633001aced2e9db4ddba02bdcbec61571f5d48455c4d6a6b2e15580771ec93c27deb80d8b552a783df5405c1fa1724f7d9c2278e55cfcec802fa4 WHIRLPOOL c2ec918ad31dc14effabb831b4bd4413de3a0349eaed116e75c09c34c643fedba1d10526dcdb24835e56995e3a77a75e30ac0bf3b351b337891109807c6b488d
AUX init.d-nullmailer-r1 1220 SHA256 53647c3756bdff6b3753f91f1aed61649f35294ae06e757b613ab58b5ca55c85 SHA512 174d0e33f9cfd4c34d937f64b74084ca56b6c600d55a4ddee24c42b8b1f6c69d73d3126bfd943ce47c8121751a3cf331cea4bd2f703e610d3c7f1835510782d4 WHIRLPOOL 4d0acdf85725b74b356af4d4346ae73d21f53682b649f9fbbde111e0725cdd4d29ac81cca54f7b2bab5e0d93002db5ef6d9427a0bcf9e7ab41673776792a7cc3
-AUX nullmailer-1.10-fix-sendmail.patch 3316 SHA256 18b306f565326813c785acb88303656d966118cfaeea2a5422e89deab42c8b14 SHA512 fed13c06564295c644eba8b4d635a677bc45bcf95d96110d182128b0787adba63d07a935c5d861dfe934b22316b1d2bafa8dd7553e4771ad96b1bd7fe8f47c7b WHIRLPOOL 6da7b6363e0a9215e48853a0e58ffe23fc7679462e2d674ec20485bc06533c2fb80d79b6cea82f09214d31efa510b64f5ac292259671adc726272e2d0f11c7f2
AUX remotes.sample-1.04 540 SHA256 d9f756d9a2b21e7f7166c1b29a34c4dda1eb1ab0c57168ded3d0ed225cf692ee SHA512 ea0e75253804d792cab14d672ef88ccfc93b2d47c7e936e9de10b130a3270f5ca16b019ef71fc13f74ddd1fe12272060ae6664357b1dc019b9c93950bc0a583e WHIRLPOOL ed2af783ae2648cf23ce73523d47e462f809694b19c31055e2d0419da750ebff1c2403b1defad56b21c1d3a95d863f1880f391f52d1a30057d588ac1263371fa
-DIST nullmailer-1.05.tar.gz 176800 SHA256 90356ed2bd95eef09ed04713fdef1f81c1ab95e02eee333a96a8e3eb230cac2f SHA512 8c4bc560058ed45eb5e9a6a73ece0975a7ee2f2c6763839659391398f7bef111314e3db70c73bf91aeb6acbc5e7cf7538150e8ce59ed7ecc22f9953f561261b5 WHIRLPOOL 4ab2f469cb295e314bd676bb03a321e8cbdc3177922e4bb82239645f2ee47d3cac91ddaefdf5ad7a80c24a6540cc1485ee01146ab4e30834f4f42bb7be41c60d
-DIST nullmailer-1.06.tar.gz 180380 SHA256 aa5813dae985c412fcb2e185c3dcfac64f581bcf4ce5d480437409c53c16a2bd
-DIST nullmailer-1.10.tar.gz 201324 SHA256 eda85acf95ccac886271c2d9d471b3e245288aa6597c925372e429defb7f75b7 SHA512 6691e262757c2ab335faef71cffaab7f633d67ee17bc623c1605bf5966b141b73686cecb5aafc433550a57cea86f67bec3f32b6d66041bdf618e88e38a911534 WHIRLPOOL 9da4dbc883672db4ec2ea5d65baa0f8c3d7628a5961cb3650d178366bf48b531728525d0cac9e6074e61a45ef6f64d8b7deaeda3e5d484782aad7cf364312e56
DIST nullmailer-1.11.tar.gz 203239 SHA256 bf61c839b5f0927e0998c6183f229fa644f97165d3d5402adc59369b2bdaf25e SHA512 419798e6910e554e7d679a18e900555b52e061d3e085c0e958cc1e6b0c132840c285b669ad890baa3bd6191a371b88cec1e10aeaa49cd1c6cde33d881812fbeb WHIRLPOOL d05b0a1969135c8b83ee45494d96e3d13d431d55310b3f04d2fb6c71cffc0490a9fcbfa61ff4040f366e2d0372da35c5d2b331e520eadeb918bf557951daa494
