diff options
authorStefan Briesenick <>2005-07-18 21:05:33 +0000
committerStefan Briesenick <>2005-07-18 21:05:33 +0000
commit5b8007d9948dae38d442e3817447f29577e99d75 (patch)
treec83fa9e68661db760d0d2973ddf4f3298b959f50 /net-dialup
parentoi, this is supposed to be in testing, not stable. Sorry (diff)
version bump
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'net-dialup')
4 files changed, 144 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/ChangeLog b/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/ChangeLog
index 560158ff65b8..07577c881b38 100644
--- a/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for net-dialup/capi4k-utils
# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/ChangeLog,v 1.36 2005/06/26 10:54:54 sbriesen Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/ChangeLog,v 1.37 2005/07/18 21:05:33 sbriesen Exp $
+*capi4k-utils-20050718 (18 Jul 2005)
+ 18 Jul 2005; Stefan Briesenick <>
+ +capi4k-utils-20050718.ebuild:
+ version bump
26 Jun 2005; Stefan Briesenick <>
diff --git a/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/Manifest b/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/Manifest
index 110abbbce936..b3c2c47023b1 100644
--- a/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/Manifest
+++ b/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/Manifest
@@ -1,36 +1,28 @@
-Hash: SHA1
-MD5 5328cce1ac1dabd9a5562bcb91c59359 ChangeLog 7107
MD5 5dc6f506ad44aae8328d0690e94eb688 capi4k-utils-20041006-r5.ebuild 3736
MD5 03243c209893699ce44a97f2090546fe capi4k-utils-20050322-r1.ebuild 4014
+MD5 2c1a45b850f5072a7e30fb95cada2fa0 capi4k-utils-20050718.ebuild 3978
+MD5 519ddd06ee3a9c01ed7e5e73cbc67ae7 ChangeLog 7249
+MD5 ec2f84816306825d125d0c01bd86758d metadata.xml 163
MD5 aa0258d1e27f2b71ec2a6a950127831f capi4k-utils-20050509.ebuild 3977
-MD5 e74f9b822b6f485ca6ff834c2699151a files/20041006/README.gentoo 1492
-MD5 650c413593fe44524150e1365965cdb3 files/20041006/capi.blacklist 455
-MD5 fb9f9b4003d8d1647e23cf7b329386f6 files/20041006/capi.confd 424
-MD5 2ddf9c04a03949cb2301888586096bfe files/20041006/capi.hotplug 2435
-MD5 1954a92bd07c3e2dfcfe1d68d8a290d8 files/20041006/capi.initd 1297
-MD5 fa4cf0be46c4a16a2ef6fd178ed54c01 files/20041006/capi.usermap 1504
-MD5 edc50538053b658093927f9fb28c3aff files/20041006/config 195
-MD5 2fe94d2623c5b129780b72bacaf4a7bc files/20041006/rcapid.xinetd 236
MD5 c1f67e98c19fe5ece86b9242a00e6a38 files/README.gentoo 2800
MD5 bc75ed1e49b13568f93fb63a37c5dc70 files/capi-isdn 287
-MD5 97a56dd67a012daab67041ed96a6d44d files/capi.blacklist 530
MD5 67da90715c52ee18b93fc4effe263f5f files/capi.conf 2266
MD5 6d7bb17701078373179e9e8dae7b6a55 files/capi.confd 651
-MD5 da21db7a9d1b9fdfb20e73409660143e files/capi.hotplug 4730
MD5 e893400f587fe8773df3d7903a062609 files/capi.initd 3062
-MD5 c6d2f5f9e53e0fbf5a88feb8bde1b709 files/capi.usermap 1856
-MD5 edc50538053b658093927f9fb28c3aff files/config 195
MD5 5567e0f076f3d1faafcd0d4fa39a1c4e files/digest-capi4k-utils-20041006-r5 156
-MD5 709e4079ecd09537691845755cb9136d files/digest-capi4k-utils-20050322-r1 75
-MD5 239b613eb69255eead19892de760db8d files/digest-capi4k-utils-20050509 75
+MD5 edc50538053b658093927f9fb28c3aff files/config 195
+MD5 c6d2f5f9e53e0fbf5a88feb8bde1b709 files/capi.usermap 1856
MD5 2fe94d2623c5b129780b72bacaf4a7bc files/rcapid.xinetd 236
-MD5 ec2f84816306825d125d0c01bd86758d metadata.xml 163
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
+MD5 239b613eb69255eead19892de760db8d files/digest-capi4k-utils-20050509 75
+MD5 2ab6ed3bc0de68c33e2ade1979dd4c0a files/digest-capi4k-utils-20050718 75
+MD5 97a56dd67a012daab67041ed96a6d44d files/capi.blacklist 530
+MD5 da21db7a9d1b9fdfb20e73409660143e files/capi.hotplug 4730
+MD5 709e4079ecd09537691845755cb9136d files/digest-capi4k-utils-20050322-r1 75
+MD5 e74f9b822b6f485ca6ff834c2699151a files/20041006/README.gentoo 1492
+MD5 fb9f9b4003d8d1647e23cf7b329386f6 files/20041006/capi.confd 424
+MD5 1954a92bd07c3e2dfcfe1d68d8a290d8 files/20041006/capi.initd 1297
+MD5 edc50538053b658093927f9fb28c3aff files/20041006/config 195
+MD5 fa4cf0be46c4a16a2ef6fd178ed54c01 files/20041006/capi.usermap 1504
+MD5 2fe94d2623c5b129780b72bacaf4a7bc files/20041006/rcapid.xinetd 236
+MD5 650c413593fe44524150e1365965cdb3 files/20041006/capi.blacklist 455
+MD5 2ddf9c04a03949cb2301888586096bfe files/20041006/capi.hotplug 2435
diff --git a/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/capi4k-utils-20050718.ebuild b/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/capi4k-utils-20050718.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..048fda36d7b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/capi4k-utils-20050718.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/capi4k-utils-20050718.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/07/18 21:05:33 sbriesen Exp $
+inherit multilib gnuconfig
+PPPVERSIONS="2.4.2 2.4.3" # versions in portage
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64 ~ppc"
+ dev-lang/perl
+ >=sys-apps/sed-4
+ virtual/os-headers"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A} || die "failed to unpack sources"
+ cd ${S}
+ # set our config
+ cp -f ${FILESDIR}/config .config
+ # patch includes of all *.c files
+ sed -i -e "s:linux/capi.h>$:linux/compiler.h>\n#include <linux/capi.h>:g" */*.c || die "sed failed"
+ # patch all Makefile.* and Rules.make to use our CFLAGS
+ sed -i -e "s:^\(CFLAGS.*\)-O2:\1${CFLAGS}:g" */Makefile.* */Rules.make || die "sed failed"
+ # patch capi20/Makefile.* to use -fPIC for shared library
+ sed -i -e "s:^\(CFLAGS.*\):\1 -fPIC:g" capi20/Makefile.* || die "sed failed"
+ # patch pppdcapiplugin/Makefile to use only the ppp versions we want
+ sed -i -e "s:^\(PPPVERSIONS = \).*$:\1${PPPVERSIONS}:g" pppdcapiplugin/Makefile || die "sed failed"
+ # patch capiinit/capiinit.c to look also in /lib/firmware
+ sed -i -e "s:\(\"/lib/firmware/isdn\",\):\1 \"/lib/firmware\",:g" capiinit/capiinit.c || die "sed failed"
+ # no, we don't need any devices nodes
+ sed -i -e "s:\(sh scripts/\):echo \1:g" Makefile || die "sed failed"
+ # add --libdir to configure call in Makefile
+ sed -i -e "s:\(\./configure \):\1--libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) :g" Makefile || die "sed failed"
+ # patch /usr/lib/pppd in pppdcapiplugin tree
+ sed -i -e "s:/usr/lib/pppd:/usr/$(get_libdir)/pppd:g" \
+ pppdcapiplugin/ppp-*/Makefile pppdcapiplugin/{README,*.8} || die "sed failed"
+src_compile() {
+ gnuconfig_update
+ emake subconfig || die "make subconfig failed"
+ emake || die "make failed"
+src_install() {
+ make DESTDIR=${D} install || die "make install failed"
+ # install docs
+ newdoc rcapid/README README.rcapid
+ dodoc scripts/ ${FILESDIR}/README.gentoo
+ docinto pppdcapiplugin; dodoc pppdcapiplugin/README pppdcapiplugin/examples/*
+ # install init-script + init-config
+ dodir /etc/conf.d # BUG: w/o newconfd fails
+ newinitd ${FILESDIR}/capi.initd capi
+ newconfd ${FILESDIR}/capi.confd capi
+ # install USB hotplug stuff
+ insinto /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/capi.blacklist capi
+ insinto /etc/hotplug/usb
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/capi.usermap capi.usermap
+ exeinto /etc/hotplug/usb
+ newexe ${FILESDIR}/capi.hotplug capi
+ # example config
+ insinto /etc
+ insopts -m 0600
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/capi.conf
+ # rcapid config for xinetd
+ insinto /etc/xinetd.d
+ insopts -m 0644
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/rcapid.xinetd rcapid
+ # install DSL/ISDN sample config
+ insinto /etc/ppp/peers
+ doins pppdcapiplugin/peers/t-dsl ${FILESDIR}/capi-isdn
+ # very useful tool ;-)
+ dobin scripts/isdncause
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo
+ einfo "Please read the instructions in:"
+ einfo "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/README.gentoo.gz"
+ einfo
+ einfo "Annotation for active AVM ISDN boards (B1 ISA/PCI, ...):"
+ einfo "If you run"
+ einfo " emerge isdn-firmware"
+ einfo "you will probably find your board's firmware in /lib/firmware."
+ einfo
+ einfo "If you have another active ISDN board, you should create"
+ einfo "/lib/firmware and copy there your board's firmware."
+ einfo
+ ewarn "If you're upgrading from an older capi4k-utils, you must recompile"
+ ewarn "the other packages on your system that link with libcapi after the"
+ ewarn "upgrade completes. To perform this action, please run revdep-rebuild"
+ ewarn "in package app-portage/gentoolkit."
+ ewarn
diff --git a/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/files/digest-capi4k-utils-20050718 b/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/files/digest-capi4k-utils-20050718
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5fa2e15e6748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dialup/capi4k-utils/files/digest-capi4k-utils-20050718
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 c745759b6b3d64e19763727176648cdf capi4k-utils-2005-07-18.tar.gz 862826