-DIST nullmailer_1.04-1.diff.gz 47284 SHA256 daa2a9388e8fa2a93401b9ee060a7f56f2f8e820af57aeba82a8abde838fcd75 SHA512 9b284d7058b7df5f37f1a0e5d1032e7073bfbca8090804d0307c04e03736c549e01ec07aaff4fc5ec4c57eb7f0045b1cb4271c9d5fbf057b0c50f792c0f62189 WHIRLPOOL e6fe1f0249b0b2b89125c2a02ad0ee06221aac16c584662f332000d991db766eca16b1df1322519c0592adfe2b515620a25157e0343cb811b15c6ad214a5d2e3
-DIST nullmailer_1.10-1.debian.tar.gz 32950 SHA256 97adc0ef257b8185100208d8c4b00b298843683a95c2e04011f424f49873fa03 SHA512 d17d72a47b19e14527b2644c25a1e891587ccac367e61985d5a1cdd5471fde98d25d0d9e89ca0630a63e709c2e8c2f8c99827a686a1203cc50b0a1d1e6bd9b57 WHIRLPOOL 5d5aab6ca815e594f30529d00dcf3ffb9dcb2b0a4ebc23164ce1477bf0b3c2316ab50ef7fed1d5eca2668f8476f552e2ddb829b9181e7a3061e2bdd8babe93a2
DIST nullmailer_1.11-1.debian.tar.gz 33187 SHA256 86d64b37220c4e92680509152b20d08c2702ad313350b8e65dd1d754bd1b76c9 SHA512 67bdb686bc62ff924c2d4b1aac2f528d51e4d7b0d72df438b3197d7a8b3fd6a875be7eb681e092c024ed3d47ba5ed5e5b0bca4f4d07200ca4bbbdbe8fea4c2c9 WHIRLPOOL c2661a17fcf6686825079063d55500a4095b6bc6938729247fc1ef78c2476e352ee9101d56f8d082d537d2e8cab99e5e12eee6195d5c1c891f41f327fde79121
-EBUILD nullmailer-1.05.ebuild 3972 SHA256 a0df91b565cfafeb3d9073c75f9576a3471673db82589f81936869f823bae3c5 SHA512 d0c4f50f133b31a0f5333d8b83d239ec493046521162fb6c5ab74863cda60945aac687fdcac3242ca468efb45cafac44622e9b340aebbf817dd29bebe66d034d WHIRLPOOL d15d9703f78f041e7245c5735dd4fe8242abe5f0a5cedec0ecd7175768aba09c81583e150faa56acc36e83a522412b9c9b8c6cdde46a41889f9f0b440dcc42bc
-EBUILD nullmailer-1.06.ebuild 3966 SHA256 97494a68b364962b96106cfda48246d8f0a2589ae7c8345944a69a764c076795 SHA512 9e9518e1b447f601113760664a9bede10359e0b1f5877bda725067724c5e49845dfe88e8f69c14d7f81a8de7e7c92d37f61587ba35cef5962a75112227fe3a4e WHIRLPOOL 83faf62c13f89c6de81b5a6f1bbcb64b746ce6fddc6f699421f309f47aa9e7f4a58a5de1baa67a379339499d625f5cf4f88f2f6c431500f4f726c638a38974d7
-EBUILD nullmailer-1.10-r1.ebuild 3849 SHA256 fe6d8994053713f1a10131cd1351a88d78f04d24a6ac39117939173e1cd6aff4 SHA512 865772fe5472c3275d6a42cc924ba4c94534810cfb9bd5452c559d45b6085334198fbfe0a2cc41015a3bc33e066b6bc82d5125aef092b291299f224c27762c66 WHIRLPOOL 86bc9c870056378739c0a08edc8e908ee338341d7015b881361d24e7888947811db9aaf55cfc93a64690a3365647ec8e915121bead244e26c6821d6d0690b300
-EBUILD nullmailer-1.10.ebuild 3787 SHA256 b52f61b823e4bee2ebb538006d7f2a3bb0425679099694bc92aced184189a7d5 SHA512 192e5d4bc95a7920f18c70840cc1e413ffd2a9349edb312365a434fdfd018148bd75d0534193d3750c46cc510094898020c17ca00233e8de9b1e5a8c326ae456 WHIRLPOOL 492f242ee7cc214de179f338c1a73f194507a0a97f5b5006d8f4e8c7a980779cda6a1dca2b6b1babd27b97a9fab26673e7df0de79d048bf836e8465c63b000bd
EBUILD nullmailer-1.11.ebuild 3901 SHA256 fd671c3b9e37f6a167a62175e09ca06cc83769b6ccda92f4657f3d71941e0862 SHA512 61a0a7061a7ab3a6de68ddc0ac0a5c05b95c415713713b78e7a141224fa30b14eac0bbf081577df3c7cd645cc26f7e46b00f8470084f89c8deaea23a7a00f60a WHIRLPOOL c57ff9be7b8bf95cc9806480eb17687c306c42b8c997bb0ef8c3940a6bee8f3a63c28cf9f923d932a5ed70dfbe6083ebf1ddd1403d1a0dd62f9952aeb4302f78
-MISC ChangeLog 11162 SHA256 461565dc4c64d462ad101bdb7cf56f19210219f7d3c06e6c5e61084b63b5f60e SHA512 45ccf66ecdd960ad71428b56496f468da592600b2008b50c066a73f6eb9dccf31fb3ba4a676bda5d047fae0619fc454c627c9e6a7a066fe2ddcc58d6c2ac1e62 WHIRLPOOL aea2ad82156db77463c7f0f6558153ba6a0a67ecdf9e9e2b66e6528243be7ccb139e240fd64272d4a542aa9f24fc6039717374f5f740063a6c4f15b25eb83a64
+MISC ChangeLog 11396 SHA256 980d97ed04b90621be33510e68c03a3773ca8852d26d69f594c8a6ee4a098df6 SHA512 09e5b37b03b1c4253663e2a037f8e89b74670e0d3be77b77eafbe4f77a431635d2252f9013fa4c02b7fe087a10cfac9399232731dd292b552e743edc0ef7b83d WHIRLPOOL 7fa532ddb794ae48b10c67ecd54f9ec56b76c720e4cdf977d1ae476050bd1b045949a57105f65bf1c326ad6d098829cbd5352cb8484c61199929071615d82d05
MISC metadata.xml 280 SHA256 1e7cf6dbb378d12f4d6569350ba23c49aa55a855240b78b5487532028b0ff540 SHA512 64fcd3cea4082dd07b14f6c43de22c264c343936c21c51a1c4ff314f107758953846468961f0f7dfda81b218782cd2c2686be5f61c171feb793e4d33c3aca027 WHIRLPOOL e2d2fc3dfa4d934ee598f98f92d10dfe233b06de83f2621c209c344f872806bbf724af3151b46b104b607541f5c01b327b21144269d554d143eeb33c3e722b79
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/init.d-nullmailer b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/init.d-nullmailer
deleted file mode 100644
index 070c5737e13d..000000000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/init.d-nullmailer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/init.d-nullmailer,v 1.1 2006/01/30 03:50:34 robbat2 Exp $
-depend() {
- need net logger
-checkconfig() {
- local error=0
- local f=/etc/nullmailer/me
- if [ ! -s ${f} ]; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- error=1
- fi
- f=/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain
- if [ ! -s ${f} ]; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- error=1
- fi
- if [ ${error} -eq 1 ]; then
- einfo "You need to run 'emerge --config nullmailer'!"
- fi
- if [ -e /service/nullmailer ]; then
- eerror "Nullmailer is already running under svscan!"
- error=2
- fi
- if [ ${error} -ne 0 ]; then
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- fi
-start() {
- checkconfig
- ebegin "Starting nullmailer"
- cd /var/nullmailer
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --chuid ${USER}:${GROUP} \
- --exec ${DAEMON} -- ${ARGS}
- eend $?
-stop() {
- checkconfig # to avoid init.d stopping svscan instance
- ebegin "Stopping nullmailer"
- cd /var/nullmailer
- start-stop-daemon --stop --user ${USER} --exec ${DAEMON}
- eend $?
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/nullmailer-1.10-fix-sendmail.patch b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/nullmailer-1.10-fix-sendmail.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 98669a64c777..000000000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/nullmailer-1.10-fix-sendmail.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/lib/cli++/ b/lib/cli++/
-index f0eb014..406e990 100644
---- a/lib/cli++/
-+++ b/lib/cli++/
-@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ static cli_option help_option = { 'h', "help", cli_option::flag,
- static cli_option** options;
- static unsigned optionc;
-+static const char* short_options;
- static void build_options()
- {
-@@ -47,6 +48,13 @@ static void build_options()
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < optionc-1; i++)
- options[i] = &cli_options[i];
- options[optionc-1] = &help_option;
-+ char* so;
-+ short_options = so = new char[optionc+1];
-+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < optionc; i++)
-+ if (options[i]->ch != 0)
-+ *so++ = options[i]->ch;
-+ *so = 0;
- }
- static inline int max(int a, int b)
-@@ -275,14 +283,6 @@ static int parse_long(int, char* argv[])
- ++arg;
- for(unsigned j = 0; j < optionc; j++) {
- cli_option* o = options[j];
-- if (cli_only_long && o->ch) {
-- if (arg[0] == o->ch) {
-- if (arg[1] == '\0')
-- return o->parse_long_noeq(argv[1], true);
-- else if (arg[1] == '=')
-- return o->parse_long_eq(arg+2, true);
-- }
-- }
- if(o->name) {
- size_t len = strlen(o->name);
- if(!memcmp(arg, o->name, len)) {
-@@ -297,6 +297,13 @@ static int parse_long(int, char* argv[])
- return -1;
- }
-+static int parse_either(int argc, char* argv[])
-+ return (strchr(short_options, argv[0][1]) != 0)
-+ ? parse_short(argc, argv)
-+ : parse_long(argc, argv);
- static int parse_args(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- build_options();
-@@ -312,9 +319,9 @@ static int parse_args(int argc, char* argv[])
- i++;
- break;
- }
-- int j = (!cli_only_long && arg[1] != '-')
-- ? parse_short(argc-i, argv+i)
-- : parse_long(argc-i, argv+i);
-+ int j = (arg[1] == '-') ? parse_long(argc-i, argv+i)
-+ : cli_only_long ? parse_either(argc-i, argv+i)
-+ : parse_short(argc-i, argv+i);
- if(j < 0)
- usage(1);
- else
-diff --git a/src/ b/src/
-index f245226..2e5615b 100644
---- a/src/
-+++ b/src/
-@@ -66,26 +66,13 @@ cli_option cli_options[] = {
- { 'N', 0, cli_option::string, 0, &o_dummys, "Ignored", 0 },
- { 'n', 0, cli_option::flag, 0, &o_dummyi, "Ignored", 0 },
- { 'O', 0, cli_option::string, 0, &o_dummys, "Ignored", 0 },
-- { 0, "odb", cli_option::flag, 0, &o_dummyi,
-- "Deliver in background (always true)", 0 },
-- { 0, "odf", cli_option::flag, 0, &o_dummyi,
-- "Deliver in foreground (ignored)", 0 },
-- { 0, "oem", cli_option::flag, 0, &o_dummyi,
-- "Ignored", 0 },
-+ { 'o', 0, cli_option::string, 0, &o_dummys, "Set sendmail flag, ignored", 0 },
- { 0, "em", cli_option::flag, 0, &o_dummyi,
- "Ignored", 0 },
-- { 0, "oep", cli_option::flag, 0, &o_dummyi,
-- "Ignored", 0 },
- { 0, "ep", cli_option::flag, 0, &o_dummyi,
- "Ignored", 0 },
-- { 0, "oeq", cli_option::flag, 0, &o_dummyi,
-- "Ignored", 0 },
- { 0, "eq", cli_option::flag, 0, &o_dummyi,
- "Ignored", 0 },
-- { 0, "oi", cli_option::flag, 0, &o_dummyi,
-- "Ignored", 0 },
-- { 0, "om", cli_option::flag, 0, &o_dummyi,
-- "Ignored", 0 },
- { 'p', 0, cli_option::string, 0, &o_dummys, "Ignored", 0 },
- { 'q', 0, cli_option::string, 0, &o_dummys, "Ignored", 0 },
- { 'R', 0, cli_option::string, 0, &o_dummys, "Ignored", 0 },
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.05.ebuild b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.05.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 332c617d707d..000000000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.05.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.05.ebuild,v 1.7 2012/11/06 11:18:38 eras Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic autotools user
-DESCRIPTION="Simple relay-only local mail transport agent"
- mirror://debian/pool/main/n/${PN}/${DEBIAN_SRC}"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86"
- virtual/logger
- !mail-mta/courier
- !mail-mta/esmtp
- !mail-mta/exim
- !mail-mta/mini-qmail
- !mail-mta/msmtp
- !mail-mta/netqmail
- !mail-mta/postfix
- !mail-mta/qmail-ldap
- !mail-mta/sendmail
- !mail-mta/ssmtp"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${MY_P}.tar.gz
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
- epatch "${DISTDIR}"/${DEBIAN_SRC}
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
- epatch "${S}"/debian/patches/02_ipv6.diff || die "IPV6 patch failed"
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
- epatch "${S}"/debian/patches/03_syslog.diff || die "daemon/syslog patch failed"
- # this fixes the debian daemon/syslog to actually compile
- sed -i.orig \
- -e '/^nullmailer_send_LDADD/s, =, = ../lib/cli++/libcli++.a,' \
- "${S}"/src/ || die "Sed failed"
- cd "${S}"
- eautoreconf
-pkg_setup() {
- enewgroup nullmail 88
- enewuser nullmail 88 -1 /var/nullmailer nullmail
-src_compile() {
- # Note that we pass a different directory below due to bugs in the makefile!
- econf --localstatedir=/var || die "econf failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-src_install () {
- einstall localstatedir="${D}"/var/nullmailer || die "einstall failed"
- # A small bit of sample config
- insinto /etc/nullmailer
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/remotes.sample-1.04 remotes
- # daemontools stuff
- dodir /var/nullmailer/service{,/log}
- insinto /var/nullmailer/service
- newins scripts/ run
- fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/run
- insinto /var/nullmailer/service/log
- newins scripts/ run
- fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/log/run
- # usablity
- dodir /usr/lib
- dosym /usr/sbin/sendmail usr/lib/sendmail
- # permissions stuff
- keepdir /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- fperms 770 /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- fowners nullmail:nullmail /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
- fperms 4711 /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
- fowners nullmail:nullmail /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
- fperms 660 /var/nullmailer/trigger
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/init.d-nullmailer nullmailer
-pkg_postinst() {
- [ ! -e "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger ] && mkfifo "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger
- chown nullmail:nullmail "${ROOT}"/var/log/nullmailer "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
- chmod 770 "${ROOT}"/var/log/nullmailer "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- chmod 660 "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger
- elog "To create an initial setup, please do:"
- elog "emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- echo
- elog "To start nullmailer at boot you may use either the nullmailer init.d"
- elog "script, or emerge sys-process/supervise-scripts, enable the"
- elog "svscan init.d script and create the following link:"
- elog "ln -fs /var/nullmailer/service /service/nullmailer"
- echo
- ewarn "${PF} introduces a new configuration syntax for SMTP AUTH."
- ewarn "Please adjust your configuration accordingly."
-pkg_config() {
- if [ ! -s "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/me ]; then
- einfo "Setting /etc/nullmailer/me"
- /bin/hostname --fqdn > "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/me
- fi
- if [ ! -s "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain ]; then
- einfo "Setting /etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain"
- /bin/hostname --domain > "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain
- fi
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.06.ebuild b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.06.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b1b47ee62157..000000000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.06.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.06.ebuild,v 1.4 2012/11/06 11:18:38 eras Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic autotools user
-DESCRIPTION="Simple relay-only local mail transport agent"
- mirror://debian/pool/main/n/${PN}/${DEBIAN_SRC}"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
- virtual/logger
- !mail-mta/courier
- !mail-mta/esmtp
- !mail-mta/exim
- !mail-mta/mini-qmail
- !mail-mta/msmtp
- !mail-mta/netqmail
- !mail-mta/postfix
- !mail-mta/qmail-ldap
- !mail-mta/sendmail
- !mail-mta/ssmtp"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${MY_P}.tar.gz
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
- epatch "${DISTDIR}"/${DEBIAN_SRC}
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
- epatch "${S}"/debian/patches/02_ipv6.diff || die "IPV6 patch failed"
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
- epatch "${S}"/debian/patches/03_syslog.diff || die "daemon/syslog patch failed"
- # this fixes the debian daemon/syslog to actually compile
- sed -i.orig \
- -e '/^nullmailer_send_LDADD/s, =, = ../lib/cli++/libcli++.a,' \
- "${S}"/src/ || die "Sed failed"
- cd "${S}"
- eautoreconf
-pkg_setup() {
- enewgroup nullmail 88
- enewuser nullmail 88 -1 /var/nullmailer nullmail
-src_compile() {
- # Note that we pass a different directory below due to bugs in the makefile!
- econf --localstatedir=/var || die "econf failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-src_install () {
- einstall localstatedir="${D}"/var/nullmailer || die "einstall failed"
- # A small bit of sample config
- insinto /etc/nullmailer
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/remotes.sample-1.04 remotes
- # daemontools stuff
- dodir /var/nullmailer/service{,/log}
- insinto /var/nullmailer/service
- newins scripts/ run
- fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/run
- insinto /var/nullmailer/service/log
- newins scripts/ run
- fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/log/run
- # usablity
- dodir /usr/lib
- dosym /usr/sbin/sendmail usr/lib/sendmail
- # permissions stuff
- keepdir /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- fperms 770 /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- fowners nullmail:nullmail /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
- fperms 4711 /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
- fowners nullmail:nullmail /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
- fperms 660 /var/nullmailer/trigger
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/init.d-nullmailer nullmailer
-pkg_postinst() {
- [ ! -e "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger ] && mkfifo "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger
- chown nullmail:nullmail "${ROOT}"/var/log/nullmailer "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
- chmod 770 "${ROOT}"/var/log/nullmailer "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- chmod 660 "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger
- elog "To create an initial setup, please do:"
- elog "emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- echo
- elog "To start nullmailer at boot you may use either the nullmailer init.d"
- elog "script, or emerge sys-process/supervise-scripts, enable the"
- elog "svscan init.d script and create the following link:"
- elog "ln -fs /var/nullmailer/service /service/nullmailer"
- echo
- ewarn "${PF} introduces a new configuration syntax for SMTP AUTH."
- ewarn "Please adjust your configuration accordingly."
-pkg_config() {
- if [ ! -s "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/me ]; then
- einfo "Setting /etc/nullmailer/me"
- /bin/hostname --fqdn > "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/me
- fi
- if [ ! -s "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain ]; then
- einfo "Setting /etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain"
- /bin/hostname --domain > "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain
- fi
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.10-r1.ebuild b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.10-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 9401086581d7..000000000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.10-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.10-r1.ebuild,v 1.5 2012/11/06 11:18:38 eras Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic autotools user multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Simple relay-only local mail transport agent"
- mirror://debian/pool/main/n/${PN}/${DEBIAN_SRC}"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86"
- ssl? ( net-libs/gnutls )"
- virtual/logger
- ssl? ( net-libs/gnutls )
- !mail-mta/courier
- !mail-mta/esmtp
- !mail-mta/exim
- !mail-mta/mini-qmail
- !mail-mta/msmtp
- !mail-mta/netqmail
- !mail-mta/postfix
- !mail-mta/qmail-ldap
- !mail-mta/sendmail
- !mail-mta/ssmtp"
-src_prepare() {
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
- epatch "${DISTDIR}"/${DEBIAN_SRC}
- # why revert? Ask Robin when he is back!
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${WORKDIR} -p0 -R" \
- epatch "${WORKDIR}"/debian/patches/02_ipv6.diff
- # this fixes the debian daemon/syslog to actually compile
- sed -i.orig \
- -e '/^nullmailer_send_LDADD/s, =, = ../lib/cli++/libcli++.a,' \
- "${S}"/src/ || die "Sed failed"
- # bug #420301
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/"${P}"-fix-sendmail.patch
- eautoreconf
-pkg_setup() {
- enewgroup nullmail 88
- enewuser nullmail 88 -1 /var/nullmailer nullmail
-src_configure() {
- # Note that we pass a different directory below due to bugs in the makefile!
- econf \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- $(use_enable ssl tls)
-src_install () {
- einstall localstatedir="${D}"/var/nullmailer
- # A small bit of sample config
- insinto /etc/nullmailer
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/remotes.sample-1.04 remotes
- # daemontools stuff
- dodir /var/nullmailer/service{,/log}
- insinto /var/nullmailer/service
- newins scripts/ run
- fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/run
- insinto /var/nullmailer/service/log
- newins scripts/ run
- fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/log/run
- # usablity
- dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)
- dosym /usr/sbin/sendmail usr/$(get_libdir)/sendmail
- # permissions stuff
- keepdir /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- fperms 770 /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- fowners nullmail:nullmail /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
- fperms 4711 /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
- fowners nullmail:nullmail /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
- fperms 660 /var/nullmailer/trigger
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/init.d-nullmailer-r1 nullmailer
-pkg_postinst() {
- [ ! -e "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger ] && mkfifo "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger
- chown nullmail:nullmail "${ROOT}"/var/log/nullmailer "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
- chmod 770 "${ROOT}"/var/log/nullmailer "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- chmod 660 "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger
- elog "To create an initial setup, please do:"
- elog "emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- echo
- elog "To start nullmailer at boot you may use either the nullmailer init.d"
- elog "script, or emerge sys-process/supervise-scripts, enable the"
- elog "svscan init.d script and create the following link:"
- elog "ln -fs /var/nullmailer/service /service/nullmailer"
- echo
-pkg_config() {
- if [ ! -s "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/me ]; then
- einfo "Setting /etc/nullmailer/me"
- /bin/hostname --fqdn > "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/me
- fi
- if [ ! -s "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain ]; then
- einfo "Setting /etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain"
- /bin/hostname --domain > "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain
- fi
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.10.ebuild b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.10.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b0f24a8c8e2f..000000000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.10.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.10.ebuild,v 1.2 2012/11/06 11:18:38 eras Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic autotools user multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Simple relay-only local mail transport agent"
- mirror://debian/pool/main/n/${PN}/${DEBIAN_SRC}"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
- ssl? ( net-libs/gnutls )"
- virtual/logger
- ssl? ( net-libs/gnutls )
- !mail-mta/courier
- !mail-mta/esmtp
- !mail-mta/exim
- !mail-mta/mini-qmail
- !mail-mta/msmtp
- !mail-mta/netqmail
- !mail-mta/postfix
- !mail-mta/qmail-ldap
- !mail-mta/sendmail
- !mail-mta/ssmtp"
-src_prepare() {
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
- epatch "${DISTDIR}"/${DEBIAN_SRC}
- # why revert? Ask Robin when he is back!
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${WORKDIR} -p0 -R" \
- epatch "${WORKDIR}"/debian/patches/02_ipv6.diff
- # this fixes the debian daemon/syslog to actually compile
- sed -i.orig \
- -e '/^nullmailer_send_LDADD/s, =, = ../lib/cli++/libcli++.a,' \
- "${S}"/src/ || die "Sed failed"
- eautoreconf
-pkg_setup() {
- enewgroup nullmail 88
- enewuser nullmail 88 -1 /var/nullmailer nullmail
-src_configure() {
- # Note that we pass a different directory below due to bugs in the makefile!
- econf \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- $(use_enable ssl tls)
-src_install () {
- einstall localstatedir="${D}"/var/nullmailer
- # A small bit of sample config
- insinto /etc/nullmailer
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/remotes.sample-1.04 remotes
- # daemontools stuff
- dodir /var/nullmailer/service{,/log}
- insinto /var/nullmailer/service
- newins scripts/ run
- fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/run
- insinto /var/nullmailer/service/log
- newins scripts/ run
- fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/log/run
- # usablity
- dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)
- dosym /usr/sbin/sendmail usr/$(get_libdir)/sendmail
- # permissions stuff
- keepdir /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- fperms 770 /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- fowners nullmail:nullmail /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
- fperms 4711 /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
- fowners nullmail:nullmail /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
- fperms 660 /var/nullmailer/trigger
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/init.d-nullmailer-r1 nullmailer
-pkg_postinst() {
- [ ! -e "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger ] && mkfifo "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger
- chown nullmail:nullmail "${ROOT}"/var/log/nullmailer "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
- chmod 770 "${ROOT}"/var/log/nullmailer "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- chmod 660 "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger
- elog "To create an initial setup, please do:"
- elog "emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- echo
- elog "To start nullmailer at boot you may use either the nullmailer init.d"
- elog "script, or emerge sys-process/supervise-scripts, enable the"
- elog "svscan init.d script and create the following link:"
- elog "ln -fs /var/nullmailer/service /service/nullmailer"
- echo
-pkg_config() {
- if [ ! -s "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/me ]; then
- einfo "Setting /etc/nullmailer/me"
- /bin/hostname --fqdn > "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/me
- fi
- if [ ! -s "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain ]; then
- einfo "Setting /etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain"
- /bin/hostname --domain > "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain
- fi